720 -
Or it could be unexpected power failures, anything.. shrug... it happens, even with the best back up systems.
Just read the article.. i LIKE where they are going with the Rogue and Vigilante and Rogue arcs.. here's hoping we see regular arcs for them now!!!
Quote:It's about time they announced it!!! They snuck Martial Combat/Assault past the PIGG divers... that was the last "leak" that we haven't heard about yet... welll other than the suppossed "AT"I JUST FINISHED READING THE ARTICLE AND OH MY GOD THEY ANNOUNCED PSI MELEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I must keep zee capslock! -
That's his GR Bio, and you're right...
My guess on that teaser pic is i24 deals with refugees....
1) Aurora leading the Resistance refugees
2) Maurauder forming his gangs again with Loyalists and Destroyers
3) Pendragon...?? Night Ward refugees maybe?
And all of them heading to Primal... It's going to get a bit crowded here.... -
!!!!! Bean, I love you man!! I see lots more Doms in my future....
Yup... another week.. another fail at market offerings... maybe they should jut start labeling new powersets as "for Beta only" since they seem to have an aversion to releasing them or even hyping them much.
Quote:A good point.. however they are not even doing that. The offerings in the market are stupidly uneven. There is Nothing really offered this week worth any points beyond the Costume Bundle which I'm sure a lot of us already have. the 2 new emotes are mildly interesting but not even worth 40 points. The "sale" on the Super Packs is.. ugh.. not low enough.. 30-50% off woud have been better with the 2nd pack coming.Power set + Double XP seems to be a good way to get people to burn out. It's not about getting the "maximum money possible", but ensuring a continued revenue stream firstly, and then trying to maximize that revenue stream.
Say they released 1 set. Running that set over double XP doesn't seem like burn out... at most you'll get 1 all theway to 50 then start tinkering with the build. THAT to me is worth more money in buying IO sets and super packs then blowing points on sets I'l played all along. I realize to each his own.. but seriously... it seems with the last few sets they have had them sit on Beta way after they seemed "ready" (IE no major set changes in a while).
To me.. that seems a waste of resources.... If they released both sets next Tuesday.. I know many in the playerbase (me included) who would plonk down an Extra $15 just to get the points to get both sets. You can't tell me thats not making more revenue than 40 point emotes? -
Quote:Sorry.. but at least 1 of them should be released before Double XP... if neither are then it's another marketting flop in my book. Double XP + new sets would mean more people returning... but we've seen over and over Marketing seems to NOT want to make as much money for the game as possible.You do realize that having just released Water Blast not that long ago, that the odds are rather low that they'll be releasing either Bio Armor or Nature Affinity in the immediate future, right? And that the odds of both sets being released at the same time is even lower than that?
Patience, young padawan. There's a release schedule in place; we'll get new shinies when the production and marketing teams have agreed that they should be given to us. -
Quote:While the Idea may have been dropped.. my guess is the powersets haven't.. If they are close to what was leaked.. they are still viable... the "primary" may restrict secondaries a bit but who knows...Sorry to be a wet blanket, but my take on Z's comment is that the "Ryhmalist" has been dropped.
Doesn't surprise me, given all the people who posted in the "how much would you pay for a new AT" thread things like "I wouldn't give a cent over 600 PP". It would probably need to sell for something like 12,000 PP to make it economically viable. -
OK.. assuming no word play on Z's part... If the "Ryhmalist" isn't an AT... that's going to be 1 funky melee set.....
What is seen CANNOT be unseen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and Happy Birthday from 1 BP to another! -
Quote:Ski and i have the same idea- I already tried hm as a Rad/Poison but I absolutely hated the lack of mitigation in Rad.. WB will fit the bill and look more...'blood-like'.Water/Poison blood blaster for sure. Concept is the guy can manipulate his blood and drain the life and abilities of anyone he touches with his blood.
I even have the name.. "Hematologist" -
I've been WAITING for this hat!!! Now my scrapper "Patriot of '76" can be even more patroitic...FOR FREE!!
Quote:You Don't think Bio-Armor, as much as I love it, wasn't too overpowered?? The Regen Debuff alone is insane.. some reining in had to occur. I'd much rather have it in Beta than after a launch.I am no longer interested in Bio armor since the nerf herders are being listened too by the devs, I imagine if Psi melee is any good at all then they will nerf herd on it too. For some crazy reason Synapse thinks he can learn something from people with a stated negative agenda....
Is it me, or is Liam Neeson steadily approaching Samuel L. Jackson level of badassery?
Will definitely be seeing this... -
Quote:Trick Arrow is QUITE Soloable. The issue (and I see it as a relatively minor one at that) with TA is it does a bit of everything, just not at very high levels. It has every debuff except regen (hello Degenerative Interface) but every other set has higher values. I tend to like the "swiss army knife" feel of it but I can see where others might not like it.There are three (with a 4th possible) powersets that need looking into.
SONIC : IMO the worst Defender primary to solo with. Does OK on a team, but needs more versatility and less gimmick. My votes :
Sonic Siphon : Should do more. Every other power of similar nature debuffs 2 things. Or, in the case of Kinetics, does a debuff and a caster buff. How about if this power lowered the targets' resistance AND damage.
Sonic Dispersion : Needs to protect against sleep and needs the Resistance value increased.
Clarity : Needs to add Psionic Resistance to the target
Liquefy : Needs the recharge reduced
EMPATHY : Un-doubtably a serviceable powerset, but is a good example of what "not to do" when designing a powerset. Only 3 powers usable while solo. They are good powers, but just not in a very active way (solo).
Healing Aura : As the "Healer" set, this power could use an increase in effect. Setting above other sets like Radiation which have a "less-heal focused" concept. A 30% increase is my thought.
Either one of the following changes, but not both ;
A) Change Fortitude to a PBAoE buff that effects the caster, while reducing the effects by 25% and increasing the recharge to 180-210 sec.
B) Reduce the recharge on Both Auras so that they are perma with around 200% total recharge. Make these non-stacking from the same caster (if they aren't already)
FORCEFIELDS : This set if very functional solo and on teams, but doesnt stand the test of time. It needs more tricks to appeal to teams and something to help solo.
My favorite choice is to add some kind of debuff into some of the powers, but nothing that would step on other powersets. Also, make Repulsion Bomb better. Look at changing it to knockdown and a higher stun chance. Or more damage even.
The fourth set would be Trick Arrow, possibly, but I don't have enough experience with it to offer anything.
That saids.. I can FINALLY dump Stunning Shot and it's slow as hell animation for a superfast Ranged Shot? Hell YES. -
Quote:Yeah.. I watched the trailer and though "omg... a Block War....". I WILL be there opening night....Dredd taking on a whole City Block of bullet timing drug addicts? Awww yeah.
While these changes are nice and may get me to finish my long abandoned fire dev, i would have much rather seen something like increasing mez resists added to each defiance stack or something similar.
I am the design model for the new "Masons/Shriners Mastermind" Powerset don't ya know....
I run Jab-Boxing-Haymaker-KOB.. I never seem to have an issue with my chain- the only time my damage suffers is when Rage crashes naturally. And I dipped into the Precense Pool for that.... "Oh yeah? If I can't attack for a few seconds...NEITHER CAN YOU!! FEAR!!!"
Quote:On my Inv/SS tank nah, almost never use it. On my SS/Regen Brute I've actually found it situation-ally useful- If I get overwhelmed, it gives me a few seconds breathing room to allow my Regen to get me back in the fight.^^ This. People don't really use hand clap, do they?
On the topic of Incarnate Slots:
Anybody looked at the numbers on melee if you are saturated? You can move between IH, Rebirth, and Melee Hybrid, and always have 1000% regen. Are we seeing a return to the old days? -
Quote:Spiritual is actually better for Regen- I found Vigor to be tailormade for Willpower instead.Planet_J, I found your guide very interesting, but I'm surprised you didn't discuss the Vigour Alpha at all - no pros or cons for it, when it seems tailor-made for Regen. Any thoughts?
A Spiritual Total Radial Revamp gives you 33% to Recharge and Healing, and 20% to To Hit Buffs, even 16.5% to stun for Hand Clap or say Boxing. Vigor's Accuracy and End redux aren't needed as much as Recharge by a regen.