In Memoriam: @Salsakitten




I never knew her...but am saddened by this news....Hugs to all who knew her.


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Very sad. My heart goes out to her friends and family.



use to lick salsa kitten and pretend tongue on fire... was a good egg and will be missed. sad i missed the memorial

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



I only knew her by name but...Virtue seems smaller than it was before.

I mentioned this at the memorial and figured I'd share it here..."take heart that she soars on Angelwings of the brightest light." to all.

-Lady A



As a representative of Fennec Enterprises, I'd like to state that our SG offers our sincerest condolences...

I myself didn't know Salsakitten personally, but operating as a mod on RP Virtue gave me plenty of opportunities to see her in action. Her typically cheerful attitude, funny jokes, and friendly disposition marked the channel as a place of joy and prosperity; she was one of the faces of an age that's suffered a blow with her dismissal: One where the internet was a loving place.

I know from what I've witnessed and the sorrows I've heard reported to me how good of a person she was. Few ever accused her of wrongdoing and fewer still displayed any sign of dislike.

Her loss is a horrible toll on the channel, the community, and all of her friends both on and offline.

She shall be missed.
-@Fragmented Aegis



I had heard of this in a couple of global channels outside of RPV, since a few of my friends did know of the player.

I offer my sympathy.



To my sorrow, I had not realized that her global name had changed in the years that the Technocratic Union founders were on hiatus. I did not connect her global with the character names of a good friend and former SG member who we roleplayed with many, many times. She left our SG under good terms, for RP reasons, and we have always kept our doors open to former members. I am deeply saddened to realize that we have, indeed, lost one of our own within the Technocratic Union.

Goodbye, Salsakitten. Be seeing you.

@SithRose and @Sith Rose
Permanent resident of Virtue
"Mommy, I need Cthulhu. He keeps the bad dreams away."



Originally Posted by Sith_Rose View Post
To my sorrow, I had not realized that her global name had changed in the years that the Technocratic Union founders were on hiatus. I did not connect her global with the character names of a good friend and former SG member who we roleplayed with many, many times. She left our SG under good terms, for RP reasons, and we have always kept our doors open to former members. I am deeply saddened to realize that we have, indeed, lost one of our own within the Technocratic Union.

Goodbye, Salsakitten. Be seeing you.
As the co-founder of the TU (and Sith's husband), I'm in the same boat as Sith here. I am profoundly sad to find that I missed reconnecting with a good friend when we came back from our long hiatus from Paragon City. I have had so much fun talking with Salsakitten in RP Virtue over the past few months and she will be missed terribly by everyone there. All of my love and thoughts to Thorgar and their children.

No one ever really dies as long as they took the time to leave us with fond memories. ~Chris Sorensen

@Salsakitten will be remembered. For now, I shall be grateful that I have reconnected with an old and dear friend in this game, and I raise a glass to the kitten and her wolf. I love you both.

Agent Parker -- Mind/FF Snark Lord
Captain Hadron -- Will/TW Immovable Object
Destroyer-X -- Elec/EA SMASH
Ms Apprehension -- Ill/Rad Chaos Controller
Permanent resident of Virtue



You all have warmed my heart, and i showed this thread to our Daughters and they both cried at how wonderful you all are.

My wife loved you all, 4 years ago she almost died during the birth of our son. Sadly he did die and she slipped into a very depressed state. We could not comfort her easily as it always brought back memories of our son. It was her friends here in City of Heroes and in Virtue that gave her the anchor she needed. You all saved her and allowed us the time to help her heal, for that you all have my heart felt thanks and love.

On the 17th of January, 2012 my wife was enjoying herself and laughing as we all goofed off together. Having been ill with the flu she got tired easily, and so she decided to take a nap on the sofa. An hour later when we went to check on her she had already passed. According to the doctors her close call with death 4 years ago had weakened a part of her artery near her heart and was missed on the MRI they took at the time. Her artery literally unraveled, they tell me it was an instant death with no pain, but their was nothing that could be done. they were amazed she had lived with the condition for the last 4 years as it was apparently a literal time bomb.

Know this, she died quickly, painlessly, and after a full morning of laughter, belly dancing, and time spent with her family. It is still hard to grasp that she is gone, but at least she died knowing she was loved completely by her family and friends. She would be deeply moved and a bit embarrassed by the actions of her friends here in Virtue. For this you have our families deepest gratitude and love. thank you all.

She will be missed, but never forgotten, and forever loved.



I would like to extend sincere condolences to her family, friends, and loved ones. As this thread indicates; she will be missed but never forgotten. Godspeed.



It's taking time to put into words what I'd like to say.

Okay, here goes.

While it's an emotional baseball bat to the chest for me (for I've hung out, played, and RP'ed with @Salsakitten and @Thorgar throughout my 5-6 years on CoH), I can only imagine what Thor and his daughters are going through.

Thorgar, girls, you have my deepest and most sincere condolences. She won't be forgotten and she'll always be loved.

And as promised, Thor...

**offers and drinks two cups of hot sake; one to honor Salsakitten, the second to Thorgar, the girls, and family**

To @Salsakitten

...It's just so hard to believe she's gone... u_u

Serge Ta'Null

Server: Virtue (14 L50 toons and counting...)

All Those Orange Numbers: The i13 Guide to Bots/Storm Masterminds



I know I already offered my condolences in-game, but I just wanted to reiterate here how I miss her even though we didn't get to hang out very much. I do remember when I first met the two of you and some of the silly antics in between then and now. I'm sure we'll still have more in the future of course. =) I had no idea about this thread until just a bit ago when a fellow friend of the two of you informed me of it. It has me in tears, but though they may be tears of mourning, they are also tears of happiness at having gotten to know her and spend time with her and to be one of the many people that made her feel happy and loved in CoH. I think I've been numb since the other day and completely caught off guard by it all since finding out and it's finally hitting me tonight, especially after seeing this thread. But I promise, when I think of her, I smile. We all have rough times, but she persevered and was still a special person. I had no idea about the vigil that was held, or we'd have been there as well or have certainly tried to be. Much love to you, Salsa and Thorgar and family too of course). <3

(Virtue Server)

P.S. I'm writing for both of us aka myself and @Reisma, though he may end up wanting to write his own piece here as well.



While I didn't get to have much direct interaction time between my characters and hers, she was always fun when I encountered her in the RPV channel.

My absolute sincerest condolences and feelings for Salsakitten and her family.




My deepest sympathies to you and your family, Thorgar, and to everyone who was blessed to know her in the too short of a time that was allotted.

Live arcs: 517377 and 517381
Virtue: Quickshot. Swiftwind. Aliuneidis. Gizmodeus. Dasher. Fiver. Inuit Acer. Daniel Darke. Cerebral Flame. El Halcon.
Intel Core2Duo 2.4 Ghz 4 GB RAM**NVIDIA Geforce 9600 GT set to 1280 x 1024**Windows Vista 32 bit



I don't even know where to start... I only just found out about this today.

To Thor, Rena, and Bug: I love you guys still. Always have, and always will. Know that every time she and I talked about you guys, there was a deep and abiding love there in her words, her voice and her eyes.

Salsa was... my twin. They lived with us for many years, and past normal roommate irritations, I loved this silly woman more than I can rightly describe. I hadn't had many female friends... but she and I connected so well that we could just sit for hours talking about nothing. We would sometimes sit out on the porch and just throw silly at eachother until we couldn't stop laughing. We talked about plans for the future, never wanting what we had to vanish. About building up a business together, what we'd sell, how we'd decorate the place. We made characters together often, giggling over the way, without talking about it first, we'd come out into Outbreak with almost identical characters.

We finished eachother's sentences all the time.

That she was blindingly intelligent and intensely creative, anyone who knew her already knows. She was kind, thoughtful, sweet and she squeaked when tickled.

My only regret... is that after she and the girls moved out of our place... I lost touch with my sister. Take that as a lesson. Don't -ever- let go of those you love. Don't -ever- let them go away mad. Don't let anything get int he way of making sure they know how damned much you care about them.

I will never forget you, sisseh. I love you.


And some memories of she and I.
Two of our pairs. First our 'us' characters... Rowan and Kestral:
Second, our blood elves turned into CoH characters, Illyris and Lysindrae:

which leads me to....

5-manning Onyxia for my birthday one year.
2-manning ZG before 80
Fun with Scholo before 70
3-manning AQ20 between 75 and 80

[Insert long list of alts and only ONE level 50 after alll this time]



My condolences, Thorg. I don't know you, but I've been around long enough that I've probably teamed with you and SK. You and your family are in my thoughts.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



I'll miss her so much, Thor her and I had a lot of good times together. Your in my thoughts hun. Thor if you need anything don't hesitate to let me know.

The biggest Green Lantern fanboy on the Forums



I am so sorry for your loss. I myself did not personally know SK, but I'm sure at some point we did meet. My thoughts go out to you and your loved ones, and all those whose lives she's touched. I don't know what else to say, accept I'm sorry this happened...



One of the beautiful things about my job is playing a small role in the facilitation of this wonderful online Community. The friendships we have made over the last 7 years transcend distance and time, and creates something that is truly special: Friendships built without assumption and on a shared love.

Thorgar, I send you and your family my deepest condolences. It is evident by the memories shared here that your wife had a lasting effect on the people she touched, both in "real life" and in our Community.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



I met Salsa and Thor around the same time I became friends with Magda during my first couple of years of subscription to this game.. They were great friends to me and Tina (Salsakitten) Was always a good friend to me.. Even with my more quarky ways of showing affection for my friends in game. Through them I found my enjoyment of roleplaying..and I think they tolerated me a great deal with my personality quarks and ways of showing affection for my friends and loved ones in the MMO universe.

While I had lost touch with all of them over the years I still saw them as friends and I was greatly pleased to have gotten back in touch with her around Thanksgiving. I spoke with her about past events, and asked how her family was doing. She told me she had been ill as of late but I wasn't aware of what was to come. None of us were.. It breaks my heart to know that I missed out on more time with my friend breaks it even more to know I missed her memorial service.

Tina, I will miss you my friend. May we all be blessed to see you again in our parting frm this world.

Thor.. I'm deeply sorry I had not been back in contact with you and I hope that we can begin our friendship anew so I can help you through this time.



So terribly, terribly sad. My deepest condolences.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, hits them over the head, and rifles through their pockets for loose grammar.



Thorgar, you and your girls have my deepest sympathies.

I'm sorry I wasn't online when you came on, to speak to you personally. I'm sorry I missed the memorial as well.

She will be missed, greatly.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Sad to hear of another member of the CoH family has passed on. My condolences to her family. May the perpetual light shine upon her.

I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.

global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai