21 -
I'd like to be able to transfer influence, IOs, etc, between characters. I know there are 'tricks' you can do but they aren't always easy, let alone always successful. Theres trading but I don't trust many people, even in my supergroup
Other MMOGs offer a wide variety of ways to transfer between characters, from mail to shared banks, etc. Can we get something on CoH already? -
Repost from the steam CoX forum, but figured I'd post it here as well.
To start, note I have the Steam version of the game and I think the problem is particularly because its the Steam version, but I'm posting here as well in hopes that someone might have heard of the issue and a possible fix. Now, the post;
I've had CoX on steam for a while now but just recently re-installed it (Champions Online beta made me want to sign back up to CoH more than purchase CO lol.)
Anyway I've not had this issue before but any new settings I change, like controls on a character or even things like costume change emotes, once I leave the game.. hell sometimes when I just zone, the settings 'reset' to their base. On older characters (IE characters made and settings changed before this latest install) are fine, unless I make a new change on them.
I was thinking perhaps one of the files was set on read-only so I went to the CoX folder in program files/steam/common aps/etc and unchecked 'read only' from the entire folder thinking that would fix it. Unfortunately unchecking that and hitting 'ok' doesn't WORK!
I don't know if this is some kind of steam issue but it's jarateing me off and making me think I should never have bought it on steam in the first place. I have my old disks but they are old and don't always work so I spent the $20 to get it on steam for convenience.
Anyone have a similar issue and know how to fix it? If it really is a settings file that is set on read only that would explain it easily but the fact that I cannot remove the 'read only' from any of the files in the CoH folder means I may never get to fix it and any new settings I ever make will not stick.. in the steam version.
So any advice or a fix would be wonderful! -
I'm trying to find a good hero planner. Downloaded or web-based I don't care but I cant seem to find one thats up to date. So I figured I'd post here and ask. I'm fairly recently back to the game after a long time off so I need a solid and up to date hero planner.
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I'll try and get a police band mission with Malta. The mission itself is from FF contact, Indigo. The quest is just a generic 'kill x Malta' quest with no specified zone or group, which makes things easier.
Maybe I can even find an AE mission around my level that has Malta in it. -
I have a quest to kill some Malta but I don't know what zone they spawn in (every time I find some they are always upper 40s and when I ask in game nobody seems to have an answer.)
So.. anyone know where I can find some low 40's Malta? -
This sounds awesome indeed. Should be a TUN of fun.
That said, can we please get a new powerset or two for the ONLY AT in CoH to not get one in the last 2+ years? Scrappers? -
I agree, this is a great start, but it makes the early powers MUCH more useful then the end powers, and thats 'bass ackwards'
As it stands now, eviscerate and shockwave are somewhat underwelming.
Devs now need to improve the later powers, and perhaps give a power or two a more 'slashing' animation. Though swipe and slash are still 'slashy' slash in particular looks more like a puncture.
As to spin, I actually am finding it quite useful as a companion for eviscerate. It does as much damage as strike (for me at 32, thats 88dmg with sub-par slotting) and it almost seems to hit more often. The two go together great.
Now it just seams.. where am I going to find the spots to put all these great attacks now!
Oh and IMHO yea, devs need to DEFINATELY switch swipe and strike around, the animation that is. As strike is just kind of a basic stab, were as swipe has a much cooler look. -
They fix the bug were the sound for eviscerate plays whether it hits or not? That can definately be annoying.
No respecs on test? But... ah.. how are we sposed to test changes? ER HELLO!
Ah well I hope they put in respecs soon. I may have one left available on a few of my coppies. -
You mean to tell me swipe is actually worth taking? OMG!
This gives me hope. I already have a few coppies of my 30 claws/regen on test that I'll be respeccing asap!
No longer shall claws have only 4 of 8 effective attacks! NO LONGER! -
I resubbed mear days ago with a feeling this was comming.
But.. weren't there sposed to be a more extensive change to improve claws besides switching around a couple animations? Mind I've been gone, but could someone fill me in on this? -
Cool Posi
But you do realize that this change enhanses the case for Claws scrappers. The devs have always said that claws scrappers trade damage and high animation times for low endurance. Now that everyones has been lowered, thats not all that huge a benefit. Sure claws will still be lower, but when you can go with nearly anything else and have plenty of endurance, but be faster and stronger then a Claws scrapper, nobody will go claws. Not that that already isn't the case
<-- Just a Claws scrapper trying to get ungimped. -
Now gecko go look at the others on each other at board as well and please address the pertinant ones there (especially the poor gimped claws scrappers)
"Anyway from the looks of the character sheet, you're still getting powers exactly like you would in the CoH MMORPG by security level. You had 4 main Stats, Strength, Dexterity, and 2 others I don't recall off the top of my head alas. I believe these were rated 1-5.
There were also a number of skills you could have which I also believe were rated 1-5. A skill check involved Stat+Skill+1d10 to make a check with a 9 being average difficulty."
Sounds like it's somewhat based on White Wolfs 'World of Darkness' rules set. If so thats awesome! The WoD ruleset is one of the best, more freeform and roleplaying friendly PnP ruleset there is
Everything is D10 based, all stats go from 1-5 (generally). Checks to say, pick a lock would be like Dexterity + Subterfuge in D10 dice (IE 3 dex and 2 sub = 5 dice. Role with a difficulty of 6 average (this is based on revised WoD), number of successes = how successful a lockpicking that is.
I had hoped the CoH PnP game would be at least somewhat based off the WoD design. I'm overjoyed that it appears to be so -
In Anarchy Online the CS people (mostly ARK's that are volenteer. With them AO's CS is the best in the industry) actually have a nerf bat item. They use it quite often to beat the snot out of people on the test servers
If scrappers get nerfed by the gods I hope they at least see the light and give Claws the mercy it deserves -
Awesome, cant wait for it to hit test and of course live
Also want to hear about the changed to the AT's (good and bad) so I can prepair for them
Only thing that kind of, doesn't work for me, is the use of the Tuatha De Danann as a 'villain group'. Obviously you guys did some studying of Irish mythology and history. Me being Irish as well as the practitioner of the Old Religion, the Tuatha De Danann (or People of Danu (earth/creation goddess) for those who don't speak gaelic hehe) are a holy people and many are even worshipped as saints by modern organized religion.
Couldn't we find a different name for the 'nature monsters' besides basicly defacing the holy peoples of ancient ireland, and thus the religious beliefs of people who consider them their ancestors today?
There are other 'beasts' and 'villains' in ancient ireland besides the Fir Bolg. The Fomorians for example pre-date the Tuatha De Danann as a people who laid siege to the peaceful citizens of early ireland and would probably make a more suitable 'villain group'.
Just some suggestions but really if your going to use the Tuatha De Danann in the game, make them magical but fairly peaceful. You could even move forward in time and use the more war like 'decendants' of the De Danann known as the Fenians. They were warlike protectors of their land and closely tied to nature and would work wonderfully in your new zone.
I suppose I am probably one of a rare few out of the player base who is affected by this. Really using the Tuatha De Danann as a villain group wouldn't bother me to much because this is just a game of course. But it'd be on my mind when ever I entered the zone.. and I'd always somehow feel.. disturbed by it.
Just a thought. But I'm sure if you used a modern religious group or set of gods as a villain group you'd find others with the same, or worse feelings then I have, and probably an outcry from the community. However with likely so few of us being of the Old Religions, that isn't going to happen with the use of the Tuatha De Danann.
"m, how would you know? Have you spoken to your ancestors lately? With all respect to your personal beliefs, there simply is no record of what people believed back then"
You haven't examined much archeology of the region then I suppose. There is a plethora of archelogical evidence that shows they were worshipped as gods. Writings, art, and more. Many many items have been found detailing the Tuatha De Danann and other 'british isles' pagan gods that are very good evidence of the isle's ancient past. Not to mention that, as I said above, many are even 'worshiped' today in the form of several saints as well as other noteworthy figures in modern organized religions (mostly christianity.) To think that such detailed and extensive histories and mythologies were just.. made up and that such information is totally false or that there is no evidence, is wrong. Sorry but it's wrong. -
I like it
I just miss warwitch. She was the best in the last run.
So far I do think it's been rushed, but only to get the ball rolling. Besides that I've liked it. Issue 2 did leave me feeling like that was 10 pages of a story that should have filled 30. But alasWe shall see how it goes.
By looking at the screenshots it looks like the graphics engine is getting an upgrade. A bloom effect (I cant stand over-use of bloom personally but it looks OK here), and best of all some shader effects.
That and I cant WAIT to bound from one to another building in the CoV area.. the buildings are just so cool -
Awesome! Personally I enjoy fighting bosses so I will keep my mission dificulty up, but giving us the choise is a GREAT decision.
States you said what I think most of us wanted to hear. Not forced grouping, but encouraged grouping without the dropping of solo-ability in most parts.
"I really do read & really do listen! The "devs" aren't cooped up in an ivory tower;"
For every jaded MMOG player who thinks this way, there are 1000 regular players who know the truth. You obviously love the game just as much, if not more so then it's players. If you didn't, you'd have left from the community pressures LONG ago lol.