I am not appreciating the Trial Grind




I am not appreciating the Trial Grind. It bore repeating.

Apparently so do the trials. At least, if we want to play and improve our level 50 characters, that's what we have available to us.


So, I'm throwing this out there...

I hope that the future provides us alternative methods to unlocking the Incarnate slots than just repeating the same content over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and (this goes on for a while) and over and over and over and over and over and... You get the idea.

On top of that, it's still not a guarantee that you're going to win. Suffice it to say, people are still losing at these things, and they're stressful enough without the realization that there are people on the team who can't take direction.

It leaves me disillusioned and uninspired.

Yes, I know more trials are on the way. I know I'll be getting some variety to my grinding. While I look forward to attempting the new challenge, that's as far as my despair is alleviated.

I'll make do as best I can, in the meantime. It's the only option available to me. But I'm still going to voice my discontent.

They're not BAD tasks. They're great, challenging stuff. It just gets frustrating when you have to repeat them over and over and-I'll stop there. I like the storyline behind them, I like the setting, and I like the abilities they eventually unlock... But I'm getting nauseous grinding these things out to slowly crawl my way up the new ranks.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



It's only a grind if you make it a grind.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



For what it's worth, though... I agree with you, OP.



I quit weeks ago. I haven't done a BAF or a Lambda in awhile. Just couldn't do it anymore. I have tier 2 of my Judgement, tier 1 of Interface. I'm at 70 something percent on Destiny and 16 percent on Lore.
I know others have done far more. But that was it for me.
Ironically enough I am still kind of grinding. I've been running Tip missions for recipe rolls, and AE missions for tickets to get salvage. Trying to get my first purple set.
Anyway, I guess a long winded way to say I agree with the OP.

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It can get nauseating if you go overboard; if you know that there's other content and options on the way, why not pace yourself and take your time? You don't have to rush through and cram as many trials in as you can, or get the powers right away - that's the Well talking!

That said, do you lead the runs yourself, Mr. Grey? If you're looking for ways to make these trials more interesting you can start leading them yourself, and put together unorthodox teams. It wasn't until I started managing the league formation that the trials really became an engaging experience - and once you see how easy it is to form them it's much easier to dial it back and run other content as the want strikes.

I've been pining for any sort of endgame for CoH outside of Hamidon for about 3 years now. What we've got is excellent, and very casual on its own. I can see why players who go overboard by needing a T4 right now can be pulling their hair out over the repetition, but playing 20 trials in a sitting is their choice - it's not inherent in the system, but found in player's choices.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




I agree with you grey we need other ways to earn threads and even components. I now have 8 incarnates that have all 5 powers opened and 7 that have slotted enough to be 50(+3) when the run the trials... That translates to a LOT of BAFs and Lambdas.

I know the Keyes island Trial is coming but to be honest while I enjoyed it on Beta its really only giving us one more option and how long will it be before we all get sick of looking at that over and over as well?

It's been asked for repeatedly but SOME people here seem to be dead set against it.. we need Incarnate contacts that will allow us to solo or throw together a 2,3, 4 5,6 , 7 or 8 man team and run missions and/or arcs earning threads and even some random components toward slotting the powers. Maybe even a new praetorian zone for 50 levels .. this has been suggested before as well. Put everything a players needs in the zone

Hospital with combat nurse

Wentworths/black Market

Io Vault

IO Crafting tables

Store (to buy or sell SO enhancemenets)

Add several contacts with arcs, and even some solo missions, to give us that solo/small team path and it would also be a great place to launch the other trials from.

Make the arcs a challenge of course.. missions involving battles against a variety of Cole's Praetors sometimes even two in a mission (similar to what we have now through Maria Jenkins).

Keep adding trials as well since they can be fun but quickly grow old when you have done it 100 times or more. So far we have gotten to battle Siege and Nightshade, Maurader and Anti-matter is next in line. At some point give us Mother Mayhem in more than a cut scene cameo role. In all there are 14 Praetors and including the Apex and Tin Mage TFs we have only battled 6 ( 7 once 20.5 hits) We have plenty more to deal with so get them out here and let us pound on them.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



I just wish the Trials weren't so tightly scripted as they are. They're pretty much "railroad tracks" as far as the scripting goes. BAF Prisoner Phase and the Lambda Collection Phase are the most glaring examples of this. Everything happens pretty much exactly the same every time.

The Prisoners have their extremely limited pathing which produces Choke Points (that people have figured out) and is ENTIRELY PREDICTABLE on every single run. The Prisoners follow exactly the same pathing every time they spawn, without variation. That could stand to have some variables thrown into things, even if only to "keep the players honest" about preventing escapes.

Collection Phase in Lambda is TOTALLY PREDICTABLE since the crates and acid chambers spawn in exactly the same places on the one-and-only-maps for their wings of the facility. There's no variation in the layout, and the objects to destroy always spawn (reliably) in their designated spots. This phase is basically run "according to script" because the spawn/map behavior is so relentlessly singular in aspect.

For me ... that's the main failing of BAF and Lambda. Once you've run them a couple of times, you know the pattern(s) for them ... and they never break those patterns. And as we all know ... familiarity breeds contempt.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
But I'm getting nauseous grinding these things out to slowly crawl my way up the new ranks.
So stop doing them. You did know that it's supposed to take a long time to get up the new ranks, right? That you're not supposed to do the trials to the exclusion of everything else?

Originally Posted by Draugadan View Post
I quit weeks ago. I haven't done a BAF or a Lambda in awhile. Just couldn't do it anymore. I have tier 2 of my Judgement, tier 1 of Interface. I'm at 70 something percent on Destiny and 16 percent on Lore.
I know others have done far more. But that was it for me.
See, Draugadan caught on, albeit probably a bit late. If only he had figured out pacing from the start, he'd probably be doing what I'm doing, which is not trying to cram everything in and taking his time, and he wouldn't have felt any strong desire to just quit. He would have been working on that purple set all along, with a healthy mix of tip missions, AE arcs, probably some task forces here and there, and even some regular ol' contact missions, Rikti ship raids, an occasional Hami raid, etc.

Would he be as far along as he is with Incarnate stuff? Of course not. But he would be further along with that purple set, he would have been able to spread the work out among three trials instead of two once the Keyes trial goes live, and it's not like Issue 21 is coming out next month or anything. Shoot, he probably has six months to a year before worrying about any more Incarnate stuff, since we've gotten exactly zero indication that Issue 21 will be significantly adding anything on the Incarnate system.

So yeah, if you're tired of the trials, stop doing them or at least slow down. If I did them over and over and ... and over again, I'd be sick of them too; so I don't and I think they're pretty durn cool.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
It's only a grind if you make it a grind.
No, it's a grind if there's nothing much else to do, IMHO.

Now, I pushed a character or two - one of which was done mostly because a friend was running them when I got off work, didn't *plan* on having her at multiple T3s. But, really, I haven't hopped on a trial for a while now.

Thing is... I don't look forward to going back *on* one. I'll give Keyes a whirl or two when it's out, but... eh. Even spaced out (say, running one of each a week,) it's still "grindy feeling" to me because it's the *exact same stuff.* (Which is also part of my complaint about redside... so linear.)

Plus, as Redlynne mentions - it's very tightly scripted. No variation, really, other than "Pull to the court/wall or try to keep them separated," for instance.

I'll be happy when we have more "stuff" and I can make real Incarnate progress via missions, solo missions and small task forces as well as trials, just to mix it up and keep it interesting. IF that ever happens.



Positron said in one of the U Stream casts a while ago that he's aware a solo/small team progression method is something the player base wants. and he said it was something potentially on the horizon. They're also going to keep adding more trials, it only feels like a grind right now because it's a new system being introduced and all the content hasn't been developed yet. I think it's understandable that these things take time and I'm sure the dev team is working as fast as they can to give us more options... My only gripe (and it's a big one) is the algorithm used for the rewards system.



*remembers the days of a lot of people grinding the ITF in a speed run to get those TF recipe drops*

I like trials because to me they're fun and a good laugh with the team

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Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
*remembers the days of a lot of people grinding the ITF in a speed run to get those TF recipe drops*
Yeah, people keep bringing that up, and conveniently forgetting to mention that it was only a fairly small section of the playerbase that was doing this over and over.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Yeah, people keep bringing that up, and conveniently forgetting to mention that it was only a fairly small section of the playerbase that was doing this over and over.
I've done the ITF -- get out your calculators -- once. That's right. Very pretty zone, challenging enemies who are wonderfully realized. Might even be a good story (who knows?), but my god was it laggy. One and done.

People who frequent the Screenshots section know that I'm all about alts. Just rolled up a few new ones this past week, in fact. After seeing how much I have to earn and what I have to DO for that earning in order to create the thingamajigs for that post-50 goodness, I've opted out. Maybe next summer there will be enough post-50 variety so one can go from trial to trial getting the bits and pieces needed to make whatever the hell it is we're supposed to make, but right now the lagginess and horrifically steep costs of the tidbits is ridiculous, making the repetitive grind physically painful.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



I didn't mind how you only had to run one ITF to get the set, or how the Vanguard merits could be earned by any sort of content in the entire game so long as Rikti were involved. And that's a lot. Pretty simple stuff that didn't require too much work.

But it does feel like in order to get the costume sets you've gotta grind and grind and grind. Can I just run one trial and get my auras and chest emblems like how I did with the ITF's Roman armor? Or can I earn E-merits from completing high level TFs/story arcs? Please? Give us more options.



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
It's only a grind if you make it a grind.
Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
So stop doing them. You did know that it's supposed to take a long time to get up the new ranks, right? That you're not supposed to do the trials to the exclusion of everything else?
Right. After all, it's not like theres only 2-3 three things in the whole game that allow us to get anything for the new powers, so-

Oh, wait.

That 'arguement' is unreasonable, no matter how many times you tout it.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
*remembers the days of a lot of people grinding the ITF in a speed run to get those TF recipe drops*

I like trials because to me they're fun and a good laugh with the team
And, oh look; they then changed that to Reward Merits, so you could run nearly any content and still work on reward rolls. I mean, shock horror, you could even SOLO and still get merits drop.

Trials run in entirely the opposite direction, and that is not a good thing. More choice > Less choice. Alpha slot > Thread slots

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
No, it's a grind if there's nothing much else to do, IMHO.

Plus, as Redlynne mentions - it's very tightly scripted. No variation, really, other than "Pull to the court/wall or try to keep them separated," for instance.

I'll be happy when we have more "stuff" and I can make real Incarnate progress via missions, solo missions and small task forces as well as trials, just to mix it up and keep it interesting. IF that ever happens.
I have to agree with the its a grind if you make it a grind even if it is quite blasé simply because the current system of two Trials is all that is available for - bar the minority of shard drops - Incarnate seekers. If the developers were to withhold up to five Trials at once then release them I believe it would encourage more grinding than the current system. Simply because it would be an overwhelming release and what-with the RNG system for Component rolls people would feel the need to run more of the Trials to obtain more of the components/rewards. The latter of which is what people are replacing the lack of other Trials by doing more of the same trials.

As per the quotation of RedLynne unfortunately the majority of Strike/Task Forces/ Trials have specific tactics that are efficient and tend to allocate the highest reward with the lowest risk. I run Lambda/BAF once dailly - if I can - and I do incorporate the same tactics but that is because in constrast to grinding I wish to give myself the best chance of reward without the need to repeat the system - i.e Grind.




Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
I know the Keyes island Trial is coming but to be honest while I enjoyed it on Beta its really only giving us one more option and how long will it be before we all get sick of looking at that over and over as well?

It's been asked for repeatedly but SOME people here seem to be dead set against it.. we need Incarnate contacts that will allow us to solo or throw together a 2,3, 4 5,6 , 7 or 8 man team and run missions and/or arcs earning threads and even some random components toward slotting the powers. Maybe even a new praetorian zone for 50 levels .. this has been suggested before as well. Put everything a players needs in the zone

Hospital with combat nurse

Wentworths/black Market

Io Vault

IO Crafting tables

Store (to buy or sell SO enhancemenets)

Add several contacts with arcs, and even some solo missions, to give us that solo/small team path and it would also be a great place to launch the other trials from.

Make the arcs a challenge of course.. missions involving battles against a variety of Cole's Praetors sometimes even two in a mission (similar to what we have now through Maria Jenkins).

Keep adding trials as well since they can be fun but quickly grow old when you have done it 100 times or more. So far we have gotten to battle Siege and Nightshade, Maurader and Anti-matter is next in line. At some point give us Mother Mayhem in more than a cut scene cameo role. In all there are 14 Praetors and including the Apex and Tin Mage TFs we have only battled 6 ( 7 once 20.5 hits) We have plenty more to deal with so get them out here and let us pound on them.

This would completely turn around the Incarnate system for me from being 'oh god no' to 'oh hell YES!'. I like the trials but they are tightly scripted and feel more like the end fight of a TF, packed with gimmicks to take down the AV. Which is nice, but I like the build up of a TF with different enemies, rising to the challenge of the final boss be it Romulus, Reichsman or Recluse.

I keep dipping my toes into them but I just find them too repetitive, scripted and grindy to give them anymore than a passing glance.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Yeah, people keep bringing that up, and conveniently forgetting to mention that it was only a fairly small section of the playerbase that was doing this over and over.
Can't say I agree. On every server I played it was a fairly significant part of the playerbase.

The important difference is that there was other "competitive" options. Let's assume a 30 minutes completion time for the ITF, which seems about right for PUGs back around that time, you could pick any other TF and it'd take you maybe 2 hours at most. Four times slower was a significant hit, but progress could still be made at a decent pace. There also was the option to buy those recipes from the market, by making influence pretty much anywhere (and of course, it's always been much faster to just make money with the market than farming TFs, but that's a slippery slope and likely the reason why we keep getting these completely new advancement systems).

On the other hand, here, if you want to do something other than the trials you go thirty, forty times slower. That's the real problem - scale.

If anything, speed ITFs for recipes are a fine example that there's no need to put such a tremendously high penalty on non-itrial progress. I took the two hours vs thirty minutes example earlier, but that was kind of a worst case scenario, and many other TFs took barely more time than the ITF ; yet people didn't run them nearly as much as the ITF. Going just twice faster seems to be more than enough to gate people to specific content.

I'm not asking for a ratio that good because the frustration and difficulty of having to find at least 8 people for a trial (and in PUGs, this is most often going to end up with 16 people because "omg, it's impossible with less than that") has to be weighted in somehow, but I think there's some middle room between twice slower and thirty times slower.



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
It's been asked for repeatedly but SOME people here seem to be dead set against it.. we need Incarnate contacts that will allow us to solo or throw together a 2,3, 4 5,6 , 7 or 8 man team and run missions and/or arcs earning threads and even some random components toward slotting the powers.
Suppose they added one Incarnate arc in I21. You can run it solo or with friends, and get a component at the end. Then you're done on that character, and all you have left is the Trials again. Would that be okay?

Assuming it isn't. Imagine there are two Incarnate arcs. You run both of them, then you're done and it's back to Trials. Heck, imagine they pull a RWZ, and have *four* arcs, with an overall epic story that comes to a climax in the final mission of the final arc... and then you're done, and you can only replay the story again on another character. Would that be good solo/small team Incarnate content?

Assuming it isn't. Assuming you never want to see a Trial again and still get progress on your Incarnate powers - spending about the same playtime as the Trial players, accounting for time to gather Leagues and learn tactics. How many arcs would that take? Probably more than twenty. All with excellent writing and interesting mission mechanics and a standardized reward payout so anyone who runs through all of the arcs is guaranteed to be at the same level at the end, Incarnate-wise. Yeah, that's certainly not asking much.

Okay, so assuming you agree that at least *some* solo/small team content will need to be repeatable. For people who like teaming, it's a nice bit of variety to put in between Trials... but soloers now have *no* choice other than to grind the repeatable content until their eyes bleed. How many repeatable solo arcs would you need until you didn't feel like you were just doing the same thing over and over? Seven? Ten?

Always keep in mind that the solo path will have to be *noticeably* less effective than Trials, to make up for the higher cost of entry on Trials. So some people will feel they are "forced" into Trials by the higher rewards, anyway.

A completely solo path to Incarnate power that doesn't feel like a grind at any point would be nice, but unfeasible. What we will get is, in all likelyhood, more grind.

Character index




(I concur with you, Mr. Grey. It took me close to 100 attempts before I got my *FIRST* Very Rare component. Once I had that, I quit the Trials [since I had enough components/Threads for a Tier 4 and three Tier 3 enhancers]. It was more stressful for me getting metric tonnes of unwanted components than it was running 8 dozen Trials. We need variety in the Trials and an overhaul of Biblical proportion for the loot system! )

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Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
What was so bad about the Alpha system? Why was being able to do anything in game and make progress so bad?
The Alpha system *worked*. There was no need to restrict the *entire* future progress to two insanely grindy tasks.

Oh, and it also meant people who were trying to level alts could still get progress. And level with friends. Y'know, the main selling point of this game for many years?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



What's funny to me is that the original City of Heroes launched with just levels 1-40, and it took all of one Issue for the next 10 level to be patched in. When City of Villains launched, it also launched with just levels 1-40, and it also took just one Issue to add not just the last 10 levels, but Mayhem missions, as well.

Now we get an expansion that is, apparently, supposed to be all about end game. It's taken them two Issues so far and it looks like it'll take them another one or two just to get to the end of it, let alone actually make enough content for it not to be a grind.

Oh, sure, when my villain first hit level 44.5, he ran out of missions entirely, save for paper missions, and I had to run something in the neighbourhood of 30 of the things, Mayhems included, until I hit 45 and got a new tier of contacts (who lasted all the way to 50). Even ignoring that that's been fixed, that's still a FAR greater content density than what Incarnates have, which is give or take two tasks.

Once upon a time Matt Miller said that they didn't want to make "just a few trials that people would be done with in a week and ask for more again." Ignoring the fact that that's precisely what they did anyway, their solution was to make a "system" which people would want to progress through regardless of content. Well, here's the naked truth - people WILL get "done" with your content eventually. The question is whether they're done because they simply did everything there was to do, or whether they're done because they are sick to their stomachs of what you're offering. The former, while problematic, is still a positive ending. You're done, you have fun, "now what?" The latter is a bitter, angry ending born of frustration and irritation.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'm not arguing for a solo path to Incarnate power. It would be nice, but it would just be the same in the end. Another grind. What I'm asking for is just a wider range of availability.

Look, when we unlock our Alpha Slot, we have a number of paths to choose from in order to craft and slot that first Incarnate Ability. We don't wind up doing the ITF over and over and over again just to unlock all of the different Alpha abilities. We COULD, but we don't HAVE to. It doesn't wind up boring the player to tears having to do one little event ad nauseum. If I feel like doing the Apex TF or the Hamidon Raid, these options are perfectly valid and viable for the Alpha Slot. If I don't want to do them, I could still do Reichsman content, a Lady Grey, or even just crank through a few missions and get random Shards. I can still experience the rest of the game and not feel like I'm slacking behind.

The other abilities, though, are inexplicably tied solely to the Incarnate Trials. In order to improve in them without doing the trials, you have to slow your progress to a pace that makes snails look like lightning.

Threads may drop faster (MUCH faster) than Shards, but compared to the availability (Shards are everywhere, Threads are in just a few situations), Shards are still in greater supply. The Exchange Rate between them doesn't take into account the difference in rarity in terms of drop rates or crafting abilities, either. Twelve Shards could net you an Uncommon piece of Salvage. For the same thing in the new Incarnate Salvage, you would need Sixty Threads.

But then you don't need to farm for the new Incarnate Salvage. Just run the trial a few more times. Downgrade all that upper-tier salvage into the lower-rank salvage you need. Burn Threads to sidegrade your salvage if you messed up and chose the wrong piece of salvage (and may the Gods help you if you picked the wrong Very Rare, sidegrade costs for that are bizarrely astronomical).

If you want to continue to improve your character, it's impractical to stop doing the Trials. If you want to improve your character, it's impractical to do the Trials just a few times... In a row. You need to do them a lot. Only they improve your character's other Incarnate abilities, and they're the only decent way to unlock them in the first place.

I could do a TF once a week and feel like I'm making progress. Different TFs, too. Now, I'm doing these Trials daily, the same Trials again and again. I don't feel like I'm going anywhere.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.