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  1. BluGypsc

    Retro SciFi SG?

    bzzzz... This is Security Officer calling in! Is there anyone on the comm? Come in. Security Officer Tranon requesting communication. bzzzz...
  2. BluGypsc

    Retro SciFi SG?

    Great fun tonight! So glad to have run together! I'm not sure if I grabed any pics but I'll check and post soon.
  3. BluGypsc

    Retro SciFi SG?

    I'm on now (Sunday, 27th 12:38pm), my global is posted on the sg web site. Hope to see you at the post! >.O
  4. BluGypsc

    Retro SciFi SG?

    Originally Posted by Limedolly View Post
    oh and Blu, Tranon looks awweesssomme. I wish you could put the barbarian chest strap thing on girls >.<
    Thanks Lime! Your look is great! We will break the red shirt stigma by coming back to the base!
  5. BluGypsc

    Retro SciFi SG?

    So does that mean you don't like the concept? :0) Np I can strip a stripe tonight.
  6. BluGypsc

    Retro SciFi SG?

    Here is my enlistee... Ste'Belera Tranon! Dark/Dark Brute

  7. BluGypsc

    Retro SciFi SG?

    Originally Posted by Limedolly View Post
    ...what do you think about this as a logo?

    Like very much! May I embellish further?
  8. BluGypsc

    Retro SciFi SG?

    I prefer the second as well.
  9. BluGypsc

    Retro SciFi SG?

    Sorry I dropped out of the convo for a few days. I had a couple of real life emergencies pop up. In any case I like the progress that you guys have made and will be putting my toon together tonight. Long Live the United Galaxy Force! (/e Praetoriansalute)
  10. BluGypsc

    Retro SciFi SG?

    I can dig it. Which server are we looking at?
  11. Please find peace Heavy. You will be missed.
  12. BluGypsc

    Retro SciFi SG?

    I'd be interested in joining such a thing... In a blue shirt!
  13. Wow! I was shocked to see one of mine on there with so many that I was in full geeky squeal over... (to much?) Anyhow, thanks for the nod! There are some amazing selections on here.
  14. Wow... this discussion has taken and extreme bend... This was never about sexism nor racism. Some of us made some moderate comments of interpretation. I do not find this game nor the artwork in question neither racist nor sexist in any sense. There are my two cents... I now return you to your sociopolitical rant already in progress.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Actually, he's never had dreads, except in the original CoH trailer - he's always been shown in-game and in the comics as having spiked hair, sometimes slicked back a bit - his hair in this latest picture is accurate with how he's been shown for the past 7 years.
    You are right. I think this is because the dread art in game needs an update in general (). Which brings up another good point... please update the dreads hair in the costume creator! Thanks Goldy! I almost missed an opportunity to make that request again !
  16. Hands down the "Melvin and the Mysterious Malta Group" arch was the first time I felt like this game touched actual emotions within me. I offer my sincere thanks to the writers of this arch. Please speak with Jim 'Thunderhead' Bartlett. Never forget, Roger Washington, Georgia Reynolds, and Hakeem Muhammad.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Thanks for your feedback (snip) we certainly understand some of the viewpoints being expressed in this thread.

    A few things we can clarify really quickly:
    • Back Alley Brawler is being illuminated by a gigantic fiery meteor of doom, which at it's position is akin to being a light source as bright as the sun. As such the lighting has a bit of a bright orange hue to it, which has been saturated to an extent. There's definitely no intent of changing skin tone.
    • Sister Psyche's expression is one of both shock and fear, which we consider an appropriate reaction to an apocalyptic storm of death and destruction hurtling at her from above. As a member of the Freedom Phalanx, nothing short of a world threatening event could evoke this kind of reaction from her.

    The above being said, we have been paying attention to your thoughts. We'll be making some very subtle adjustments to the image which address these concerns while still preserving its artistic integrity.

    We're very excited to be exploring this new artistic direction with City of Heroes Freedom. This style of comic book is something that's considered new and cutting edge to many comic book enthusiasts and we're stoked to be leading the way among Super Heroic MMO's in evolving our style to embrace it.
    Thanks for the post and the devotion to the community's comments. The overall feeling of community involvement being appreciated and encouraged the the Dev. team is one of the reasons I've remained not only invested, but interested and passionate about the game. That being said I take it upon myself to cast one last suggestion...

    Please give the brutha his dreads back. I would never look to infringe on David's art (of which I am a huge fan!), but the dreads would compete with the gloves (imho) as far as iconic associations with the character. Thanks again .
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
    I believe there's a miscommunication occurring. Based on your use of the phrase, "I find it hard to purchase the costume/aura parts sight unseen," I think Fireheart thinks you are looking for images/videos of the things offered in the Booster Packs (Magic, Super Science, Origins, etc.) before you purchase them. Except you were referring to in-game purchases involving the new pieces offered by Astral Christy and Empyrean Michael.

    No, currently there are no images of those unlockable pieces available on Paragon Wiki.
    I agree about the miscommunication. I have all of the costume/bonus packs (mostly because I could see what I was getting(for real money) . This seems to be the first additional costume parts that there was no comprehensivepreview for. Despiter the fact I'm using COH bucks to buy them I would still like a preview before I spend. ( By the way...Thanks for your help and suggestions heroes! )
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    ...All the critical comments are directed at Sister Psyche's expression and BAB's skin tone - the actual composition of the panel is great.
    I second this! The artwork is gorgeous! I love David's stuff consistently. However, unless BAB has vitiligo and got a perm it is in no way a canon representation of one of the few African-American (or whatever we are calling ourselves this decade) signature characters in the game. I mean it would have to be one heck of a flash that made Sam Jackson and Dwayne Johnson the same shade...
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    BaB's hair and skin tone, I love the image.
    Could use some Arachnos representation though if they're supposed to be part of it.
    I am so confused about BAB... it seems as though he is slightly different every time I see him. This is most evident with his hair. What happened to his dreads? Short, long, or Afroed (a word? not a word? peshaw) they should still be dreads, yes?

    In any case I do love what the subject of this thread is! Great work on the comic book loading screens. I feel another alt in my future!
  21. Thanks for the hint but, I didn't see them there. Any links?
  22. Thanks! I hope we can find something for the costume parts and the emotes.
  23. Has anyone found anything like the linked vid for the costumes or emotes?
  24. I have and you don't get a comprehensive view of each part. There are more auras, emotes, and costume parts than the parts that have been listed on the threads or on the official release notes.