Thoughts on Pool/Ancillary/Patron Customization




I'm always for this. Any options that allow me to more accurately create the exact idea of a character as I have it in my head are, by far, the best things that the Devs could add to the game.

I find much of this game's content to be easily repeatable. I don't need a constant influx of content to stay interested. I just finished First Ward for the first time last month. I have run a grand total of TWO missions in Dark Astoria. And I ran my first Dilemma Diabolique trial two weeks ago. So who knows when I'll get around to playing Night Ward once it is released. I may go so far as to say I am starting to feel content overload.

Besides seeing my ancillary pool armor as the same color as my blasts, here are a few things that would really make me excited:
- New flypose emotes
- A way to choose your own default flypose.
- Watching my tech-based teleporter teleport differently than my magic character
- A Super Speed animation that simulated momentum

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
- Watching my tech-based teleporter teleport differently than my magic character
This might be happening sooner than you think. We'll be getting the Sorcery power pool, and in it will have a travel power that's a hybrid of fly and teleport.



Yup it's basically ye olde Hover + Teleport combo...which is what pretty much everyone takes when taking Teleport anyway.

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A real showstopper!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
BABs was the major proponent for customization. It seems like with him gone, there's no-one left with the drive to keep pushing for that.
It does appear that way, doesn't it?

When it comes to the UI, it AMAZES me that they created a whole new costume creator UI and still didn't account for pool customization. What the suggestive themes was the point of dumping the old costume creator and making a new one if you won't fix the problems you've been using as an excuse since I16? If the problem was the UI, what better opportunity is there to fix it than when you're making a brand new one?
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this.




There is no "problem" with the UI. There is a "problem" with allocating the time to make the modifications. It really doesn't matter if it would only take 10 minutes, if the project manager says "no time for UI work this issue" then there is NO UI work.

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I'm not sure I understand you. Can you say the exact same thing a third time? Maybe then it'll sink in.

They reworked the entire costume creator UI for freedom. This should have been done then, when work on the UI WAS budgeted.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I'm not sure I understand you. Can you say the exact same thing a third time? Maybe then it'll sink in.

They reworked the entire costume creator UI for freedom. This should have been done then, when work on the UI WAS budgeted.
UI work was budgeted, but the art wasn't done then. Freedom was a last ditch bid for survival, so there wasn't much point in putting too much work into something that was several issues down the road.

Now the art is done, it's just waiting on the time allocation to set up the interface, then it can go into testing.

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Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
UI work was budgeted, but the art wasn't done then.
Yes it was. Nearly every epic power is a direct draw from an existing power from an existing powerset. Most of those powers already have not just custom effects, but also custom animations. Patron pools don't have custom options, sometimes, but even when we get customization options, we may not get customization for those for the same reason Kheldians didn't get any.

Additionally, doing a from-scratch redesign of a system and not accounting for future development is the height of poor planning.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Yes it was. Nearly every epic power is a direct draw from an existing power from an existing powerset. Most of those powers already have not just custom effects, but also custom animations. Patron pools don't have custom options, sometimes, but even when we get customization options, we may not get customization for those for the same reason Kheldians didn't get any.
Yes. Patrons. That's the thing. They had no intention of doing it without Patron Power pools, so if custom sharks where to suddenly appear in game files (that we wouldn't dream of looking at), then that would be a dead giveaway, wouldn't it?

Additionally, doing a from-scratch redesign of a system and not accounting for future development is the height of poor planning.
No one said future development wasn't accounted for. But as I said, it doesn't matter if most of the groundwork is done and it's only a matter of a few minutes work. UI work is UI work and can't be done unless the PM says so.

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Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
They had no intention of doing it without Patron Power pools
You'll have to provide some source for that claim because this matches nothing at all I've ever heard from the development team on the subject of customization. This is actually the exact opposite of developer comments made at the time, where BABs and team had not made a decision as to whether Patron pools and Epic ATs even SHOULD get customization options, considering these had powers representing specific in-story concepts which had specific in-story visuals attached to them. Ghost Widow's Soul Storm is, they said, not JUST a dark hold, it's Ghost Widow's signature attack and thus should look the part.

No decision was announced as to whether or not Patron powers would receive custom options if/when Epics were customized, but to claim that customization would not move forward without Epics is not justified. As a point of fact, not every powerset in the game received customization options in Issue 16. No weapon set in the game received an option, and the explanation we were given was that weapon sets already had customization options in the form of weapon customization, so to save workload, they were focusing on sets which had no customization options available at the time. The idea, then, was to add customization options to those after the fact.

This shows clear precedent of the team delivering, or at least planning to deliver, power customization in pieces. To claim that they would deliver nothing if they couldn't get customization options for everything, especially when you include powers for which customization might be withheld intentionally, is simply not justified.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
No one said future development wasn't accounted for. But as I said, it doesn't matter if most of the groundwork is done and it's only a matter of a few minutes work. UI work is UI work and can't be done unless the PM says so.
But the groundwork WASN'T done with the swapover to the new interface, at least according to official comments. Immediately following Freedom, a number of us repeated requests for power customization and "UI work" was brought up as the problem. Considering they have most of the custom effects required, it makes no sense to swap to a new interface and not account for this.

It's simple common sense to ensure that a new system built from scratch solves all of the problems the old system could not because they interfered with its core structure. When you're building it from scratch anyway, it simply makes sense to enable to functionality, even if you have to leave the actual options empty showing placeholders. There's no indication that this happened, and if it did happen, then whoever was using UI issues as an excuse wasn't giving us a real answer.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Obviously, if you want to hate you are going to hate (because you wanted a bit earlier, rather than all at once), even when pool customisation comes in including patron pools in issue 24.

Here is a clue: BABs isn't here any more. Freedom = you want pink sharks? You can have pink sharks.

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It's not just UI time needed, but back end coding, IIRC. they'd need something for the UI to hook into - which for Power Pools and APPs (and PPPs if they allow it) does not currently exist.

If all it took was ten minutes, we'd have it by now too, I'm fairly certain. I know BAB figured the Power Pools would be about 2.5 sets worth of animation/fx changes. Although I admit I don't know how much of changing them to allow customization is modification vs essentially creating new f/x.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

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Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Freedom was a last ditch bid for survival, so there wasn't much point in putting too much work into something that was several issues down the road.
I don't buy that. This game is old enough that the current subscriber rate at the time of Freedom's launch was little more than free money. It survived for a long time on life support (the surviving 15) enough to convince NCSoft to buy the IP, put money into it, and make Paragon Studios a growing business platform.

I really dislike how some folks try to make it look like this game is dead when it continually surpasses it's newer, shinier, competitors.

Anyway, if it's coming, I'm happy to hear it. I just wanted to toss a suggestion that might make it more workable.

Originally Posted by Xzero45
This might be happening sooner than you think. We'll be getting the Sorcery power pool, and in it will have a travel power that's a hybrid of fly and teleport.
Here we go again. Someone please link some info about the Sorcery Pool Power. I haven't heard anything about this. Sounds awesome though!

Fly and Teleport. Awesome enough for a couple sorcerer character respecs!

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
I don't buy that. This game is old enough that the current subscriber rate at the time of Freedom's launch was little more than free money. It survived for a long time on life support (the surviving 15) enough to convince NCSoft to buy the IP, put money into it, and make Paragon Studios a growing business platform.
Because all NCSoft's great new hopes bombed.

I really dislike how some folks try to make it look like this game is dead when it continually surpasses it's newer, shinier, competitors.
Game isn't dead, and wasn't dead. Far from it. But it was a combination of dedication and luck that enabled it to survive NCSoft's, and some of it's original creators, attempts to kill it.

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Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post

Here we go again. Someone please link some info about the Sorcery Pool Power. I haven't heard anything about this. Sounds awesome though!
Like pink sharks, there is no "Official" information, and therefore we aren't allowed to talk about it here. I have heard of things called internet search engines though...

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