In Memoriam: @Salsakitten




News broke a few hours ago about the passing of Virtue member and avid RPer @Salsakitten. She passed in her sleep last night and is survived by her husband and fellow CoHplayer @Thorgar. Details are few at current. Condolences go out to her family in this time of loss.

Roughly an hour before this post was made, RPers and members around Virtue gathered upon Talos Hill near the train station to hold a candlelight vigil in her memory.

We filled the zone and had a waiting list of people wanting to get in.

The general shape of the initial gathering formed the shape of a heart, completely on accident.

Among the list of well-wishers, the following SGs send their condolences to her family and loved ones:

The Eternals
The New Age Heroes
The All Star Teen Sentinels
Teen Phalanx
Knights of Lankmahr
Gods of the Golden Age
Alliance Arms
Technocratic Union
The Challengers
The League of Misfits
The Guardians of Magic

Our hearts go out to her family and friends in their time of loss.

Best wishes,
James Cooper
Two Across/Xeden



My sincere condolences to her family, friends, and loved ones.



condolences to her family, Salsakitten Rest in Peace



I'm so sorry to hear this. I never knew her personally, but I always thought of her as a really cool player back when I was in RP Virtue.

My best wishes to her family and friends.



May the Powers keep her soul as she would wish it kept, and may the living remember her well. May she walk in joy and brightness with those who have passed before, or return to the Wheel as she wishes. And may all blessings for strength and ease of pain fall upon those who love her and will miss her.

@SithRose and @Sith Rose
Permanent resident of Virtue
"Mommy, I need Cthulhu. He keeps the bad dreams away."



My deep sympathy to her loved ones. Salso was always fun to play with and a pleasure to chat to.



A staple of RPV, a cheerful, funny, and friendly player. Quick wit, and involved in many funny and memorable instances in and out of character. She'll be *sorely* missed. My heart goes out to @Thorgar and the rest of Salsa's family and friends.

John Bentley
"@ Bit-Player"

Johnny Reb AKA The Bit-Player. (@Bit-Player)
Wildcharge, Liquid Blue, Leslie Saunders, Roxy Rebound, Skyraider Sandy, Alloy Girl, Seer Kerrigan, Myrrha, Nachtdrachen, Under-Tow
Virtue Forever!



Rest in peace, Salsa. You will be greatly missed.



I am so sorry I didn't hear about this. I just played with her Monday, too...

I'm really sorry, Thor. She'll be missed. So much.

The world is crazy. I offer this as proof; found on a butane lighter: Warning: Flame may cause fire.

You can sleep when you die.



Oh no My condolences, and may Salsa rest in peace. She was one of the more memorable people on RP Virtue, and it's not going to be the same without her.



I only just got back in touch with her about a month ago...

Salsa... you were loved, and you will be missed, so much.

Truth, Honor, Perspective, Courage, Intelligence, Compassion, Justice - the dictatorship's Seven Deadly Sins.



I did not know Salsakitten personally but I feel for the family in this difficult time. Godspeed.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



The Rp community has lost another member, and though I did not know her, it seems we all lost a iconic member. My heart goes out to her family and friends whom I am sure are having it difficult. I just lost a family member today as well, so I can understand a bit of what is going on.

To those who knew her better than I; What were some of her famous characters? I want to know if I ever had the chance to RP with her.



My condolences to those she leaves behind. I didn't even know her beyond seeing bits and pieces in RP Virtue here and there, but still... may her soul find peace.

Also, Zartemis asked me to post these since he's unable to do so himself at present. Just a few memories of their adventures together.

Salsa, Zartemis and his character's girlfriend at the time, in WoW.
Salsa and him messing around in Aion.
Her character in Aion.

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Not to forget me in this either. Since I slept during this.

Before this a group of us and Thorgar decided we would let out grief out in our own way. As Thorgar put it, kill enough things in game and stack them several foot tall. Me being me, I decided to go a step further for him.

We started with 2 Clockwork Paladins.
We then found Jurassik.
By accident we killed a Sally.
We then found a Kraken.
We then hunted down an Adamastor.
And finally we killed a Babbage.

With all of those we left Salsakitten her very own Voltron, made of bits of giant monsters that we slaughtered. It was a somewhat ridiculous motion, but one I felt she would have liked. At some point I'm horribly tempted to attempt a photoshop of how it may have looked at the end.

To Salsakitten. You will be missed. The Kitteh and Flea presidential run may be postponed but you will be missed.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



I should post this during one of the periods when I'm settled down. My deepest condolences to @Thorgar and his family.

To @Salsakitten, you will be sorely missed and I think we proved it today. I didn't know you as well as I would have liked, but the memories that I do have, I assure you that they were good ones. You were someone I had a genuine interest in doing more things with. In fact, I had made a silent promise to myself to find more opportunities to RP or to team with you.

I just wish I could've kept that promise.

In any case, I'm sure you would have been proud of the turn out and by what people had to say about you. There were people there who didn't even know you that showed up.

Rest in peace, Salsa.

@The Fiction - Too many characters to name!



I did not know @Salsakitten. In some ways I am very new to Virtue, having made the decision to make it my home a few months back. I was passing thru Talos on my current project character, and was on a timed mission. I heard what was going on in broadcast. I decided to join the group. I heard so much heartfelt love for @Salsakitten. I stayed quite a while, and was brought to tears at least once.



While I didn't have a huge amount of interaction with her, I certainly know some of her toons and of course just seeing the Global name in general reminds me of who she was. I will always remember the conversations in RPV.

My thoughts go out to her husband, family and friends. It's never easy to let go of a good person. RIP @Salsakitten.


Commander TJ



Salsa was a good friend, always an ear to learn and always fun to be around. I was so glad to have her be around again when she came back to the game not too long ago.

Her loss is sudden and devastating, and she will be greatly missed. I wish I had known earlier so I could've attended the vigil.

I used to keep track of my levels here.

But I got to 50.



She will be missed dearly. A good friend and always a laugh riot. My condolences.



What characters did she play? I don't know the Global personally but that doesn't mean I haven't played with her.

My condolences though. It's always sad to lose a member of the community. It seems like she had an impact on a whole lot of people, which I guess, is a tribute to her memory.



I remember seeing @Salsakitten at Cape shows on various alts over the years. She even recorded a station ID for us as Obsidian Dreams, which is available for the public to download.

A friendly and fun person to be around. My condolences to her family and close friends. /em holdtorch

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



My sincerest and deepest apologies to her family. My prayers and thoughts of healing go out to them.