Sorcery Power Pool?

Agent White



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I love the idea of origin based power pools. I hope we see a pool for each origin, I would buy each of them.
They should make origin pools since it has been asked for a lot, but to monetize them would not be desired, needed or a good thing for the game. We know from the recent Pummit they are not hurting for cash and have plenty of things already monetized.

Not everything new needs to have a market price attached to it, some of this stuff needs to be introduced into the "game" and not the "market".

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
They should make origin pools since it has been asked for a lot, but to monetize them would not be desired, needed or a good thing for the game. We know from the recent Pummit they are not hurting for cash and have plenty of things already monetized.

Not everything new needs to have a market price attached to it, some of this stuff needs to be introduced into the "game" and not the "market".
I have just decided to consider everything for sale. That if it is not I get a happy surprise.

I have also accepted that things we are willing to pay for happen faster.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I have just decided to consider everything for sale. That if it is not I get a happy surprise.

I have also accepted that things we are willing to pay for happen faster.
:jumps out of the bushes:

yeah! you know, like power pool customization. or sashes.

:evil chuckle:

:jumps back into the bushes:

hooray for water blast, nature affinity, and symbionic/bionic/whatever armor being officially announced tho! yaaaay!

i have a name saved. i hope sorcery has fx that are all around generic theme-fitting and not too many runes, maybe more sparkles than runes. i always loved fairy-god-mother and her bippity boppity boo.



Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post
i always loved fairy-god-mother and her bippity boppity boo.
Sometimes I get the impression your a little bit of a fairy yourself. Forum magic and all.

back on topic, why make sorcery by itself. I'm surprised we didnt find a mutation or whatever else pool along with this one.



I won't mind terribly if they charge for it, but I sincerely hope they do NOT limit it by the character's origin. If I want to have a Tech character take some Sorcery pool powers, that should be my choice.

Now if they want to do something like the Blackwand/Nem staff where it does bonus damage if you have the right origin, I wouldn't mind that. But at least give me the option to pick the powers I want.



Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
Sometimes I get the impression your a little bit of a fairy yourself. Forum magic and all.

back on topic, why make sorcery by itself. I'm surprised we didnt find a mutation or whatever else pool along with this one.
haha gosh, i am flattered!

i think that they are just going to release them periodically into the market, not all at once, but rather one after the other like the origin costume packs before Freedom, so im guessing that they will all happen but only sorcery has been ''started"



Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post
haha gosh, i am flattered!

i think that they are just going to release them periodically into the market, not all at once, but rather one after the other like the origin costume packs before Freedom, so im guessing that they will all happen but only sorcery has been ''started"
Glad you took that the right way.

And excellent point comparing these pools to the origin costume sets. It makes sense.



Originally Posted by Kyasubaru View Post
I won't mind terribly if they charge for it, but I sincerely hope they do NOT limit it by the character's origin. If I want to have a Tech character take some Sorcery pool powers, that should be my choice.

Now if they want to do something like the Blackwand/Nem staff where it does bonus damage if you have the right origin, I wouldn't mind that. But at least give me the option to pick the powers I want.
Unless they can release 5 at once, which I'm sure they wouldn't want to do even if they had the manpower, I don't see any kind of origin bonus or restriction being considered.

However, I think they may restrict it to only one of these special pools being in a build at a time, to limit "pay-to-win". After all, if they aren't better than at least some of the existing power pools they won't sell. No one is going to shell out for another Presence Pool...

I really should do something about this signature.



I really have no problem with them charging for it, my only worry is HOW much. A 5 power Pool set should NOT cost the same as a full 9 tier powerset, especially if a lot of the powers are drawn from other sets.

I can see 400-500 points, NO more than that.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I'm getting the strangest inclination that Sorcery will have a bunch of mez powers.

Maybe ST Sleep, ST Immob, AoE Stun, AoE Sleep, ST Hold?



Originally Posted by Darkdragon405 View Post
I'm getting the strangest inclination that Sorcery will have a bunch of mez powers.

Maybe ST Sleep, ST Immob, AoE Stun, AoE Sleep, ST Hold?

I thought we already knew the powers it had. All I remember was a fly clone and some type of mezz protection.



Yeah, all the powers have been revealed (albeit not officially). There are pictures of the power descriptions if you Google Search for them, but they keep getting deleted from here.

It's all over the map (two attacks, one travel power, one ally buff, one self-buff), but no Mez powers (except a chance for knockdown in one of the attacks).

Hopefully this post is vague enough that it won't get crushed by the mods.



I really want to know what it is, but my builds are pretty tight as is. I guess my toons do not need a travel power any

lvl 50 - Elec/WP/Mu Mastery Stalker, lvl 50 - Dark/EA/Soul Mastery Stalker, lvl 50 - EM/Nin/Soul Mastery Stalker

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lvl 21 - StJ/WP Stalker



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
Yeah, all the powers have been revealed (albeit not officially). There are pictures of the power descriptions if you Google Search for them, but they keep getting deleted from here.
And at any rate, even if someone googles them they should keep in mind that since the powers aren't even in Beta yet they could be drastically changed.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post

Hopefully this post is vague enough that it won't get crushed by the mods.
Does it talk about stuff you could find out by logging into beta?


Not vague enough then.

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Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
I really have no problem with them charging for it, my only worry is HOW much. A 5 power Pool set should NOT cost the same as a full 9 tier powerset, especially if a lot of the powers are drawn from other sets.

I can see 400-500 points, NO more than that.
Playing devil's advocate: that pool set would be available to all characters, all archetypes, all builds, all the time. That's incredibly more versatile than a set you choose once at the start of character creation and never get to 'spec out of/into. That adds quite a bit of value despite having fewer powers. Also keep in mind that many full 9-power sets usually have one or two really specialized or situational powers that won't be taking up a slot in the pools (buildup, taunt, tier-9 situational powers, etc) and the actual functional difference is even smaller.



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
Playing devil's advocate: that pool set would be available to all characters, all archetypes, all builds, all the time. That's incredibly more versatile than a set you choose once at the start of character creation and never get to 'spec out of/into. That adds quite a bit of value despite having fewer powers. Also keep in mind that many full 9-power sets usually have one or two really specialized or situational powers that won't be taking up a slot in the pools (buildup, taunt, tier-9 situational powers, etc) and the actual functional difference is even smaller.
Playing angel's advocate, since anyone can use it, they can expect to sell more units, which should keep the cost down...

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Playing angel's advocate, since anyone can use it, they can expect to sell more units, which should keep the cost down...
True, but you charge what the market will bear, not what it costs you to make. If you can make a widget for $.25, but the market will pay $5, you charge $5.

(... and get ready to adjust the price when the $1 knockoffs appear.)

... and realistically, will more people buy it just because its available to more characters? I buy a new powerset, I roll an alt. I bought 1 set. I buy a pool power, I roll no alt. I use it across a whole mob of my characters. I see the additional value, but the devs are only paid once. The only additional sales this would provide would be to people that don't have any interest in alt-ing or rerolling, so they're not buying the full powerset.
... and from a marketing perspective, there are additional benefits to the full-power-pool. When rolling and leveling an alt, there are other potential sales (new character slots, enhancements, boosters, etc) that aren't there when you're just augmenting an existing character. If anything, this would encourage them to subsidize a full archetype powerset (and recover the cost elsewhere).



I found this, not sure if I'm suppose to post this or not, but if I'm not, im sure it will be taken down. In any are the powers for Sorcery.

(Deleted link) I figured I'd probably get in trouble if i did show it.