Chapter 1
The first night:
I was always a nice guy. Never hurt anyone. Never stole from anyone or threatened anyones life. I still dont understand what I did to deserve this fate. I guess my problem is that I tend to be too trusting and too nice. Your probably wondering what happened. So let me tell you.
I used to be a college kid. I studied the Culinary Arts and I was well on my way to a degree and a great paying job. Yea I partied but hell
I was in college. Who didnt? Things were great at first. I met cool people and got to experience a lot of different things. The one thing I regret was the drugs. I got caught up in the Dyne. After my first taste I was hooked. But it didnt stop there. The parties were every night. It got really bad when a group of friends of mine and I went on a 3 week binge.
During the first week the parties we fun. We traveled out to Skyway City and picked up 5 jars of dine and had a blast! People were so pumped up they were dancing and giving light shows. The Dyne family had grown and there were about 20 of us. I remember at one point it got so crazy some of us were riding around in the back of Marks car with the trunk open. Sitting in it giving traffic light shows. Light shows were fun because while you tripped on dyne the streaks of lights still remained after in a slight glimmer. It was like Ecstasy. We stopped at local gas stations and shuffled and listened to House and dub step. It was energetic and non-stop. Even outside of the grocery store. Man I feel stupid now. Sitting here in my compound remembering how dumb we must have all looked.
During the second week things started to turn for the worse. We ran out of places to party at and well. Me being the nice guy that I am. I decided to let everyone party at my place. Boy was that a bad idea. I shouldnt have. Otherwise Id still be living in my one bedroom, going to work and school and finding a new girlfriend. Oh as a side note. Doing dyne and hanging out with hot women came hand and hand. While being me. Those two as a combination were irresistible. I cant tell you how many times in a night I got laid, because Ive lost count.
Still the parties at my house were fun. The lightshows. The music and the friends. Actually everything was ok until a really dumb drugged up friend of mine made a really stupid decision. He thought it would be cool to go out and pull a lick on a group of trolls
Who does that?! At least no one with a brain and the strength of only a human does. Then the worse part of the whole thing is. Is that he came BACK to my house right after!
So Im lying in my bed with my girl. Were tripping on Dyne and its just me and her. Everyone else is in the living room, the kitchen. Outside on the balcony even. My friends or people I thought were my friends were watching the place. Making sure no one was stealing or causing trouble. Man was I in the zone. High on dyne, about to get lucky. The night was looking good.
Everything changed about 30 minutes later
The door swings open as commotion is herd from the living room.
Hey! Dude! Grant just robbed that group of trolls that shorted us last night, and hes hiding in the break room at the grocery store we need to go get him. Suave said.
Robby and Jenny were still lying down in bed, startled by the sudden interruption.
Get out suave jeez! Cant you see we are busy
? Jenny said.
Hold on he did what?! Why would he do something like that? Does he know what those animals are capable of? Robby exclaimed.
Yea I know brah, I dont think he knew exactly what he was getting into. He just wanted to get Courtneys money back from last week. She worked hard for that cash. He probably felt bad. Suave replied.
Well ****. If hes out there too long theyre going to find him and kill him. Theres nowhere for him to go. Robby said.
Dude we have to go get him, bring him back here until we can figure out a plan. Suave said.
Well if were going out there we might want to roll deep. I dont feel like getting shot over some stupid dyne. Robby stated.
At this point I was worried about my friend more than myself. I guess thats what was what the problem was. Never thinking of myself and always others. I mean how could he have been so freakin stupid! It wasnt that important. It was just Dyne!
Everyone at the party began to gather their things. What little they had. Most of them barreled out the door and began to run down the street towards the grocery store. I soon followed. Last of the bunch. As always. Had to lock my doors and turn off the lights. The usual stuff. I could see people running into the double doors as I turned the corner. Once I got inside the store people were rushing down isles and searching the bathrooms. I remembered that Suave had told me that Grant was hiding in the break room so thats where I looked first.
The break room door flings open. Grant is on his cellphone texting someone.
Dude! What the hell is wrong with you!? Please tell me you didnt rob those trolls on 3rd street?! Robby yelled.
Shhh man you want the whole store to hear you. I did it to get my girls money back. I couldnt think of another way. They deserved it. Grant answered.
Deserved it? This isnt an innocent school yard game man! This is some serious stuff youve gotten everyone into. How much did you take? Robby asked.
Ten thousand dollars in Dyne and forty two hundred in cash
replied Grant.
we are so dead. Robby said.
Im sorry man, its the dyne. I wasnt thinking. I dont know what to do. Grant admitted.
Look lets get you outta here, head to my place and figure out where to hide you till we can sort this out. Robby told him.
The two of us exited the break room of the grocery store and met up with everyone at the front of the store by the cashiers registers. At this point I was thinking to myself. Hey what are you doing robb. Youre getting yourself caught up in something that you dont need to be a part of. But stupid me. I didnt care. Grant was my friend and he needed someones help. It was night time and it was pretty busy for a Sunday. There were a lot of people out in the parking lot so cover was easy and we hid him well within the crowd of friends. Eventually we got him back to the house. It wasnt the smartest plan but it was something.
Now if any of you have ever been on the dyne you would know that it can make you do some pretty stupid things. Youre going to laugh at this one. When we got back we ended up doing the dyne and splitting the money. I know I know. What were you thinking Robb! I wasnt.
An hour or so passed. And by that time everyone there was high as a kite! Dancing, drinking, smoking. It was a pretty decent party. At that point I forgot about the situation and so did grant. We didnt care! We should have. Come to find out. The trolls that Grant robbed were friends with one of the other girls that was at our party. She heard about it and hit them up. I couldnt believe it. I didnt find any of this out until it was too late. An hour passes and Im again. Lying in my bed with my girl Jenny. This time it wasnt just one person that barged in. It was the entire party. People had a really scared look on their faces. I knew something was wrong. Everyone turned off the lights and cut the music. I hopped out of bed in my boxers and walked out the the living room. Some of my friends were barricading the front door! I couldnt believe it. A friend of mine told me that there were three people outside circling my place. I didnt know what to do. And there were women here.
I couldnt think fast enough so I did what I knew I shouldnt have. I went outside and confronted them. All I had to protect myself with was a little .25 and a bow staff.
Robby walked out the front door and Suave soon locked the door behind him.
Hey...I dont know what youre doing here. But you need to leave. Robby said.
He knew exactly why they were there. But he was protecting his friend. His stupid friend.
The three middle aged men began to back up slowly as they texted on their phone.
We just want our stuff back and the person who took it.