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  1. Would starting over affect my decision? Depends.

    With the onslaught of new powers since Freedom, I've been re-rolling many characters anyway. But losing my vet benefits would hurt, ain't gonna lie. Many of my characters have wings and trenchcoats. And as a solo player, I'm pretty dependent on Sands of Mu & the Blackwand. But would losing those keep me from playing the game? Not really.

    Losing all the powers/costumes/etc that I've purchased, however, would be a bigger problem. But that's a bridge I'd cross when I came to it.

  2. Thanks for trying to do something. I'll be following both here and at The Titan Network, and if you get to the point of kickstarting, I'll be there with whatever support I can afford.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by King_Moloch View Post
    Dude. I don't think I've ever had this much fun playing this game just flying around retarded. I triple slotted them, and he's FAST. REAL FAST. It's soooo much fun.
    My new favorite thing to do with my Peacebringer is to shift into the wispy light form, activate prestige power slide for the glow, then fly REALLY fast. It makes me feel like a comet in the sky!

  4. I have almost no problems with the changes to the Skulls. Probably the best use of the Club Hair yet. I like the new female additions. I'm glad to still see some ethnic diversity, but I don't mind the clearer focus on the Slavic background. I've long thought the Skulls, Hellions, and Outcasts needed to be more distinctive. This goes a long way toward that.

    I've not really read the accents much in-game on beta (haven't been on beta much this time 'round), but from the descriptions I've read here, I'm reminded of some advice my favorite creative writing teacher gave me: deliberate misspellings and grammar mistakes meant to convey accents should be used cautiously and sparingly. Instead of informing us about the character, it can quickly pull you out of the story and into the language of the story. Too much and your reader might think you're making fun of the character's background. Choose how you convey accents carefully, and let the reader's imagination fill in the rest. And it sounds like they've already heard this one loud and clear.

    So if I had one problem with the revamp, it's the lack of skulls on the back of their jackets. The one time I did run into them in beta, I thought something was off but couldn't place it, and this is it precisely. They didn't look like Skulls from behind, only from the front.

    So, overall, nice job (sorry, OP). This is MUCH better than the revamp to the CoT. Dang it, I still miss those generic, robed cult members.

  5. Apologies if this has already been talked about elsewhere, but I just discovered this and had to share.

    In testing out power pool customization over on beta, I discovered a custom option for Peacebringers -- not bright, not dark, but "wispy." It only works for one power, Light Form, and it allows the power to turn you into a little wispy ball of light again.

    Later, when I logged back into live, I was even more pleased to see that this change is already in the game! My Peacebringer can now be a ball of light again! When did this happen, and why did no one tell me?

    Many, many thanks to whomever made this possible so quickly. You don't know how excited this makes me.

  6. Very, very excited for this set. My original Plant controller was Plant/Rad... she'll be getting re-rolled as soon possible once this set goes live.

  7. After checking out the new staff pack on Beta, I thought I'd come here and repost an edited version of my request there.

    Staff Requests:

    1) a true spear -- The bladed weapon in the new pack on beta is nice, but much too modern for what I want out of a spear. I'd be perfectly happy if you could take the already-existing trident and just remove the two outer points to create a new spear.

    2) a natural mystic staff -- While the Mystical staff on beta is nice, I'm still hoping for something more naturally magic, like a slightly gnarled wooden branch with a mystic orb/gem inset at the top. Heck, the blackwand is already in game. Can we get that as a staff?

    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    I think the Male model REALLY really needs some options similar to Brief but in more of a mid-thigh length variety, and also just above the knee (or as pictured below, just past the knee)...
    I've been wanting bicycle shorts for men forever. Women have had them for some time, but just like with all the other shorts options (except Boxing), only women get them currently. We need more shorts of all types for male/huge, please.

  8. Let's talk about bubbles.

    The Bubbles Path aura drives me crazy. The Bubbles part is great, but it's ruined (for me, anyway) by the Path's "mud pots" ground effect, where the bubbles come from the large patch of bubbling ground all around you. The Dark Matter aura, meanwhile, looks much closer to what I'm hoping for, however they're not bubbles, just Kirby dots.

    So what I'd like to request is an full aura that combined the "bubble" effects of the Bubble Path aura with something similar to the look/placement of the Dark Matter (Kirby Dots) aura -- i.e. bubbles coming from me, not bubbling out of some mud-pot ground around me.

    Thanks for listening,

  9. I got my first computer, an Atari 1200XL, back in junior high around 1982 or '83. Instead of a floppy drive, I initially recorded all the BASIC programs I wrote for it on a cassette recorder. When I finally got a 5.25" drive and daisy wheel printer for it, I felt like a high-tech giant.

    Ah, the good ol' days.

  10. Like others, I too am very pleased with the Dark Astoria arcs. Really astounding work from the writers, the artists, everyone involved.

    Looking back, in my opinion there's a clear line when the game's mission quality improved significantly: Issue 17. That pre-GR issue included those great clone arcs, our first real glimpse at the more complex and interesting missions we'd get with I18/Going Rogue and beyond.

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Woot! Customize all power pools & patron pools with Issue 24 launch!

    Hasten & travel powers with minimal effects!
    SUPER news!

    Originally Posted by Aisynia View Post
    Hopefully there's an alternate animation for Aid Self.
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    According to Zwillinger, no. They aren't looking into alternate animations at this point.

    Seriously? We're STILL stuck with that god-forsaken tricorder?

    Suddenly this announcement became a bit less super.

    Edit: Only a bit less, though. Having now watched the video, re-colored Hasten looks GOOD!

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    We've modified the way Tweet Code Thursdays are going to work.

    For item codes, we'll announce when the codes will be going out, and we'll give people a specific amount of time to re-tweet our post. If you re-tweet our post, we'll respond directly to you with a code to use. No scramble. No luck involved. No twitchy fingers required. Simply re-tweet our post in the timeframe given and we'll direct message you with a code.

    In short, if you want an item code, do the following:
    • Follow us on Twitter
    • Re-tweet our tweet when prompted to do so
    • Receive a code
    Many, many thanks for listening to the feedback, Paragon. This is a HUGE improvement over the previous "wait around all day 'til the mad dash and you still get nothing" plan.

    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    You feel as though because we utilize costume-type stuff as promotional material that your playstyle is being singled out.

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
    That seems like it would do more harm than good - I'd rather not have a viral anti-marketting campaign for City of Heroes. That just sounds destructive.
    Don't think of it as an ant-marketing campaign. Think of it as giving the community team exactly what they want: an active community on Twitter. And if they still have that monitor on the office vending machine that broadcasts all the tweeted feedback, even better.


  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    I'm just going to be completely honest here...
    The fact that this company is continuing down the path of making costume and customization options exclusive grabs and at the end of long carrot'ed sticks... is really, truly turning me off of being a subscriber here.
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    What. you guys not GET how *un-fun* exclusive stuff like this is? Making people jump through hoops just to get stuff they might want? What does that achieve, exactly, other than really aggravating people?

    The stupid 'Incarnate only' unlocks stuff is bad enough. The Super Pack only 'chance to get' costumes are even worse, even if you may get them nearly always within 24 or so. This? This is an all time [pancake] low. It's the principle of the thing, and it's not damn cool .
    Count me as another of the pitchfork-wielding masses upset over this stupid pancakin' decision.

    So this is how you're trying to build a twitter community? I wonder if anyone at Paragon remembers the #McDStories scandal. Honestly, I think the best place for us to give them this negative feedback is on twitter itself, for all the world to see just how much fail this decision really is.


  15. My thoughts: I'm sad that we're about to dance this "ultra-rare, non-tradable costume/vanity items" dance again.

    I was a critic of the super packs when they came out, but I tried them anyway. I'm primarily motivated in this game by costumes and vanity items, but I did grow to like the consumables & ATOs much more than I thought. Still, I never bought a pack looking for those items. It was the black wolf that drew me in, what I most wanted, and it was the item that kept me buying packs long after I should have stopped. But Lordy, that wolf would have been PERFECT for my vampire character. I bought many more packs than I had intended chasing after the Black Wolf. Between my account and my boyfriend's, I probably spent over $150 on Super Packs. And still no wolf for either of us.

    Of course, them's the breaks, and I knew that going in. And it's not the end of the world; I got lots of merits, lots of ATOs, lots of inf from selling everything. But the one thing I wanted -- the wolf -- I still don't have, and at this point, I'm not sure I ever will. I ended up parking my vampire character, because now he just feels incomplete until he gets the black wolf. (If all you care about missions, powers or enhancements, you probably wouldn't understand. But then again, those motivated by power enhancements got their method of getting them in-game. Those of us motivated by aesthetics got squat.)

    There's a fine line between incentive and disincentive. I'm sure that line is different for everyone, but for me, the chance at getting the whole costume was decent enough for me to purchase a few packs, but the difficulty of getting the wolf ended up just making me mad -- at the game, at the devs, and yes, at myself for foolishly chasing a near-impossible goal in the first place.

    I'm sitting this dance out this time 'round.

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    BABs was the major proponent for customization. It seems like with him gone, there's no-one left with the drive to keep pushing for that.
    It does appear that way, doesn't it?

    When it comes to the UI, it AMAZES me that they created a whole new costume creator UI and still didn't account for pool customization. What the suggestive themes was the point of dumping the old costume creator and making a new one if you won't fix the problems you've been using as an excuse since I16? If the problem was the UI, what better opportunity is there to fix it than when you're making a brand new one?
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this.

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
    Hopefully one week later doesn't count as thread necromancy, but weren't we owed some slides?
    If it helps, there's a link on the CoH Facebook page to the keynote prezi presentation.

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    To be clear, this does nothing to change the actual view of the fora themselves. This is a background skin that will not in any way alter the VBulletin frame which the forums are in.

    The image you're being shown is at full resolution.
    Can you speak to whether the image crop done by afocks up-thread reflects how these images will look at "real life" resolutions?

    In other words, are these two characters supposed to appear above our forum (as States & the robo-dude do currently), or almost outside its left/right margins (as shown in your provided examples)? If the latter, that's a problem. And if it's the former, I think you might should provide better examples of how it will appear to those of us with non-mile-wide monitors.

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by afocks View Post
    What I have now :-


    What I will get :-



    This is the first thing I thought of, as well. At least with the current art, it's designed to be seen above the forum as opposed to the left/right of it.

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    To be honest though, I actually think this brings up the very good point that I would rather not have excessively large margins or conversely detail outside the margins that I won't see. In both samples only slightly more than half the width of the screen is actually being used to show the actual forum content. That seems to be a rather low percentage that overlooks the primary function of the forums.

    Record my vote as a "please fix these so that the art appears at the top instead of hidden on the sides." As it stands, they'll both look like garbage on my computer.

  20. Yes, I've noticed this. The wait while the game retrieves your character list has gotten quite a bit longer recently. And if you back out of it before the character list loads, it asks you if you're sure you want to leave the queue. It seems as if we ARE in a queue of some sort, but the UI isn't reporting that. So we wait, and wait, and wait for a list of our characters to appear.

    Speaking of, has anyone else noticed a recurrence of that old problem where the zone loading screen would get hung up around 85-90% loaded, and then seem to get stuck there for a very long time? It's doing that again, at least for me. And if others have noticed this, could it be related to the above?

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Freitag View Post
    • A timing issue has been fixed with Peacebringer and Warshade costume change emotes
    What is this? After all this time? Is it... really... true...


    Well, I don't know that it was you, specifically, but you were the one to note my bug report in the "All Things..." thread. So a big round of applause to you (and whomever else helped fix this):

  22. The reason I don't play more missions in AE? Lately, it's felt like 3 out of every 5 missions I attempt are invalid. Just won't start. Why does the system not filter out invalid missions from search results? I'd have assumed that should have been basic functionality, no?

    The reason I stopped creating AE missions originally? Before I even completed my first attempt at a mission, it was made invalid by an update. Then again. Then again. It got old fast. After a while, I decided to just wait it out until the system was more stable.

    The reason I'm still not creating AE missions? The name filter issue. I finally went back and tried to clean up one of those old, still unpublished missions, and it was, of course, invalid. The reason? It was titled "An End to All Things," which of course is forbidden. I'm such a rebel for using one of the most common words in the English language, "thing." Sigh.

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    As a consumer of content, it's a mix of not being properly meshed in the game world and difficulty finding interesting stuff even when overlooking the conceptual disconnect between what the content is supposed to be (a holodeck) and what I want ("real" adventures for my characters).
    And then there's this. It's not a deal-breaker, but it is hard to get immersed in magical arcs (my arcs of choice) when, after every mission, you must return to your contact in the computer lab, then re-enter the data stream. There seemed to be a lot of focus on an in-game, lore-based reason for AE, but not much thought put into how that lore would restrict what was otherwise an amazingly creative tool. "You can make any mission you want, with any contact you want... so long as you don't mind that your contact will be standing in the middle of a high-tech computer lab (owned by villains) for the duration of your arc!" ARGH!

    I want to like AE. I want to play more missions there, and I want to create more missions there. But sadly, I'm still at the same point I was a month or three after it was released: waiting it out for the system to become stable. Given that the last time I checked in, the character preview screen had stopped working, I'm guessing I'm in for a much longer wait.

  23. These two quotes sum up my feelings pretty closely:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I don't disagree that the changes failed, and spectacularly. I tried PvP before, just because I could take my build and know how to play. Post I13, I don't know what the hell is going on in PvP, what suppresses, what doesn't and how I should build. If I ever wanted to bother, I'd have to do so much homework that for something I don't even like, there's just no point.
    Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
    Why don't I PvP? My characters play completely differently in PvP than what I am accustomed to in PvE. Not just that I am no longer a whirling death machine, but all my stats are reduced, I have no status protection, my controls are massively reduced in effectiveness, and my powers do damage based on some formula I don't understand. Add to that the constant feeling of swimming through glue because I get my travel powers partially or completely negated any time someone so much as farts at me, and it makes PvP a tiresome prospect.

    I think I am the target player of the i13 revamp, in that I was not a PvPer before i13. However, the changes made it so I will never PvP, because when I enter a PvP zone I might as well be in a completely different game on a completely different character.
    I started this game in earnest back around I10 or I11. Once I'd gotten used to the PVE game, I finally succumbed to the allure of Siren's Call, specifically the temp powers and zone mini-game. In those initial dips in the PVP waters, I didn't always win, but the excitement of having a live opponent was still fun. When the battle for zone control got enough players involved, it was actually kind of a blast. Battles were fast-moving and dangerous. I could understand how people enjoyed PVP, and I could see doing more of this as I leveled up.

    Then I13 came, and with it a whole new, different set of PVP rules. The first thing I noticed: my powers just felt wrong. Attacks that should do a fair bit of damage didn't do much at all, while controls stopped controlling and travel stopped travelling. Seriously? This is what they thought would make me want to PVP more? Thanks, but no thanks.

    In an attempt to make everyone's build feel like a special snowflake, they instead made PVP slow to play and more annoying to learn than it's worth.

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Serpine View Post
    Maybe it's Circle of Thorns Set 2 since he used the word offering...
    Or maybe it's the Hecatomb set.

    Hecatomb=sacrificial offering.


    Then again, I more hope Android_5Point9 is right:
    Originally Posted by Android_5Point9 View Post
    It's the liger. That one wasn't a joke.
  25. I use 'em, but mostly as described by others. Only some, and more at low levels. My fave is the one that saves me endurance; I use that one a lot.

    Originally Posted by Miakis View Post
    Man Steelclaw has the right idea. We can already buy jetpacks straight up for Inf, why not put all these temp powers into a couple 'Armory' stores spread out, and let them stack? They'd be fun and useful, and you could take them out of Recipe drops. And sometimes you'll find more charges on appropriate mobs. Amazing.
    Yes to this.

    Temp powers are a wonderful resource to flesh out character concepts beyond the simple primary/secondary sets. But the game has had so many changes since the earliest temp powers. The recipes were a great idea, but as drops they're more disappointing than useful.

    I'd love to see temp powers revisited by the devs. Now that we can switch sides, I'd very much like to see them revisit which ones can be earned through O'boros. One of the villain powers would be great for some of my magic characters (vial of bees, maybe?), but it's a low level villain power that can't be earned in O'boros, so it's out of my reach.

    Anyway, here's what I'd do:
    • Severely reduce the number of temp power recipe drops.
    • Put those powers (not recipes), as well as some other temp powers from the game, into the stores. Put different flavored powers in the relevant stores (i.e. - med pack using "heal other" animation in magic store, med pack using "tricorder" animation in tech store).
    • Make 'em all stack.