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  1. My original plan was to play both. I got GW2 because the gameplay is fun, the setting is interesting, and the art style is wonderful. Oh, and it doesn't have a monthly fee. It's the perfect companion game to one that I (gladly) pay $15 for, something I can dip into when I feel like it - but I'd always come back to COH.

    I guess I'm not as sick of the fantasy genre as others are. COH was my only MMO for a number of years. I started out with Ultima Online back when it launched, and since then have played a little bit of everything, including EQ and WoW and LOTRO and Aion and countless others. They never really pulled me in as much as titles like SWG and COH did. But it wasn't that they were fantasy - I love the genre. To get me to stay in a game, it has to have a combination of things, a perfect storm of playability: pleasing art style and design, fun gameplay, good community, good customization. Those games had some of those things, but not all. SWG(pre-NGE) came amazingly close, with its sandbox world and customization options that were amazing for its time, and a great community despite the fanboys. Then COH came along and blew those options and that community out of the water, and had the gall to have fun gameplay and a great art style and world, too. It really is the perfect game for me.

    In GW2 I have had a great time, and have met great people. It looks great, has decent customization, and it's fun, too. It's not COH, but it has all the parts that I want in a game, no matter what the genre.

    Please believe me when I say I seriously, desperately wish for something amazing to happen for COH. I'm man enough to admit I was one of those that was in tears when I got the news. This game has been my home for over 6 years now. I've met people here that I've come to love and think of as family, not to mention the hundreds of hours of effort I've put into characters who will effectively be dead and gone when COH shutters. Every day I check the forums here hoping to see news that NCSoft has changed their minds, or TonyV's procured the rights, or something - anything - has happened to save the game. In a perfect world, I would have both games to play, and both communities to interact with. That was, of course, the original plan. If NCSoft would let me, I'd continue paying my $15 a month forever, no matter what other games I might dip into now and then. But unless something amazing happens, that plan has to change.

    I enjoy GW2 and will continue to play it. It's already paid for anyway, and I can't send it back. But my enjoyment of GW2 doesn't change the fact that I'd give just about anything to see COH stay online.
  2. They both look pretty cool. Assault looks a bit... Shuriken-heavy, but it's not bad. And put me down as another person who thinks Ki Push looks interesting in concept, but a little bit too over-the-top for a "natural" set. (It's the slow-mo repel that gets me.)

    Also I really hope we get a pool-power (or even Incarnate) version of Burst of Speed. (I think I might prefer an Incarnate version so I didn't have to use pool picks on it.)

    Also! I'll echo one of the questions asked during the live stream and request the alternate Storm Kick animation be ported to Martial Arts, if possible. Would be really nice to have it. (Wouldn't mind it being used for Street Justice, too, as someone above posted.)

    And icing on the cake? Free for VIPs. <3 devs.
  3. While it would be nice to have more weapon options, I think the only thing that might qualify as a "fix" is adding the ability to customize weapon sets' FX. Since we can do so with Beam Rifle, Titan Weapons, and Staff, it would be nice if we could get that feature on all the other weapon sets too: Claws, Katana/Ninja Blade, Dual Blades, Broadsword, Mace, Axe, Pistols, Rifle, Archery/Trick Arrows, Mastermind Robotics Beam Rifle (and Thugs Pistols). I'm probably missing a couple.

    I'm not mentioning Widow or Soldier powers here because the devs have already said on the livestream that there is no ETA for Epic AT customization.

    But I am all for more options of any type, and thus I agree with all the calls for more weapon options. (I for instance desperately want the "Longsword" option(or ANY European-style straight sword) ported over to Katana, and have posted as much before. Ever since we first got the ability to customize weapons, I've wanted that option...*longing sigh*)
  4. Oddly enough, you can thank Syffie for that. Though they lose a billion points for cancelling Eureka, they make up a few thousand by letting them make one more episode to wrap things up. It would've sucked pretty hard if things left off at the "season finale" of last week's ep.

    But yeah, stuff wrapped up nicely even if we didn't get another 22 episodes. Especially liked that we basically got to see everyone, even Nathan Stark even if it was just in weird-wormhole-flashbacky form. Plus Taggart, the kids, Beverly, Baltar.

    Also loved that they didn't forget to include the drive-by sequence at the very end to really wrap everything up, completing the gag from the very first episode.

    Overall, I may be sad that Eureka is gone, but I can at least be glad that it got what most shows don't - an ending.
  5. Thank you guys for your help, I decided to go with the 670. Based on some other reviews and comparisons, it outdid the 7950, and in some cases even the 7970.

    COH is definitely not the only game I play, but it is a large bit of my gaming time. I play other recent releases, and look forward to some notable upcoming games as well, so I wanted a card that could take high settings and roll with it for at least as long as I've had my 5850. That card has served me well for almost 3 years now, and though I'd hoped to eke out another 6-12 months from it, it was starting to show its age with newer releases.

    As for COH, I was primarily concerned with compatibility in regards to crashes or freezing. I know that there's been the occasional problem with both manufacturers. But judging from the posts I've taken a look at in this forum, it doesn't look like there's too much to worry about.

    So again, thanks guys!
  6. I tried to turn on my computer this morning and was greeted with error beeps. After fiddling around with things for a bit, I figured out my Radeon 5850 has died. Luckily, I'd kept my old computer from 3-4 years ago, and could scavenge its card to use while I figure out what to do.

    So as I sit here rocking my old 8800GTS, I figure I might as well upgrade. Tom's Hardware's Graphics Hierarchy Chart recommends I don't bother upgrading to anything lower than three tiers above my 5850, which leaves me with a few options in my price range: GeForce 580 or 670, or Radeon 7950.

    I guess my main questions are which card has the least amount of problems with CoH, and which is the best for the money? It's not just CoH I'll be using it for - I do play other modern games as well, but CoH comprises a huge chunk of my gaming time, and I'd like any card I get to play well with it with all the bells and whistles turned on.

    The 580 and the 7950 are about comparable, price-wise. The 670 is a little bit more expensive, but still within my budget - I don't know if the ~$20 more is worth it, though. I'm not a fanboy or anything, so I'm fine going with either company's products. It's CoH compatibility I'm primarily concerned with here.

    Other info you may or may not need:
    • OS: Win7 64
    • CPU: Intel i7-920
    • Motherboard: MSI X58 Pro
    • RAM: 6GB DDR3
    • PSU: 750w
  7. I had just the opposite opinion about the violence in DMW. It started out being somewhat serious and disturbing, but in this week's episode it was ridiculous and over the top, reminding me of (like what someone above said) an anime version of "Superjail!".

    And so far that's what DMW seems like to me. Superjail but with an actual story arc attached. Even the warden SUPER reminds me of the warden from Superjail, always smiling, with those glasses. He just needs a top hat and he'd be the perfect likeness. And the main guard lady is somewhat like the main guard "lady" in Superjail, very... uncompromisingly violent.

    I'll keep watching for now, but it hasn't hooked me yet.

    As for Casshern, I'm not sure how well it'll do. As I recall from watching fansubs, this week's episode is... fairly indicative of what to expect from the series as a whole. A bit plodding, generally depressing, and ultimately doesn't lead anywhere. It LOOKS really nice in my opinion, and there are a couple of interesting robot-on-robot fights later on. But I probably would've preferred the older 90s OVAs that they showed on the Sci-Fi channel years ago, or even the original 70s series. (Though admittedly I haven't actually seen the original series.)

    Something I'm also very grateful for though is that they're actually showing these two new series in FULL HD, and not just stretching out their letterbox versions on the HD channel. Both DMW and Casshern look beautiful in HD. Now if they'd just do the same for GITS and FMA, I might rewatch those.
  8. The thing with character customization and FX stuff is really up to each company. I'm sure there are some engines more optimized for certain things, but two games using the same engine can vary quite a bit. Take Aion for example (keeping it in the NCSoft family to avoid thread shuttering maybe). It uses the same engine that the game Far Cry used. Aion is a standard fantasy MMO with (IMO) quite nice character customization features in addition to the usual MMO glut of flashy power FX. Far Cry is a first person shooter that takes place on a tropical island.

    Both use the same engine, but the two are completely different games, in genre and gameplay, in art style, and in major features such as customization.

    Another notable example is the Unreal Engine, which is used by a LOT of games, as mentioned earlier in the thread. From first-person and third-person shooters, to RPGs, action games, racing games, puzzle games, and even side-scrolling platformers. And guess what? It's also used by several MMOs, including one fantasy-action-MMO that very recently came out, along with the Distinguished Competition.

    So really, it's not about what engine is best suited for a particular set of features - you can add in any features you want yourself. That's really what game engines are for. They provide a framework for things like displaying graphics and manipulating characters(collision boxes and/or AI, that kind of thing). The very basic gaming systems that are needed are provided so that you don't have to code that stuff from scratch. You worry about coding all the extra features in on top of that, in addition to making all the art (textures and character models).
  9. Good news on the addition of some new stuff to the lineup. I've seen all of Casshern Sins via the interwebs, but I'll watch again, and I'm glad to see it on the channel - if only because that might mean I have a better chance of getting the original series released with subs on DVD at some point.

    Deadman Wonderland will be new for me though. I'm looking forward to seeing what it's about.
  10. Two completely separate thoughts:

    I'm all for a Highlander reboot, this is a series that needs and deserves one.

    I like Ryan Reynolds.

    I say they're separate because while I think both of those thoughts, I don't think I'd want Ryan Reynolds to play the main character in the Highlander reboot. Ryan Reynolds is, I think, primarily perceived as a humorous actor. Green Lantern had him in "funny" moments, and I think we all know what kind of character Deadpool is/will be. And most of his non-superhero roles are romantic comedies. While I'm not advocating a super serious grimdark interpretation of Highlander, I think Ryan Reynolds would end up making it a bit lighter than it should be.

    I don't really want a Highlander reboot to become a wacky misadventure through medieval Scotland and modern-day New York. And I'm somewhat afraid that if they cast Ryan Reynolds, that's what it'll be.

    It wouldn't necessarily be his own fault - the writers and director and producers would likely want to play up his comedic aspects in the film, because of what kind of roles he's had. It's not that he can't be a more serious actor in this theoretical Highlander film, it's more that I'm not sure the filmmakers would let him be one.

    But I guess time will tell if this even happens. Even if they do cast Reynolds, I'll still go see it. I love me some Macleod action.
  11. I would have to think that there's plenty of older but well-known series they could get for fairly cheap. Lupin III (even though they did already show that at one point) or Fist of the North Star or Slayers, for instance. They could also take a cue from the Sci-Fi channel circa mid-90s and air a movie every once in awhile. Plenty of those they could show, and would probably be cheaper than an entire series.

    But I'm really just guessing here. Maybe a movie is vastly more expensive than a series. Maybe older series like the ones I mentioned are too expensive, or require more editing to be able to show on US TV.(I could see that being an issue with FOTNS, though I do remember seeing it aired on the International Channel on my cable a few years ago. They might have different rules. I dunno.)
  12. Using 12.4s on my 5850, Win7 64 bit. Seems to work fine with no crashes. I can't attest to the better framerate (and I can't say it didn't give me a better framerate either, I just didn't notice) but so far the drivers work for me, after several hours of doing stuff.

    I am still getting that "invisible" outline around various things, like capes and such, with AO and AA both on. But I've given up hope of that ever being fixed again.
  13. All well and nice, but since I'm not into Bleach and all the other shows have already run their course, this still won't give me much of a reason to watch. If they start running some of the older stuff I haven't seen over and over for several years, or if they get some new stuff they haven't shown before, then maybe I'll tune in.

    Also, I like King of the Hill too. But even with its huge number of episodes, reruns are starting to get to me.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    I'm flexible... I just want it!!
    This is how I feel.

    And to expand on that (and probably tick some people off): I really just want it any way I can get it. If the devs feel that they have to charge for it to justify the effort, fine, I'll pay if I have to. I just want it. Very badly.
  15. Kyasubaru

    Tron: Uprising

    Direct link wasn't working for me, either. I had to go here and scroll down to where it mentions Tron and watch it on that page. Just set to 720p and fullscreen it.

    I'm not sold on the character designs - they look vaguely Peter Chung-esque and I never really liked his designs. But the animation was really nice. Though it was intentionally done at a lower framerate I think to simulate 2d animation, the movements were fluid and didn't suffer from that annoying pose-to-pose kind of movement most other 3d shows use.

    I'm somewhat worried about the story, but hopefully they'll come up with something to tie it up into Legacy by the end. I'll probably watch it.. assuming I remember when it comes on.
  16. I won't mind terribly if they charge for it, but I sincerely hope they do NOT limit it by the character's origin. If I want to have a Tech character take some Sorcery pool powers, that should be my choice.

    Now if they want to do something like the Blackwand/Nem staff where it does bonus damage if you have the right origin, I wouldn't mind that. But at least give me the option to pick the powers I want.
  17. Exo Squad.

    And even though it's a movie and not a TV show, Robot Jox. Cheesetastic.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
    As soon as the backpack is only on specs with the crab tree I might give one a shot. Bane and huntsman till then.
    Considering male soldiers STILL can't use a helmetless Arachnos costume, I wouldn't hold my breath for this. It's one of those things where if it hasn't been fixed by now, it probably isn't going to be.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheprera View Post
    On yesterdays Ustream Aeon said that if you had run any villain content that the game recognizes that and reacts accordingly. So even if you're a Confirmed Hero, it seems you'll get attacked by Manticore. I'm curious to see if this is true.
    I don't think this is true. I've only run it once, but it was on my main who I've taken around the morality wheel once for badges. Meaning he started out as a Hero, then went Vig, then Vil, then Rogue, and back to Hero. He was confirmed Hero at the time I did this arc, and I only ever did the heroside versions of the SSA. Manticore did not attack me (or even show up).

    So either Aeon is mistaken, or he specifically meant the SSA content itself, not just any villain content.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by terrible_deli View Post
    That's what it was. Thanks.

    According to Ghost Falcon, the emotes and teleporter aren't factored into the cost the bundle

    Take that as you will, I suppose.
    So if they're not factored into the cost of the bundle, why does it add up the cost of the entire pack including those emotes and teleporter power and tell me I can save 660 points?

    Seems a bit disingenuous.

    The pack itself is decent, aside from LOOONG TOOOEESS, so I'll buy it anyway. But it still seems odd that they'd say that and then use it as a "save 660 points" marketing gimmick.
  21. Kyasubaru


    So I was thinking to myself about one particular issue I have with using a lot of skin-showing "Tights" pieces, and that's if you're wanting to use a skin type other than "smooth human". For instance if I wanted my character to have the Bioluminescent skin, or the Organic Armor skin, or Reptile skin, I'm not able to use things like the Tank Top, Excess Plus, or Witch tops, because the skin is baked into the texture as smooth.

    So I was gonna suggest here(since this thread seems the appropriate place) that you could make tops like these as body-hugging "Chest Detail" pieces that go over top of the skin. That way you would still have the costume part, but you could pick your own skin beneath it (or use another Tights option as well.) We already have very tight, body-hugging Chest Detail parts such as the Roman armor and the Barbarian Corsets, so theoretically this is something that could be done. Ideally these pieces would be available in addition to the normal directly-on-Chest parts we have now. And if this is something that's possible, all 3 model types should be looked at (Female, Male, and Huge) as they all have some pieces that show some skin, like T-shirts and Tank tops and such.
  22. Kyasubaru


    It would be nice to be able to put detail patterns on the various alternative skin options for the effect of being able to wear tights when you're using something other than "Tights" or "Tights Sleek" or whatever. Like if I'm using Bioluminescent, it would be nice to also be able to use the Stripes 1 pattern over that, for instance. Same with using the T-Shirt chest texture, or the Witch stuff or Excess Plus or "Bare" or any other skin-showing textures. Just because I'm showing skin doesn't mean I don't want a pattern there as well.

    And for a pie-in-the-sky request? More than one detail pattern. So I could use Stripes 1 AND Stripes 2. Or Tiger AND Cheetah. And possibly be able to make them different colors(though even if we had to keep them the same color, it would still be useful to be able to use 2 or more patterns at once.) Probably not gonna happen, but still.