Always night in Atlas?




I may of missed a page somewhere and not sure if it's an I21 thing or what.....But has it always been night in atlas? And if not why is it always night in atlas now? Anyone?




Thank you!

@Altus Vir
Triumph Server

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Originally Posted by Sween View Post
Short Answer: Halloween Event.

Long Answer: uh...Haloween Event.
No need for condescension...Like I was supposed to know that. Thanks for the answer.



Originally Posted by OMGMOREDEBT View Post
No need for condescension...Like I was supposed to know that. Thanks for the answer.
I don't think it was meant to be condescending; I think he was just making a funny.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I don't think it was meant to be condescending; I think he was just making a funny.

tee hee....



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I don't think it was meant to be condescending; I think he was just making a funny.
Indeed, Mostly everything I post here is some sort of snarky joke.

Condescension, on the other hand, would look more like:

You know, that's an excellent question, capslock. If only there were some way to find out...


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Originally Posted by Sween View Post
Indeed, Mostly everything I post here is some sort of snarky joke.

Condescension, on the other hand, would look more like:
*declines witty retort*



...which is itself a witty retort, or at least an attempt at one, while trying (unsuccessfully) to pull off an "I ain't even mad tho." U clearly mad, bro. U mad.

If I knew you were going to be so overly defensive for no reason, I would have honestly trolled you instead of just trying to be cute. Serves me right for being nice, I guess?


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in a few words atlas isnt always dark just during halloween....
and interesting side note is
Couple of years ago dark astoria wasnt dark was light all the time....

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



It is also not eternal night in Ouroboros (which makes sense because it's in another time), Cimeroa (ditto), The Abyss, and The Hive (hamidon's not a holiday pers-er, ameoba I guess?) either.


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