Speculation on an upcoming prehistoric fashion extravaganza!




While not outright revealed, there have been plenty of hints about an upcoming Dino Costume Pack. If we're lucky there will be some mods of the four legged rig and bipedal mods to have some actual dinos running around in a Ouro-time-stream mission or two, or as a pet in the future. [Dinosaur Summoning anyone? XD]

ANYWAY, i was speculating in my head some of the things that might be in such a pack and... as someone who is an amatuer paleontologist myself for a couple decades now, and currently working at an actual dinosaur exhibit in texas, i was getting quite excited. I hope that, while satisfying the need for prehistoric monstrous pieces, they would also hold to some anatomical correctness.

main points:

*theropod dinosaurs [two legged carnivores] didnt have bunny hands that hung down, but rather the hands and fingers faced inward toward eachother.

*dilophosaurus neither had a fril, nor did it spit venom. jurrassic park spead so many lies.

*most theropods had feathers, especially the little ones [velociraptor, for example had feathered hands like mini wings, and lots of tail feathers.].

*birds are dinosaurs technically, sooooo this would be a great opportunity to give us a bird tail and a feathered body option or feathered wrist and boot details.

although im sure the devs will make something fantastic and i'll adore it, it would be nice if there was a little research on their part as to what dinosaurs really looked like, a quick wikipedia and google search is more than enough . though it is a superhero game, and therefore somewhat fictional/fantastic... :shrug: I would really like to see nice long thick fat tails would be super, spiked, plated, clubbed. stegosaurus back plate details. new monstrous legs, monstrous heads im sure, and hopefully, a new set of wings or two. [pterosaur based and microraptor based [feathered with clawed fingers!]]. a cool idea would be a head frill hair detail so it could be used with other costume options...like horns , unlike the latest animal heads which cant be customized very much.

Caudipteryx zoui (Ji, Currie, Norell & Ji. 1998)

Velociraptor mongoliensis (Osborne, 1924)



i hope a redname takes notes! has anyone heard any more news on this? im sure deets have to leak soon.

:edit: didnt expect the images to look so wierd, but i guess thats cuz they're gifs with transparent backgrounds XD. from the website: http://www.dinosaur-world.com/feathe..._dinosaurs.htm

:edit: swapped pics for ya



Dinosaurs have feathers now? I always thought they were furry.



No, furries are a completely different animal altogether.

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you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



I'd so love if they made those parts <3 and have those tails move and not be static like the Phoenix one and have those wings too. Just everything.... This set would be pure love like the Stalker buffs that just came out

VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use



This may sound unnecessarily confrontational, and it's really not meant that way, so if I come off like a jerk, let me apologize in advance.

That said, I'm not sure I'd want a "realistic" dino-pack (even assuming that it's dinosaurs, and not, say, cave men; I haven't seen the hints, but that was my first thought when I saw the thread title). The thing about is that this game is sort of a giant pop-culture mashup, and that's part of what I like about it. And to that end, when I think "cool dinosaur looks", yeah, my first thought is something out of Jurassic Park. It may not have been "real", but it is, I think "the look" from a pop-culture perspective.

Now, personally, I think the current science that suggests dinosaurs were feathery is kinda neat. But I don't think it's the right default for this game. Now if it were an alternate extra (like the skull patterns on the Baron jacket, say)? Yeah, I'd be fine with that. But I'd rather sci-fi Dinosaurs to realistic ones, personally.



I haven't seen anything that hints at the contents of ANY new costume sets. Care to share your sources?

(Translation: Links plz!)




Make leathery skin dinos average to big threats. Make feathery ones bigger threats. They are more evolved, after all.

EDIT: this can be fiction-logic!



humans are more evolved than dinosaurs. Are you implying that an adolescent child can kill an adolescent t-rex?

I say keep the classic-style leathery dinosaurs, ESPECIALLY because it's not realistic. Keep your realism out of my fantasy stuff, please and thank you.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
humans are more evolved than dinosaurs. Are you implying that an adolescent child can kill an adolescent t-rex?

I say keep the classic-style leathery dinosaurs, ESPECIALLY because it's not realistic. Keep your realism out of my fantasy stuff, please and thank you.
Yes, because the adolescent child can fire an RPG.

"Star Wars is adolescent nonsense; Close Encounters is obscurantist drivel; "Star Trek" can turn your brains to puree of bat guano; and the greatest science fiction series of all time is Dr. Who! "
Harlan Ellison



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
I haven't seen anything that hints at the contents of ANY new costume sets. Care to share your sources?

(Translation: Links plz!)
i cant remember which thread eactly but i believe it was Golden Girl who mentioned it had been leaked at a pummit or something, and then when someone asked on the freedom friday facebook thread, the CoH facebook reply was something to the effect of a "i cant talk about that because it's totally happening and youre not supposed to know giggle giggle giggle". [quote not verbatum :P]

i'd look them both up and find quotes but that's a lot of searching and i dont remember when or where except that i saw them both within the last month.

and technically... dinosaurs have *always* had feathers,quils, osteoderms and fuzz, but only within the last forty years has it been confirmed from numerous scientific discoveries, and been growing in the educated awareness. i work at a dino exhibit and worked in a paleo lab, so im used to facts all the time and thought it would be nice if the upcoming costume pack had a little of the real thing for inspiration. almost all theropods [two legged carnivores] have been confirmed to have freathers, protofeathers, and fuzz. think: Archaeopteryx disc. 1861 [ point at which feathers first attributed to dinos ]. spielberg did a real disservice to people everywhere. we might as well call a dino pack with that sort of dilophosaurus details a 'dragon pack'.

dinos didnt look like giant iguanas, but a lot of people who are only exposed to popular culture think that when they come in to the exhibit, and ask if we have a godzilla skeleton XD

i politely say "no, we do not."



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Dinosaurs have feathers now? I always thought they were furry.
That's strange - I don't think I've ever heard of them having "furry" qualities.
I've understood them to be more associated with "feathers" and other bird-like characteristics for decades now. *shrugs*

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Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post
dinos didnt look like giant iguanas, but a lot of people who are only exposed to popular culture think that when they come in to the exhibit, and ask if we have a godzilla skeleton XD

i politely say "no, we do not."
Well you won't be getting my money till you pull out the Godzilla skeleton!

Any prehistoric pack must include:



Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post
i cant remember which thread eactly but i believe it was Golden Girl who mentioned it had been leaked at a pummit or something,...
Perhaps you're thinking of this: when the Animal Booster came out, there was a dev diary (or some other dev-authored post) which, for a few hours anyway, talked about them having so many animal ideas that they had to split it into two packs, so ideas for a reptile or dino pack (can't remember exact wording now) was being saved for later. The brief mention was edited out of the post afterwards.

... and then when someone asked on the freedom friday facebook thread, the CoH facebook reply was something to the effect of a "i cant talk about that because it's totally happening and youre not supposed to know giggle giggle giggle". [quote not verbatum :P]
Hadn't heard this one. Curious.




Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
Any prehistoric pack must include:
So did you want Raquel Welch, the costume she's wearing for CoH or some weird combination of the two?

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
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Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
Well you won't be getting my money till you pull out the Godzilla skeleton!

Any prehistoric pack must include:

i am A-ok with a raquel welch inspired cave-woman costume and a cave-man loincloth that is more like a hide than the barbarian fuzz.



Originally Posted by Stonehead View Post
Perhaps you're thinking of this: when the Animal Booster came out, there was a dev diary (or some other dev-authored post) which, for a few hours anyway, talked about them having so many animal ideas that they had to split it into two packs, so ideas for a reptile or dino pack (can't remember exact wording now) was being saved for later. The brief mention was edited out of the post afterwards.

Hadn't heard this one. Curious.

i think what you're mentioning was the third refrence and oldest of the three that i'd seen, but couldnt recall when i was making my OP. perhaps Golden Girl will see the thread and comment to support or destroy my claims but i think it was mentioned briefly at a dev-player organized interaction of some sort.

but my memory is so hazy O_O and im at work and have to pee but my replacement hasnt shown up so that's all i can think about. :cry:



Would love to see a dino/reptilian pack. My dual blades/WP tanker Dino Pirate needs some more costume options. I could probably also find something in there for another toon or two.



Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
please remove those pics, they are horrible to look at.
Use these instead, while not perfect they aren´t that offensive to our eyes.

{IMGs Redacted}

I just saw that my Velociraptor is no mongoliensis...meh, won´t fix that now
Thank you, those are so much less... eye-searing.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Thank you, those are so much less... eye-searing.
pics fixed. sorry about that! im still noobish when it comes to images on forums and stuffs.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Dinosaurs have feathers now? I always thought they were furry.
Current state of the research suggest more feathers,.... think big carnivorous birds if it helps.

I love dinos but please devs no more vanity pets!



Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post
spielberg did a real disservice to people everywhere. we might as well call a dino pack with that sort of dilophosaurus details a 'dragon pack'.
They did the best with the research they had at the time. It has been twenty years.

Besides which, Spielberg was telling a story, not making a documentary about dinosaurs. On top of that, he was adapting a novel. I don't remember if the frills were mentioned in the book, but the poison certainly was.



Xenozoic Tales was the best comic book series ever. We need a post-apocalyptic dinosaur lost world and a freakin' MM set. YEAH. Three tiny Velociraptors, a pair of Protoceratops, and a freakin' Stegosaurus.