Dresden Fans - Supergroup Recruitment: "Dresdenphiles"




Edit: No Longer Recruiting. We have found a fair number of people for our story, and would like to focus on their stories. Only die hard fans of the Dresden Files will be considered at this time. Thanks for your understanding.

Hi folks, this is a heads up to our fellow Dresden Files fans that we formed a Super Group (exclusively blue side) based on the stories by Jim Butcher. We have added a twist to allow the Dresdenverse to interact well with the CoH universe. You can find the details on the first page of our website.

Some of the characters involved with the group on Virtue all the way back to Beta, so while this is a new group it has a full City of Heroes history.

The average age of the person playing in our SG is 40. We love the books, and other similar fantasy fare. We keep in contact via skype, ventrilo, etc. We play most of our non action interactions in google docs to keep them for history and posterity, and when game might be a distraction.

In do a lot of missions in character together and have in character reasons to do so. We do role play in missions most of the time.

You can find the steps on how to join on our "Join" page, and our overall theme on our "Home".

As an added bonus, people who play with us for a month or more, will get an in character portrait like the ones in our gallery, and maybe even a 3d portrait.

PS: Yep, we know that Jim Butcher plays on Virtue. We are encouraging people to read his books and to buy the RPG. It's free advertising, so I don't think he'll mind.



Originally Posted by Deborah Blackmane View Post
PS: Yep, we know Jim Butcher plays on Virtue. We are encouraging people to read his books and to buy the RPG. It's free advertising, so I don't think he'll mind.
I've teamed with him an absurd number of times; he's a cool cat and a REALLY effective Grav/FF 'troller. Nice group.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



I am really hoping we will get a chance to team with Harry Dresden sometime. Everything we have heard about him as a player has been great.



Friendly bump

In Character:

On the surface the Initiative (the IC name for the organization known OOC as Dresdenphiles) is a group of magic users and associated heroes who handle difficult magical assignments. They often work high profile cases and are positively recognized by city bureaucrats, though they generally keep their personal information from becoming obviously public.

Azuria often sends wizards, magi, and witches in trouble with the White Council to Deborah Blackmane who has a well-known record of helping wayward magic users to use their abilities for positive purposes. She has also been a super group leader for 7 years, and is on good terms with several city officials. Deborah and her co-sponsor Armand Swenson are former wardens of the White Council. Armand has a long history of training wardens and is well versed in combat magic.

Behind the scenes, the Initiative is commissioned by MAGI to deal with situations in which they would like to have plausible deniability and which might skirt the laws of magic. This, of course, would draw the ire from the white council should they find out.


The Dresdenphiles welcomes magic practitioners and normal humans based on the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. We highly recommend reading his books. Our chronology puts us around the same time as Ghost Story. After we get to know you with your main Dresdenverse magic practicianer, we may allow some Mage the Ascension concepts, but we suggest that sort of magic is from a mirror planet like Praetoria. Please consider concepts from the Dresden Files that would work well with the Initiative and their purposes.

Many but not all of us play 2nd shift or Pacific Rim hours, but we'd like to have more people who play at conventional times as well. We currently have more male than female characters, but play what you would prefer. We do team together in character fairly regularly.



Interesting concept. After reading your site it sounds like people have to really know the Dresdenverse to be a part of it, mostly to keep things from contradicting anything else in the Dresdenverse.

I hope you find others that join you. If I could keep things straight and knew the universes well enough I might have joined you.

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



i was excited until i realized this isn't a group for fans of Dresden Codak, and instead some show i'd barely heard of.

so, um, good for you, lots of luck?



Originally Posted by chrome guardsman View Post
i was excited until i realized this isn't a group for fans of Dresden Codak, and instead some show i'd barely heard of.

so, um, good for you, lots of luck?
You should check out the Dresden Files. They are seriously amazing books.

While I only play maybe two characters and thus won't be joining the SG, I wanted to chime in and say that I love the books and if Mr. Butcher is reading, you are fantastic good sir!

Agahnim- Elec/Ice Blaster

"Elec/Ice. Nice. Holy <@*&$@#!> =) You're like the CoH equivalent of those bdsm people who hang from the ceiling on hooks!"

Agahnim Dragmire- Warshade

"(You spin space webs. =D)"



Wow, I just checked out the SG page. That is superb. Maybe I CAN think of a Dresden style alt when I21 goes live..

Agahnim- Elec/Ice Blaster

"Elec/Ice. Nice. Holy <@*&$@#!> =) You're like the CoH equivalent of those bdsm people who hang from the ceiling on hooks!"

Agahnim Dragmire- Warshade

"(You spin space webs. =D)"



I ******* love the Dresden Files novels. I wish you the best in your SG's future.



Since I have been reading his book, I am somehow not shocked he plays COH on Virtue. in the last 28 days I have read the first 10 books, and will be getting book 11 tomorrow. So joining an SG based on the books has some appeal, only what would I play as really most my toons are Elves and Demons.



Originally Posted by chrome guardsman View Post
i was excited until i realized this isn't a group for fans of Dresden Codak, and instead some show i'd barely heard of.

so, um, good for you, lots of luck?

Actually the short run TV show was only loosely based on the concepts. I do think Someone should think about trying to redo the show closer to what the books had, Maybe an Anime style show would work best, since well lets face it Dresden is not going to be easy to cast, 6'6 skinny dark hair.



Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post
Interesting concept. After reading your site it sounds like people have to really know the Dresdenverse to be a part of it, mostly to keep things from contradicting anything else in the Dresdenverse.

I hope you find others that join you. If I could keep things straight and knew the universes well enough I might have joined you.
Thanks for the nod, DJ Shecky. Have heard of you for a number of years. Thanks for your hard work on the Cape.

We are pretty aware that we are a "boutique" style super group. We all love to write, love the Dresden Files, and try to work cohesively to expand plot at each others paces. Our goal is not to be a giant super group, but to be a fun creative outlet for fans and friends.

We do have a few people who have never read the books, or have only read the first one, Stormfront. If people would like to borrow the first book from me, I'll be happy to lend it, but I encourage folks to buy the rest. It's a happy addiction for those of us who are into it. We are more than willing to work with people who are interested and would like to learn more about the books.



Originally Posted by Agahnim View Post
Wow, I just checked out the SG page. That is superb. Maybe I CAN think of a Dresden style alt when I21 goes live..
Thank you very much. I designed the website and did the artwork. We will be adding a 3D design gallery soon as well.

Feel free to contact us in game or through the website to make your plans for a character. We'll help you with the RP intro and try to introduce you around.



Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post
Since I have been reading his book, I am somehow not shocked he plays COH on Virtue. in the last 28 days I have read the first 10 books, and will be getting book 11 tomorrow. So joining an SG based on the books has some appeal, only what would I play as really most my toons are Elves and Demons.
When in doubt as to your character concept, I suggest a former white council wizard. I think that might work best with the Initiative.

We look forward to meeting you. Our hours are odd so if you can't find us in game, feel free to contact us via the website.

Book 12 and 13 are rollercoaster rides. Very intense. Can't wait to hear your take on them in the dresdenphiles ooc channel.



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
I ******* love the Dresden Files novels. I wish you the best in your SG's future.
Thanks Emberly!

SG or no SG, we just want to pass off our addiction onto others.



Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post
Actually the short run TV show was only loosely based on the concepts. I do think Someone should think about trying to redo the show closer to what the books had, Maybe an Anime style show would work best, since well lets face it Dresden is not going to be easy to cast, 6'6 skinny dark hair.
I thought Paul Blackthorne was perfectly cast in the role myself, and I still use his voice/likeness in my head as I read the books. The series is what got me into the books in the first place, and even though I realize now that pretty much every character in the show was different save for Dresden himself, I still liked it and wish it hadn't been cancelled.

I think in one of the comic adaptation intros Butcher himself said he tended to imagine a lot of scenes as animated, and I can totally see that for Dresden. I'm definitely up for more Dresden in any media form, be it comics or live action TV or animated series or video games.

And speaking of video games, this SG you've got here looks pretty bitchin'. Don't have the time right now to devote a character to it, but if I did, I totally would in a heartbeat. So I'll just wish you guys well!



Huge Dresden fan and love the books! Sadly, I was disappointed with the tv series, sorry. I met Jim a few years ago at I-CON up here on Long island..I doubt he would remember me because the woman in front of me- really cute redhead, gave him a cool gift- she made him a trenchcoat like the one harry wears in the books! It fit Jim perfectly!
I was like 'wow, cool! and ..great can't compete with that..' So I had him sign a book for a friend I worked with who introduced me to the Dresden Files.

Good luck with the SG..Would love to RP with Jim one night..If I may be allowed- you all, including Jim, are more than welcome to join us on our 'Rookery' thread! it's a loose rp thread with ongoing stuff. but its mostly mayhen and fun.

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



Originally Posted by Kyasubaru View Post
And speaking of video games, this SG you've got here looks pretty bitchin'. Don't have the time right now to devote a character to it, but if I did, I totally would in a heartbeat. So I'll just wish you guys well!
Thanks! we appreciate it. It's small but smart, and we do try to both play in game together and write together in google docs. Feel free to ping me if you change your mind or need to rework a toon.



Originally Posted by Pogothulu View Post
Good luck with the SG..Would love to RP with Jim one night..If I may be allowed- you all, including Jim, are more than welcome to join us on our 'Rookery' thread! it's a loose rp thread with ongoing stuff. but its mostly mayhen and fun.
Mr. Butcher is not a part of our group, though it it would be awesome if he joined us one night. We are just basing our rp and fan fiction on his writing. And thanks for the invite. I'll have to peek into it!



Originally Posted by Kyasubaru View Post
I thought Paul Blackthorne was perfectly cast in the role myself
He had the perfect voice and temperament for the part, in fact I saw the show with out knowing about the books years ago. I also use some of the TV actors as basis for character's ie bob's voice, Morgan (I know he's white with a beard, but the actor had the right stuff)

I have a temporary roommate who is a fan of the books and RPG, and since I can normally down a book in a day, I have just started 'Turn coat' waiting on 'Changes' to come in the mail. I think I read too fast honestly. because I lent 'storm front' to my other roommate when I finished reading it last month and he hasn't finished it, meanwhile I have a large stack of books I just finished.

As for character types, since I have a full inventory of characters already, if I considered it I only have a small handful of alts open to new ideas. I would have to sit and really think about it.



"Plays" or "played"? I only recently ran into the books, and somehow I'd gotten the impression that he used to play CoH.

I gotta look him up some day and demand an answer to the pressing question: "y" or "ie"? (This is the sort of thing that bugs me for weeks.)



Seems to me like the right thing would be something like a fire/FF corruptor whose basic strategy is to faceplant repeatedly, then at the end of the mission, eat all the candy at once and solo the big bad.



You see I could be tempted to bring Marcy Dragon over she is a Fire Bubble Controller who I have had since 2004 and still haven't gotten to 50.

Originally she was a tribute character called the Irken, which got renamed so I could make my Spider into the Irken. I think Marcy Dragon could fit in the Dresden universe, only Jim Butcher has yet to expand on Dragon Mythos. I could however re-costume her to fit the Mage motif a bit better, I could even make her look like a Warden. With out a sword.



Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post
As for character types, since I have a full inventory of characters already, if I considered it I only have a small handful of alts open to new ideas. I would have to sit and really think about it.
Take your time. If you have a possible "conversion" character, we can help with that too. The dresdenverse has a lot of possibilities.



Hmm... Considering I'm about to reroll a certain character of mine and ALL of my characters are magical in design, I definitely would like to interact with your group.