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  1. There are a lot of people asking if both groups are actively recruiting.
  2. The base is amazing, but the story is what caught my attention. I love it, man.
  3. OOC: Since I haven't gotten around to whipping up a virtueverse entry for him, here's a quick summary of Hideout.

    At the age of three, Clancy Callahan was abandoned by his father and forced to live in poverty with his mother, who worked as a cleaning lady for a meager salary. As a result, Clancy dropped out of high school to work and help his mom pay the bills, despite his higher than average intelligence. He found work as a janitor at a local bank, but when mobsters showed up and Clancy happened to be working, he froze up. The stress triggered his mutant gene, rendering Clancy completely invisible. Instead of using such a talent responsibly, he became a successful cat burglar and safe-cracker.

    Part I: A Smaller World
    Five Days Ago
    Villa Montrose, Port Oakes
    Simply put, Clancy Callahan was a thief. Not a supervillain, nor a mad scientist. No, he was just a thief. Not the 'world's greatest' or even the most famous. He preferred to stay out of the spotlight. Clancy used that mystique to his own advantage, allowing rumor and suspicion to build up around him to the extent that no one knew for sure what his powers were, and the rumors often outstripped his true abilities by a great deal. How could someone stab you in the back when rumor had it you had eyes in the back of your head?

    He had no delusions of grandeur. No vendettas against any one spandex-wearing superhero. He didn't do what he did for the thrill, nor the excitement or adventure. No, Clancy was single-minded in his pursuit of one thing and one thing only. Money. If there were any other reason (besides talent) Clancy had become as successful as he was, it was his stubbornness and hunger for wealth. He simply refused to be caught.

    It was that very fact about his reputation that led him to where he was - Standing at the threshold of Vito 'The Hammer' Carelli's luxurious estate. Three goons in black suits had "escorted" him past the entrance gates and up the driveway to the mansion itself. The driveway was so long Clancy was winded by the time they actually reached the estate. One of his escorts opened the door and gestured Clancy inside. It was everything he expected it to be. Fancy white furniture with golden trim. An oversized couch with ten oversized throw pillows. Ornate chandeliers with dangling jewels. A white, glossy piano was tucked away in a corner of the foyer. Clancy knew Vito was the type of guy who broke fingers for fun, not play piano. Vito himself met Clancy as he entered the main room, which looked like something straight out of Scarface.

    "Clancy Callahan! Welcome to my humble abode." He laughed. Humble my ***, Clancy mused. Vito himself was clad in a silky white house robe, his initials stitched into the collar, chomping on a thick cigar. A year ago, he'd have never taken a job from Vito Carelli. He was your typical mob boss. Emphasis on the typical. He was the kind of man Clancy picked as a mark, not an employer. But times were tough. And Vito was paying. So he agreed to a casual sit-down. "Right this way, Clancy, my good man." He added as he led him up the stairs. "Or should I say, Hideout." he chuckled.

    Even though he'd earned the nickname 'Hideout' from law enforcement agencies, Clancy had never meant to adopt such a moniker for himself. He was almost embarrassed when the codename filtered down to the criminal underworld he associated with.

    Ten minutes later, after being led down no less than five long hallways, they reached Vito's office. Clancy almost threw up in his mouth. Paintings of himself hung on opposite walls. He made a mental note - Be it a month from now, two months, or even a year. He was coming back to rob this guy blind. The paintings were all the reason he needed. Vito whipped his robe around as he moved behind his large mahogany desk. He gestured for Clancy to sit as well before he felt a buzzing in his pocket. His cell phone was ringing. It was one of those disposable tracfones, very popular with men of Clancy's ilk. He owned at least five different ones. But there were four people in the world with this phone's number. And three of them were dead. "I should take this." Clancy said, holding the phone up. Normally, Clancy would never take a call in the middle of a meet, but he didn't mind wasting Vito's time. And he was eager to find out who was calling him.

    Vito waved a hand and Clancy stepped outside the office. Again, there were two guards parked at either ends of the long hallway, no doubt to make sure Clancy didn't wander off. He answered the phone as he closed the office door.

    "Clanceman?" A voice spoke. Clancy cursed to himself. It was Derek Prewitt, the body mass-changing bruiser known as Bioshift.

    "This better be damn important. Speak fast." Clancy answered roughly.

    "Ahh! You're not dead yet! Awesome. Hey listen, something big is goin' on. I want to know if you'd be interested in getting involved."

    "I don't want in on anymore of your hair-brained schemes, Derek."

    "It's not mine! I'm not running it, man. And it's much more than just a job, Clancy."

    "What'd I tell you last time you brought me into one of those things? Remember what happened? Tannenbomb got pinched and Queen Condor's still in a wheelchair."

    This is different, Clanceman. It's big.

    Clancy sighed to himself. "No more costume gigs, Derek. I'm just a thief. I'm done dealing with mad scientists and superheroes."

    "You gotta' wisen up, Clancy. The world's getting smaller. Men like you aren't going to be able to operate solo anymore. You're earning table scraps compared to what everyone else is pulling in." Derek countered. Clancy felt a twinge of anger. Derek knew how to push his buttons. He must've sensed he touched a nerve also. "Listen. Think it over and get back to me. A new era's starting, Clanceman. You gotta' pick a side eventually."

    Clancy felt a bit sick as Derek hung up. Mostly because he was somewhat right. He entered Vito's office once more. Vito had his feet propped up on his desk, and was checking his diamond-encrusted watch. Clancy wondered how long he had been, or if he had just started simply to show Clancy how irritated he was. He sat down as Vito explained the details of the job. It was a simple bank heist. One Clancy was more than capable of tackling.

    "Five hundred large at completion." Vito finished.

    Clancy mulled it about in his head before shaking it. "I want a million."

    "Hah! A million. Five hundred thousand is generous. I'm doing you a favor just givin' you a piece of the action." Clancy crossed his arms defensively as he went on. "You don't want in on this, fine? I got ten guys on call if you don't. Guys like you, you're replaceable."

    "I think we're done here." Clancy said as he stood up. "Good luck." he added sarcastically.

    "You betta' wisen up and watch your tone, Callahan." Vito warned. "Or you won't walk out of here."

    Clancy pointed at a painting of Vito on the wall. "That's extremely tacky, by the way."

    "Why you- Security!" Vito punched a button on an intercom system on his desk. But Clancy had already disappeared.

    The Next Day
    Somewhere In Sharkhead Isle

    Clancy clutched his phone as he dialed back the number "Derek? Yeah, it's Clancy. I'm in."
  4. Meh. I still think Anne Hathaway is all wrong for Catwoman.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Wrong quote. XD

    By the way your costume (and all of the ones you make) kick ***.
    Haha, thank you.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Thank you, I appreciate that.

    However I do not appreciate having your posts dangled in front of me when I clearly put too much faith in the social status of this game. It went poorly. People did exactly what you said they'd do. Thanks. I didn't realize that before, during, or after the event.

    Sarcasm aside, I know I haven't been the most accepting gent in this thread. But seriously, something a little more constructive than "Look, I totally called it" would be nice.
    I was on as First Player.
  7. I just want more tights patterns. Is that so much to ask for?
  8. Awesome. More wicked cool, huge, badass Dragon Age-like armor pieces.
  9. I'll throw my hat in for the Comical category. I have a hero named Monsterface who's a sort of wisecracking Spider-Man type character. If this hasn't been filled already, anyways.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Congrats High Jinks!
    Thanks again man!
  11. Yes please. Would it really be that hard to fix this?
  12. High_Jinks

    Wish List for 21

    Originally Posted by Wooden_Replica View Post
    how about some level of Hench Custimization,
    Mercs among other things have always been a bit blah looking, or maybe you want your robots appear to look like some of the ingame robots
    This, this, and this.

    I want Self-Duplication. Bad. Like real bad.
  13. High_Jinks

    Wish List for 21

    Anything other than incarnate stuff.
  14. I still wanna' know why the Silence weren't rockin' more casual duds. It's like no one's going to remember you, why not dress with a little flair?
  15. Oh yeah, no disagreement there. Those were just for those who didn't know anything about the plot.
  16. Of course this and this were put out about a month an a half ago, but I'd bet most of the plot points and character roles still hold.
  17. The costume looks a bit cheap. The script is pretty bad too. I give it a season.
  18. I think it says a lot that Smallville did it better. Smallville.

    I didn't have high hopes for this show when I read the script and now... well this certainly isn't helping.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
    How about NO myths and maybe something more super/comic book like! We have touched on myths already. Let's see some epic stuff that is kinda like what we read in comics. I am thinking bring out the classic rogues gallery - like in Fantastic Four, Spider-Man and Batman (to name a few). They had some periods of amazing foes and story lines. This game is lacking a cool rogues gallery.

    Enough of the Nazis and the related factions. Add some more actual super hero genre stuff and not military types etc.
  20. Don't wanna' cry doom, but the absence of new costume sets worries me. Hope we won't be paying for them in booster packs from now on.
  21. I'm still shocked they didn't add a gorilla head.