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  1. Thanks, Arch, I found the safe mode you mentioned. As an FYI, the option for safe mode can be found by clicking on the client when you start up the NC Launcher. A dropdown arrow will be shown. Choose Properties from the dropdown. You'll see the Safe Mode check there.
  2. I normally play on 1024x768. For gits and shiggles, I only wanted to look at the game at 1600x900 for a moment. Now I can't even log into the game long enough to change it back without having the game or PC crash on me. What are my options? The only two I can think of is 1) have a VERY TRUSTED CoH friend with a more powerful PC log in for me and change it back to 1024x768, or 2) reinstall the game. If there are other options, I'd be happy to hear what they are.
  3. It's taking time to put into words what I'd like to say.

    Okay, here goes.

    While it's an emotional baseball bat to the chest for me (for I've hung out, played, and RP'ed with @Salsakitten and @Thorgar throughout my 5-6 years on CoH), I can only imagine what Thor and his daughters are going through.

    Thorgar, girls, you have my deepest and most sincere condolences. She won't be forgotten and she'll always be loved.

    And as promised, Thor...

    **offers and drinks two cups of hot sake; one to honor Salsakitten, the second to Thorgar, the girls, and family**

    To @Salsakitten

    ...It's just so hard to believe she's gone... u_u
  4. Well, until i23 arrives and the "changing of the guard" is done, I'll just keep the following scenario in my head while playing:

    Person A: I can't believe it! Statesman's gone... REALLY gone!
    Person B: That can't be! He's Statesman! And I saw him on that LongBow ship in Indie Port, too!
    Person C: Psh, you idiots, that's a hardlight hologram.
    A: No no NO!! That HAS to be Statesman!
    B: Are you sure?
    C: Pretty sure. Rumor has it that [whisper-whisper-SPOILER-whisper] and he's after Sergei Ta'Null now.
    B: Damn... So... Does that mean Sergei Ta'Null is stronger than Statesman? Is that possible?
    Persons D and E: **inserts 'over 9000' joke convo here**

    You get the gist. =P
  5. I don't expect Statesman to be removed completely, as in the OP, but you have to admit it kinda kills the immersion. >_>'''

    With loading screens, box art, and marketing stuff, I get it.

    Everything else in-game? I believe it needs to reflect the results of the entire WWD saga.

    And that's probably the thing. But hey, I've been wrong before. Either way, I'm still enjoying the game and will still plunk in my sub fees.
  6. I'd just finished Who Will Die Part 5 on both sides. I'd like to note to anyone reading this that *hasn't* done the arc on either side to be sure to turn on the in-game music. It definitely adds to the emotional value of the last big cutscene for WWD#5.

    That being said, I flew over to the boat for the STF over in Independence Port after completing WWD#5. Guess what?

    Statesman is still there. >_>

    So either there's supposed to be phasing tech in place that's not working, or something else is at work.

    Has Statesman truly left this mortal coil?

    Will we be seeing in-game memorials for a fallen hero?

    Will Recluse change his ways after losing both his greatest rival and former closest friend?

    Stay tuned...
  7. This is the great part about CoH:F. You don't **HAVE** to buy it. With any luck, all this feedback and sales numbers of the CoT set will show the devs (and marketing people; yea, I see you...) that people don't mind the clipping.

    Bear in mind that I'm one of those IconW***es™ the enjoy having as much costume options as possible. And I'll also play devil's advocate in that when it comes to costumes...




    And not just with the costumes alone. I include powers in my costume selections. Hand clips through gauntlet? Pass. Shoulder pieces clip through head in combat stance? Pass. And so on. There's a few exceptions to every rule, but you get the point.

    I'll just reiterate.

    One: I hate clipping.
    Two: It's OK to give us a set where a few pieces clip. We're smart enough (I hope) to deal with it in our own way.
    Three: Unless an IconW***e™, we could always just not buy the set.
  8. Heck, if they don't, I'd treat ya to lunch at a sushi restaurant. Epic video as always, D_R!! If I could, I'd gift you some points for such awesomeness. n_n

    (.....hint-hint, devs... ¬_¬''')

    Edit: WooHoo! First Post after D_R!!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
    I'd simply settle for Null the Gull having a 'turn off FX for Hasten' option added. All other customization I could wait a long time for.
    Better yet, add a third option: Hasten FX On in PvP Only. At least this way it'll conform with other customizable powers.
  10. I approve the new look. As someone who streetsweeps in Peregrine, will there be any updates to the Possessed Scientists, since technically they're part of the CoT faction?
  11. I have both a Stone Armor Tanker and Brute. I love the concept and feel of going from a short character to a hulking mass of granite. Simply put, I do NOT want a change if it means removing the large mass of rock that is Granite Armor as an option entirely.

    *However,* if there's an option to choose, like this:

    -Legacy Granite Armor
    -Color Tintable Granite Armor
    -Other Large DE models (DE Granite/Sentry; color tintable as well)
    -New Granite overlays

    *That* would be ideal for all. I know what BaBs said in his post, but I think this would appease all. I know that I'd be willing to wait to get something like this implemented.

    As for removing the old Granite Armor for new overlays, just no.
  12. "Look at all the pretty orange numbers!"
    A Robotics/Storm Mastermind Guide [I13]

    By: Serge Ta'Null (no, not *that* Serge over in Steel Canyon's tailor ¬_¬)


    It took almost two years since the release of Issue 6 before I tried to get back into the red side of life and go Mastermind. At the I6 release I tried all combos for MM's, and was disheartened to the point of trying (and failing at) to use the other villain AT's. Don't get me wrong; the other AT's are great for everyone else. I had my heart set on being a great and (hopefully) powerful MM, pointing at the poor schmucks, debuffing them while my pets pounded them flat. To me, none of the available MM powerset combinations felt... fun. You know what I mean. The kind of fun being evil can have. I just didn't feel it.

    Then MM's got Storm Summoning in Issue 12.

    Needless to say, this got me into playing my first villain to 50, experiencing as much of the redside content as possible. Within four or five months of creating BotGirl Keiko on my "home" server of Virtue, Keiko and her "boys" were partcipating in a couple of HamiRaids.


    I digress. *ahem* Anyway, what would make you, the reader, be interested in rolling a Bots/Stormie? This particular MM has very good synergy, actually. The defensive auras lend well towards protecting your pets while the debuffs and quasi-pets (I'll get to those in the breakdown of powers) aid in increasing your pets' damage potential. A Bots/Stormie will either be loved or hated in a team. Stormie veterans know this along with anyone dealing with Knockback.

    And for the record, all teams I've been on with Keiko have loved me. *grin*

    So shall we then...?


    I won't be giving exact numbers here, but I will give descriptions and slotting suggestions. IO sets and/or HamiO slotting won't be overly discussed here as individual builds and preferences will alter your slotting (aka Actual Mileage May Vary). Generic IO's or SO's are considered in these suggested slottings. Powers will be rated on a scale of 1 to 5 AssaultBots.


    Pulse Rifle Blast (Available at level 1): 1 AssaultBot (and he's protesting for more oil)
    Some people say skip the personal attacks while others say get one or two then respec out when you have the chance. Either way, you *really* shouldn't be taking this one at level 1. Or you'd make the pets in the next power really upset.

    Slotting: ...Seriously???

    Battle Drones (Available at level 1): 5 AssaultBots (5 very happy ones, might I add)
    I cannot stress this enough: **Get this power at level 1** Name them, love them, command them. The Drones will be the grunts in your mini-team of rampaging robots. When fully upgraded, these along with your other pets will deal a world of hurt to the opposition. At level 6, you gain a second Drone, but the two Drones drop to a level below you. At level 18, you gain your third Drone, but all three Drones will be two levels below you.

    Slotting: 2-3 Accuracy, 3 Damage. They need as much accuracy as possible.

    Pulse Rifle Burst (Available at level 2): 2 AssaultBots (but they ain't happy)
    Based on both personal experience and from reading other Bots guides, PRBurst is better than PRBlast in terms of damage and utility. This attack has knockback, which can be helpful in keeping that mob from getting close enough to recycle your pets... and you. Still, you have better powers to get than this.

    Slotting: 1 Accuracy, 1 Endurance Reduction, 1 Recharge... if you MUST slot it.

    Equip Robot (Available at level 6): 5 AssaultBots (and they're doing the Robot Dance)
    Here's where we start having fun with our pets. As of Issue 13, Equip Robot is now a Targeted-AoE upgrade power for your pets. All your robot pets within a thirty (30) foot radius of your targeted robot pet will get their first upgrade. This will stack with the second upgrade power later on. The upgrades for your pets are as follows:

    Battles Drones: Heavy Laser Blast
    Protector Bots: Heavy Laser Blast and Repair
    Assault Bot: Dual Plasma Blast and Flamethrower

    The most noteworthy powers the Bots get are Repair and Flamethrower. Repair will help your pets last longer and Flamethrower starts to add to your AoE/Cone damage potential.

    There is another change to Equip Robot: the HUGE Endurance cost to use it. With an unslotted cost of 45.5 End, this *will* make you think twice about upgrading a single pet in the middle of a prolonged fight.

    Slotting: 1 to 3 Endurance Reduction. One is fine as a bare-bones slotting, two would be sufficient overall, while three would be best in case of mid-battle pet upgrading.

    Photon Grenade (Available at level 8): 2 AssaultBots (and they look mad)
    Like Pulse Rifle Blast, I skipped this one. Other guides state it's good for stunning mobs, but fully-upgraded Protector Bots will have better means of distributing stuns.

    Slotting: ...Don't make me sic my Bots on you.

    Protector Bots (Available at level 12): 5 AssaultBots (and they're happily lining up for bubbles)
    Now here are your lieutenant-class pets. You start with one at level 12, gaining your second at level 24. At that point the two Protectors are one level below you when spawned. Right off the bat, they start with a simple laser blast and a force field that they can cast on you and your other Bots. However, while the Bots themselves can get as many as two bubbles from the Protectors, you only get one. Once fully upgraded, these two will attack, stun, bubble, and heal. This means they'll be using up their endurance rather quickly once you're at level 32 and beyond. You've been warned.

    Slotting: 2 Accuracy, 3 Damage, 1 Endurance Reduction. The single EndReduction should be enough to offset their Endurance usage.

    Repair (Available at level 18): 1 AssaultBot (And he'd rather asked to be healed by his Protector Bot brothers)
    As a Bots/Storm MM, you will NOT be needing this power.

    Slotting: This is not the power you're looking for. Move along... Move along... Hey, I said move along!

    AssaultBot (Available at level 26): 5 AssaultBots (and they're happily being witness to a new AssaultBot coming down the assembly line)
    Now, even if your character was made with all the body sliders and height maxed out, you are going to be dwarfed by your boss-class pet. While you only get one of these badboys, you'll be soon wishing you had more. The AssaultBot will be the same level as you right out of the proverbial box, and will be your major damage dealer compared to the other five Bots. That's his job, and he loves doing it. When fully upgraded, I should warn you now: if this is your first time seeing a buffed-up AssaultBot attack, your jaw *WILL* *HIT* *THE* *FLOOR.* You might just be crying out obscenities of joy. You'll blink several times to make sure it wasn't an illusion. See the orange numbers? Those are real. You're welcome. *smirk*

    Slotting: 2 Accuracy, 3 Damage, (optional) 1 Endurance Reduction. If you want, you can place a third accuracy for absolute overkill.

    Upgrade Robot (Available at level 32): 10 AssaultBots (What the--!? Where'd they come from???)
    The final power of the set, and what a power it is. It received the same changes as Equip Robot did, so at a cost of 45.5 Endurance per use, prepare to say goodbye to that endurance bar. But it is well worth the cost. Here's what your bots get:

    Battle Drones: Full Auto Laser Blast
    Protector Bots: Photon Grenades and Seeker Drones
    Assault Bots: Swarm Missiles and Incendiary Swarm Missiles

    As you can see, Upgrade Robot adds tons of AoE damage to your pets. Seriously, *TONS.* Coupled with Equip Robot and your Storm Summoning powers, Several worlds of hurt will be dropped upon mob after mob after mob after mob, and it never gets old.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: As I am writing this (Feb 9, 2009), there is a bug where Protector Bots with Upgrade Robot used on them have a chance of getting stuck on the Seeker Drones they spawn. The spawned Seeker Drones themselves will also sometimes get stuck. Until this bug is fixed, most Bots MM's usually pick up Recall Friend as a remedy.

    Slotting: 1 to 3 Endurance Reduction. Same as slotting for Equip Robot.

    [u]~Storm Summoning~[u]

    Gale (Only choice at level 1): 2 AssaultBots (and if they could, they'd sigh)
    It's not a bad power, but it's not a great one either. It's a cone power that does knockback. It will help early on in keeping mobs off your bots, but once you pick up other storm powers it'll gather a bit of dust in your power tray.

    Slotting: 1 Accuracy. That's it, really.

    O2 Boost (Available at level 2): 5 AssaultBots (all of which are asking to be healed)
    This is the power you want instead of Repair. Granted, Repair does heal a Bot to full HP. However, in the time it takes for Repair to recharge you could have healed *ALL* your bots several times over. Also, O2 Boost grants a boost to Perception and resists to stun, sleep, and Endurance Drain. See?

    Slotting: 3 Heal, 2 Recharge, 1 Endurance Reduction. Good slotting for healing both your Bots and teammates.

    Snow Storm (Available at level 4): 5 AssaultBots (and they're laughing at the slowed mob)
    This is the first of your debuff powers. Snow Storm is a targeted-AoE toggle that will debuff the movement speed and recharge rate of your target and all those 25 feet around it, as well as prevent them from flying. As you might guess, if the target runs into another mob while Snow Storm is still cast on it, the mob will be aggro'd towards you unless someone else takes the aggro. Still, this power can significantly lower the damage potential of all afflicted critters.

    Slotting: 2 Endurance Reduction, 3 Slow. With this slotting, few critters will be moving around much.

    Steamy Mist (Available at level 10): 5 AssaultBots (and they're happy in the Mist, oddly enough)
    You'd think Steamy Mist would be bad for the electronics of your Bots, but this is not the case. Steamy Mist is a PBAoE toggle that not only grants stealth, but buffs defense and resistance to fire, cold, and energy damage as well as resistance to confusion. This will not only make your Bots and nearby teamates better protected, you'll have a better chance at properly positioning your Bots for proper carnage.

    Slotting: 2 Endurance Reduction, 3 Damage Resist. You get more bang for the buck slotting this way. Slotting for defense won't give much in terms of added defense.

    Freezing Rain (Available at level 16): 5 AssaultBots (all happily shooting the mob caught in the Freezing Rain patch)
    Here's the next debuff power you'll be wanting. This is a location-based AoE power that creates a patch of... well... freezing rain on wherever you placed it. It doesn't do much damage, but you'll be using it to debuff defense and damage resistance. The patch also causes some foes caught in it to slip and fall. Again, this will increase the damage potential of your mini-team as well as that of whichever team you happen to be on.

    Slotting: 1 Accuracy, 1 Endurance Reduction, 3 Recharge, 1 Defense Debuff. You want this as often as possible.

    Hurricane (Available at level 20): 4 AssaultBots (laughing at the mob getting knocked around)
    Ah, the power some people hate being hit by, myself included. Hurricane is a PBAoE toggle that will not only knock foes back away from you, but also debuffs their attack range and to-hit rate. You want this power in order to protect your Bots. Mob too close to one of your Bots? Run over and toss him aside. With practice you can keep mobs trapped in a corner or in a small room while your Bots and/or teammates turn them to mulch. A Bots/Stormie that is well-versed in using the Hurricane will be sought after, not feared, by teams. NOTE: Hurricane will obscure your view of the battle unless you've zoomed back far enough.

    Slotting: 2 Endurance Reduction, 3 To-Hit Debuff. It's all you need. The 2 End Reductions are vital because it gobbles Endurance.

    Thunder Clap (Available at Level 28): 1 AssaultBot (and it's hearing crickets chirping)
    I consider this a skippable power, really. Considering all the other powers you and your Bots will be using, you really won't be needing this. But...

    Slotting: 2 Accuracy, 2 Recharge, 2 Stun. If you can fit this in, more power to you.

    Tornado (Available at level 35): 4 AssaultBots (Wishing they had bought tornado insurance)
    Tornado, a summoned quasi-pet, is your "OH ****" button. It's also the power I tend to forget I have. But when I use it, it's very handy to have. Tornado drops a tornado quasi-pet at a legal location of your choosing. The tornado will knock foes about, damaging them and debuffing their defense. The tornado also has a fear and stun component, so don't be surprised if you see foes run. A good power for AV battles and as a panic button.

    Slotting: 3 Recharge, 2 to 3 Endurance Reduction. It uses a lot of endurance, but usually worth the price.

    Lightning Storm (Available at level 38): 10 AssaultBots (Okay, who let those other five in here???)
    When you cast this, a stormcloud appears above you. It remains wherever you cast it, so make the location a good one. Every four seconds, it'll fire lightning bolts at the poor schmucks within 100 ft of it. However, you need to be near the cloud. Zapped foes get hit hard, lose some endurance, and get knocked away. The lightning bolts themselves have a tiny AoE radius to them, but in many cases you *will* see a lightning bolt strike multiple foes. I cannot state this enough... Proper placement of Lightning Storm can make a HUGE difference.

    Slotting: 3 Damage, 1 to 2 Recharge, 1 to 2 Endurance Reduction. You want this badboy hitting hard and hitting often, while not hitting your own endurance too hard at the same time.

    -=Power Pools=-

    I'll only state the more useful of the power pools here.

    Fitness: Bots/Stormies will be eating endurance like there's no tomorrow. Get Stamina. Do not debate this.

    Flight: I suggest Flight pool partly because of the cluttered nature of the Rogue Isles being a pain to other travel pools and also because Group Fly is awesome with Bots.

    Teleportation: Until they fix the Protector Bots bug I mentioned earlier, you're going to **NEED** Recall Friend.

    Leadership: If you can somehow manage to fit them in, more power to you. But honestly, you'll have enough endurance maintenance issues as a Bots/Stormie.

    Superspeed: Hasten isn't required but VERY helpful. Hasten will let you easily stack Freezing Rain, Tornado, and Lightning Storm. Also, SuperSpeed and Steamy Mist means full invisibility.

    -=Patron Pools=-

    I won't state my choice in Patron Pools here because my choice might not coincide with your character's theme or whatnot. Just bare in mind that a Bots/Stormie is a tight build and slots will be at a premium. Still, you should make your character your own way, with this guide being what it is... a guide.

    NOTE: As of Issue 13, you are no longer "stuck" to a single patron once you unlocked his/her Patron Pool. When you respec you may choose a different Patron Pool.


    Let the Bots fire first:
    This can make the difference between a high body count and you and your Bots tasting pavement/sewer water/carpet. As much as you love your Bots, they're easy to replace. Let them soak the damage. O2 Boost and Protector Bots' heals will have them covered.

    Protect Bots and squishy teammates with the MistyCane:
    Knock the troublesome Boss or Lieutenant on their rears and off your buddies. With your MistyCane, you can protect the more squishy ones in your team.

    The Push:
    Don't be afraid. Knock that mob into a corner or keep them locked up in that small room. Proper use of Gale, Freezing Rain, Hurricane, Lightning Storm, and Snow Storm will not only keep the enemy bouncing around but (more importantly) keep them from hurting you, your Bots, and your team.

    Fire at center mass!:
    See those basic pet commands? Learn to use those. Target the center foe in a mob and use the Attack command. All six Bots will essentially slaughter the target but will also blanket most if not the entire mob with carnage. Toss in Freezing Rain and Lightning Storm as the Bots fire that first salvo of lasers and missiles; in a moment or two, that mob won't be getting back up.

    Location, Location, Location (of the Pet Window):
    To ease any headaches, place your pet window next to your inspiration tray. This way it won't take as long as drag and drop an inspiration on your Bot.

    Pace yourself!:
    This means a number of things. Don't be too far away from your bots so that they receive buffs such as from your inherent and Steamy Mist. Watch your Endurance bar. Watch to see which powers are charged up and which aren't. Watch your Bots' meters.

    Increase your fuel mileage via IO's:
    I know I stated I wouldn't go into IO sets in this guide but I can't help but suggest a few IO's. Performance Shifter: Chance for +End slotted into Stamina is an excellent way to decrease your downtime. If possible, slot IO sets to get +Recovery bonuses. At level 35 and above, use generic IO enhancements because they yield better stat improvements than SO enhancement. Example: A L35 generic Endurance Reduction IO gives 36.7 percent. A +2 Endurance Reduction SO (provided the character is level 35) yields 36.63 percent. The numbers only improve as you use higher level IO's. Also, the numbers from IO's do not degrade as you level, where as SO's degrade. Consult a good character builder program, in-game information, and other places to locate good information about IO sets and their bonuses. However, please be aware that IO's can get rather expensive.

    But most importantly... HAVE FUN!!

    -=In Conclusion=-

    From level 1 to level 50, from the Zig to Cimerora, I had fun the whole time through. And I'm still having fun. I also had fun writing this guide. I hope that if you find yourself wanting to make a Bots/Stormie that this guide has been helpful. If any of you decide to roll one in Virtue or would like to see my MM in action, my MM's name is "BotGirl Keiko" (minus the quotes).

    *Looks off-camera* Who wants an oil change? *gets trampled* AUGH!!! X.x You can stop filming now... Owwie... Medic... Please...? x.X'''
  13. Not sure if this is an actual bug, but just noticed this. Female-Upper Body-Gloves-Small Padded Glove: Left glove seems to be missing the padding on the back of the hand that is shown on the right glove.
  14. I'll play devil's advocate and nitpick the changes a bit. The new swipe is a step in the right direction in terms of cast time. Same goes for that actual cast animation. I saw one suggestion to use both versions of the old strike (right strike then left strike) which I think would be good. Another possible suggestion is mirroring the Focus animation and using those.

    The new strike is fine in terms of cast time and animation.

    My only real nitpick is for swipe and strike is this: post attack pose. If you don't know what I'm talking about then attack with swipe or strike. Don't chain another attack after it. The post-attack pose is that for brawl. Now try it with Slash (new or old) or any other Claws attack. You'll see what I mean.

    All in all, it's still a great job to fix the Claws set. Kudos to the devs and forum-goers that made it happen. Keep it up!