Sorcery Power Pool?

Agent White



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
Not even... purple hasten?
Purple Hasten? 'Scuse me while I kiss the sky.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
That's a really, really horrible idea, and it's been covered completely already.

You can't respec origin. Ergo, making anything new origin specific, while also stupid from a numbers/mechanics point of view is also going to hack off a bunch of people for any number of reasons.

Origin is fine the way it is.
Oh I don't know, it's not like they're changing anything that already existed. They're adding something new. So ostensibly, you wouldn't even have to touch if it you didn't like it. They are just pool powers, after all.



Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post

yeah baby



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
That is wise, since a safe bet for me is a bet I cannot lose.

Meh, no one/nothing is fool-proof. You've been wrong before and so have I.

There's always hope that power pool customization will happen some time...just like the new NW arcs say, "there's always hope, no matter how small." ^_^

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Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Meh, no one/nothing is fool-proof. You've been wrong before
I think this really needed to be said badly. Cheers.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Meh, no one/nothing is fool-proof. You've been wrong before and so have I.
About the basic properties of new powersets? Not since Issue 10.

As in: when Iakona left.

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Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
Turns out that it's a misspelling of Saucery. The Battalion are a cuisine-based species of chefs and we'll need to learn how to use Saucery powers to nullify and subvert their abilities in addition to making our own powers spicier and more delicious to use.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Turns out that it's a misspelling of Saucery. The Battalion are a cuisine-based species of chefs and we'll need to learn how to use Saucery powers to nullify and subvert their abilities in addition to making our own powers spicier and more delicious to use.
To Serve Man

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Turns out that it's a misspelling of Saucery. The Battalion are a cuisine-based species of chefs and we'll need to learn how to use Saucery powers to nullify and subvert their abilities in addition to making our own powers spicier and more delicious to use.
...Saucery, you say?



I usually disapprove of origin-specific powersets, but it's very likely they have most of the graphics done with talons of vengeance, so developer resources aren't being put to waste.

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Originally Posted by Auroxis View Post
I usually disapprove of origin-specific powersets, but it's very likely they have most of the graphics done with talons of vengeance, so developer resources aren't being put to waste.
I assume they're going with the idea that anyone regardless of origin can pick up some quick sorcery in this universe. There's probably a correspondence course.



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
I assume they're going with the idea that anyone regardless of origin can pick up some quick sorcery in this universe. There's probably a correspondence course.
Who needs a correspondence course when there's a perfectly accessible Midnighters HQ just around the corner?

It does make me wonder what's part of this set though. And if there are other origin specific sets to come as well. I could see a whole slew of gadget related fiddly things for a tech power pool, just way too many possible options to really nail down a specific need/want list though. Science could be a series of thrown/drank from beakers or gas grenades, so you could have a clicky resist or def buff or a super serum-type shot to resist stuns etc.

What would Mutant or Natural get though?



Natural might get something similar to Fighting or the old Fitness pool, perhaps. (before that was complementary. Gotta wonder what the newbies think of that)

Gotta wonder if they'll be Original exclusive, would be nice to have some Origin themed perks, though on the other hand I've always respected the devs' insistence on making cosmetic stuff purely cosmetic.

We'll have to see what Sorcery ends up being before we make any remotely educated guesses.



Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
What does the powerset entail?

Jerk-Hexers. All of them.
City of Heroes is finally gone to the Americans.
You have no idea how much it warms my chemical-stained heart to see the old memes still live. <3



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
{Same mini-rant about the posting of information.}
I don't understand this mindset one iota! The Beta is open to -all- VIPs. It is, for all intents and purposes, an Open Beta. So who gives a fig if people post things from it (as long as they should have access to the thing in the first place, that is).



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
Natural might get something similar to Fighting or the old Fitness pool, perhaps. (before that was complementary. Gotta wonder what the newbies think of that)
Out of all the odd superhero things that seems to be missing from all the comic book themed MMOs, I'm surprised that nobody has a Boomerang set. It's used in both big companies across a number of characters that I imagine it should be somewhat fair game as a possible set. I could see it being a great power pool, maybe a bit attack heavy though.

Gotta wonder if they'll be Original exclusive, would be nice to have some Origin themed perks, though on the other hand I've always respected the devs' insistence on making cosmetic stuff purely cosmetic.

We'll have to see what Sorcery ends up being before we make any remotely educated guesses.
Its a power pool, so I kind of hope it isn't attached to any specific origin. Plus, hopehopewishwish that sorcery has at least one ranged attack, as I'd love to see at least a couple of ranged attack type options in power pools, even if it weren't some spectacular thing, so that we wouldn't have to hold out 'til level 35(which still seems a little too long to wait) for any sort of ranged options for most melee type characters.



Well, if I was making Origin-exclusive powers I'd probably make em a power pool. (though that makes me wary of something like Feats in Dungeons and Dragons, where a misc power setting turns into total option overload)

On the other hand, I think Boomerang would work better as a full on Ranged Attack type powerset. Maybe. I'm not sure how things work at the moment.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
I don't understand this mindset one iota! The Beta is open to -all- VIPs. It is, for all intents and purposes, an Open Beta. So who gives a fig if people post things from it (as long as they should have access to the thing in the first place, that is).
I do see your point.

But, I imagine a couple of these leaks were supposed to be unveiled for the first time at the Player Summit, which, I believe, was promising exclusive reveals. It's a bit of a shame that it's out there for everybody to see.

But, as you said, what can you really do at this point, in terms of squashing rumors that are already out there?



Have the mods said anything against it? If not, I imagine it's fair game.



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
Well, if I was making Origin-exclusive powers I'd probably make em a power pool. (though that makes me wary of something like Feats in Dungeons and Dragons, where a misc power setting turns into total option overload)
I can definitely see that, but given an option of more options as opposed to less, I'll almost always lean towards a more open system.

On the other hand, I think Boomerang would work better as a full on Ranged Attack type powerset. Maybe. I'm not sure how things work at the moment.
No argument here. But if Natural is a hard thing to pin down as it seems to be and the boomerang niche does seem a general gap across the board in terms of comic book/superhero MMOs, that a power pool could fill it without having to go all out and make Boomerang into Archery 2.0



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
Have the mods said anything against it? If not, I imagine it's fair game.
They have modded/deleted a number of posts containing pictures, so I'd imagine that's some sort of statement.



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
I'd mark out hard for a Disco Bandit tertiary pool.