Official Claws Animation Thread
Will be porting my claws over soon...
I resubbed mear days ago with a feeling this was comming.
But.. weren't there sposed to be a more extensive change to improve claws besides switching around a couple animations? Mind I've been gone, but could someone fill me in on this?
Currently running my built for test only claws/regen lvl 8. Swipe, strike, slash, spin.
Endurance cost on spin reduced. Considerably. Checking my 50 claws/sr soon.
So far, my statement on the attack chain I have on the level 8:
Ripping folks up the way we always should have.
Castle and Stupid_Fanboy, if you're ever in Austin, I'm buying the drinks.
More after testing in RCS with Bill. Gotta see how defense scaling and end reduction on shockwave and eviscerate worked out.
Be well, people of CoH.

You mean to tell me swipe is actually worth taking? OMG!
This gives me hope. I already have a few coppies of my 30 claws/regen on test that I'll be respeccing asap!
No longer shall claws have only 4 of 8 effective attacks! NO LONGER!
If you're in it for pure DPS, swipe is still the skipable one. If you're in it because you love claws, eviscerate is the one to skip now.
Personally, I'm skipping strike because it now looks like the Boxing punch. And I can't fit it in to my build. Gotta drop something. Spin, with teh lower end cost... so nice.
Oh maybe I'll keep strike and drop eviscerate. So many choices...
Be well, people of CoH.

Love the new animations less frantic looking
Swipe = barrage animation
Strike = jab animation
L2 damage (versus +0 hellion)
Brawl = 3.96
Strike = 11.01
Swipe = 4.4/3.29 (total 7.69)
Just played my lvl 40 claws/ninja stalker. I like the new animation for strike a lot more than the old one. I have not yet tried swipe, but so far, I like the looks and the faster attack.
Unfortunately we didn't get a free respec on test so I can't test out the new animations on my Stalker. :/ Strike looks pretty good, but I'm wondering what Strike/Slash will look like one after the other since they both seem to be right hand attacks. I was hoping they could reverse one so it would look like a nice left/right chain. Ah well, just asthetics.
Gothika (Grav/Kin) Marionette (Ill/Rad) Terra Firma (Earth/Storm) Alana Dale (Arch/Nrg)
Iceblink (Ice/Dark) Fantasia (Mind/Fire) Shadow Minx (Claws/Nin)

I thought it was trading up on left vs right. I'll double check when test comes back up.
Be well, people of CoH.

I would be more than happy to give you feedback about my level 50 Claw Scrapper (whom I've been playing now for nearly two years) if the server would stay up long enough for me to actually hit something.
@Arwen Darkblade
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I thought it was trading up on left vs right. I'll double check when test comes back up.
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If that's the case then it'll be extremely cool! I thought Brawl was the only attack that switches back and forth?
Gothika (Grav/Kin) Marionette (Ill/Rad) Terra Firma (Earth/Storm) Alana Dale (Arch/Nrg)
Iceblink (Ice/Dark) Fantasia (Mind/Fire) Shadow Minx (Claws/Nin)

Tanker/brute SS punch does too, I think.
OT: Um, waiting to try out the new animations...
Currently: 50s (5), 40s (3), 30s (5)
Red and blue side, mostly Infinity, Virtue, and Freedom.
If you're in it for pure DPS, swipe is still the skipable one. If you're in it because you love claws, eviscerate is the one to skip now.
Personally, I'm skipping strike because it now looks like the Boxing punch. And I can't fit it in to my build. Gotta drop something. Spin, with teh lower end cost... so nice.
Oh maybe I'll keep strike and drop eviscerate. So many choices...
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I have a Claw/Regen and if its that good i say "Sod It" im droppin Moment of Signing your own death warrent in PvP & revive & taking all the Claws powers just for the fun of it
Oh btw has follow up been changed atal????
No respecs on test? But... ah.. how are we sposed to test changes? ER HELLO!
Ah well I hope they put in respecs soon. I may have one left available on a few of my coppies.
I only had time to test damage and animation, but I did so on all attacks, as I had respeced a copy in advance to have all the scrapper attacks (except confront).
Swipe used to be an A+A+B 3-swipe damage attack. Now it is a 2A+B 2-swipe attack, based on the barrage animation. The overall damage is the same.
The damage is the same for all attacks.
Slash is now an indispensible attack. It now quite fast, based on the jab animation, I think. It does roughly 33% more damage than strike in about the same animation time, which is a huge improvement over the previous version.
Personally, I will be taking strike, slash, followup, focus, eviscerate, and shockwave. I imagine a lot of people will take spin now instead of shockwave, but I use knockback as my scraptroller power.
I would never pass on eviscerate, due to the increased crit rate (useful in pvp, if nothing else), and the ability to hit multiple targets (especially those you have herded into a corner with shockwave). Plus, I love the finishing position of the claws - I disagree with BillZ that it is not a clawlike attack.
C'mon test server! Arise!
the little i got to play my claws/invln on test,
Swipe, 2 hit animation and seams to do the upper side of the minor damage, will probly take it on live instead of strike
Strike, the boxing/jab (witch ever you wont to call it animation) was not bad but i'm not a fan
Slash, Strike old animation and probly best animation on claws. WAY WAY WAY better then it was
Spin, didn't try it
Follow up, same as it was before was kinda funny useing follow up then strike like pokeing them in the gut 2 times
focus,eviscerate,shockwave are all the same
over all my attack chains felt alot smoother nicly done
Please tell me they didn't change the animation for eviscerate. Most of the time I don't even care if it hits as long as it does the flipping
Can anyone throw up a video?
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Eviscerate is the same. Flip away, friend!
They fix the bug were the sound for eviscerate plays whether it hits or not? That can definately be annoying.
Well, I got to try the new animations... one from a fresh new stalker for Swipe (which is basically the one-two punch of barrage), Strike, which appears to be a right-handed copy of Jab...
... and the replaced Slash (bye-bye baseball pitch! I always liked it for Impale but hated it for Slash)... well, sometimes it switches hands, particularly if you chain Strike-Slash so a right then a left, but sometimes a right and a right.
The change makes the two attacks into a much quicker chain, and that's without any recharge reductions (level 12 and no recharges yet).
I like it.
Now, the color change for invl... anyway.
Currently: 50s (5), 40s (3), 30s (5)
Red and blue side, mostly Infinity, Virtue, and Freedom.
Strike is ALWAYS a right handed gut shot using the Jab animation. Slash changes hands. I can get it to slash with left if I fire it off after a strike. Swipe is ALWAYS right/left order on the doublehit.
Cycling swipe/strike/slash/spin with sprint ON, I have to work hard to get my end below half.
Be well, people of CoH.

This thread is solely for discussions regarding claw animation changes. From the Issue 7 Training Room Patch Notes:
"The Claws Power sets for both Scrappers and Stalkers have new animations for the powers Swipe and Strike. The animation for Slash has been replaced with the old Strike animation in order to better match the cast, recharge and damage values."
All off topic posts will be removed. Please do not post any feedback before testing out this new feature.