Is it seriously happening already?
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Left a SSA team because a bunch of the members were being extremely rude.
I wish I could name names. Are we seriously getting that crowd already? |
You mean VIP subscribers? Because, they're the only ones who can do SSAs without having to pay extra for it.
Otherwise, they're folks who paid extra to be rude.
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"That crowd"?
You mean VIP subscribers? Because, they're the only ones who can do SSAs without having to pay extra for it. Otherwise, they're folks who paid extra to be rude. |
i sometimes forget the acronyms. i still think of the WST as the WTF.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle
I am paid to be rude.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Damn foreigners coming in, taking our land, our jobs, and our women!
Long before F2P my Dominator was routinely kicked off LRSF's... for being a Dominator.
That crowd, I'm sure, is the same you one just encountered or their ilk.
Long before F2P my Dominator was routinely kicked off LRSF's... for being a Dominator.
That crowd, I'm sure, is the same you one just encountered or their ilk. |
You get nothing. Seriously. Nothing. It's either lolstalker, lolsr or 'we don't need more melee'. Hell, one trial even told me my job was to AS bosses and not contribute any damage to the AV at all.
You know, despite the fact that with that many debuffs, a proc for fire damage, oh, and the fact my crit percentage caps when near that many people means I compensate more than enough for damage output.
Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
Rude people have always been around, mang.
Wait, Encharger has women? Wha??!
Paragonian Knights
Justice Company
I have yet to encounter a rude person on Victory *tempts fate*
You should stick with Rookery.
To be able to post we have to have a V.I.P account, why are only a few people getting the gold V.I.P tag?
Here's the thing, folks.
I'd already solo'd the SSA on the character I was playing, an SR/MA tanker. I wanted to run with a team because I enjoy tanking, the character softcaps himself at level 18, and teams are usually a blast.
Now, the problems began when we were facing the Pumicite swarms every 30 seconds. I was target-swapping so I could keep as many on me as possible. I told the team to find the rock piles while I held the groups so we could kill them without getting swamped. The team leader said we were going to take them all on, so I said "Sure, let's do it." The Ice corruptor immediately replied with "this tanker is ******* annoying the **** out of me" "mt". Yeah, alright, you have your little tantrum.
About 2 minutes after that the team was swamped by Pumicites and all but 3 of us were dead: myself, a Kat/Inv(?) Brute, and another SR user. The leader snarkily says "WTB something that can tank" and I pointed out to him that I was wayyy over the aggro cap. After about another 10 minutes of chomping down blues and punching things, everyone hosped and we waited.
We moved into the final room and a Pumicite lieutenant got stuck in the wall geometry, and I noted that I'd make a "rock and a hard place" joke if it wasn't so fitting. The team leader responded with "Oh yeah, you'd make that joke and it wouldn't be funny, like jokes are supposed to be." So I told the guy to loosen the hell up and quit the arc. I think Mr. Ice Corr was the team leader's friend and was encouraging the guy to be a total dick.
3 out of the remaining 7 on the team whispered me and told me they had no idea what the heck was in the leader's backside and apologized for him and the Ice corr.
I mean, seriously? You ***** at me for not holding aggro when you asked to take on about 9 ambushes? Learn game mechanics and don't be an idiot.
For the record I was having an absolute blast; I love that Tanker and how sturdy he is as a character and I love to take on the proverbial world. The team seemed just fine until the leader and his little buddy decided to mouth off and bite off more than they (not me, mind you) could chew.
Both players have been 1-starred in my notes and I've let my global buddies know about them.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

I would like to issue a plea on behalf of Paragon's diminutive protectors, please watch where you step. We're four feet tall in a six foot tall world, we've been cast adrift in a sea of butts. -Pillbug
Hey! I'm so glad you brought this on to the forums and decided to completely ignore your roll in the situation.
Here's the thing, folks.
Now, the problems began when we were facing the Pumicite swarms every 30 seconds. I was target-swapping so I could keep as many on me as possible. I told the team to find the rock piles while I held the groups so we could kill them without getting swamped. The team leader said we were going to take them all on, so I said "Sure, let's do it." The Ice corruptor immediately replied with "this tanker is ******* annoying the **** out of me" "mt". Yeah, alright, you have your little tantrum. About 2 minutes after that the team was swamped by Pumicites and all but 3 of us were dead: myself, a Kat/Inv(?) Brute, and another SR user. The leader snarkily says "WTB something that can tank" and I pointed out to him that I was wayyy over the aggro cap. After about another 10 minutes of chomping down blues and punching things, everyone hosped and we waited. We moved into the final room and a Pumicite lieutenant got stuck in the wall geometry, and I noted that I'd make a "rock and a hard place" joke if it wasn't so fitting. The team leader responded with "Oh yeah, you'd make that joke and it wouldn't be funny, like jokes are supposed to be." So I told the guy to loosen the hell up and quit the arc. I think Mr. Ice Corr was the team leader's friend and was encouraging the guy to be a total dick. 3 out of the remaining 7 on the team whispered me and told me they had no idea what the heck was in the leader's backside and apologized for him and the Ice corr. I mean, seriously? You ***** at me for not holding aggro when you asked to take on about 9 ambushes? Learn game mechanics and don't be an idiot. For the record I was having an absolute blast; I love that Tanker and how sturdy he is as a character and I love to take on the proverbial world. The team seemed just fine until the leader and his little buddy decided to mouth off and bite off more than they (not me, mind you) could chew. Both players have been 1-starred in my notes and I've let my global buddies know about them. |
It was the leader's desire to fight through (as we had done in the SSA run previous to you joining us. Primarily the same team makeup. YOU were the glaring change in the lineup). We fought on the same difficulty and intended to employ the same tactic. It worked well without a tank, it should work even better with a tank, right? Wrong.
You claim to have been swapping targets and trying to maintain aggro, which would've been awesome if you had actually been doing any of this. You were hitting 1, maybe 2 targets at a time. Aggro cap doesn't mean you're simply standing in the middle of a large group of enemies. It means you are actually maintaining the aggro.
As for saying "sure! let's do it!" after the team leader said we were going to fight through, hahahahahah. ha. ha. He said we were going to fight through, at which point you said 'seriously, go find the piles'. If I remember correctly (and I can consult the chatlogs if you wish) you stated 3 seperate times to run off and find the piles. It was clearly stated that this was a steamroll run. You must've been pretty serious because you even went out of character for that one. That was when I grew irritated.
Official Stalker of Pwnz
Hey! I'm so glad you brought this on to the forums and decided to completely ignore your roll in the situation.
You started of the mission by joining the team and making demands. Anyone want to talk about rude? Let's talk about the way that you behaved. Generally speaking I don't boss other people around when I'm not the leader. It was the leader's desire to fight through (as we had done in the SSA run previous to you joining us. Primarily the same team makeup. YOU were the glaring change in the lineup). We fought on the same difficulty and intended to employ the same tactic. It worked well without a tank, it should work even better with a tank, right? Wrong. You claim to have been swapping targets and trying to maintain aggro, which would've been awesome if you had actually been doing any of this. You were hitting 1, maybe 2 targets at a time. Aggro cap doesn't mean you're simply standing in the middle of a large group of enemies. It means you are actually maintaining the aggro. As for saying "sure! let's do it!" after the team leader said we were going to fight through, hahahahahah. ha. ha. He said we were going to fight through, at which point you said 'seriously, go find the piles'. If I remember correctly (and I can consult the chatlogs if you wish) you stated 3 seperate times to run off and find the piles. It was clearly stated that this was a steamroll run. You must've been pretty serious because you even went out of character for that one. That was when I grew irritated. I'm also calling bull on you receiving tells from the team because they all said in team chat after you left that they were glad to be rid of you. You have also been 1-star and global channels have been made aware to team with you cautiously. Was I rude? Maybe my language was a little coarse, but I bluntly stated how I felt. If that was rude to you, thats fine. What is truly rude to me is ignoring the requests of an entire team because your head is stuck too far up in the RP clouds. |
Glad to read both sides, it is sad to see this kind of thing in City since generally we have a friendlier group of people than the other MMOs.
Hey! I'm so glad you brought this on to the forums and decided to completely ignore your roll in the situation.
You started of the mission by joining the team and making demands. Anyone want to talk about rude? Let's talk about the way that you behaved. Generally speaking I don't boss other people around when I'm not the leader.
It was the leader's desire to fight through (as we had done in the SSA run previous to you joining us. Primarily the same team makeup. YOU were the glaring change in the lineup). We fought on the same difficulty and intended to employ the same tactic. It worked well without a tank, it should work even better with a tank, right? Wrong.
You claim to have been swapping targets and trying to maintain aggro, which would've been awesome if you had actually been doing any of this. You were hitting 1, maybe 2 targets at a time. Aggro cap doesn't mean you're simply standing in the middle of a large group of enemies. It means you are actually maintaining the aggro.
As for saying "sure! let's do it!" after the team leader said we were going to fight through, hahahahahah. ha. ha. He said we were going to fight through, at which point you said 'seriously, go find the piles'. If I remember correctly (and I can consult the chatlogs if you wish) you stated 3 seperate times to run off and find the piles. It was clearly stated that this was a steamroll run. You must've been pretty serious because you even went out of character for that one. That was when I grew irritated.
I'm also calling bull on you receiving tells from the team because they all said in team chat after you left that they were glad to be rid of you. You have also been 1-star and global channels have been made aware to team with you cautiously.
Was I rude? Maybe my language was a little coarse, but I bluntly stated how I felt. If that was rude to you, thats fine. What is truly rude to me is ignoring the requests of an entire team because your head is stuck too far up in the RP clouds.
Furthermore, I was content with continuing and ignoring your crap until I tried a little attempt at humor and your good friend decided to be a grade A dick to me for no reason whatsoever.
Get the hell off your high and mighty horse because I'm not in the wrong here. I asked for things EVERY tanker asks for; wait for me to get aggro, don't go in because I can keep you from dying. YOU shot your mouth off and YOU were rude for no reason other than wanting to agree with yourselves that you're better than me, which from what I can tell, isn't the case.
For the record, I was having fun until your team leader acted like such a jerk. The way you acted was uncalled for.
EDITED TO ADD: By the way, on my lunch break the same team leader invited me to a team. I declined, pointing out that I was the tanker he kicked and that we'd probably just butt heads. His reply was snarky, but I told him good luck and moved on. Excuse me for avoiding inevitable conflict.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

Left a SSA team because a bunch of the members were being extremely rude.
I wish I could name names. Are we seriously getting that crowd already?
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."