118 -
Thanks for everything, Zwil! Best of luck and enjoy the time with your family.
Happy birthday, JT! You're my favorite speedster (and not just cause you're the fastest).
Posted my thanks over on Formspring, but I also wanted to echo those sentiments here on the main boards. Thanks so much to everyone who helped planned this event and to those of you who showed up to support the RP. It was awesome, and I had a great time - even if I missed half the dialogue in Siren's because I can't multitask well!
Seriously, you guys were awesome. Thank you for coming out!
@Andy -
Quote:This sums up how I feel exactly. I don't use server transfers very often and being able to pick another account-related service would be great! (Though I have used the server transfers once, and I appreciate them being given to us as part of being a VIP.) Alignment changes, respecs, or renames in lieu of the server transfer all sound more useful to me. I don't remember exactly what the prices/availability are for some of the other account services, but something along the lines of a server transfer but NOT the server transfer would be awesome.I would be happy to have a low cost method of obtaining them myself for the convenience, though, and being able to pick one over a server transfer would be great. I'd never spend my stipend on them, though. Even if you view the points as "free", they can be spent on other, far more valuable items for a subscriber.
Thanks! -
Thank you, Dink! Can't tell you how many times I looked at the boots and thought, "Man, I'd totally buy these if I could get them without spurs." I will now be purchasing the Gunslinger pack when I22 hits.
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but I would love to have bikini bottom and skirt textures that match the textures of sleek tights, leather, etc. That way if I use a sleek tights top, my bikini bottom or skirt can match so it looks like a single piece.
Also, I'd like to see leather textures that are super shiny.
Thank you!
Edit: Hah! Posted 3 minutes too late! -
Quote:Head on over to our website! You can find more detailed information over there and fill out an application. You can also contact any of the officers in-game.My villain, Rock Hammer, would likely be a good fit in Titan. He is all about the cash.
Quote:this looks incredible.
my character adaptor would be a great fit, but team doom needs me.
Quote:I've already stated my love for this group in this thread, but I won't stop. If you're looking for an incredible group of roleplayers, you found the right people. I've unfortunately been out of game due to working nights, but that doesn't stop me from popping in when I can just to chat with them.
Keep on keepin' on, Titan!
And we're very happy to have you, LJ! -
Quote:Hi, Lewisite! Thank you for your interest! If you want to check out the group, I encourage you to visit our website. We have lots of information there that can help you decide which character might work best in our group. (And how our group might work for your characters.) Generally speaking, everyone who's recruited into Titan Industries has an interest in making sure the business is profitable. If you would like to speak directly to an officer, you can reach any of us in-game. @Andy, @Anhedonia1, @Kalen, and @T-Pill.Hmm. I'd love to join a group like this. I've got a few toons that would fit in nicely. Few of them are necessary pleasant folks but they can co-operate when needed. My main would be neat, SB-322, uh, he is technically insane but... Its a bit complex. You'd have to talk to him ic.
Hope to hear from you soon. Happy gaming!
Andy -
Hello, Virtue! Titan Industries is still around and still recruiting! Head over to our website for information or an application. Essentially, the group is a mercenary outfit that has a fondness for acquiring advanced technologies. We have a weekly team night, plus a heroside group for when you want to be good.
You can find more details on our website!
Happy holidays and happy gaming!
Andy -
Thanks so much to PERC for hosting this event! (Also, thank you, Fulmens, for your funding!) What a wonderful contest and such great work. Congratulations to all the winners!
Weird, but one of my favorite things about Going Rogue was the music. It's epic! Mr. Graves did a fantastic job.
Yay! I always hoped you two kids would get together...okay, well not always, but eventually! So happy for both of you.
<3 -
This was a wonderful event, guys! Thanks for putting it on!
Name: Titan Industries
Currently Recruiting: Yes!
RP Level: Moderate to heavy. This is an rp vg; our members are generally looking to share stories together, both in-game and on the forums. We have an OOC channel, but teams and sg chat should be considered IC unless indicated otherwise.
PvP Level: Player's choice. The group doesn't pvp, but individual members are free to pursue it as they like.
Theme/Concept: Established in 2009 by Brooklyn Cale, Titan Industries is an acquisitions and problem-solving firm. The company operates out of a secure facility in St. Martial in the Etoile Isles and specializes in the quick, discreet resolution of problems. Employees are free to pursue their own interests, cultivate their own clients, and work on their own agendas. In order to find and perform jobs, each operative has access to the human, electronic, and financial networks provided by the company. In exchange, employees give a small percentage of their incomes to Titan Industries and occasionally carry out an assignment given to them by the firm. Jobs assigned to operatives by the company pay extremely well once they are successfully completed. Good performance and loyal service tend to result in better assignments, bigger paychecks, and more perks.
Most backgrounds and all origins are welcome, though there are a few concepts that probably wouldn't fit in too well. (For example, Arachnos loyalists or anyone under the age of 18.) Regardless of background, any character who is admitted to the group will need to be interested in making sure Titan Industries is a successful business. Different motivations for joining the company are expected, but overall, we tend to admit characters who will fit in well with an environment that encourages professionalism, efficiency, and discretion. The mentality is that operatives who protect the company's operations will find themselves well-rewarded in terms of benefits and money. Finally, characters are recruited into the group, so there's no way to apply IC. Players are certainly welcome to ask about joining though!
Activity: We currently have a nice group of about 15-20 experienced roleplayers. We tend to be active after about 8-9 PM, EST, though there's a few of us who pop on during the afternoons. We have in-game teaming and rp (including a weekly team night), as well as forum-based rp. Members are not required to use the forums for storytelling, but they are certainly encouraged to do so.
Requirements for Membership: There is no minimum level to join, but anyone who's interested in applying will need to fill out an application at our website. We expect members to be mature, thoughtful, and active.
Leadership: Titan Girl - Director; Shock Torrent - Captain; Tommy Cortex - Captain
In-Game Contact(s): @Andy, @Anhedonia1, or @Kalen.
Out-of-Game Contact(s): You can pm Andora on the main CoH forums, send a tell to any of the officers in-game, or leave a message for us at our website in the application section.
Coalitions: Anathema
URL: www.titanindustries.guildportal.com
You can also check out our Virtueverse page here. -
Looks like it's time for a new VG listing! (Template copied from Grae_Knight's layout for Feb. '08 - June '08)
Name: SG Name
Currently Recruiting: You are / are not accepting new members; not recruiting new members but looking for other players/SGs interested in RP; not looking for anyone new in any way but wanting to let others know you exist, etc.
RP Level: RP-friendly, RP-intensive, RP-lite, nonRP, /sg IC, 100% IC spatial, etc., what degree of immersion do you expect or require?
PvP Level: Casual, hard-core, arena, zone, etc..
Theme/Concept: Briefly describe your SG's theme and/or concept (Longbow or other NPC-oriented group, Single Origin, Single Archetype, etc.) or general raison d'ĂȘtre
Activity: How many unique members do you have, what times (of which time zones) are your members active, which days of the week do you see the most log on - when is your "prime time" (so to speak)
Requirements for Membership: Must be at least level #, out-of-game communication on guild forums (please also list URL forums if different from website), no alts in other SGs, no villains on Virtue, daily log-in, etc.
Leadership: Character name(s)
In-Game Contact(s): @Global for in-game contact(s)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): CoH's Virtue Forum handle(s) for PMs or email address(es) for those interested to seek more information when not logged in
URL: The group's website
Coalition(s): If you wish to reveal them here, you might also describe the nature of it: alliance, RP adversarial, functional, alt overflow, etc., or whether it is an IC or OOC associate.
Other Details: Feel free to add any other important information like base setup, frequency of TF/SF scheduling, prestige generation expectations / goals, or anything else of general but significant appeal. -
Greetings, Virtue!
Titan Industries is still around and still recruiting! Head over to our forums for information, an application, or a riveting discussion of Tiger and Bunny. (Apparently it's quite enjoyable!) We run our weekly team nights every Wednesday, and we run other events throughout the month as well. Because we like playing together so much, we've also established a heroside group for our members, and there's information about Zenith Force available on the website.
Happy gaming!
Andy -
I agree that condensing the AT forums into Some Other Organization could easily be more confusing than just having a bunch of different forums. However, there are forums that could be merged or scrapped to help with bloat. I think a few of these have already been mentioned, but I'll add my input too since you asked!
- Move the "Player Events" and "SG/VG Recruitment" threads out of the "News, Events, and Announcement" forum group. This is a great place to disseminate official information from Paragon Studios and having those two forums there has often struck me as strange. Maybe consider moving the Dev and Community Digest feeds here too. Again, that's information straight from Paragon Studios. Could easily put it all in one place.
- If you want to keep "Player Events" and "SG/VG Recruitment" forums, move them to the "For Fun!" forum group. While I do think groups could do without that specific forum for sg/vg recruitment, I think it could still be useful to new players. I'm undecided about keeping or scrapping them, but I do think they should be moved out of their current forum group.
- If you're going to keep the Mac Forum, move it to the Development forum. Most of what's in there is tech support, so I think it should really be with the other technical support resources. I hesitate to suggest scrapping it entirely since I imagine digging through a bunch of general tech support posts could be frustrating if you need help specific to a Mac, but still. I think it should probably be with the other tech support stuff.
- Merge Player Guides and Player Questions into one forum. "Have a question? Want to offer some guidance? Post here!" or something like that.
- I'm not a badge person, so I don't know how useful this section is, but...how useful is it? It seems like strategies for getting badges would go in the "Player Guide" section, while the coordination of obtaining said badges could be moved to the appropriate server forum.
- I don't want to exclude our non-American friends from having a place to talk and plan things together, but are the two lounges necessary? Could they be merged into one forum? I'm not in this category of player, so I'm not sure how helpful those two forums are for our non-American subscribers. I'd like to hear how they feel about them.
- Merge the Screenshots and Multi-media sections into one forum.
- The "Suggestions and Ideas" forum seems out of place in the "For Fun!" forum group. I agree players should have a place to voice ideas about the game, but is this section actually necessary? Couldn't suggestions and ideas just as easily be placed in "Player Questions" or "CoH/CoV Discussion" or "General AT Discussion"? If you want to keep "Ideas and Suggestions" though, I'd suggest moving it to the "Development" forum group.
- Maybe combine the two PvP sections into one PvP forum and move that forum to the "Player Help" forum group.
- Leave the AT forums as they are, but maybe add the type of play style as part of the title. (I forget who suggested this, sorry!) "Blasters (Ranged Damage)" or "Controllers (Crowd Control and Support)."
That's all I have! YMMV. -
Thanks for coming in on the weekend, guys!
We are, in fact, still kickin' it and being awesome. Titan Industries is a mercenary themed group, and we welcome most backgrounds and origins. There's a few concepts that don't work - crazy/unpredictable sorts, those who want to take over the world, Arachnos/Cole loyalists, and anyone under the age of 18. Heroes who have fallen down on their luck probably won't work too well either, and our magic-based characters tend to use magic as a means to an end. (The end being making obscene amounts of money!) We run a weekly team night, as well as other scheduled events throughout the month. Our rp runs from group-wide storytelling using the boards and custom missions in the MA to just hanging out with each other. We tend to mix up our activities, so there's usually a little bit of something for everyone!
You can find more information at our website, or you can contact an officer in-game. (@Andy, @Anhedonia1, @Kalen, or @T-Pill)
Happy gaming, Virtue! -
Quote:Hi there, Castus! If you'd like to join the group, you'll need to fill out an application on our website. If you'd like to speak to an officer, feel free to contact @Andy, @Anhedonia1, @Kalen, or @T-Pill. We'll be happy to help you however we can!I would be very interested in joining your group. Who shall I contact to join in game?
Happy gaming!
@Andy -
I agree with you that the artwork of her shows elements that cannot be replicated by players. I think you're saying the artwork shows a pretty cool costume, and if so, then I agree with you on that one too. But my point hasn't really changed, even if I didn't word it in the best way possible. She needs a new costume in-game. Whether it's the costume shown in the artwork or some other totally different costume, I'd like to see her (and every signature hero/villain) with elements that are unique and can't be used by player characters.
Wow, this is exciting! That "hello, hello?" frame looks AWESOME. Feels like this is going to be an epic tutorial. The drawing with Sister P and BaB looks awesome as well, though I have to agree Sister P does look a bit too surprised given what we know of her. Overall though, nice job! I'm really impressed and excited! Can't wait!
PS - I would like to see her get a new costume, if for no other reason than it's pretty easy to replicate her look in-game. She needs something original! -
Quote:Sent ya a PM, Vice. Sorry I didn't reply sooner! I didn't realize you had replied to our thread, as most of my forum time has been spent obsessing over CoH: Freedom the last few days.Would your group accept a character who is just interested in the fun and excitement of being a villain rather than in the money? I'd like to join but I'm wondering if my character concept won't fit in too well.
Hit me up in-game (@Andy) if the pm doesn't explain things well enough! -
Congrats, EMpulse!
Quote:Hi! Feel free to send me a /tell (@Andy) if you have questions or would like to arrange a meet-up. We're happy to have people who are interested in the group come along on our team nights. Those happen every Wednesday, starting at 8:30 pm CST. This week, we'll also be trying to do a Lambda run after we finish with our other activities. If you want to go ahead and apply, you can fill out an application which can be found here. Look forward to hearing from you!Virtueverse appears to be down at the moment as the link in my sig to the profile for Agonus isn't working.
That aside, I'll be looking for you guys in game to join with said character.