A 'new' ERA in Mankind...
OOC: Hello, this is an Roleplaying VG doctrine inspired by @Xanatos, @Freak Accident and myself (@President SK). It is in correlation with Xanato's Thread and it is the precursor for all of the event threads (RP/PVP/PVE/AE) that we will be having here on Virtue.
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((Oh man. I may have a character for you; I have the best name reserved for a Beam/Time Corruptor, and he might not have a clear view of his own motives; ERA may change that.))
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

((This even inspired me to play a villain. Lookign forward to where this is going SK.))
Paragonian Knights
Justice Company
(I am incredibly interested.)
Y'all heroes better get ready for a beatdown, cause there's a new ERA in evil.
Eradicate, Rampage, Annihilate
For Fame and Fortune ~ #109709
[This sounds awesome!]
- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
Paragonian Knights
Justice Company
(It is good to see so many interested people. )

Everlasting Ruling Authority@President SK
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
Love having some life injected into Redside.
Awesome job SK (as usual).

-=Crey Threat Profile=- : : THE CHALLENGERS on Virtueverse
Shoot for miracles - the VALVe email campaign
I may actually play redside now... Evil Reign Arrives :P
Now I'm tempted to dust off either Coyote or Despair.....
Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
Now I'm tempted to dust off either Coyote or Despair..... Hmm. |

Everlasting Ruling Authority@President SK
((very nice stuff though i've said it before :P just reread all the posts and im very curious where your going with this as its very amusing seeing a legion of doom type group forming for a pretty epic cause (though most of the rank and file will likely never know the ultimate goal )
I had seen some logo for the two main groups involved on another set of forums any chance you might post em up here ? ))
I had seen some logo for the two main groups involved on another set of forums any chance you might post em up here ? ))

And so the Challengers wouldn't feel left out, we offered them a gift:

NOTE: Both were made by @Freak Accident
Eradicate, Rampage, Annihilate
For Fame and Fortune ~ #109709
I dunno... I kinda like the Challengers one. The Lightning bolt on the wheel chair sold me.

-=Crey Threat Profile=- : : THE CHALLENGERS on Virtueverse
Shoot for miracles - the VALVe email campaign
The House of Swords
- The Swords are a Chaotic lot. Slaphappy doesn't so much lead them as merely light the way for the devouring mass of crazies to descend upon Paragon and destroy everything the heroes hold dear. The Swords pimary concern is to cause suffering and sow dissent. Their actions keep the heroes on the back foot and stop them from being able to devote their energy to discovering what ERA is really up to.
Who would join them?
If your character enjoys mayhem, bloodshed, fighting, indiscriminate violence or even just malicious mischief, you will most likely be assigned to the Swords. Insane characters and those who do not do well with rules and structure will be most at home here.
The House of Pentacles
Baron Blitzman leads the House of Pentacles. An operation such as ERA takes enormous resources to work, and requires a great deal of planning and prepartion. Blitzman is a criminal mastermind, experienced and well connected. As such he oversees the many nefarious operations by which ERA receives their funds and distributes them. ERA have their claws in everything from bank robberies to heists to legitmate if questionable businessess.
Who would join them?
Characters who might be better described as career criminals and rogues best fit this House. If your character schemes to generate money, run criminal empires or steal valuable items, then this may be the best place for you.
The House of Chalices
(SK is the placeholder for this house till we find a suitable canidate)
The House of chalices represents the internal strength and loyalty of agents of ERA. They police ERA from within, weeding out traitors, weakness, and spies. They are feared, but respected, because everyone needs them to feel secure. Kain is said to personally vet each member of the Chalices to ensure there is no corruption.
Who would join them?
Characters who are level-headed, loyal, fair, but evil. Those who may devote themselves to the goals of ERA above and beyond their own needs. They might be a fanatic, or they may come from a military or martial background where self-discipline is valued.
The House of Wands
King Brain presides over the House of Wands. The Wands are the agents who work with the Trace most closely. They travel the world to areas where significant pieces of time need to be removed, and sometimes even enter the time-stream to alter the past itself.
Who would join them?
The Wants tend to attact more specialized agents. People who may operate in small teams or on their own, and normally the more "high-power" villains rather than street thugs or lunatics. If your character would more likely be trying to conquer America or Kill Statesman single handed you may be picked for the Wands.
Baron Blitzman, King Brain and Slaphappy are currently Viceroys.

Everlasting Ruling Authority@President SK
((My boy Calhoun looks like he'd either move in with the Pentacles or the Chalices. His story will turn him from fledgling hero to vigilant dispenser of his own sense of justice and loyalty. A certain event will lead him to be quite vigorous in testing the commitment of those he works with, so I'm leaning towards Chalices? We'll see. Perhaps we could talk in private, Prez.))
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

Sounds neat. Nicely organized.
The whole 'edit time to suit our purposes' thing won't end in roleplayer tears. Nope.
I would like to issue a plea on behalf of Paragon's diminutive protectors, please watch where you step. We're four feet tall in a six foot tall world, we've been cast adrift in a sea of butts. -Pillbug
Do you guys have set team nights for RP/missions/goofing off or is it more of a "play when you can, do what you want" type VG?
Do you guys have set team nights for RP/missions/goofing off or is it more of a "play when you can, do what you want" type VG?
Edit: Quite a few of us are on right now. haha.

Everlasting Ruling Authority@President SK
OOC: Hello, this is an Roleplaying VG doctrine inspired by @Xanatos, @Freak Accident and myself (@President SK). It is in correlation with Xanato's Thread and it is the precursor for all of the event threads (RP/PVP/PVE/AE) that we will be having here on Virtue.
ERA is a newly established VG (Think Secret Society of Super Villains) and a community for other interconnecting villain groups with like minded ideas. This was written up by @Freak Accident.

All feedback is welcome
Around 14billion years ago our universe ignited and began to spread out in all directions. An unknowable event caused time and space to flood out into our universe, creating everything we see and feel around us. The singularity that began our universe left a handful of tiny traces of itself, but given the vastness of the universe and the short lifespans of intelligent life, these traces have never been properly understood.
One such trace resides on earth. As the matter that would form earth collided and condensed, one sizable chunk collided with a fracture in time-space and the two were bound together. As the earth churned and cooled, this fragment found its way to the surface. Since the dawn of mankind, the place where it lay has been revered for its mystical significance.
Over time the people of what would come to be known as Bavaria built structures around it. A temple at first, and later a castle. Despite wars and conflict, the castle was never destroyed or even damaged. Many invaders who sought it could never even find the place. The castle passed into the hands of the wealthy and ruthless German family from which Baron Blitzman claims his lineage.
Only in modern times have the technology and energies needed to harness the power of the Trace existed. Sebastian Kain, powerful businessman and ancient demon combined, had long been aware of the rumors of this place. it was only a matter of time. He followed the Rogue Mender, who called himself Pioneer, until he had tracked down the Trace. He sought out Baron Blitzman and formed an alliance with the criminal speedster to gain access to the castle and set up a base of operations for the greatest and most ambitious project he had ever undertaken: ERA. Although Pioneer knew that Sebastian Kain was following him and had prepared, he was unprepared for the speed and ferocity of Blitzman. Baron Blitzman helped subdue Pioneer, and then they threw him into the Trace, knowing that it’s pulsing temporal energy would ensure he was lost to the void forever.
In order to harness the power of the Trace they needed to understand the fluctuations and subtleties of it. SK tried many of the finest minds he could employ, but their methods always fell short. It wasn’t until he contacted King Brain that he finally found someone capable of analyzing it. He ensured King Brain was freed from Ziggursky and gradually gave him access to the Tear itself. Initially they were able to understand and gather the ethereal Threads of incarnate energy, granting the trio tremendous power. However, their actions awoke the force that mankind knew of as “the Well”, a wellspring through which immense power was poured into the multi-verse.
Only an Immortal could survive direct exposure to the temporal energies of the Trace, and so Sebastian was the key to manipulating it. Sebastian Kain glimpsed in the Trace a web of links and possibilities spreading across all of time. Tiny manipulations of the cosmos created a pull and weave of causality that constantly wrote and rewrote time itself. Never one to think small, Sebastian immediately felt constrained by the strands of fate that bound him to all other things. His understanding of the Trace revealed to him that he was as much a slave to the universe as every other being, and that even his immortal existence was small in comparison to the universe itself.
This would never do. Sebastian would be enslaved by no one, not even fate.
He spoke with Blitzman and King Brain, and outlined his ambition. They formed a plan. they would use the Trace to steal time from the universe, siphoning off key moments in history to create cracks, or loosen the strands of fate. With enough careful manipulation they could cause the Trace to widen, splitting the cracks still further. Eventually they would gather enough power to tear the Trace asunder and shatter time itself. The Upper Echelon of ERA would enter the Trace at the crucial moment, and in the crucible of creation they would reforge the universe with themselves as gods. Free of the net they were trapped within now, they could make and unmake whole worlds to sate their desires.
The Plan
ERA’s activities have been widespread and the effects have been felt by almost everyone.
Have you ever had a friend who you can’t remember seeing for a few months, but they have no explanation for where they were? Have you ever met someone who is unaware of the Praetorian invasion? Do the Circle of Thorns look subtly different to you? Did you notice when some people began to be able to manipulate time? When did they gain that ability? Was it really like this just a few years ago?
For those who pay attention, the world is a jigsaw with missing pieces. There are gaps which make no sense. Changes have happened, people have dropped out of time and re-appeared months later without anyone batting an eyelid.
This is because ERA is dicing up time and changing the fabric of time space. Ouroboros may meddle from time to time, but even they do not see what is happening. They seek to change and prevent people from altering the past... ERA simply remove the unwanted parts with surgical precision.
The key to all this is the Trace, that lingering rip in the fabric of reality that they can use to pull out temporal energy. By doing so at key spots they can weaken reality and wreck havoc.
The one weakness in their strategy is that they need the flaws in time to focus on one spot. They need everything to cultivate in one definite date for doomsday. Only the Viceroys know this date, and they keep it a closely guarded secret. The reason is that if heroes understood what they are doing, they could disrupt ERA and set them back for years in their plans.
But Sebastian Kain is not a man to sit back and hope to go unnoticed. His ego would not permit him to skulk in the shadows, stealing time like a mere pickpocket. The best defense, as he knows, is a good offense. He has chosen villains to help him steal time, but also some to operate in the present day, sowing confusion and fear among the heroes, keeping them busy and off-balance while his true master plan develops unhindered.
“It is an advantage to choose the time and place for battle. In this way you know when and where the battle will take place, while your enemy does not. Encourage your enemy to expend his energy in futile quests while you conserve your strength. When he is exhausted and confused, you attack with energy and purpose.”
-Sebastian Kain (often ms-attributed to Sun Tzu)
ERA is a “mystery cult” mixed with a hierarchy based upon the feudal system. The further someone progresses in the organization the more they learn of it’s true purpose.
Noble level
The newest members know that ERA is run by some of the greatest criminal minds in the world and that they have a plan to overturn society with themselves at the top. There is much work to be done, and those who aid them are rewarded handsomely.
Knight level
Those who have proven some loyalty to the organization know that ERA have manipulated history for thousands of years, and that the modern ERA is simply a focal point for the group. They know that loyal service can be rewarded - even bringing a loyal follower back from death.
Baron level
The members who distinguish themselves with devotion to ERA are told that Sebastian Kain is capable of looking into the vortex of time, and had meddled with it to make ERA such a powerful force. They learn that ERA don’t just plan to take over the world, but that they plan to dominate civilization forever... Including the past. They know that ERA possess “the Trace” and have seen it, although they do not know what it is.
Archduke level
Only the most trusted members learn what the Trace really is, and that ERA have been using it to siphon off moments in time and key events. They are told that this is for a grand plan that will secure power for ERA for all time, and may participate in missions to steal key points in time.
The Founder & Viceroys
The Founder and his Viceroys are the chosen few who SK plans to take with him to ascend into godhood. They will remake the universe as their plaything. They have been chosen for their unique talents and each one is tasked with specific missions to bring the overall strategy to fruition.
Each of the letters in E.R.A have come to be interpreted differently from each individual member that takes up its mantle in allegiance.
The Enemy
The Challengers are composed of some of the most powerful heroes in the world, and together they pose a serious threat to the goals of ERA. The Trace indicates that they are the most likely group to disrupt their work and their actions cause ripples in time of disproportionate magnitude.
Whether this is because of Pioneer, or whether this is what led him to them is unknown. However, Pioneer as not lost for all time when he entered the Trace. By some miracle he managed to find his way through the shifting time-scape and emerged in present day. However, his mind and perceptions have been stretched beyond breaking point, and he remembers or sees only fragments of what he had discovered.
Through his rambling warnings the Challengers have discovered the mysterious ERA working in the background. They know that the hero and entrepreneurial genius, Sebastian Kain, is somehow central to ERAs goals, and that the fate of mankind is at stake.
Everlasting Ruling Authority@President SK