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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    In BaB's words, it'll happen about the same time as the Dual Archery Defence set.
    On the other hand, he did say they'd have to fire him and get someone else first ...
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
    -Dr. Aeon rewrote the introductory Ouroburos arcs
    When's he going to get around to rewriting the rest of the old content?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Couldn't you do that by paying the sub, and just not reading the forums?
    If I had more willpower, yes.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
    Weren't you leaving anyways?
    Joking aside, today is the last day of my currently paid subscription. Freedom had me reconsidering letting it expire, but I'm starting to think I'd prefer to be part of the community that will become Freems and Preems than the part that will become VIPs. I enjoy interacting with that community (in game) far more than with this one (out of game).
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    It boils down to about 50 posts per month. In my opinion: No.
    Pfft. Forget you guys! I'm leaving!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    Sam, like BillZ just said, I have no idea how you could claim you aren't here for the community with over thirty thousand posts on a social forum.
    Is my post count small enough to claim I'm not here for the community?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Darn. I was looking forward to the nerdrage. Oh well. I guess I'll have to settle for the guys raging about the VIP server.
    I was going to post you one, but it looks like the Mods got it. Here's a follow up he made, though.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zubenelgenubi View Post
    Really? You're saying level 20-40 characters are doing incarnate content? That's.... an interesting take on it.
    Both stories are intimately tied to the Incarnate storyline, and the Strike Force even returns Incarnate rewards.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
    And for new players without a group, this game is going to suck incredibly bad.
    Soloing in this game is awesome - completely unparalleled. No MMO delivers the solo game this game does - none of them are even remotely close. I cannot understand why so many people cannot grasp that concept.

    They get /Help. /Help is a pretty awesome channel. They'll be fine.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
    there was in Issue 20 (mid level TFs)
    I still don't consider the i20 TFs to be non-Incarnate, but I'm eating my crow here, so have your yucks. It's my last day anyway.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
    And here I thought all the people asking me about that in Ustream yesterday just happened organically. I see now that it was prompted by a Steelclaw list.

    There is no spontaneity. Everything has already been in a Steelclaw list.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Or the fifty bazillion posts Jay makes in the art threads, which can't *all* be about incarnates, like:
    David and Jay are different people, aren't they? Anyway, without knowing something this big was coming (which, note, you did know even if you didn't know specifically what) and the announcement shortly thereafter of the Incarnate Armour and other art-related things tied to the Incarnate system, I can't really see anyone making the connection that what he was excited about wasn't those, which are intimately tied to the Incarnate system.

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    You mean like the April Producer's Letter:
    In hindsight, I'll give you that one. I was in a very anti-Paragon point at that time, and read it more negatively than was warranted. Where's my crow?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Many people tried many times to point out this apparent gap in your knowledge. You were simply highly resistant to being told this, or having this information pointed out to you. Its that resistance, not your lack of knowledge, that is the problem.
    I don't deny knowing they were working on simultaneous issues. I deny knowing that the simultaneous work was not all Incarnate related. Can you point me to some specific post stating or implying that the concurrent development was not Incarnate related?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    The information was here, on the forums, for anyone who was following along.
    Unlike you, I have never been invited to a closed anything, and open testing is so crowded that it's very difficult to keep up with at all. The way I see the game and put together hints is vastly different from the way you do, because I have access to vastly less knowledge than you. You really need to stop implying I'm stupid because I have access to less information than you. I'm ignorant, not stupid.

    Since i19, until yesterday, I have never gotten any sense that the developers were interested in working on anything except Incarnate stuff. Knowing that they were doing simultaneous development does not tell you that they are working on non-Incarnate content; it tells you they are multi-tasking. My central premise here is not telling us there was non-Incarnate development in the wings was a bad idea.

    The overwhelming sense the game has put out for the past year has been "Incarnates," as if there was nothing else. Even the defenders of Incarnates never once argued that there was other stuff being developed in the background; they argued that the rest of the content didn't go away, so those of us not interested in Incarnates still had plenty to play with. Had there been actual hints of non-Incarnate development, someone would have said something, and verification of that from the developers would have been very mollifying (I am mollified knowing it now, after the fact, albeit still a little bitter over the long silence. Had I known long before now, the mitigating effect would have been more obvious.)

    We've seen the output of a single shard of Paragon Studios for the past two-and-a-half issues. It has been very focused (as you'd expect), and there were no hints that the other shards were working on something else altogether. That's the problem.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    It is truly atounding to hear you say you called that they had people working on non-incarnate/non-praetorian stuff, since you frequently have stated you felt they were never going to do anything but trials and incarnate stuff.
    I called it yesterday, but not before. And they had never hinted at having non-Incarnate stuff; they've mentioned "considering" and "contemplating" solo Incarnate stuff.

    Unless of course the "hints" have all been on Facebook, Twitter, or Ustream, in which case I go back to the other part of the post in which I "called it" (here) in that information not on the forums or website don't exist to me, because of how I access information.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    City of Heroes Freedom: Oh my gawd! The Developers have decided to restart THEIR tournament!
    You mean you're contagious? You better stay away from me!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
    And Second Measure is apparently super excited about it.
    That's not news. Second Measure's job is to be super excited about things.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
    I name the server Roger.
    You can't name a server "Roger"!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Second Measure View Post
    We divided up into strike teams -- smaller teams within the bigger City of Heroes team -- each focused on a different area of the game.
    Ha! I called it!

    Seriously, I know you guys wanted to make this a big announcement and drop an awesome bomb on us with the news, but it would have been nice if you told us that you had teams in the background working on other stuff (without having to tell us what that "other stuff" was) for the past several months, simply so those of us that have had a giant feeling of being left in the cold for a year would actually have known it wasn't true. For the past year, you've been sending a message of "all Incarnate, all the time", and it's been very off-putting. Knowing "something" was in the works for the rest of us would have done a lot to smooth some of the very ruffled feathers we've had around here.

    Hype is overrated; letting your customers know you're not simply dismissing them is far more important.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gatecrasher View Post
    "Monthly story arc?" I'm starting to think I missed something somewhere. Was this in the Ustream, and if so, can someone provide a 20-words-or-less explanation?

    Bullet point #4: Experience VIP content (including the City of Heroes Going Rogue™ expansion content and new monthly Signature Story Arcs) for free.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    If Incarnate components are sold for Paragon Points, you'll need more than 400
    I believe the idea is that some of the other things coming - the "Incarnate" auras, costumes, etc. - will be purchasable with Paragon Points, not the Incarnate abilities themselves. So you can choose to save your merits to buy abilities, and use Points to buy the others, or you can play twice as much and buy it all with merits.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    What's with the funky soul patch?
    I think she learned to put on makeup from Queen Amidala.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
    I think the main idea was to restrict Masterminds, given their popularity. After that they needed to pick one from Hero side for balance.
    Probably, and of all the hero-side ATs, Controllers are the most like a Mastermind.

    Also, Dominators have pets, but not buffs; buffs also add to the server burden. Controllers and Masterminds have both pets and buffs, making them a double burden.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
    On Ustream, Positron said it was too much of an in-joke to use.
    When talking about the "exclusive VIP server", which basically exists solely for the benefit of current players or those that want to play with current players, an in-joke is actually the perfect label.