Thoughts on Pool/Ancillary/Patron Customization




I know we all want it, and the Dev's say it would be difficult, mainly because of how the UI would work, as demonstrated by the various Incarnate menus. Plus that much potentially unused data (all Pool, all Ancillary, all Patron) sitting on any one character would get costly.

I've brought this up before in other threads, but I don't know whether it got lost in the jumble of discussion and thought I'd mention it in its own thread.

We have 'unlockable' costume pieces. Auras, Capes, now various and tons of new items from weapons to costume pieces for defeating groups.

Now I understand the powerset UI is slightly different, but couldn't they apply a similar system to it?

Say I take the Teleport Pool Power. I would now get an 'invisible badge' somewhere in my character's data and the notification that "You have unlocked a new costume part!" That way we only get animations for groups of powers we pick.

If I respec, the last job of the respec could do a quick 'audit' of which 'invisible badges' I've attained for the powers I picked, so I would lose access to the Teleport power customization if I don't take it on the respec.

I understand that would still be a bit more data than we might use (what if I only take TP Ally, for example) but it would be far less than plugging everything into every character. Similarly, maybe this could be applied to the Incarnate system as well swapping out 'invisible badges' as we craft out powers, or at least limiting our list to ones we've crafted to cut down on the huge row of stuff (unless we craft them all).

Anyway, just throwing that out there, just because I've never seen this addressed in the one or two times I've mentioned it. Thank you for your time

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



I don't recall ever seeing a developer cite the additional data as a problem. If they do (or have), then I'd hope this option could work out well enough to prevent too much of a problem.

I have no problem with what you suggest, but I am not convinced that this particular aspect is a problem at all (other than the UI cluster!).

Forgetting the hypothetical data amount issues, if it just helps them with managing and designing the UI, I'm all for having to unlock the powers in order to customize them.

If it's not an issue, I'm also for just being allowed to view and customize any and all pool powers and the like.

I'm flexible... I just want it!!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I'm flexible... I just want it!!
This is how I feel.

And to expand on that (and probably tick some people off): I really just want it any way I can get it. If the devs feel that they have to charge for it to justify the effort, fine, I'll pay if I have to. I just want it. Very badly.



I don't even care about the whole shabang. I just want different FX for hasten, and an option for minimal FX. Really, I think if they would just make Hasten and Super Speed less annoying, they would hear less about this.

For hasten I would like to see

Traditional fire hands

Electrical hands

A blur effect.

No FX.

Same for super speed.

One day maybe. This year I hope. I really want something to happen this year that will make me want to buy another year sub in Jan. So far that thing has not happened. I don't even know what that thing is, but I am sure I will know it when I finely do see it.

Types of Swords
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Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I don't recall ever seeing a developer cite the additional data as a problem. If they do (or have), then I'd hope this option could work out well enough to prevent too much of a problem.


I'm flexible... I just want it!!
I don't remember where I caught that. It may have just been some way of justifying it to myself for all I know. Just seems to make sense. I thought I remembered that being mentioned somewhere, but really couldn't find it if I had to.

I just want it too LOL.

And yes, I'd be willing to pay for it, as others have mentioned; If just because I want a 'magic' themed Aid Other/Self and a chance to remove/change/recolor the Hasten/Super Speed effect, among others.

For me, funny enough it's one character that really does it with the Scirocco Patron Pool. They're a Freakshow and I'd prefer the more traditional electric colors to those effects.

I just suggested the 'invisible badge/unlock' tech from costumes to possibly be applied to those powers to make it less unwieldy, if that were the issue.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



I would love for all power/app/ppp to be customizable, but right now I would just settle for hasten and ss to either be customizable or have a no fx option.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



What I want more than anything else is an alternate animation for Tough.

I mean, come on - I play a top-hatted, suit-wearing gentleman who is simply absurdly hard to kill, not friggin' Tarzan.

{}... .-



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I don't even care about the whole shabang. I just want different FX for hasten, and an option for minimal FX. Really, I think if they would just make Hasten and Super Speed less annoying, they would hear less about this.

For hasten I would like to see

Traditional fire hands

Electrical hands

A blur effect.

No FX.

Same for super speed.

One day maybe. This year I hope. I really want something to happen this year that will make me want to buy another year sub in Jan. So far that thing has not happened. I don't even know what that thing is, but I am sure I will know it when I finely do see it.
if you have the blazing, electric, and streak path auras you can already get some of those fx that you would like for hasten although they can still be pretty messed up with the glowing feet

just having no fx option would be the easiest for them to implement, although it would require using your aura to make the effect, would prolly not work if you wanted a full body aura too (im all for more options though, if they add options that are similar to the current path auras then having 2 auras would be cool)



I wouldn't be at all surprised if EPP customisation wasn't being worked on at this time.

File size really isn't a significant issue.

I really should do something about this signature.



I have too admit, this is a sore spot for me. they knew we wanted it, they knew we wanted it since issue 17 beta, and the fact that they have never gone foreward with it is an area that has my usually dev supporting self pretty annoyed. while i appreciate the new powersets and all that freedom has brought is, animation customization was a major draw for me and it has been ignored since the ranged attacks several issues a go, this really needs to be something that happens and is part of the core subscriber experience, not an additional cost for vips.



BABs was the major proponent for customization. It seems like with him gone, there's no-one left with the drive to keep pushing for that.

Either way, within the spirit of Freedom, I'm prepared to pay for pool and epic customization. I'm not even that concerned with the price, so long as it's sane. Anything in the $10-$20 bracket is perfectly fine by me. The point of Freedom, it seems, is to find what we want the most and charge us for it, and I'm fine with that. Power pool and epic pool customization is what I want. Go ahead and charge me already!

File size may be an issue if it's as irresponsible as Incarnate customization. I've seen Incarnate custom files, and the game simply dumps the settings for every Judgement power in existence in all of its variants, whether they're used or not. I imagine a better alternative would be required, but even then, file size doesn't seem to be a problem.

When it comes to the UI, it AMAZES me that they created a whole new costume creator UI and still didn't account for pool customization. What the suggestive themes was the point of dumping the old costume creator and making a new one if you won't fix the problems you've been using as an excuse since I16? If the problem was the UI, what better opportunity is there to fix it than when you're making a brand new one? There had to have been time to squeeze that in between forcing a 4x3 aspect ratio on the editor and making the colour picker transparent so the background bleeds through.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Wild speculation/wishful thinking: we'll get power-pool customization when we get the Sorcery power pool.

Why do I think this? Every new powerset that's been added to the game since I16 has had customization. I doubt they would put the work into a new power pool without making it customizable.


Also on Steam



Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
Wild speculation/wishful thinking: we'll get power-pool customization when we get the Sorcery power pool.

Why do I think this? Every new powerset that's been added to the game since I16 has had customization. I doubt they would put the work into a new power pool without making it customizable.
This seems reasonable...

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
This seems reasonable...
I wish we can get all that in I24.
Cant wait for the origin pools, hopefully customizable and whole customization for Power pools.



If case people have forgotten, we had very much this same discussion before tintable colors for powersets. We had very much the same replies from the devs: It's too time-intensive, the tech isn't there, there's no staff available to do it, etc. Yet in hindsight, BABs was working on color customization for powers for months if not over a year before it went live... while still neatly avoiding any spoilers about what he was doing, so it was a big surprise when the announcement was made.

Who's to say that something similar isn't going on now, with color customization for power pools currently being worked on in secret or maybe even already finished, and the devs are just keeping it a very tightly-held secret until the big reveal?



My only thought is that this should have been included when power customization was introduced.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
BABs was the major proponent for customization. It seems like with him gone, there's no-one left with the drive to keep pushing for that.
I have had this same concern for a while now. It is one of those things I REALLY hope I am wrong about.

Types of Swords
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i hope alternate animatiosn also get another look at too.

the fear cone from dark control and fea/holds that are single target could totally benefit from a hand cast option.

also, i kind of dont want/need patron pools to be customized, those are thematic. Mu... maybe... but mace is pretty specific. i can see some of Leviathan and some of soul being color tintable [water spout/darkness powers] but things like sharks and the fancy ghost widow hold are also specific to the theme...

:/ i am conflicted. but i suppose customization for all is more preferred than just some being customized XD




Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
Wild speculation/wishful thinking: we'll get power-pool customization when we get the Sorcery power pool.

Why do I think this? Every new powerset that's been added to the game since I16 has had customization. I doubt they would put the work into a new power pool without making it customizable.
Wait, what? Sorcery Pool Power? I haven't heard of that. Is this something they're actually making?

What does it do, if anyone knows?

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by Kurrent View Post
If case people have forgotten, we had very much this same discussion before tintable colors for powersets. We had very much the same replies from the devs: It's too time-intensive, the tech isn't there, there's no staff available to do it, etc. Yet in hindsight, BABs was working on color customization for powers for months if not over a year before it went live... while still neatly avoiding any spoilers about what he was doing, so it was a big surprise when the announcement was made.

Who's to say that something similar isn't going on now, with color customization for power pools currently being worked on in secret or maybe even already finished, and the devs are just keeping it a very tightly-held secret until the big reveal?
Don't quote me on this, but didn't one of the art designers say once that actually making customizable effects for pool powers wouldn't be that huge a job? And that the real problem is that tweaking the UI would be a massive pain in the ***?

Honestly, Paragon Studios needs to hire a legit UI designer to work on CoH.



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
My only thought is that this should have been included when power customization was introduced.
Had they done that we would have JUST gotten power cust an issue or two ago.

I'm glad they got done what they could when they could.

And yes I TOO would pay for it.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Don't quote me on this, but didn't one of the art designers say once that actually making customizable effects for pool powers wouldn't be that huge a job? And that the real problem is that tweaking the UI would be a massive pain in the ***?

Honestly, Paragon Studios needs to hire a legit UI designer to work on CoH.
I find that to be BS because Incarnate powers can be customized. I really don't see how working pools in would be any different.

Types of Swords
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Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post
i hope alternate animatiosn also get another look at too.
As do I. The art team has already shown that they are perfectly capable of taking existing animations and adapting them to new uses as it is. Half of Titan Weapons is comprised of preexisting animations, such as Rend Armour using the Assassin's Blade animation and Follow Through using the Sting of the Wasp (or was that Gambler's Cut?) animation. And it works well, for the most part. I'd love to see that happen with more sets. Knockout Blow can definitely use the animation from Crushing Uppercut, for instance.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



It's not "difficult" to put in the modifications to the interface that would allow pool customisation. It does however require time, which has to be allocated and budgeted for. It therefore can't happen until the project managers say it can happen.

Which is likely pretty soon now...

I really should do something about this signature.