Snowlock Ice/Storm Controller Guide Version 2.0!
Thanks for re-posting this. Without hard numbers, it's very hard to tell which Ice and Storm powers will be more effective than the others (since there's a lot of overlap).
Have you had any experience using Hover/Fly to hover over the mobs just out of melee range with Arctic Air running? I've heard some people using this but wasn't sure if that would be a viable option.
I didn't use hover/fly in combat because of the endurance drain, as well as needing to be on the ground for glacier. It may work, but probably only in outdoor areas.
A quick note about Issue #2. The two main powers that were changed in Issue #2 were Jack Frost and Lightning Storm, both for the better.
Jack Frost now has a ranged ice blast attack, which he shoots off pretty fast. His hold attack now does about the same damage as the rest of his attacks. His sword attacks are sped up as well. He lost his short range cone power, but the ice blast really makes up for it. This really seals the deal, and you should be doing everything you can to make Jack as powerful as possible, as he will be your main offensive weapon.
Lightning Storm also got an increase in firing rate and duration, making it much more potent. The damage per shot is still pretty much the same, but since it fires more and for longer it works out a lot better. With Hasten running, I was able to recast the Lightning Storm just before the previous one ran out. I'd say this moves Lightning Storm from a good power to a Must Have!
I'm learning more and more about this combination. If you play your cards right, you can slow down a huge mass of people (especially in Boomtown or the missions that are set to the dreaded 8-man teams).
You can use Arctic Air to slow down the people around you.
You can use Ice Slick to slow down the people approaching you.
You can use Snow Storm to slow down the people away from you.
You could theoretically bog down an entire hallway so that the guy in the back (probably the snow storm anchor) takes forever to finally reach you.
I don't have Freezing Rain yet, but I can imagine what chaos is around when that's thrown into the mix.
Great info....
I have been creating several controllers looking for that "right" feel. I absolutely love the CoHs Ice powers all around, but the Ice/Storm controller is a blast!
My 10th lvl Gravity Controller is too slow to develope into what I want in a controller.
My 4th lvl Mind Controller is a lot of fun, but it's control isn't as effective as Ice Control. Mind Control would rock if it could have Psychic Blast as a secondary!
I took Snow Storm over Artic air, but I was wondering what are the differences in animations?
Does anyone have any descriptions of these powers? That would be nice to see a website that captured the powers in use. It would save a lot of bad power picks.....
Snow Storm has whirling snow and frost in a big area around the targeted anchor, while Arctic Air just has a big white 'chilled' disc on the floor around you to show the limit of the effect.
Snow Storm looks far better, but the same effect would obscure all sight if it was used for a PBAoE effect.
Just started an ice/storm controller a few days ago, and I have to say i'm loving it. Perhaps the most fun character i have yet used - despite the really weak damage output... Though i always look to group anyway so i don't mind.
If you're in the hollows you can amuse yourself by throwing the large groups off the cliffs with gale, and it comes in handy for pushing things back from the melee line (quickly followed by the mass immobilize power so they stay back) to keep your tank/scrappers from getting pummeled.
Well, last time I commented on this build, my character was only 17th level. At the time, I swore by Arctic Air and Ice Slick. Now, at 27th level, I'm swearing by Ice Slick, Freezing Rain, and Glacier.
I think one thing to note about this build (and any build, really) is that as you move on, you may decide that you've outgrown some powers (especially when you throw SOs into the mix). I thought I'd never tire of Arctic Air, but I realized that I haven't used that power in quite a few levels. Here are my comments at the mid-20s. When I decide to do a respec, I will likely drop a few powers now that I've picked up other fun things.
Chilblain, level 1
A single target immobilize. If you need a damage power early on this is a good choice, as it is faster to use then Block of Ice. Later on your damage will fall way behind the damage dealers so it becomes pretty useless. Use at high levels would be to make sure something is immobilized by stacking this with frostbite.
I still agree with this. Come respec, this power is leaving. If I need a single-targe immobilize, I use Block of Ice, which recharges fairly quickly now that I'm in the SOs.
If you plan on using it to deal damage it should get damage, accuracy and endurance slots. If you just use it as a backup immobilize, go with accuracy.
Block of Ice, level 1
A single target hold.
Not getting rid of this (okay, so if I drop Chillbain, I have no choice). I held off on this power for a while. I suppose it made me a stronger controller, because now I rely on this power. But I think I didn't pick this up until level 20. Other controllers were laughing at me.
Frostbite, level 2
A multietarget immobilize.
I'd consider keeping this, but I'm not sure I need to. The mass immobilize is handy, but when I lay out slicks, glaciers, and freezing rain, are they going to run away anyway? It was handy when I was relying on Arctic Air so they couldn't run away. Now, it's one more power getting in the way of picking up a cool pool power.
Arctic Air, level 6
A point blank area of effect toggle. It inflicts slow and -recharge on all enemies around you and has a chance to fear or confuse them as well. Some people swear by this power while others just swear at it.
Despite my change of heart, I still swear by this. This power helped me a lot between levels 6 and 20ish. So, I recommend people pick this up. But respec is a handy thing, so when you find that you aren't using this much, get rid of it. Although, before I give it up, I may just use it a couple times for nostalgia's sake.
Oh, I did use it in my mid-20s once. I was on a hunt mission, so I found some Circle of Thorns 5 levels below me and used Arctic Air to make them drop each other. As long as I did some damage to each of them using Frostbite, I got the credit for the arrests. But really, I could have just waited for my Scrapper buddy to show up.
Shiver, level 8
A large cone slow and -recharge power.
I've heard good and bad. I never picked it up. As I will drop either Arctic Air or Snow Storm, I may pick this up. It'll be handy for those groups that outrun the recharge of my Ice Slick.
Ice Slick, level 12
A placed slow and knockdown power.
Still stand by this. I saw a level 46 ice/storm who didn't use this power, but he had Jack Frost, so that's different. But for now, I find this useful at 27.
Flash Freeze, level 18
An area of effect sleep. Sleep is currently the least useful control power out there, and Flash Freeze is a bad sleep because it aggroes guys before they get put to sleep.
Tried this on Test Server. On a bright note, Issue 2 made this concern a moot point, since they still remain asleep. But, when I use Freezing Rain and such, it makes this power kind of unnecessary. I still see no reason to actually take this, but that's because of my style of play. I bet this works fine if you don't take Freezing Rain or some other set that has AoE damage.
Glacier, level 26
A pointblank area of effect hold. This is a great power that you should get as soon as possible. Only small downside is you need to be next to the enemies to use it. Still, it should be used in almost every fight if you can work it.
Oh baby! It is nice. It can draw aggro like mad, so be careful with it. Annoy your enemies carefully. I find it handy to use this power after throwing down Freezing Rain. The defense debuff should ensure that most of the foes in your area will provide a nice lawn decoration in Alaska.
Gale, level 1
A power you have to get, but it isn't that good. I'd resign myself to having to get it and move on. You have other powers to keep guys away from you.
Put an accuracy in it and forget about it. Doesn't deserve more slots.
I did it that way. I still have a DO accuracy that I found somewhere. I didn't even bother to pay the 30k for an SO. Have to save up to swap out my enhancements now that I'm 27.
O2 Boost, level 2
A small heal, as well as a stun and sleep resistance boost. Won't make you into a main line healer but is enough to save people occasionally, as well as reducing downtime. The stun and sleep resistances are also very good later on when guys tend to use them more frequently.
Handy against ink men. With three heal SOs, it does a good job of pulling someone out of the fire. If they remain in the fire, then he may be toast, though. But that's what Ice Slick is for.
Snow Storm, level 4
A ranged toggle slow/-recharge.
Actually, if I drop Frostbite, I'd have to take this at level 4. And that's okay. I still use this sometimes, mostly with big bosses. It's also useful if the group outruns the recharge on my ice slick. Adding this with Ice Slick and Freezing Rain is pretty much overkill.
Steamy Mist, level 10
A point blank stealth, defense, resistance toggle.
I mostly use this as stealth. I don't use it much for defense, but it's hard to tell how much help the mist is when I have bad guys flopping like popcorn or debuffed with Hurricane. Still, I have two Defense Buffs, so I'm sure it's doing its job.
Freezing Rain, level 16
The ultimate in ranged area debuffs.
Agree totally. Very nice. I have to tell some people that the ones in the rain are the first ones to hit. I usually stack this on an Ice Slick because I like to keep everything in one tidy group. And AoE heroes can easily identify the slick as a center point. There's another reason as seen below.
Hurricane, level 20
A pointblank toggle that does a bunch of things. It pushes guys away and knocks them back. It also debuffs their accuracy a great amount. Can be used to move guys around, or to keep them away from you and friends.
This is perfect with Ice Slick. When in a large area, I can drop a slick and then use Hurricane to herd people onto the slick. When I drop Freezing Rain onto the slick, it opens up a lot for AoE heroes. Fish in barrel doesn't even begin to describe it.
All other powers I'm reserving judgment on. But Snowlock's guide is pretty spot on. I vary a little bit from his advice, but everyone has a personal preference, after all.
just a brief update for pvp: arctic air becomes vital when fighting against stealthed foes. my ice/storm controller (stormcrow/pinnicle) uses the power only situationally in hte pve game, but in pvp it is invaluable. as to the rest of the guide, i found it invaluable when i was bringing stormie into a respec months ago.
Ice/Storm starting off was painfully slow (about as bad as Gravity). I had intended to make a scraptroller out of her, haven't quite done that.
Soloing up to the teens is possible for small (2-3 in each) groups. In general it was about the same to solo Reds as it is to take Blues just takes a bit longer.
Taking Jump Kick and possibly another power pool attack helps a ton - they use less stamina and do as much damage equally slotted as primary pool attacks.
However lack Stamina makes the fights and mishes pretty long. Haste is nice for bigger groups or bosses, but not really necessary (and trust me you burn through end like a fat kid through ice cream til you get stamina).
Now at 25 and the power swing has been huge. Stamina along with IS and FR and I can solo small mobs (5 or 6) of +2's with a couple of Lts with out too much risk.
This is by far the nastiest Controller I have had at L25. I'll see if it holds up for later levels.
My build:
- 1 Chilblain
- 1 Gale (I'm convinced this power is a Dev's joke... glad they threw in an Acc Penalty on it just to make it truly crap)
- 2 Block o Ice
- 4 Jump Kick
- 6 Kick
- 8 Sprint
- 10 Steamy Mist
- 12 Ice Slick
- 14 SuperJump
- 16 Health
- 18 Arctic Air
- 20 STAMINA!!!!!!!
- 22 Hasten
- 24 Freezing Rain
- 26 Glacier
- 28 Maneuvers
- 30 Tactics
- 32 Jack Frost
- 35 Tough
- 38 Lightening Storm
@ L 25 I typically keep SM up IS, FR, BoI the worst of them and then go into melee dropping IS and FR as they come up. If things are going badly, throw up AA and run off to regroup.
Frostbite is not quite rewarding enough, plus the immobilization seems to counter some of the knockdown that makes that IS+FR combo so effective.
Also since you want to keep baddies in melee and on your IS, Hurricaine loses out to AA.
This is mainly for soloing, but works well it teams. If you want to be even more team friendly, Sub in O2 Boost or Recall Friend or add Assault. Or if you want more defense try and fit in Weave or Acrobatics.
Frostbite is not quite rewarding enough, plus the immobilization seems to counter some of the knockdown that makes that IS+FR combo so effective.
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Immobilization grants the affected mobs a 10 second period of resistance to knockdown. Its usually not such a good idea to immobilze stuff on ice slicks or in freezing rain
Can you please update this great guide for I5? I'd like to have an idea how to prepare my free respec.
Considering there's been two issues released since this guide was posted and we're about to have issue 7 released is there anything about this guide that should be updated / changed?
Considering there's been two issues released since this guide was posted and we're about to have issue 7 released is there anything about this guide that should be updated / changed?
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Yes, mentioning 6 slotting stuff for damage !
My 50 ice/storm has snowstorm (largely for the -fly to solo paragon protectors) but not arctic air or shiver. The mass sleep is broken by ice slick so useless to me. I have superjump as my movement power so I can buy acrobatics for knockback protection. One thing you might wish to consider is choice of epic pools. My build is very defensive and so I chose psionics for some mez prot, but fire would be the offensive choice (out of the question for me for RP reasons). My standard routine is ice slick, freezing rain, move so that lightning storm will knock stuff onto the ice slick not off it and then cast it, all the while spamming the single target hold. I run the psi armor, steamy mist and acrobatics all the time. If I have somebody else to take aggro, I'll use the mass immob to give me containment for psionic tornado, otherwise I'll use glacier (or the mass disorient followed by mass immob) first.
I find the swirling hurricane graphics make me feel sick if I run them for longer than a few seconds, but I do find it useful to punt stuff onto the ice slick.
Ms Blizzard 50 ice/storm troller Freedom
and 70+ others including 3 other CoH 50s and 4 CoV 40s
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
Wow - I can't believe everybody doesn't love FrostBite???
I run with a F/F tank (SG buddy) as often as possible, and created my Ice/Storm controller specifically to aid him.
Once he grabs aggro - gets the NME's bunched up around him:
I frostbite them all, then he hits BURN.
No more 'fear' from burn.
Well... they may be terrified, but their isn't much they can do about it.
Frostbite is very handy at later levels teamed or soloing.
You can essentially fight a group of mobs form around a corner by debuffing with freezing rain, Immobing with frostbite, tossing in a tornado to eat them alive, reapply frostbite frequently.
For those seeking a slightly higher lvl of control and damage, throw a few Block of Ice and a lightning storm or 2 and Mobs go down very fast
Good luck
Good guide! The comments afterward are excellent too.
Dark Forsaken: Clearance Level 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
Officer of Fox Force Five
@The Dark Forsaken
Any updates for this build? Anything people would now do differently because of all the releases/changes since this was first posted?
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Snowlock's Ice/Storm Guide Version 2.0!

As my original guide seems to have been lost I have rewritten it, making it better, faster, stronger! What I do is go through each power in the ice and storm sets and give you a general idea how to use them, and how to slot them.
For those wondering, I have every ice and storm power and have played around with all of them so I have a pretty good idea what they do. I also took hover, fly, hasten, swift, health and stamina. If I had to respec I'd take out some of the powers(flash freeze and tornado) and take manuvers and tactics probably.
At the end of the post is a sample build that may or may not work.
Ice Control Powers:
Chilblain, level 1
A single target immobilize. If you need a damage power early on this is a good choice, as it is faster to use then Block of Ice. Later on your damage will fall way behind the damage dealers so it becomes pretty useless. Use at high levels would be to make sure something is immobilized by stacking this with frostbite.
If you plan on using it to deal damage it should get damage, accuracy and endurance slots. If you just use it as a backup immobilize, go with accuracy.
Block of Ice, level 1
A single target hold. This should be one of your staple powers and I'd suggest getting it to start. You will be using this early on to hold annoying mobs, and later on to hold bosses that glacier doesn't hold. It also deals enough damage to get by with at the start, with the bonus that guys don't attack back.
Slot this to six with a majority of hold durations, and some accuracy as well.
Frostbite, level 2
A multietarget immobilize. This is a very good power that will lock large groups of enemies in place. As melee attacks are generally much stronger then ranged attacks this is a good strategy to keep yourself and parties alive at low level. At later levels you get more tools that will do similar things, but it still remains pretty solid.
Three to six slots are probably good. Get enough accuracy to make it hit everything and throw on some immobilize duration or endurance reduction for good measure.
Arctic Air, level 6
A point blank area of effect toggle. It inflicts slow and -recharge on all enemies around you and has a chance to fear or confuse them as well. Some people swear by this power while others just swear at it. I found the high endurance cost and the need to stand close to the enemy to be a downside. If you like getting in the melee mix this may be the power for you. If you want to stand back and control from a distance you should probably skip this.
If you want to use this, I'd put in three endurance reductions. Confuse and fear durations aren't much use as the base duration on them is so short. Slow duration enhancements aren't much use, as they only make guys move slower.
Shiver, level 8
A large cone slow and -recharge power. This power will hit a huge cone of guys and will slow their movement and attacks way down. Downside is that it can miss, and the duration of the power isn't that long. You are able to stack it though, and it will slow guys to the maximum amount if you do. It can also be combined with other slow/-recharge powers to hit the cap as well. I consider this to be the best slow/-recharge power availalbe, for the huge cone and self stacking benefits.
Doesn't need a lot of slots to be effective, just enough accuracy to hit realiably.
Ice Slick, level 12
A placed slow and knockdown power. This power creates a circular area on the ground that slows people walking through it, as well as having a chance at knocking them down or back. Rule of thumb is guys above your level will be knocked down while guys your level and lower will be knocked back. This makes it more effective when used on higher level guys as knockback usually spreads guys out. very useful to block off corridors in missions. Later on it becomes less usefull as you get more tools, but still a quality pick.
Doesn't really need to be slotted to be useful. Throw in a recharge to get it to come back before it goes away.
Flash Freeze, level 18
An area of effect sleep. Sleep is currently the least useful control power out there, and Flash Freeze is a bad sleep because it aggroes guys before they get put to sleep. If sleep is changed this power may be ok, but until then I would stay away from it.
If it becomes useful, a mix of sleep duration and accuracy should be best.
Glacier, level 26
A pointblank area of effect hold. This is a great power that you should get as soon as possible. Only small downside is you need to be next to the enemies to use it. Still, it should be used in almost every fight if you can work it.
Slot it out all the way, with a mix of accuracy, hold duration and recharges.
Jack Frost, level 32
A summoned pet. Jack is an OK pet. Once you have him slotted up you should be able to solo missions without too many problems. He's not going to do enough damage fast enough to kill medium to large groups though. He has four attacks which he cycles through. Two ice sword attacks, a short range cone attack and a single target hold. He also has about the same hit points as you, so he won't be that great of a tank.
Slot him out fully, with a mix of damage, accuracy and recharge.
Storm Summoning
Gale, level 1
A power you have to get, but it isn't that good. I'd resign myself to having to get it and move on. You have other powers to keep guys away from you.
Put an accuracy in it and forget about it. Doesn't deserve more slots.
O2 Boost, level 2
A small heal, as well as a stun and sleep resistance boost. Won't make you into a main line healer but is enough to save people occasionally, as well as reducing downtime. The stun and sleep resistances are also very good later on when guys tend to use them more frequently. Definitly pick this power up sometime in your career.
If you have some spare slots to spare you can give them to this. Slot it with heals or endurance reductions. It's effect lasts much longer then the recharge so no need to slot recharges.
Snow Storm, level 4
A ranged toggle slow/-recharge. Generally a very good power in the storm set, it gets overshadowed by arctic air and shiver. If you have to chose between these powers I'd go for shiver first. If you feel you still need more slowing you can pick this up, but I'd probably hold off getting it.
It doesn't need many slots to be useful. Just stick an endurance reduction in it and you should be ok. Slow enhancmenets only reduce movement speed, and since you can immobilize target isn't that great.
Steamy Mist, level 10
A point blank stealth, defense, resistance toggle. A very good power to get sometime in your career as it provides a bunch of useful buffs. The stealth buff is good for sneaking up to guys to use glacier. The defense buff isn't all that great, but still OK. The damage resistance is to cold, energy and fire, which aren't all that common, but can still come in handy. Pick it up once you feel you can run it all the time without too much trouble. It also slows your movement speed, but this can be fixed with swift, sprint or super speed(stack with super speed to make yourself really hard to see).
Somewhere between 3 and 6 slots. One endurance reducer isn't bad and the rest can be defense or resistance buffs.
Freezing Rain, level 16
The ultimate in ranged area debuffs. It damages guys(not for a lot though), reduces their defense, reduces their resistance to damage, and slows their speed and recharge. This is a must have power in the storm set you should get as soon as possible. Goes well with frostbite and glacier, as guys will try to flee out of the rain. Is useful when you get it and remains useful your entire career.
I'd go with six slots for this power, but the choice of enhancements is a bit variable. If you want to make sure it is always available, fill it with recharges. Putting some defense debuffs in will also be useful.
Hurricane, level 20
A pointblank toggle that does a bunch of things. It pushes guys away and knocks them back. It also debuffs their accuracy a great amount. Can be used to move guys around, or to keep them away from you and friends. Keeping the accuracy debuff on guys is hard unless you have a handy corner to push them into. A solid power that you should get eventually, just not right away.
Four slots is probably sufficient for this power, one endurance reduction and three accuracy debuffs.
Thunder Clap, level 28
A pointblank area of effect disorient. It is a decent power, but since Ice has no disorient in the main line it will only be useful for taking out minions and LTs. It recharges much faster then glacier, so you can use it more often. I'd get this power eventually, but not right away as it won't be usefull till slotted heavily and you will be slotting glacier around this time. Can be used in a pinch when glacier hasn't recharged.
Slot it mainly with accuracy and disorient duration. Recharge reduction doesn't hurt either.
Tornado, level 32
Summons a tornado. Sounds impressive, but it really isn't. The tornado deals almost no damage and throws guys in all directions. Only get it if you are at a complete loss of a power to take and want to be amused occasionally. It breaks up clumps of guys really well, but as you want to keep guys clumped up for AoE attacks this is a bad thing. Some people say it's a good run away power, but thats really stretching it.
No clue how to slot it as I have yet to find a good use for it.
Lightning Storm, level 38
Summons a startionary cloud that shoots lightning. Again sounds cool, but the damage isn't all that hot even with six slotted damage. Still, it's the second best damage power you can take(Jack is first) so pick it up if you have the power slots.
Put six slots in if you plan to use it. Slot mostly with damage, but the endurance cost is about half your endurance so one or two endurance reducers doesn't hurt.
Power Pool Powers
Here are some power pool powers that you may find helpful.
Hasten - A must have power, it is about the equivalent of two SO recharges in a power. This makes your LONG recharge powers(glacier, jack, freezing rain) shine and allows you to slot them with other things. Try to have this 6 slotted with recharge reducers by level 28 when you get glacier.
Super Speed - A travel power that goes well with steamy mist as the stealth effects stack and make you very hard to see. Can be taken later in your career if you like a different travel power, or can be your primary one since you'll want hasten. Doesn't need more slots unless you like traveling faster.
Swift - An OK power pool choice that will help you out if you want to move around at normal speeds while using Steamy Mist. Also can be used to get stamina.
Stamina - A very good power pool choice, it will increasae the amount of endurance you regen. I didn't get stamina until past 40, so it is possible to survive without out it, I just wouldn't advise it. It isn't necessary to get it exactly at 20, but try to fit it in when you have the space. Also make sure to slot it up to six with endurancy recovery when you have the slots.
Manuevers - Another OK power pool choice, it will boost your defense and those around you. No need to get it early as you have enough things to drain your endurance, but pick it up later once you have stamina slotted. If you have the slots it wouldn't hurt to six slot it with five defense and one endurance.
Tactics - A good power pool choice, it will allow you to replace some of your accuracies with other enhancements. Again this is a late game kind of thing when you have the power slots for it.
Sample Build
Archetype: Controller
Primary Powers - Control : Ice Control
Secondary Powers - Buff/Debuff : Storm Summoning
Slot[01] Level 1 (Starting Primary) : Block Of Ice /Hold,Hold,Hold,Hold,Acc,Acc
Slot[02] Level 1 (Starting Secondary) : Gale /Acc
Slot[03] Level 2 : Frostbite /Immob,Immob,Immob,Acc,Acc,Acc
Slot[04] Level 4 : O2 Boost /Heal
Slot[05] Level 6 : Hasten /Rchg,Rchg,Rchg,Rchg,Rchg,Rchg
Slot[06] Level 8 : Shiver /Acc,Acc,EndRdx
Slot[07] Level 10 : Swift /Run
Slot[08] Level 12 : Ice Slick /Rchg
Slot[09] Level 14 : Super Speed /Run
Slot[10] Level 16 : Freezing Rain /Rchg,Rchg,Rchg,Rchg,Rchg,EndRdx
Slot[11] Level 18 : Hurdle /Jump
Slot[12] Level 20 : Stamina /EndRec,EndRec,EndRec,EndRec,EndRec,EndRec
Slot[13] Level 22 : Steamy Mist /EndRdx,EndRdx,EndRdx,DefBuf,DefBuf,DefBuf
Slot[14] Level 24 : Hurricane /EndRdx,HitDeb,HitDeb
Slot[15] Level 26 : Glacier /Hold,Hold,Hold,Acc,Acc,Rchg
Slot[16] Level 28 : Thunder Clap /Dsrnt,Dsrnt,Dsrnt,Acc,Acc,Rchg
Slot[17] Level 30 : Maneuvers /EndRdx
Slot[18] Level 32 : Jack Frost /Dmg,Dmg,Acc,Rchg,Rchg,Rchg
Slot[19] Level 35 : Tactics /HitBuf,HitBuf,HitBuf,HitBuf,HitBuf,HitBuf
Slot[20] Level 38 : Lightning Storm /Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,EndRdx