Sorcery Power Pool?

Agent White



It seems a new power pool called Sorcery was leaked to the I23 beta.

It has no tooltip info when you mouse over it and is not selectable when doing a respec...

Shall we all speculate as to what it will entail?

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



as in the standard "opens at 4" power pool or the Epic pools?



Hmm, wonder if a new character can snag it if they start at 1?



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
as in the standard "opens at 4" power pool or the Epic pools?
Yes its a "standard" accessible at lvl 4 pool insofar as it is grouped with them when I do a respec.

I have not yet leveled a new character in the beta to see if it also appears there when I actually level to 4

EDIT: During the respec process the Sorcery pool is NOT listed with the epic pools nor is selectable at any level during the respec process

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



If this is what I think it is.. I'll have to find more power slots. Squee!

Magical Burst and Rune of Warding make it to primetime, maybe!

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
Shall we all speculate as to what it will entail?
Either blatantly magical-looking powers (with runes and whatnot) or staff-based ranged powers using the customizable staff skins. Possibly part of a set of Origin based power pools, so there'd also be a Tech/Gadget pool, a Science (Experiment?) pool, and so on for all four origins.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Screenshots or it didn't happen!

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post




Niice. Now the real question:

Will we be able to customize the powers?



Looking at it on a freshly level 10 character, it says I have to purchase the power pool from the Paragon Market.



Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
It's full of stars..

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Niice. Now the real question:

Will we be able to customize the powers?
it's a pool power. what do you think?



Perhaps it's an origin-based power pool, and Magic's pool is called Sorcery. Since it's an incomplete implementation the bug isn't just that Sorcery is there, it's also that Sorcery is listed for characters of other origins and should be called something for them. (I checked both Magic and Mutant origin characters and both list Sorcery.)

Players have long wished that character origin counted for something other than which DOs and SOs you can buy. Maybe this is how that will be implemented.



Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
This is not the power pool we are looking for?

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
Perhaps it's an origin-based power pool, and Magic's pool is called Sorcery. Since it's an incomplete implementation the bug isn't just that Sorcery is there, it's also that Sorcery is listed for characters of other origins and should be called something for them. (I checked both Magic and Mutant origin characters and both list Sorcery.)

Players have long wished that character origin counted for something other than which DOs and SOs you can buy. Maybe this is how that will be implemented.
I wouldn't like it to be that restricted. What if my character is a techmage and I picked the Tech origin because of the origin power but would like access to the Sorcery power pool? And, for that matter, with that character I'd probably like access to multiple origin pools.

But I think we might be getting ahead of ourselves. Do we even know that there will be other pools?



I doubt it will be restricted... many comic characters have some "crossover" in their origins.

Think of Batman as a Natural Hero who has a Gadgets power pool

A prime example of the Sorcery pool would be Magik. She's a mutant who also has magic based abilities.

If they add a new pool based on each origin it could give us that crossover flavor in game!

EDIT: Some additional info... it seems the Sorcery pool is a purchased power pool???

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



A new power pool? What sorcery is this?!

Originally Posted by Haggard4Life View Post
But I think we might be getting ahead of ourselves. Do we even know that there will be other pools?
No, we don't know anything about that possibility. Nothing at all. Promise. Listen to the Jedi. This is not the power pool you're looking for.



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
Perhaps it's an origin-based power pool, and Magic's pool is called Sorcery. Since it's an incomplete implementation the bug isn't just that Sorcery is there, it's also that Sorcery is listed for characters of other origins and should be called something for them. (I checked both Magic and Mutant origin characters and both list Sorcery.)

Players have long wished that character origin counted for something other than which DOs and SOs you can buy. Maybe this is how that will be implemented.
I could see something like this happening. I have mixed feelings about it.

But more power pools? More flavor? Awesome!

Are they preworked for customization so when that comes around? Boy howdee I hope so!



Yep, it must be bought (then again, it might be a VIP-only set, and it's not yet flagged... or it could still be in testing, and someone hit the wrong flag for it!).

I really hope they don't limit us by the selected origin. Like was already said, lots of characters cross over in origin. Hell, my AR/Dev Blaster I created as "natural", because I didn't consider any of the tech to anything special (if you run around with a sword, does that make you tech? :P).

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Purchase from the Paragon Market hehe.....

Paragon you slay me.....

Here we go folks fasten your lapbelts we are in for a heck of a ride.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.