I can haz water blast?




Okay why make us wait any longer? You got 3 sets in the works. Nature Affinity, Bio Armor, and Water Blast.

There is nothing that really interests me in game being an 8 year vet aside from pvping. I've played through the game constantly, and I've run every trial.

Hell, I dont even pve much anymore aside from trials or new content (soon as its out I go through it and then thats that).

So, Devs, I humble ask you this: I CAN HAZ WATER POWERS NAO?!

Sweet Jebus on a stick, it looks like the coolest set i've seen in awhile. I literally am anxious. Overly anxious.

So when is it going to drop? Issue 24? If so, BAH! BAH I SAY!


Fight The Power



We're all excited about it, but seriously, the set is not ready yet. It's been on beta for not even three weeks.



You can "haz" when the power set is ready. Soon™

Originally Posted by Wolf_Reign View Post
Okay why make us wait any longer? You got 3 sets in the works. Nature Affinity, Bio Armor, and Water Blast.
Why make us wait? Because they aren't ready to be released? How does the number of sets in development (that are public knowledge) have anything to do with this?



Looking at the set, what is not done about it?

That's right.

Fight The Power



Patience. There are likely some bugs with it still, but it will PROBABLY be released before I24 since none of that content is on beta and we don't even know WHAT will be in I24 content-wise.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



I will be satisfied if it is before issue 24, then.

And I'm sure people all around are waiting for that one more than the rest of the sets they got coming out.

Fight The Power



Originally Posted by Wolf_Reign View Post
And I'm sure people all around are waiting for that one more than the rest of the sets they got coming out.
Not me... I am way more excited about Bio Armor than any of the rest of them.

I like how you assume to somehow know what the rest of the playerbase wants.

Also, I have this strange gut feeling that these sets will be released during the span of Issue 24, not before it. The Summer Event is coming very soon, and I am not certain they will be releasing exciting stuff to detract from that event. I've been wrong before though.



Originally Posted by Wolf_Reign View Post
I will be satisfied if it is before issue 24, then.

And I'm sure people all around are waiting for that one more than the rest of the sets they got coming out.
Actually, I am more excited about Nature Affinity and Bio Armor because I can think of concepts for those. Not really with Water Blast, strangely enough. Hoping they make a Water Manipulation powerset sometime.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Not me... I am way more excited about Bio Armor than any of the rest of them.

I like how you assume to somehow know what the rest of the playerbase wants.
I bet you when you get a vote, more people will want water blast over the other 2.

This is just based on all the hype people having been talking about in game.

Of course people want the others as well. I want bio armor. Could care less about Nature Affinity.

You know when it comes down to it, Water Blast will sell more. It's kind of obvious.

People have been talking about it for years. And it came into reality.

I'm not just blindly assuming.

Fight The Power



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
Actually, I am more excited about Nature Affinity and Bio Armor because I can think of concepts for those. Not really with Water Blast, strangely enough. Hoping they make a Water Manipulation powerset sometime.

Water/Elec blaster.

Conductive Pain

First name that comes to mind.

Fight The Power



Originally Posted by Wolf_Reign View Post
Looking at the set, what is not done about it?

That's right.
The testing process. It's been up for not even three weeks, when most sets are on beta for multiple months. The latest round of changes have been up for barely over a week, and it's not yet clear if more changes are needed.

As you say, lots of people are excited for the set, we want it ASAP, and Paragon wants our money. The set hasn't been finished for months like Staff was. It's not ready yet. We've waited eight years; we can handle another month.



Because they have a release calendar planned out months in advance and have a target date that Water Blast is supposed to go live on. All other market releases are scheduled around that, and have been for some time.

If any mistake was made, it was putting it on beta early enough that people would "OMG WANT" and complain about it. But of course that's a calculated risk, because there might be serious issues found that take time to fix. In this case they got lucky and Water Blast seems to be relatively trouble-free after a few tweaks.

You can say what you want, but nothing posted to the forums will result in a change of the pre-planned schedule.



It's like the devs get off on being withholding.



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
Is this going to be another Staff Fighting thing again?
I honestly hope not. That got pretty ridiculous in terms of how players reacted.

Originally Posted by Biowraith View Post
It's like the devs get off on being withholding.
More like many players are incapable of waiting and develop entitlement issues. Things are released as Codewalker stated. I think the real problem is having all this stuff hit VIP Beta... I may have rarely been invited, but I miss Closed Betas... they don't seem to happen in the same way anymore.



Originally Posted by Wolf_Reign View Post
I bet you when you get a vote, more people will want water blast over the other 2.
And I bet you're wrong. Water Blast got hyped to all hell here on the forums with the other two slipping under the radar. I didn't even know what Bio Armour looked like until yesterday, and the only reason I saw it was on suggestion from a friend of mine. Turns out it's amazing! Even when I still played Blasters, Water Blast never interested me. Bio Armour, on the other hand, is stacking armour done right, and indeed Stone Armour done right, at least from a visual standpoint. I've been a staunch defender of Stone Armour's stacking shield graphics, but having seen Bio Armour, that's simply a superior design.

I've not even seen Nature Affinity yet. I've heard nothing about what it does, either. I didn't even know it existed until a couple of days when someone mentioned it off-hand. I meant to check it out yesterday, but I simply forgot.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Nature Affinity:

They all look great and I personally really like what Bio Armor does when it changes your characters appearence.

But that does not disclude the fact that water blasting is now a real thing. Think about it. Hundreds of people use other sets to mimmick water blast. Yeah, even kinetic melee.
So imagine the idea that its actually there and the animations look great?

It's just one of the things a lot of people have been wanting for a long, long time.

Fight The Power



Originally Posted by Wolf_Reign View Post
But that does not disclude the fact that water blasting is now a real thing. Think about it. Hundreds of people use other sets to mimmick water blast.
And thousands of people use a variety of sets to depict a power that protects you by biological means. Regeneration, Willpower, Invulnerability... I've used Super Reflexes for this, even.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



It is generally unwise to speak for the vast majority of the population if you do not have numbers to back up your claims.



Originally Posted by TyrantMikey View Post
It is generally unwise to speak for the vast majority of the population if you do not have numbers to back up your claims.
Which is why I'm exaggerating and boasting, yes. I know Water Blast is popular, but I can't accept that it's THAT much more popular than everything else without some reason to believe that.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Which is why I'm exaggerating and boasting, yes. I know Water Blast is popular, but I can't accept that it's THAT much more popular than everything else without some reason to believe that.
Oh, Sam. I wasn't referring to *you.*



Originally Posted by Wolf_Reign View Post
But that does not disclude the fact that water blasting is now a real thing.
The other two power sets are also "real things" as they are also being tested on the Beta server at this time just like Water Blast.

They will all go live when the devs are ready to release them. Not sooner.



Patience is a virtue.

I was doing some playthroughs of City of Heroes. Now they will serve as memories of a better time ...



Oh look, it's this thread again...
*grabs popcorn*

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Im not in a hurry for Water blast. I love the set, but Im not interested in any secondary or leveling something that is not a blaster so...
Lets hope the release a martial arts secondary for I24 or something.