Current Defender Issues (October 3, 2005)
And, a note to everyone: this isn't a wish list, or a it'd be a nice list. This is for bugs, or balance issues that can be agreed upon and worded in a constructive manner with good reasoning backing it up. That leaves some hazy areas where I have to use my best judgment. Be afraid.
Additionally, if someone wants to take over this list, please do let me know. I will be unable to continue updating it after this month.
Defender scondaries are all but worthless in pvp, and the devs do not care. We are the most balanced archatype. I don't think they will fix anything.
Just a note on pet gaze while its a level 18 power with no special side effects (its just a hold) while all other holds attainable at equal or lower levels for other ATs (blaster elec or ice holds and most controllers 1st level holds) have some secondary effect damage, etc. Should be given some sort of secondary affect for being a level 18 power, probably a debuff.
Storm Summoning
Balance: Snowstorm is more effective for Controllers than Defenders. ( It appears the defender version is 80% as slowing as the controller version, seems they were reversed. Dark_Pyroblast)
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For clarification, it's the -recharge that Controllers get 125% of. The -movement speed effect is following the 80% rule.
Other powers which have the same problem and aren't mentioned here...
<ul type="square">[*] Freezing Rain operates at 115% -resist for Controllers (in case you want the numbers.[*] Thunder Clap operates at 100% of the disorient duration for Controllers, and may crit for them, making it significantly more effective for their class.[*] Gale operates at 100% knockback, range, and in my tests, damage, for Controllers.[*] 02 Boost gives the same status resistance for Controllers as Defenders.[/list]
Trick Arrow
Balance : Flash Arrow has been tested to give a 5-10% toHit debuff, putting it even with the fixed Smoke Grenade for /dev Blasters. Not only this a primary debuff power which is exactly as effective as a secondary generalist power, it also seems very weak for a powerset with no heals or reactive abilities.
I'd be willing to take over this list, if you can't continue to.
I'm new to this discussion, so pardon me if this is a dead horse:
Balance: There is only one villian group which has vulnerabilities to psi damage and it's only in the early game when the set is weakest. By the time the set can actually do damage, most villian groups (nemesis, praetorians, Council, Carnies, Malta just to list a few) are not only not vulnerable, but have a high precentage of members with either sizable resists or defense to the entire set, save telekinetic blast, making the set feel underpowered throughout the game. (LadyMage)
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It's always been my theory that you notice the resistances that affect you. In the case of Lethal, for instance, that's "Armored and robots" at 50% and "Partially armored" around 25%. That's a LOT of enemies. [Crey armor, Rikti armor, Malta Titans, Nem Jaegers, off the top of my head.] Also some other specific cases- carnie Strongmen, stone Devo's, and I think some Banished bosses.
I know a few of the Energy and Cold resists as well. . . I believe that Damage Resistance is pretty much a wash for everyone.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
I don't know if it is a bug or not but -RES DeBuffs of Defenders in PvP, are they really unresistable?
Remember, currently -RES works like this..
(1+DeBuff)*Damage*(enemy RES) = actual damage taken
instead of Damage*(enemy RES - DeBuff) = what we wish for
That's why a person with 80% RES only takes an additional 4% more damage when hit with a 20% DeBuff instead of the full 20%.
Also, this thread needs to be bumped. Too many things in it.
It's always been my theory that you notice the resistances that affect you. In the case of Lethal, for instance, that's "Armored and robots" at 50% and "Partially armored" around 25%. That's a LOT of enemies. [Crey armor, Rikti armor, Malta Titans, Nem Jaegers, off the top of my head.] Also some other specific cases- carnie Strongmen, stone Devo's, and I think some Banished bosses.
I know a few of the Energy and Cold resists as well. . . I believe that Damage Resistance is pretty much a wash for everyone.
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Problem is that it's not a wash for Psychic. While Lethal, Energy, and Cold come out even or slightly below, Psychic gains almost no benefit from being, well, Psychic. Enemies don't just have a lot of resists to psychic; almost no enemies other than Clockwork are weak to it. Hell, at least Lethal has the lower rank carnies, hydra, and DE mushies.
Also, another issue from Rigel_Kent about Storm Summoning -
Clear Mind and Clarity self-stack; Increase Density does not because it's also a +damage resistance buff. O2 Boost has no +damage resistance, so it really should be treated like CM and Clarity.
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I've got one to add for Storm Summoning/O2 Boost.
"The hero version of O2 Boost cancels itself, even though it does not grant +def or +damage resistance buffs. Its function and duration are similar to Clear Mind and Clarity, so it should be allowed to self-stack."
The AI version of O2 Boost does self-stack, and is not overpowered for doing so.
If another hero is under a Disorient effect, and I re-apply O2 Boost on that hero, the Disorient graphics appear over that hero's head for an instant. I suspect, but haven't confirmed, that the other hero is detoggled during that instant. I also suspect Kinetics/Increase Density has this problem as well.
Edit: Heh, Blueeyed beat me to my own post.
Sorry, I went AWOL again -- I got called to jury duty. (I should make an alt called "JurorNumberThree"... wonder what the powersets would be...)
A bug submitted by Goofy_Parrot and Concern:
When an attack misses its target, aggro is generated when the attack begins. This is problematic when using a power with a long activation time (such as Ice Arrow); aggro is generated and you are subject to "return" fire before the attack is actually launched. The character is rooted in place until the animation finishes. (If the attack actually hits, no aggro is generated until the attack lands; this is when a miss should generate aggro as well). This bug is not limited to the Trick Arrow set, but impacts the set more than others due to its many powers with long animation times.
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To let you know, CuppaJo says she submits these bug collections in her reports to the Devs, and she mentioned that the Kheldian thread had gotten a post by Geko. So, if you have bugs, submit them! (I swear, people who can make a difference really are reading.)
When an attack misses its target, aggro is generated when the attack begins.
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I thought this problem was limited to just Trick Arrow and Archery, so I took my psychic blast defender out for confirmation. I found Mental Blast exhibits the same behavior, so it appears the problem may indeed be universal.
If another hero is under a Disorient effect, and I re-apply O2 Boost on that hero, the Disorient graphics appear over that hero's head for an instant.
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Just following up. Thanks to Cryophobia on Virtue, an Ice Tanker who bravely brawled with a +2 Murk Eidolon for several minutes while my defender spammed O2 Boosts, I've confirmed that the O2 Boosted hero, with no other mez resistance, in this situation is indeed detoggled and disoriented for a short time. We agreed it was an extreme annoyance!
Also, I just remembered a new possible balance issue for Trick Arrow:
"Entangling Arrow and Ice Arrow have 25% longer durations as Controller secondaries than as Defender primaries."
Electron Haze from Rad Secondary also has this problem. To add to it, "One miss can trigger an entire group to turn and agro on the hero. The hero can die before damage is calculated." I know I've stood there, watched as my health went into the red, and then seen damage applied to a few mobs. No wonder I respec'd it out.
Update: repulsion field had its per mob end cost reduced in the 9.20.05 patch.
the bug to enervating field being lowered to 30% is not a bug. intended and confirmed by the devs to bring the power into line with the other I5 balancing.
the bug to enervating field being lowered to 30% is not a bug. intended and confirmed by the devs to bring the power into line with the other I5 balancing.
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Intended? Maybe. But it didn't get confirmed until a while after I5, and Erratic is still owed an apology for being told he was 'mistaken' about the numbers coming up on his screenshots.
Quality of Life: Detention Field's graphic needs to be more obvious -- currently teammates can't tell when an enemy is detained and waste attacks on it.
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I believe a nice way to fix this without messing with the graphics would be to utilize the same coding that Taunt uses in PvP. So that when a target is in the Detention Field, it is not targetable.
Balance: Mental Blast does too little damage for its animation time. It costs more end, does the same damage, and has 150% of the animation time of charged bolts. It is 1/3 the dpa of Dark Blast for the same cost. Its animation time should be reduced to 2 seconds.
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The change to Subdue in this patch was nice, but it does make Mental Blast even harder to deal with. A nice way to balance this would be to take the animation for Psychic Dart that the Rikti Monkey's have.
Royal Knight/Headgear
Force Field/Psionics Defender - Sonics/Traps Corruptor
Guardian Server
Founder of:
The Order of Prometheus/
Bane of Prometheus
Kinetics[LIST][*]Bug: When Transfusion is fired off on an enemy that is defeated before the power activates, there is no heal, though the animation fires.
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I have seen this happen (as recently as tonight) on a target that falls or jumps off a ledge. The ledge was right next to both the target and myself and was just a few feet down, but once the target had landed and the target was hidden from view (i.e., no longer targettable), I received no heal although I was in the green splash zone but the edge of the ledge obscured my line of sight to the target. To be clear, the transfusion animation (casting portion) began with the target right next to me and the target landed just a split second before the splash began. Curious.
the bug to enervating field being lowered to 30% is not a bug. intended and confirmed by the devs to bring the power into line with the other I5 balancing.
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Intended? Maybe. But it didn't get confirmed until a while after I5, and Erratic is still owed an apology for being told he was 'mistaken' about the numbers coming up on his screenshots.
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It still needs to be removed. Let's not let forum drama get in the way of maintaining this excellent list.
Quality of Life: Detention Field's graphic needs to be more obvious -- currently teammates can't tell when an enemy is detained and waste attacks on it.
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I believe a nice way to fix this without messing with the graphics would be to utilize the same coding that Taunt uses in PvP. So that when a target is in the Detention Field, it is not targetable.
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While this would be a good addition, I fail to see a good reason *not* to mess with the graphics as well. They already did once. Several Issues ago they made the graphic effect fainter and less visible than what it was originally... Pfltht.
the bug to enervating field being lowered to 30% is not a bug. intended and confirmed by the devs to bring the power into line with the other I5 balancing.
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Intended? Maybe. But it didn't get confirmed until a while after I5, and Erratic is still owed an apology for being told he was 'mistaken' about the numbers coming up on his screenshots.
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It still needs to be removed. Let's not let forum drama get in the way of maintaining this excellent list.
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While I fell soundly on the side of Erratic in that situation, I do agree, and the bug will be removed in the next version of the list.
Could always add it as a quality of life issue:
"Devs still need to publically apologize for implying people who pointed out I5 EF change before posthumous Patch Note were lying or making things up."
Sorry, just bitter. I can handle power changes, even undocumented ones. But if you screwed up, publically, then you have to make up for it, as publically. This is really the one big blemish for me on the Devs' track record. Well, that and the Controller version of Storm Summoning, but I'd assume this is based partially on coding issues they're afraid to tackle rather than them ignoring it.
Winston Churchill
[ QUOTE ][*] PVP: Darkest Night debuffs base damage rather than enhanced damage, crippling it in PvP. A power with a base damage of 100 would do 265 damage with 5 SO damage enhancements. Using Darkest Night would only reduce this damage to 235, a decrease of 11% rather than 25%. (LastHumanSoldier, wording by Quason)
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I wonder if all debuffs are calculated this way? -ACC debuffs would basically be useless if that is the case.
Still here, even after all this time!

((I'm starting another thread to discuss Psi resists. I don't want to further threadjack this one.))
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
the bug to enervating field being lowered to 30% is not a bug. intended and confirmed by the devs to bring the power into line with the other I5 balancing.
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Intended? Maybe. But it didn't get confirmed until a while after I5, and Erratic is still owed an apology for being told he was 'mistaken' about the numbers coming up on his screenshots.
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It still needs to be removed. Let's not let forum drama get in the way of maintaining this excellent list.
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It isn't forum drama when the devs claim they didn't make a change and insult you for even suggesting it.
Sorry for the delay -- I wanted to let the patches come in after I5, but then I had to go to a wedding. Now I'm back, and so are the current Defender issues.
Based on the September 6, 2005 post and your responses, here is the updated Defender Issues list. If anything is missing, please post and I will add them. Please note I have been absent from the boards, so things that might be common knowledge aren't (to me, at least).
Credit to WanderingCat for the idea, format, and everything else.
Affects Multiple Powersets:
<ul type="square">[*]Bug: All disorient powers cause enemies with flight to move away at rapid speeds, even while under its effects. Individual powers with this problem are noted within their sets below.[*]Balance: Single target ressurection powers should not be expended and the associated endurance used unless the target accepts the resurrect. (LadyMage)[*]Quality of Life: Currently all powers that prevent status effects last between 60 and 90 seconds, making them impractical for team buffing. Is this intended?[*]Quality of Life: Now that rez effects give XP debt protection, is it possible to rethink the rez confirmation process? This can be removed entirely, or made an option, as with team gifts and team teleports. (Rigel_Kent)[/list]
Dark Miasma
<ul type="square">[*]Bug: The disorient from Howling Twilight will cause enemies in flight to move away at rapid speeds, even while under its effects. (Eisregen)[*]Bug: Character is sometimes trapped in the tar patch animation when activating the power, until another power is activated. [*]Bug: Petrfying Gaze power description and combat messages suggest that the power reduces the targets defense, which does not happen. (Dysmal)[*]Balance: Dark Servant is a level 32 Primary Power. While you can now only summon one (as Controllers) it has not been made perma to compensate (as it was for Controllers). (Statesman says that won't happen.)[*]PVP: Darkest Night debuffs base damage rather than enhanced damage, crippling it in PvP. A power with a base damage of 100 would do 265 damage with 5 SO damage enhancements. Using Darkest Night would only reduce this damage to 235, a decrease of 11% rather than 25%. (LastHumanSoldier, wording by Quason)[/list]
<ul type="square">[*]Bug: Adrenalin Boost's animation will play even if the power is not recharged/target is out of range/empath is out of endurance. (LadyMage)[*]Bug: Absorb Pain inflicts the user with the inability to be healed, even if the target had been defeated before the power could go off. (Rigel_Kent)[*]Balance: Resurrect is now the worst res power in the game not from a pool. It has the highest cost, tied for the highest recharge and has no effects to commend it like the other rez powers do (high buff, foe disorient, multi-res). (LadyMage) [*]Balance: Clear mind's animation (4 seconds) makes prebuffing a large team prohibitive, and using it as a release deadly. (LadyMage)[/list]
Force Fields
<ul type="square">[*]Bug: Knockback enhancements have no apparent effect in knockback powers in the FF set. Are enhancements/powers working as intended?[*]Balance: Repulsion Bomb has an approximately two to three second animation time thus generally failing to save people from any melee attacks unless it is acitvated/chained before it is needed. (Telok)[*]Balance: Repulsion Field. Statesman promised an end reduction to the power several weeks ago. No patch notes indicating whether or not the reduction has been implemented. (BurningChick)[*]Balance: Currently the last three powers in the FF set are highly situational and generate a great deal of aggro, all of which is drawn on to the least defended member of the team -- the FF Defender. (Telok)[*]Balance: Force Bolt has the exact same effect for Controllers as Defenders.[*]Balance: Detention Field has the exact same effect for Controllers as Defenders.[*]Balance: Repulsion Field has the exact same effect for Controllers as Defenders.[*]Balance: Force Bubble has the exact same effect for Controllers as Defenders.[*]Balance: Repulsion Bomb has the exact same effect for Controllers as Defenders.[*]Balance: Force Field defenders rely on only two methods of Defending -- adding Defense and use of knockback. Considering the multiple ways all other Defender sets have of Defending their teams within each set (heals, buffs, debuffs, holds, etc.), is it intended for FF to be a two-trick pony?[*]Graphics: The power icon for Detention Field does not match its effect. The icon suggests this power buffs an ally's resistance to energy and negative energy damage. [*]Quality of Life: Detention Field's graphic needs to be more obvious -- currently teammates can't tell when an enemy is detained and waste attacks on it.[/list]
<ul type="square">[*]Bug: When Transfusion is fired off on an enemy that is defeated before the power activates, there is no heal, though the animation fires. However, if Twilight Grasp goes off on a dying enemy, it heals the recipients. (Rigel_Kent adds: To be more technical, this seems to be a problem with all AoE effects generated around the single target of a power. Illusion Control->Blind's AoE mez effect also has this problem; if the Blind damage defeats the target, the AoE mez will not happen. AoE's generated around the user don't have this problem.)[*]Bug: When Transference is fired off on an enemy that is defeated before the power activates, there is no endurance regained for those in the AOE, though the animation fires. (Dark Pyroblast)[*]Bug: If Fulcrum Shift is fired off on an enemy that is defeated before the power activates, you get the single 50% caster buff, but NOT the 25% effect from the dying mob OR any mobs around him. (Quason)[*]Bug: Fulcrum Shift and Siphon Power. If a mob has a resistance, or vulnerability, to a certain type of energy AND that mob has an attack that is based on that type of energy, the amount the damage will be debuffed is altered by the mobs resistance. For example -- a villain has a 25% vulnerability to energy attacks. His energy damage is debuffed an extra 25% beyond the base 25%, making the final debuff 31.25% (25% of 25 is 6.25). This works in reverse as well. A mob, such as Hamidon, with 90% resistance to all attack types would only be debuffed 2.5%. (Ladioss_Sopp)[*]Quality of Life: Increase Density duration is far too short for practicality. The fact that it has a damage resistance buffing component indicates that it was intended to be used regularly and preemptively, but with a duration of 60 seconds, it's nearly impossible to maintain and still carry out the rest of our primary functions. (Quason)[*]PVP: Siphon Power and Fulcrum shift debuff base damage rather than enhanced damage, crippling them in PvP. A power with a base damage of 100 would do 265 damage with 5 SO damage enhancements. Using Siphon Power or Fulcrum Shift would only reduce this damage to 240, a decrease of 9.5% rather than 25%. (LastHumanSoldier, wording by Quason)[/list]
Radiation Emission
<ul type="square">[*]Bug: Enervating Field, pre-I5, debuffed enemy resistance by 37.5%. It now debuffs enemy resistance by 30%. (Erratic)[*]Graphics: The power icons for Radiation Infection and Enervating Field are reversed. (Rigel_Kent) [*]Graphics: Radiation Infection. All targets affected by this power are surrounded by a "red tinted cloud" sticky graphic, which suggests a -damage debuff. The cloud should be tinted yellow or purple. (Rigel_Kent) [*]PVP: Enervating Field debuffs base damage rather than enhanced damage, crippling it in PvP. A power with a base damage of 100 would do 265 damage with 5 SO damage enhancements. Using Siphon Evervating Field would only reduce this damage to 235, a decrease of 11% rather than 25%. (LastHumanSoldier, wording by Quason)[/list]
Storm Summoning
<ul type="square">[*]Bug: Thunderclap, and all stuns, cause enemies in flight to move away at rapid speeds, even while under its effects.[*]Bug: Hurricane, when used to push an enemy who is under the effects of a hold by another player, sometimes pulls or pushes the enemy in a different direction than intended. (Theory: Hurricane repels enemies Immobilized by another player as if that other player (caster of the Immob) were the origin of the Hurricane.)[*]Bug: Targets struck by lightning are still giving the message 'Your lightning temporarily disables a power in use by (target).' (Lady_Sadako)[*]Bug: Hurricane and teleport self, when the port both starts and ends within the Hurricane radius, seems to have a very high chance of putting the porter through the "paladinawaken" animation somewhere between 20 and 30 times, even more so when used inside door missions. (Blueeyed)[*]Balance: Lightning Cloud does the exact same damage and secondary effect for Controllers as it does for Defenders.[*]Balance: Snowstorm is more effective for Controllers than Defenders. ( It appears the defender version is 80% as slowing as the controller version, seems they were reversed. Dark_Pyroblast)[*]Balance: Tornado does the exact same damage and secondary effect for Controllers as it does for Defenders.[*]Balance: Freezing Rain provides a greater resistance debuff for Controllers than it does for Defenders. (Stormbringer, Dark_Pyroblast)[*]Graphics: The power icon for Freezing Rain does not match its effect. The icon suggests this power buffs the team's fire and cold damage resistance. (Rigel_Kent) [*]PVP: Hurricane does not debuff the ranged attacks (APP, Claws/Focus) of Scrappers and Tankers as it should. (Stormbringer)[/list]
Sonic Resonance
<ul type="square">[*]Graphics: Graphics are causing players headaches. (I believe a Dev said there was a fix in the works.)[*]Balance: Sonic resonance users extremely weak as far as self defense until 18 and Sonic Repulsion. Every other defender primary has a power in their primary to help with defense of some kind for themselves before level 10, even if that's just a heal or a slow.[/list]
Trick Arrow
<ul type="square">[*]Bug: Debuffing patches created by the Glue Arrow and Poison Gas Arrow powers disappear when the original target is defeated. (Rigel_Kent)[*]Bug: Poison Gas Arrow accepts slow enhancements but does not have a slow component in its description nor does it slow down the enemy. [*]Bug: When keying up a TA or Archery power that targets an enemy while moving, if you land out of reach of that power (ie. too far away from your target), your character will perform an animation of drawing the bow, though without an arrow and the power will not trigger. Annoying since it locks you in place for the duration of the animation. No other set behaves like this to my knowledge. Keying powers outside of their range only readies them until you move into range for all other sets. (Eisregen)[*]Bug: Disruption arrow accepts "enhance damage resistance" enhancments. (rethak)[*]Balance: Entangling Arrow, a Defender primary power, is less effective than Devices/Web Grenade, which is in a Blaster secondary set.[*]Balance: As a general design issue, too many Trick Arrow powers have been balanced directly against similar Control powers. They are intentionally weaker than their Control counterparts. This makes it appropriate for a Controller secondary, but it underperforms as a primary in its own right. (Rigel_Kent)[*]Graphics: Flash Arrow displays an animation on affecting an enemy (effect is a DeBuff to Aggro Range and Accuracy). When an enemy is attacked, the animation vanishes (to signify that the enemy's Aggro Range is no longer suppressed), leaving the user with no clear way to tell when the Acc DeBuff expires (Acc DeBuff itself still applies after that first attack for all that's known).[/list]
<ul type="square">[*]Bug: The disorient from Stunning Shot will cause enemies in flight to move away at rapid speeds, even while under its effects. (Eisregen)[*]Bug: When keying up a TA or Archery power that targets an enemy while moving, if you land out of reach of that power (ie. too far away from your target), your character will perform an animation of drawing the bow, though without an arrow and the power will not trigger. Annoying since it locks you in place for the duration of the animation. No other set behaves like this to my knowledge. Keying powers outside of their range only readies them until you move into range for all other sets. (Eisregen)[/list]
Dark Blast
<ul type="square">[*] Bug: The disorient from Dark Pit will cause enemies in flight to move away at rapid speeds, even while under its effects. (Eisregen)[/list]
Electrical Blast
<ul type="square">[*]Bug: Voltic Sentinal targets enemies trapped inside Force Field/Detention Field.[*]Bug: Voltic Sentinal does the same damage for Defenders as Blasters.[*]Balance: Considering the secondary effects of the other Defender Blast sets (-5% def, -5% acc, knockback, -5% res, the higher base acc of arrows), is the less than 10 point endurance drain in PvE of most Electric Blast powers (aside from SC) balanced, considering the original vision was that it would be more powerful in PvP but instead operates at 25% in that setting?[/list]
Energy Blast
<ul type="square">[*]No known issues.[/list]
Psychic Blast
<ul type="square">[*]Bug: The disorient from Scramble Thoughts will cause enemies in flight to move away at rapid speeds, even while under its effects. (Eisregen)[*]Balance: Mental Blast does too little damage for its animation time. It costs more end, does the same damage, and has 150% of the animation time of charged bolts. It is 1/3 the dpa of Dark Blast for the same cost. Its animation time should be reduced to 2 seconds. [*]Balance: Mental Blast's animation is long enough that the enemy could be defeated before the animation even appears to start. The speed of the animation turns many off the entire set. (LadyMage)[*]Balance: There is only one villian group which has vulnerabilities to psi damage and it's only in the early game when the set is weakest. By the time the set can actually do damage, most villian groups (nemesis, praetorians, Council, Carnies, Malta just to list a few) are not only not vulnerable, but have a high precentage of members with either sizable resists or defense to the entire set, save telekinetic blast, making the set feel underpowered throughout the game. (LadyMage)[*]Graphics: An enemy immobilized by Subdue will have the Psychic Blast debuff sticky graphic on his head, complete with the generic green tinted -recharge cloud. Subdue does not appear to actually have any debuffing effect. [/list]
<ul type="square">[*]Cosmic Burst: The disorient from Cosmic Burst will cause enemies in flight to move away at rapid speeds, even while under its effects. (Miwa)[/list]
<ul type="square">[*]No known issues.[/list]