Toddlers and Starbucks
sry lol...i know it was random! :P
Starbucks and Apple have nothing to do with poor parenting. As the future husband of a pre-school teacher, I can tell you that with 100% certainty.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

noted, but i do have to tell you that those two companies i think are working together. Its kind of funny to sit here and watch people who come here. I HAVE run into a couple gamers who use their wi-fi for mmo's like i do lol. its great :P
You do realize that any of their Frappacinos can be made without coffee, don't you? In essence, turning it into just a flavored blended iced milk.
--Arkham : The Blackened Hatter
Virtue: The Iron Judge - lvl 50 Inv/War Mace Tanker.
And his amazing friends: Warman, Dr. Mindfire, Ms Mallet, Papa Cap, Ibis, Ragman, Queen Steam, Rudraksha, Teflon Girl, Kodiakman.
As I sit at my Coffee house smoking on the side walk*, drinking my Dirty Chai** I wonder why people have to bring their computers to the coffee shop when they can enjoy a beautiful day with coffee, tea, and smokes***.
*California law requires me to be 10 feet away from the door and side of the building, or on the side walk, when I am smoking.
** Dirty Chai = Chai tea with added espresso shot, I usually do it with 2 espresso shots.
***Smoking can cause serious health risks and or death. Don't smoke, if you do, stop. unless you are like me and want to smoke until death.
Ok. Giving children coffee is stupid. real dumb.
However, to say they shouldn't have ipods....well... you must not be a parent.
I bought my two year old a ipod (she is now 3). BEST GIFT EVER. An Ipod has the ability to (a) Show episodes of My little Pony and keep her entertained while we eat dinner at restaurants. (b) contains all of her Wiggles music that we can plug into the car (c) has THOUSANDS of educational apps available from the itunes store.
The cost of an ipod is "slightly" higher then those STUPID vtech things, and has the ability to do ALOT more.
Trust me. Ipods are perfect for kids.
I have no doubt that non attentive parents are giving coffee to toddlers, the abomination that is toddlers and tiaras proves how sad this country is getting.
That said, I used to date a barista and would sit in her starbucks for an hour or so waiting on her to get off everynight. I noticed this 'phenomenon' and mentioned it to her. She told me to sit closer to the register next time, as most of the moms that order for their little ones, do so by requesting it to be 'virgin' meaning it's basically just whipped milk and flavorings. Let's the kids feel included without having them turn into fiends.
Not saying all parents do that, just saying Starbucks does allow parents a choice in the matter.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
Ok cool, because i was afraid i was going to have to dothe superhero thing and shut down starbucks. for good.
OK, I'm sorry but i can't take it anymore! I've been using the wi-fi here at a local starbucks in westport CT. These people are flippen MAD! Giving toddlers large cups of coffie. And these little children are sitting there eating and drinking coffee..*sighs* i dunno maybe im over reacting or maybe im not, but like 4 times ive seen parents bring their children in give them a freakin espresso while they sit on their i-phones and do what ever. Is this country really going this route..who gives a 2 year old a frappacino. She can't even talk yet and shes drinking coffee like shes 32. Oh and while i was at work yesterday i saw a 4 year old on a ipad...this is getting out of hand. Starbucks and Apple...YOU ARE EVIL! i will bring you down with my level 50 brute!!