Discussion: The Intrepid Informer: Issue #17
For the record, that someone who suggested that we kill off Statesman?
Black Pebble
Evil Marketing indeed.
Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios
I was surprised when you announced that you were killing Statesman off. I'm glad you're going to keep using him for marketing purposes, as I think he has an iconic name and design. I look forward to running SSA 5 tonight to see how it's done.
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Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)
Now we have said in the past that the character killed will be removed from the game, and this is mostly true. With the launch of issue 23 later this year, the character will no longer be in the game world handing out his Task Force (that duty will fall to someone else), and will have references to them removed as well.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Now that I've played at least Heroside of the SSA, I feel it was kind of a mistake to spoil that Statesman was going to die. The 'how' was kind of trumped up a lot and in the end, well, it boils down to 'a magic spell'. A -special- magic spell, but just 'a magic spell' nonetheless, so I feel like a lot of the impact was taken out since I knew he was going to bite it already. It was still a pretty touching scene with his last moments, but the spoiler really robbed it of a lot of the impact I think.
And.. issue 23? Wow. That's quite a ways off, even if its only like 6 months, it's still a real disconnect from how 'big' this event was supposed to be. And it is big but just releasing it piecemeal kind of robs it of a lot of the importance.
As for where I want to see the story go? Well, for one, time them better. You have a rough idea of when issues are going to come out, pending disasters in testing, and you know you'll be releasing these things monthly, so, try to line them up so you avoid exactly this where we have a 'monumental event' that affects the whole game world but we have to wait for that event a good half year or more to actually affect the game world, even when the event itself happens -now-.
And I kind of think 7 months is just a little too long to play out a plot like this. I mean -this- one is pretty epic, yeah, and deserves build up and showcasing the different characters, etc. But I think in general the SSAs would serve better in 4-5 chunks, especially if they're this game changing that they can affect the game world at large, so you can time them better to line up with Issue releases.
It wouldn't be a bad idea to maybe switch up the arc lengths from episode to episode either. 3 is a good standard, but 'surprise' us once in a while, like just a 4th mission every now and again, maybe 5 for 'extra important' plots, otherwise it gets a little too formulaic with the dance of 'Hook, Set up, Climax' that all of them are so far.
Positron, you're next.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
I'd just finished Who Will Die Part 5 on both sides. I'd like to note to anyone reading this that *hasn't* done the arc on either side to be sure to turn on the in-game music. It definitely adds to the emotional value of the last big cutscene for WWD#5.
That being said, I flew over to the boat for the STF over in Independence Port after completing WWD#5. Guess what?
Statesman is still there. >_>
So either there's supposed to be phasing tech in place that's not working, or something else is at work.
Has Statesman truly left this mortal coil?
Will we be seeing in-game memorials for a fallen hero?
Will Recluse change his ways after losing both his greatest rival and former closest friend?
Stay tuned...
Serge Ta'Null
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Statesman is a terrible, boring character and I am glad to see him go. The only thing I could say was good about the character was that he wasn't a full-on avatar of jingoism.
I think that it'd be a great way of honoring him, and of helping to draw newer players into the game lore.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I don't expect Statesman to be removed completely, as in the OP, but you have to admit it kinda kills the immersion. >_>'''
With loading screens, box art, and marketing stuff, I get it.
Everything else in-game? I believe it needs to reflect the results of the entire WWD saga.
And that's probably the thing. But hey, I've been wrong before. Either way, I'm still enjoying the game and will still plunk in my sub fees.
Serge Ta'Null
Server: Virtue (14 L50 toons and counting...)
All Those Orange Numbers: The i13 Guide to Bots/Storm Masterminds
Everything else in-game? I believe it needs to reflect the results of the entire WWD saga.

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I don't expect Statesman to be removed completely, as in the OP, but you have to admit it kinda kills the immersion. >_>'''
With loading screens, box art, and marketing stuff, I get it. Everything else in-game? I believe it needs to reflect the results of the entire WWD saga. And that's probably the thing. But hey, I've been wrong before. Either way, I'm still enjoying the game and will still plunk in my sub fees. |
SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)

Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!
1st thing i did after i completed the SSA#5 was head to IP.
Either he'll be back in SSA7 at full strength, or your Phasing Tech is malfunctioning.
Cause with all honesty, if you do something this epic, shaking up the game like THIS, better do it right the 1st time. Have it get dragged out months before you guys are done with phasing him out looks like you guys are waaaay behind on schedule, or that this was a last minute effort to shake up the game.
Looked to me and others that someone else who would be easier to take out the game was going to die, and if it really is Statesman, i wonder why you guys haven't finished it up before SSA5 came out.
I hope, and assume, that you guys planned the whole story line before even starting to create SSA1, cause if you are just creating a new SSA each month without knowing the full story i'd say you guys are wasting valuable resources.
PS: Yes, i HATED it with a passion that this was leaked! Almost made me not wanna play this. But Zwill was leaning on how he died, that that would be spectacular..and it wasn't, not imo.
It wasn't a honorable death for the most iconic hero in the game, it was more like a big Fa-Q to Jack.
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And here we have it...
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
I've been suggesting that the generic hero statue in the middle of the lake in the Promethus Park district of Atlas Park should be changed to one of Statesman - put a plaque by it with info on Statesman, and maybe a little bridge across to it from the shore, or an eye-catching NPC near it, to get the attention of new players, as they're already sent to that area by Matthew Habashy.
I think that it'd be a great way of honoring him, and of helping to draw newer players into the game lore. |
Played through both sides of SSA#5.
The cutscene had the intended effect - it was touching, and the arc itself was a fun play if ... shorter ... than I was hoping. I was also hoping for an additional cutscene at the end with some sort of reaction from the Phalanx - or a cutscene of the memorial/news reports; the scene itself was climactic enough for me, but the aftermath seemed ... well, just not there. But that's likely coming later.
The cutscene did seem very out of place villain side. I think I was secretly hoping it would actually be noticeably different, with darker, more sinister music and focused more on my character (or Wade) taunting him in his final moments, and belittling what he'd accomplished in his life. More of a 'good riddance' than the same one the heroes get. And then having the ability to inspect his body and notice the smile and realizing all the jeers and taunting really amounted to nothing ... he still found peace in death, and realized others would take up his mantle. In essence, killing him really didn't accomplish that much...
I do hope 'remove all references' is not going to be a repeat of the Council takeover. One of the things I've really enjoyed about the SSA's (and some other content I won't mention here) is how important I feel in the story; they do ... mostly ... feel centered on me (or, at the least, I'm important). I was there when Stateman died - I played an important role in the story. The game content being rewritten as though he never even existed completely marginalizes that. I hope there are still references to him, and that they are better than 'former villain group' or 'previous regime' typically used to refer to the 5th Column. I want to see him referenced by name.
But, to be honest, I don't see much point in even removing him completely. It's not necessary. It seems more natural to me for any given character that the game content treats States as alive for the stuff from 1 to 40 and it's only the post 40 content where he's treated as dead and gone. Couple that with playing each part of the arc as you level up (provided you have access to them), and it (for me) gives the feel that the 'old guard' that I looked up to (or respected, or whatever) getting from 1 to 40 is being replaced by me. Your character is no longer the up-and-comer: you're now taking your role as one of the most important heroes in Paragon City - and the world ... or one of the most notorious villains.
Those are my thoughts on the whole thing, but I'll be very curious to see where this ultimately goes... if Statesman is going to be removed to the point where he has virtually no role to play at all in the actual game content, I'll certainly be watching how it's going to be done with a lot of interest.
EDIT: And to blatantly disagree with some posters - I was happy to see him in Indie Port. I actually don't like the idea of being locked out of starting a TF (even one I don't play very often, and one that actually gives incarnate components) just because I chose to play a particular mission.
M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice!

Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)
So... this is it? This is the actual character who is dying? It's not some thing where you go "Statesman DIES!" and then in future parts it turns out his death moves Manticore or whoever to sacrifice himself to bring him back and that's the character who actually dies? I'm *assuming* you wouldn't make up this whole article to mislead us, because that would be kind of dumb.
And so Statesman dies in part 5, and there are two more parts that are still called "Who Will Die?" even though the question is already answered?
Look, I love what you guys have dome with Freedom and the store and all the new costumes and power sets, but at this point the only way I can enjoy the writing is if I make up a drinking game to go along with it.

Character index
I do hope 'remove all references' is not going to be a repeat of the Council takeover. One of the things I've really enjoyed about the SSA's (and some other content I won't mention here) is how important I feel in the story; they do ... mostly ... feel centered on me (or, at the least, I'm important). I was there when Stateman died - I played an important role in the story. The game content being rewritten as though he never even existed completely marginalizes that. |

And I was kind of surprised that there was no twist to part five. I thought, ok, maybe he dies THWARTING Wade's plan. Or gets him monologing, there's a big battle, and dies anyway. But no. No twist. No excitement. Statesman just blunders on in to the plan and dies. Oh well. This is not "the fight of his life", like the marketing suggested. It's just the part where he gets killed.
SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)

Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!
We didn't do this for Issue 22 because the story arc will still be in the midst of being released when that is launched, and we want the game to reflect the state at the end of the story, not the point five-sevenths of the way in. |
"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.
Just ran the arc. Me is sad.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

I've been suggesting that the generic hero statue in the middle of the lake in the Promethus Park district of Atlas Park should be changed to one of Statesman - put a plaque by it with info on Statesman, and maybe a little bridge across to it from the shore, or an eye-catching NPC near it, to get the attention of new players, as they're already sent to that area by Matthew Habashy.
I think that it'd be a great way of honoring him, and of helping to draw newer players into the game lore. |
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

The Death of a Statesman
by Matt "Positron" Miller
Killing Statesman off in the world of City of Heroes was never something we took lightly. Veterans of the game know that the character was the namesake of Jack Emmert, who was the lead designer who originally launched City of Heroes in 2004. Jack posted as Statesman in the forums, came up with his backstory, and was instrumental in the character becoming the original poster-boy for the game's marketing. Killing off the character meant a lot of things to a lot of people, but for me it was the ultimate declaration that City of Heroes has grown up and left the nest from which it was born.
Many players thought we would "do the deed" when Paragon Studios was formed and Cryptic ended its relationship with the title to work on other endeavors. It seemed simple, to kill off the character and remove them from the game, but it was anything but. Statesman, as I previously said, was the poster-boy, the guy-on-the-box, and mentioned all over the place in the game lore. He was an enemy in villain missions, an ally in hero ones, an objective in others, and even handed out his own chunk of content in the Statesman Task Force. When Paragon was first founded, we discussed the idea of a story of killing off Statesman, but ultimately decided that the timing wasn't right.
Then along came Freedom.
Early on in Freedom's development we had a meeting where everyone got free reign to pitch their ideas for what could be in the massive update. At the very end of the meeting someone said "can we kill off Statesman?" At first I was shocked that this was even being brought up again; I had considered it case-closed. Too much work, not enough time, especially with all the other things that were going into Issue 21 and the Freedom launch at that point. Still, wasn't the point of the Incarnate system to let the players out-power even the powerhouses of the City of Heroes universe?
It wasn't a terrible idea. We had pondered on this puzzle for days when I came up with the idea of a monthly story arc, like a comic book, that could extend out our time of actually killing off the character. Then I had the idea of making it a countdown of sorts, hinting that someone from the "Surviving Eight" would perish before the end of the arc.
This was exactly what we needed in order to pull off the feat of killing an iconic figure like Statesman. It gave us the time to launch Freedom as it was originally designed, without throwing a big monkey-wrench into the game world right off the bat. In addition, it allowed us to tell a better story, with a mysterious, yet familiar, villain finally pulling off the "impossible". We were able to establish how Darren Wade was able to pull off the feat over the course of several mini-story arcs spanning the first few months of the main arc. We were able to craft both a hero and villain angle to the first few stories, so that everyone got to play the arc for their own motives.
Now we have said in the past that the character killed will be removed from the game, and this is mostly true. With the launch of issue 23 later this year, the character will no longer be in the game world handing out his Task Force (that duty will fall to someone else), and will have references to them removed as well. We didn't do this for Issue 22 because the story arc will still be in the midst of being released when that is launched, and we want the game to reflect the state at the end of the story, not the point five-sevenths of the way in.
One place you might be surprised to still see Statesman's visage will be the marketing material and load-screens for the game. There is a conscious effort for us to not radically change our branding for people not intimately familiar with the inner machinations of the game. Our login screen will still carry his image, but it will be done as sort of a memorial to the man who shaped a City of Heroes. We kept these images of Statesman around not for the die-hard forum goers but for the new players who City of Heroes Freedom continues to attract. We have used Statesman in the marketing of the game for many years and it would be a misstep to completely remove that image from City of Heroes, and I think you'll agree.
I'd love to see your thoughts on this twist in the storyline. If you'd like, you can use the hashtag #Statesman on Twitter to express yourself. Tell us what you think, and where you think the story can or should go in the future.