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  1. Probably shouldn't get hung up on the word "prominent" because that brings to mind main characters like Superman and Batman. It's not going to be them.

    From the sound of it, it's going to be a character that hasn't shown up since September's reboot. So who haven't we seen yet that'll still be a big enough deal to make news?

    I've heard speculation that it might be Vibe (as seen in the Free Comic Book Day issue) and being a member of the current Justice League might make him fairly "prominent". Or maybe that new, mysterious Green Lantern? The person under the mask would be a new character, but a gay Green Lantern would be major.
  2. I have yet to watch any of the Daniel Craig Bond movies and this preview did nothing to change my mind. It still seems to lack the parts of Bond movies I love, so I will happily ignore this movie as well.
  3. For the most part, I thought this was a good comic. I liked the story and Nicola Scott's artwork was gorgeous. The only issue I had with it was I felt it spent too much time on the backstory (trinity vs. Apokolips) and not enough time introducing the main characters of this series.

    As for rebooting the JSA characters, part of me will greatly miss the characters I remember from the last JSA series. I loved that the DCU has some elder statesmen characters who the Justice League admired. And I loved the generational aspect with their kids and all the other new legacy heroes that populated the previous JSA book. Those are all aspects of the JSA that I will miss in this reboot.

    On the other hand, I'm looking forward to seeing the classic JSA characters revitalized. They've never really had the chance to be modernized like Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman have. They've usually just been replaced with legacies or new characters with no connection to them. The JSAers themselves have largely remained unchanged, except for the ones who were killed off.

    Now we're returning to the era of the JSA being peers to the JLA like they were during their original team-ups. And they're bringing back characters that were killed years ago. When was the last time Al Pratt was a featured character? I think it'll be awesome to see these characters as modern superheroes (no matter how ugly Jim Lee makes their costumes).
  4. I agree that it's not something that should hold the issue back, I was just commenting that it's still a costume issue that hasn't been fixed.

    It does make me wonder though... would the same be true if a costume looked good for people like me but didn't look good with Ultra Mode graphics?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Hm, thought that had been fixed last patch. Still, I expect there's going to be at least 1 more beta patch before the release.
    Okay, checked out the player chainmail and it still has the same issue:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    The chainmail texture is still gigantic for me.

    And I looked through the recent patch notes and didn't see any mention of fixes to the chainmail texture.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Hm, thought that had been fixed last patch. Still, I expect there's going to be at least 1 more beta patch before the release.
    Y'know, I forgot to look at the chainmail pieces we can buy in the store. The Black Knights' chainmail I saw in beta yesterday still had that error and I just assumed it was the same for players. I need to check this out now.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    There haven't been any glaring issues with the costumes (that haven't been fixed)
    Well the Chainmail pieces are still weird for those of us with low-end computers, but I assume they're working on that.
  8. Does the War Horse even have any attacks? Or do you want it to hover there and look pretty?
  9. I'm not sure how to react and respond to question 16. Are all of those in the realm of possibility and you're looking for feedback on which you guys should do first? Or are they more like "Wouldn't it be nice if CoH had this feature"? Some of those choices were surprising. Cross-server teaming and Player Housing stuck out for me.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    Unrelated but it's my thread so why not: here's a pic of Night Bee, my elec/traps corrupter I released from prison today:

    Cool design! I like how the shoulder pieces blend in with the strip on the chest piece. It creates a nice look.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Android_5Point9 View Post
    Do they not have a UI designer? I remember hearing comments along the lines of, "if it involves new UI elements, it probably won't be happening" from a few devs. Which probably explains the programmer UI checkbox of "show only free stuff" we got on the costume creator.
    I would imagine that the UI design department is pretty swamped. Since they released Freedom, tons and tons of what they've been doing require UI. New systems, new powersets, possibly the entire Paragon Market, etc. So their schedules might be so booked right now that they can't squeeze in any outside stuff.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
    Only if they finally get pool power customization in. Why would you think this one would be any different in that regard?
    I wonder if it would be easier for them to do customization on new power pools than it is adding it to the old, legacy pools. Or maybe they could at least build the new pools with eventual customization in mind so if they ever get to that point any new ones will be easy to do.
  13. With any luck, we'll get a mix of what both of us want out of a dino pack. Hopefully.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post
    oh you know,

    to repeat and support my original request of feathers in a dino pack:


    Tyrannosaurs [note i didn't say Tyrannosaurus Rex, as none have been found with outside coverings preserved] with Feathers. Facts: big theropods had fuzzzz, and smaller theropods, like raptors, had feathers more similar to modern day birds.

    That's all fine, but if Paragon was working on a Dinosaur costume set, I would hope they're going for more of an iconic dinosaur look. I have no problem with them including feathers and fuzz for optional head details, as long as we also get heads without that stuff.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    That picture is getting a lot of use today.
  16. I think that's Z's new go to meme for Day 1 Beta bugs/leaks.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
    Perhaps it's an origin-based power pool, and Magic's pool is called Sorcery. Since it's an incomplete implementation the bug isn't just that Sorcery is there, it's also that Sorcery is listed for characters of other origins and should be called something for them. (I checked both Magic and Mutant origin characters and both list Sorcery.)

    Players have long wished that character origin counted for something other than which DOs and SOs you can buy. Maybe this is how that will be implemented.
    I wouldn't like it to be that restricted. What if my character is a techmage and I picked the Tech origin because of the origin power but would like access to the Sorcery power pool? And, for that matter, with that character I'd probably like access to multiple origin pools.

    But I think we might be getting ahead of ourselves. Do we even know that there will be other pools?
  18. Personally I'd wait until I get my hopes up about something like this. This is Day 1 of the beta and there are bound to be leaks or bugs that we're not supposed to have access to. Like Beast Mastery last time.

    Hopefully it's not a mistake if it's as cool as you say.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    BAB now gives out the STF, and Penny gives out the Siter Psyche TF.

    Night Ward is a spirit world version of First Ward, so a lot of it looks the same.

    The IXP for the Hybrid slot only appears to be available on the Tyramt Trial right now.
    The !23 Beta boards are now up, GG.
  20. Also good to keep in mind that things change in betas, so if you hear any news from the Beta server, take it with a grain of salt.
  21. Sometimes I'll go with a specific origin depending on my character's backstory. But other times I'll go with the Tech origin because it has my favorite origin power. So I guess my most used origin would be Tech followed up by Science and Magic.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    You know what occurs to me? All of these things we're "told" are happening that are supposed to be dramatic? I'd actually like to see them. Not necessarily as cutscenes or FMV, but why not as comic book pages? For all the mocking we gave BABs' jaw and Psyche's lips on that Freedom Tutorial cover, the short comic that comes with it is actually a very cool idea. There are so many things that happen in SSA7 that I'm just told about, and many of them would benefit from at least one panel showing them to me. Missiles flying into space, cities being invaded, fleets engaged in battle. There's very little... "Weight" to having someone just mention them. Not even describe, just mention off-hand. Had I even a still picture to show me what they're talking about that would still be superior.
    That part of the Who Will Die story reminded me of big event comics. The main story focuses on a small, core group of characters but we usually see or hear about other characters dealing with the global fallout of whatever the main characters are facing. A lot of the time in comics, it might be a panel or a picture on a monitor that briefly shows that action. But sometimes it's just a character's dialogue indicating off-camera action.

    And I know what you mean about wanting to see those events as well. Usually, those side events are featuring characters I like that may or may not be obscure or be main characters very often. "Wait, the Metal Men are helping out? Why can't I see that happen?"

    But I have to keep in mind that they are not the main characters of the story.
  23. It looks like the current plan is to release new free (for VIPs) sets with each issue (like Time Manipulation and the new Dark sets). Other new sets will be released in the Market between issues and everyone has to buy them.
  24. Haggard4Life

    Just not fair!!

    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Clearly, this is set up that you don't earn the extra Emps til you talk to him first, then he keeps track of your progress.
    Good to know. I was going to start doing the DA arcs this week, so now I'll make sure I talk to this NPC before I do.
  25. While dinosaurs are not in every single comic book, they've been featured enough in the 70 year history of the industry to count as a valid part of comic books. Both DC and Marvel have feature "lost" lands filled with dinosaurs. Marvel has the Savage Lands where any of their characters can visit and have adventures with dinosaurs. DC has Dinosaur Island that was featured for years in "The War That Time Forgot" which is going to reappear in DC's "G.I. Combat" book this May. (Dino Island was also a big part of one of the best comics of the last decade, DC: The New Frontier)

    And there are lots of characters that either are dinosaurs or can transform into them. DC has Beast Boy who often transforms into dinos (especially on the Teen Titans cartoon). Marvel has dino-transforming Reptil who is the team leader for Avengers Academy. And Marvel has a couple dinosaurs as characters like Old Lace from the Runaways (seen in the current Avengers Academy story) and Devil Dinosaur (also in that same story). And Robert Kirkman recently started a book at Image called "Super Dinosaur" that has been getting a lot of buzz.

    A lot of this dinosaur-related character/events are happening in comics right now. So I think CoH can consider dinosaurs to be under the umbrella of "comic book stuff" they can pull ideas from.

    Having said all that, it's totally cool if you don't like this part of comic books. There are some parts of comics that I really don't like (gun-toting, Punisher-like characters). But I don't want to tell Paragon to not use resources on gun stuff just because I don't like it. I know other people like it so I'm happy to wait my turn because I know they'll return to something that does appeal to me.