Unofficial Handbook to the Virtue Universe - Now Extra Shiny




Sure-go ahead and show 'em off here. This thread replaced the old one because of the server change. Everything you'd post on the old thread...go ahead and post here! We don't bite.

At least, I'm pretty sure we don't.



Okey doke, then!

Here are pages for:
Judge Midnight
Moxie Danger

Both are very much works in progress, Moxie's more than the Judge's.



So articles that were previously featured have been retroactively removed from the featured pages list now that a new system has been put in place? Nice.



Originally Posted by Mr_Mud View Post
So articles that were previously featured have been retroactively removed from the featured pages list now that a new system has been put in place? Nice.
The new features pages will include an archive page listing all previously featured content. We've removing the categorization aspect however.

The old template has a list, that list will be moved to the Featured Articles project page as an archive. Each will have a brief blurb and maybe a picture for each if its a character page. I've been working on a lot of this behind the scenes to get ready for the first round of features in January as I have time.

But no I'm not completely trashing the old Feature list, that content is awesome.

The list of nominations is looking good so we have a good selection of pages for the random number generator.

And please feel free to use this thread to post your articles or ask questions!

I've been trying to keep the OP updated with information as I can.


Posted now points to

All old links pointing to are now being forwarded to the proper page on the new server at This includes all old VirtueVerse links and UnionVerse links.

Important Note: You will no longer have access to the old server or its content. The site can now be officially considered moved!



I've added my new main's page, Judith Amberbridge, but I'm looking for anything people can help with. I'm interested in any information that you might think I should add, or any issues with the current text. Looking at it I don't see any major issues but there's still something nagging at me I can't place about it.




VirtueVerse and UnionVerse will experience some intermittent downtime over the upcoming weekend while maintenance is performed on the server. We advise saving any page edits to an outside program. Any downtime should be short in nature.

Thank you.

Maintenance will be performed to reset the hit counters on pages, remove some unused content, and other tasks to keep the server running smoothly.



Goddammit, seeing all those fancy lay-outs is annoying me. I'm peeking into the edit history to see if I can replicate it, but all that code may as well be latin to me. :P



Originally Posted by poptart_fairy View Post
Goddammit, seeing all those fancy lay-outs is annoying me. I'm peeking into the edit history to see if I can replicate it, but all that code may as well be latin to me. :P
If I get some time (haha) I can see about making a template for doing the basic bordered colored boxes that a lot of people have.






I've modified the login page for the wiki. I've temporarily removed ReCaptcha which appears to have been subverted and replaced it with some common sense City of Heroes questions.

I will try to change these questions periodically and I'm looking now to see if I can get recaptcha working a long with the question. We've had a sudden influx of spammers recently and the question might be better at stopping them if they've been managing to get past ReCaptcha.

I have also set up a formspring account for myself which is visible on my user page. You can ask me VV questions there or put your requests in for new stuff. Its also a place to use if you want to report anything bad going on.



New Content Spoiler Tag

Ever wanted to hide spoilers on your content pages? Well now you can. A new feature has been added to VirtueVerse and UnionVerse that will allow users to wrap parts of their pages in spoiler tags. That content will then be hidden unless the viewer clicks the button to view it.

You can see this in action on the Getting Started page.


Content that appears normally.

<spoiler>Content that is hidden!</spoiler>

More content that appears normally.



Unused Images

Just a heads up guys. I've almost (with the help of a friend) managed to get the backlog of unused images cleared out. So starting in February unused images will be purged monthly during the last weekend of the month.

If you upload images to VirtueVerse please ensure you use them, the site is not meant to be your image hosting service.

Looking for Contact & Recruiting Categories

I will be purging both the "Looking for Contact" and Recruiting categories by the first weekend of February. Users will be welcome to re-add their content or the category to their page again afterward. We're looking to see these areas refreshed and are looking into a better long term solution.



The maintencebots deleted my VirtueVerse images with others, not amused.

Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
My 360 hates me and writes about it
Jack's X-Box's Blog
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---



Is it possible these images were not in use by any pages here?

I did a quick check to see if I could identify them by looking over the pages tagged as having been edited by you. Since there have been no edits since everything was moved to the old server, it's possible that I haven't identified all your pages, but I've seen only four: Jack Wolfe, White Bishop, Ragnrok, and Wolfetec. On those pages, the only page that is missing a picture is White Bishop; a search on the delete log doesn't show that image, leading me to suspect it may have been over 150k in size; those pictures were not migrated to the new server, as mentioned in the top post here.

If you have other pages, let me know; I can see about restoring the pictures on those pages.



Yeah I ment to say deleted and replaced cause, I don't type as fast as I think on my phone. The pictures of that clown (literally) on Jack's page are not mine. Mine were pictures of the old guy tanking recluse in a task force and another of him getting hit by a big heavy statue that grav grl praetorian tosses as part of her wormhole(?) attack

Looks like the file got written over with a new image, and now I can't remember my login to fix it. Not that the ugly clown guy would be happy with me deleting his file any who. Distinct possibility the clown is displaying my images on his page. Picures are Jack4 and 5. It's also possible someone was just messing around and it's been a while since I checked the page.

Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
My 360 hates me and writes about it
Jack's X-Box's Blog
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---



I'm betting on the latter, although maybe not with ill intent. Jack is a pretty generic kind of name, and I can see someone trying to make a "Jack in the Box character" using that name and not checking to see if the Jack3/4/5.jpgs were already in use. The fact that the date on those files is from October tells me that this was done before the switchover to the new server; unless Ransim has the images in some kind of archive somewhere (which is unlikely), the original images are gone.

That's the bad news.

The good news is, the files you mentioned (and includes a Jack3.jpg, too) are not presently in use by any other pages other than yours, so I see no problems with you re-uploading on top of those images. Because of the server switchover, everyone with an account on the old one needed to make a new account-so you don't have to worry about password issues; just make a new "Jack Wolfe" account (this is why I am using User:Coreth now instead of my original User:Ebon Storm). Let us know if you run into any problems getting up and running!



Originally Posted by Coreth View Post
I'm betting on the latter, although maybe not with ill intent. Jack is a pretty generic kind of name, and I can see someone trying to make a "Jack in the Box character" using that name and not checking to see if the Jack3/4/5.jpgs were already in use. The fact that the date on those files is from October tells me that this was done before the switchover to the new server; unless Ransim has the images in some kind of archive somewhere (which is unlikely), the original images are gone.

That's the bad news.

The good news is, the files you mentioned (and includes a Jack3.jpg, too) are not presently in use by any other pages other than yours, so I see no problems with you re-uploading on top of those images. Because of the server switchover, everyone with an account on the old one needed to make a new account-so you don't have to worry about password issues; just make a new "Jack Wolfe" account (this is why I am using User:Coreth now instead of my original User:Ebon Storm). Let us know if you run into any problems getting up and running!

Yes unfortunately everything Coreth has said is fact. Everything came over from the old server -as is-, that is why we left both servers running for several months and implored users to check their content. Unfortunately I know that for some people they weren't playing or using the site so they didn't get a chance to check until now.

I will check, when I get home tonight to see if the original files are in the massive backup file I have from the old server. I cannot however make any promises. That file is not only massive (12+ GBs) but many of the archive files were corrupt because the server was too full for too long.

I'm sorry, but to some extent Wiki sites are a gentleman's contract and you have to check your own content periodically to ensure it hasn't been tampered with. I suggest using the watch feature on your pages and images, that way you will get an email if any are changed.

But give the small number of sysops on the site its just not realistic for us to check every single edit or change made.




Sometimes I wonder if you guys actually check this thread, so quiet...

Looking For Contact & Recruiting Categories Reset

Please pass this news on to other users you play with or those in your super groups. Thanks!

We've removed all of the content from the Looking for Contact and Recruiting categories and have adjusted how the Looking for Contact page will display characters listed in the category. We urge all users wishing to look for contact to re-add the respective category to their character or group pages. Also be advised that these lists will be cleared out on a quarterly basis so it does not get very stale or out of date.

Also consider adding a blurb to your pages when you add them to the categories to describe who or what you're looking for, or what types of characters your group is recruiting.

Please feel free to join the discussion on this topic.