Do I FINALLY get what I want?

Blue Rabbit



Well, well, such a hullabaloo I've not seen since ED en masse ragequits and forum rantages...
But I couldn't care less.
What I want to know, is, will I finally get what I've wanted for this game since day One of Beta? Here's my list:

Light Blaster Powerset ala Legacy Chain, et al
Laser, pulsar, disruptor firearm Powerset
Magic graphics for current powers (examples provided on request)
Water Blaster Powerset
Underwater Zone, aka Atlantis
Outerspace, durn it! (including Moonbase)
Elemental effects on melee weapons
True Shapeshifting Powerset
Giant Powerset (ala Wasp and Giant Man)
Emanation Point customization (where's my fiery eyeblast!)
Reorganization of the CC---it's a hot mess, right now

That's my short list. With the onset of Freedom and, apparently, new ways of developing the game, is any of this now feasible? I'll put up with this craziness as I will continue my subscription and only interact with the new system when it pleases me to do so. However, I would point out finally giving me what I want would go a long way towards keeping my cash flowing into the coffers.




Originally Posted by Calibre View Post

Light Blaster Powerset ala Legacy Chain, et al
Laser, pulsar, disruptor firearm Powerset
Magic graphics for current powers (examples provided on request)
Water Blaster Powerset
Underwater Zone, aka Atlantis
Outerspace, durn it! (including Moonbase)
Elemental effects on melee weapons
True Shapeshifting Powerset
Giant Powerset (ala Wasp and Giant Man)
Emanation Point customization (where's my fiery eyeblast!)
Reorganization of the CC---it's a hot mess, right now

1: No
2: No
3: Not a clue
4: No
5: No
6: No
7: Not a clue
8: No
9: No
10: Not a clue
11: Not a clue

Also; what rage quitting? So far there's been pretty positive reactions to all this.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I haven't seen any ragequit posts. Would the OP be so kind and provide links to them? They are very amusing to read.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I haven't seen any ragequit posts. Would the OP be so kind and provide links to them? They are very amusing to read.
Sorry for lack of clarity: ED ragequit posts. Normally, I write much more clearly---but lately, I've been experimenting with NOT drinking coffee. The results are just as I expected

@Techbot Alpha

You have some links to prove your negative assertions?




Originally Posted by Calibre View Post
Sorry for lack of clarity: ED ragequit posts. Normally, I write much more clearly---but lately, I've been experimenting with NOT drinking coffee. The results are just as I expected

@Techbot Alpha

You have some links to prove your negative assertions?

Darn. I was looking forward to the nerdrage. Oh well. I guess I'll have to settle for the guys raging about the VIP server.



Light Blaster Powerset ala Legacy Chain, et al - The Legacy Chain just use recolored Energy sets (Blast/Manip./Assault)

Laser, pulsar, disruptor firearm Powerset - You could get away with Dual Pistols or AR as this with a bit more extensive Costume/Sound Effect options (or use a Robot MM, but I know that isn't quite what you were looking for)

Magic graphics for current powers (examples provided on request) - There are various auras that are magicy (first and foremost that comes to mind is Runes, then the Steampunk Victorian one). So you could utilize those. But more power customization is more customization, so more aura options and choices? Sign me up!

Water Blaster Powerset - As far as an actual Water Blast set goes, I have my reservations that it'd be worth the time and investment to get the Power FX right (and have them not lag the game to Hell) for reasons that BABs pointed out when he was asked about it. As much as I wouldn't mind getting another new elemental powerset, it's still a better bet to recolor another set (like say, Energy Blast again. Man, that set can be used for a LOT of concepts).

Underwater Zone, aka Atlantis
Outerspace, durn it! (including Moonbase)
Elemental effects on melee weapons
^^^ Agree completely with these

True Shapeshifting Powerset - Same reservations here as with the Water Blast set. I just have my doubts that the return investment of time it would take to get this single set right wouldn't be worth it. Granted, if new skeletons were made, it'd open up a lot of doors, but then again, the Devs would have to concentrate exclusively on things that would utilize it for the next two Issues or so (at least) to get something out of all the work that would take (refitting costume options, from scratch animations, power effects, movement, etc.)

Giant Powerset (ala Wasp and Giant Man) - Same issues as with the Shapeshifting Powerset, while on a lesser scale (but this is a Giant set! You can't have Lesser scale in a Giant set!). Giving Players the ability to use Giant Monster scales and having them shrink to Baby Newyear sizes (and smaller), and having those linked to powers themselves, would run into a lot of issues (in-door maps in offices/sewers/warehouses being the chief among them). If you wanted to just have your character get stronger/tougher as they changed sizes, why not get the Science Pack Power (that lets you change your character model) from the Paragon Store once it comes out, and RP Super Strength/Invulerability/Will Power that way? (or, if you've already bought it, run with the concept that way).

Emanation Point customization (where's my fiery eyeblast!) - No issue here. This would add a lot more options to the creator and open a lot more concepts with various powersets.

Reorganization of the CC---it's a hot mess, right now - This I don't really get. While the CC interface could be streamlined a bit more, its always seemed (at least to me) to be pretty easy to pick-up and use. How would you reorganize it?

All in all, while I wouldn't mind getting all of this stuff either (and quite a bit of it are things other players have been asking for as well) some of it would bring up too many issues and utilize too many resources to be directly implemented (which is why over time, we've made work-arounds for them ). Should the Devs find some new way to make all of this stuff and have it not be the hassle it currently would be? I'd say go for it

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Originally Posted by Calibre View Post
Well, well, such a hullabaloo I've not seen since ED en masse ragequits and forum rantages...
But I couldn't care less.
What I want to know, is, will I finally get what I've wanted for this game since day One of Beta? Here's my list:

Light Blaster Powerset ala Legacy Chain, et al
Laser, pulsar, disruptor firearm Powerset
Magic graphics for current powers (examples provided on request)
Water Blaster Powerset
Underwater Zone, aka Atlantis
Outerspace, durn it! (including Moonbase)
Elemental effects on melee weapons
Emanation Point customization (where's my fiery eyeblast!)

... short list. ... new ways of developing the game... any of this now feasible? ... craziness ... new system ... my cash flowing.
Waiit a minute, something's suspicious. They don't take cash payments and I'm pretty sure their coffers are kept private! :P

On a slightly more serious note, I decided not long before Going Rogue was set to come out, after we knew most of it, that I was going to predict the coming storm would be the basis for the next expansion pack, and it'd be the perfect place to include the underwater and/ or space zones. The other ideas of yours (the ones I quoted) would fit in perfectly with it.

In light of Positron's recent comment, I'm thinking more future space base and '20's Paragon City, actually.

That said, I have a weird feeling none of them are happening anytime soon. I do like the idea of being able to select more ways of 'firing' a blast type power at someone.


Still hate the visit Winscott mission- make it dropable, have it give actual exp or remove it altogether. PS- Down knows who you are.
J/ Wilde/
/ AIL - Celebrating five years!



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Darn. I was looking forward to the nerdrage. Oh well. I guess I'll have to settle for the guys raging about the VIP server.
I was going to post you one, but it looks like the Mods got it. Here's a follow up he made, though.



Originally Posted by Calibre View Post
What I want to know, is, will I finally get what I've wanted for this game since day One of Beta? Here's my list:

Light Blaster Powerset ala Legacy Chain, et al
Laser, pulsar, disruptor firearm Powerset
Magic graphics for current powers (examples provided on request)
Water Blaster Powerset
Underwater Zone, aka Atlantis
Outerspace, durn it! (including Moonbase)
Elemental effects on melee weapons
True Shapeshifting Powerset
Giant Powerset (ala Wasp and Giant Man)
Emanation Point customization (where's my fiery eyeblast!)
Reorganization of the CC---it's a hot mess, right now
Young man, you'll get none of those and like it, young man!

I have no idea what will and won't be in I21 by the way.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Short answer: No
Long Answer: Nope

Don't I know you???



Originally Posted by Calibre View Post
Light Blaster Powerset ala Legacy Chain, et al
They gave us that nearly two years ago. Legacy Chain's light blast powers are Energy Blast shoved through the power color customization screen.



Originally Posted by Calibre View Post
Sorry for lack of clarity: ED ragequit posts. Normally, I write much more clearly---but lately, I've been experimenting with NOT drinking coffee. The results are just as I expected
Trying the "No Mt. Dew" thing myself.

Time to pick up more Crystal Light, I think...

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Calibre View Post
@Techbot Alpha

You have some links to prove your negative assertions?

Originally Posted by Calibre View Post
Light Blaster Powerset ala Legacy Chain, et al
Laser, pulsar, disruptor firearm Powerset
Magic graphics for current powers (examples provided on request)
Water Blaster Powerset
Underwater Zone, aka Atlantis
Outerspace, durn it! (including Moonbase)
Elemental effects on melee weapons
True Shapeshifting Powerset
Giant Powerset (ala Wasp and Giant Man)
Emanation Point customization (where's my fiery eyeblast!)
Reorganization of the CC---it's a hot mess, right now

1) As others have said, re-coloured energy blast is all Legacy chain blast is. Wether we ever get alt animations or sfx is anyones clue.

2) No sign of it yet, and it has been suggested for a long time by a lot of people. Having seen them finally release 2H weapons? Anyones guess.

3) Again, no idea. Again, it's been mentioned before a LOT. They are aware of it.

4) Never going to happen. To make it look 'right' would require Ultra mode, and that would require everyone use Ultra mode as a base. Thats not going to happen by the Devs own admission, ergo it's not happening.

5) Ditto. It wouldn't even BE a proper underwater zone, because of the complications of power animations, power effects...the list is very long, and has been covered and Dev debunked many times before. In BaB's words, it'll happen about the same time as the Dual Archery Defence set.

6) See above, but anyones guess. They may do a moonbase zone sometime. I doubt they'd do vacuum, though. Again, power effects and animations.

7) If you mean costume pieces? No idea. The WW look alike in screenshots had two unique weapons. Actual In-game effects? Would require re-working every weapon set, ergo no.

8) + 9) Not happening. Ever. Game engine limitations. Been raised and put down many, manty times before.

10) Anyones guess. Would like to see it, though.

11) 100% want to see this. Wether it happens is...anyones guess.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
In BaB's words, it'll happen about the same time as the Dual Archery Defence set.
On the other hand, he did say they'd have to fire him and get someone else first ...



Yeah, forgot that:
Hasten needs a complete revamp
Add Staff, pole arm weapons etc.




Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
All I want is a new animation for Hasten.
No arguement there

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Please note, these are my guesses based on my knowledge of the game.

Light Blaster Powerset ala Legacy Chain, et al
Probably never as this is a signature aspect of the group. Similarly, you will never get all the costume parts they have.

Laser, pulsar, disruptor firearm Powerset

Magic graphics for current powers
Tough to say. ALTERNATE graphics for current powers? Yes, they have already started that. Magic graphics? Maybe for some select sets.

Water Blaster Powerset
Could be. Has been requested a number of times.

Underwater Zone, aka Atlantis
Another tough one. The devs seem to have implement a test of some aspects but there's still a lot to address.

Outerspace, durn it! (including Moonbase)
Very likely, in my opinion.

Elemental effects on melee weapons
Very likely, in my opinion. We already have elemental shields.

True Shapeshifting Powerset
I don't see any reason why not. We already have powers that completely overwrite our appearance.

Giant Powerset (ala Wasp and Giant Man)
Pretty much guaranteed to be never, due to how the game works.

Emanation Point customization (where's my fiery eyeblast!)
Probably, as this is another highly requested item.

Reorganization of the CC---it's a hot mess, right now
eh.. who knows? I don't imagine it's a high priority.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I'd say "never" for water sets. As pointed out by a Dev not too long ago, it tends to only look good with Ultra settings.

Similarly, there seems to be resistance against gigantism among Devs for some reason.

I'm doubtful about major new zones like underwater or moon unless Freedom really takes off.

The elemental stuff seems quite likely, especially with all the FX talk lately.

CC reorg -- I hope so.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the energy set originally a water set when the game was being developed?



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the energy set originally a water set when the game was being developed?
I believe so; or rather, it was their attempt at one. Note the "bubbles" around the blasts. It didn't work right so they modified it into an energy blast set.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth