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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    How come defenders don't get de-toggle powers (other than brawl)? If they do, what are they and what sets are they in.

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    Storm: Lightning Storm and Thunder Clap
    FF: force bolt, repulsion field, repulsion bomb
    Kinetics: Repel (5% chance)

    not sure if either of the new sets has any toggle droppers

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    Damn, beat me to it. Btw,

    Storm: Lightning Storm 100% 1 toggle
    FF: Force Bolt 33% 1 toggle, Repulsion Field/Bomb 100% 1 toggle

    I don't know if they hit more than 1 but I do know that those percentages are equal for Controllers.
  2. Electron Haze from Rad Secondary also has this problem. To add to it, "One miss can trigger an entire group to turn and agro on the hero. The hero can die before damage is calculated." I know I've stood there, watched as my health went into the red, and then seen damage applied to a few mobs. No wonder I respec'd it out.
  3. I don't know if it is a bug or not but -RES DeBuffs of Defenders in PvP, are they really unresistable?

    Remember, currently -RES works like this..

    (1+DeBuff)*Damage*(enemy RES) = actual damage taken
    instead of Damage*(enemy RES - DeBuff) = what we wish for

    That's why a person with 80% RES only takes an additional 4% more damage when hit with a 20% DeBuff instead of the full 20%.

    Also, this thread needs to be bumped. Too many things in it.
  4. Wait, wait, Regen Nerfed? In Issue6? Come on now, they'll skip Issue 6 and then hit us in 7. Why? I don't know, probably because we weren't Nerfed or changed or adjusted in I2.

    I forsee
    [ QUOTE ]

    Stamina should not have been "required" for most every build to feel "successful." We are therefore reducing the enhancable portion by 50%.
    Regen/Quick Recovery:
    Combined with Stamina this power ensured the Regen would never run out of End. With the removal of IH as a toggle there is no need for such End Recovery. Instead QR's End Recovery will be unenhancable but will come with resistance to End Drain and -End Regen powers.
    Dull Pain:
    It was never our intention to let this power be permable. We own you! Now it will have a recharge of 10 minutes just like every other Regen power.

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    Oh and put Stone in the simulator. Stone has won many many more times than Regen!
  5. One Question

    What are you going to do about the lack of reliable protection DEF builds have against anyone with perma or nearly perma +ToHit buffs, i.e. Blasters and Body Mastery Scrappers?

    Supporting statements for this question:

    I'm sorry but when my Dark Defender can cycle through Power Build Up and Aim so that I never miss an SR Scrapper there's something wrong with them. Everyone knows that a Blaster can easily do the same. From my own experience I've also seen that Focussed Accuracy completely ignores +DEF powers not to mention -Acc powers. Put an SR Scrapper up against these and watch him wither.

    Don't get me wrong, this is definately a step in the right direction but I feel that it is not quite enough when you look at the PvP aspect of this game. As it stands, I wouldn't dream of bringing a DEF build into the Arena unless I knew the other guy's keyboard didn't work.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    Yeah, we really do...

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    Edit: Oh, I just BET there's a 'witch hat' temporary power. That would so rock.

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    I'll take that bet.

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    That's it! I caught you! You play with stacked dice. Such a meanie to make a bet on something you know full well what the outcome will be and the player doesn't.

    Speaking of nifty hats, when we going to get Parrots for our shoulders? Or pirate gear? Or more Tribal themed stuff for the upcoming Bow sets?
  7. Great new features. Keep up the good work folks. But I must say one thing that's eating me alive.

    Statesman said...

    [ QUOTE ]
    BUT....I'm extremely concerned about the perception that Defenders "aren't needed" and thus "can't find a team" at high levels. Defenders should fill a valuable role at ALL levels and help Archetypes achieve levels that they can't reach by themselves. After all, Defenders are all about buffs (and debuffs). Every Archetype should be extremely happy when the Defender provides a resistance or defense buff...

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    Yup, can't agree more. So, since many of us felt this way because we feel we're replaced easily by a Controller why did you make the sets shared? We've been howling about this for ages. We'd just like to make Defenders unique. You know?

    Person 1: "I got a guy with Trick Arrow."
    Person 2: "Oh? Controller or Defender?"
    Person 1: "I also got a guy with Rad."
    Person 2" "Neat. Controller or Defender?"
    Person 1: "And a Kinetics."
    Person 2: "Um, dude, are they Controllers or Defenders?"
    Person 1: "Huh? Oh yeah, sorry, I got a Dark Miasma."
    Person 2: "Yeah, I've always wanted to play a Defender." <----Blamo. Instant AT recognition by choice of powerset.

    That's a problem...
  8. I made a thread in the Scrapper forums, altough I should have put one in both the Blaster and the Tanker too where I asked if people could tell the difference between certain powers. You can find it here. The results were fairly straight on.

    What I got out of it and was happy to see my own personal feelings reflected the majority of the Scrapper community who responded was that people don't distinguish between Controller and Defender powers. They're just happy to have any Buff/DeBuff along for the ride. At 80% efficiency (those powers that actually aren't 100%) over the course of normal play most people aren't able to discern a Controller from a Defender Buff.

    However, what most people said was that they could tell the difference between a Controller Heal and a Defender Heal. Too bad it's powers like Clear Mind, Fortitude, AB, RA, SB, AM, EF, RI, Fulcrum Shift, and the like that people need in the 40+ game.
  9. I, too, have a problem with the high level Defenders and their roles on teams. Playing a Dark Defender I've been able to avoid many of the pitfalls that others would fall into. However, there is an issue that they aren't separated enough from Controllers that groups would prefer to choose a Defender over a Controller for many of the same situations.

    You'd think in the highest difficulty battles, AV's, that a Defender would be desired. Many times in the teams I've been on people have asked for a Rad Controller. When I've said how about a Rad Defender, you know because they DeBuff more, they've said they'd rather have someone who can do actual damage. It's mind boggling but it happens.

    I'd also like to point out that there are some combo's of Controllers + Defender secondaries where Controllers achieve 90+% Defender efficiency. This one has been said several times but

    FF/* Defender:
    . Ins/Def+Dispersion = 43.75% Base DEF, 0% to Psychic

    Ill/FF Controller

    . Group Invis+Ins/Def+Dispersion = 42.5% DEF, 7.5% to Psychic

    Do I want to see Controller Nerfs? No! But there has got to be some differentiation. In essence, is that Controller providing more? At the higher lvls, yes. Group Invis might not last as long as the shields but not only does it protect against Psychic damage but it's DEF bonus lasts about as long as a normal, non-AV fight lasts.

    Look at the difference between a Rad/* Defender and an Earth/Rad Controller. The base DEF Debuff of RI+Earthquake is comparable to that of the Defender's RI. However, the Defender often has to slot it for Acc DeBuff because he does not posses a power which deals continual KnockUp to his opponents. EF might give a 7% larger RES DeBuff but the Controller can gear himself to -DEF and -RES while the Defender must split it between -RES, -ACC and/or -DEF.

    Let me make a pole in the AT section with several powers listed so that you get a good feel for how others are percieving the shared sets. I know it would be enlightening. You basically have to ask yourself, since you and the Dev team do play this game too, can you honestly tell in the course of normal game (i.e. PvE) play the difference between a Defender's and a Controller's:

    Clear Mind
    Recovery Aura
    Regenerative Aura
    Adrenalin Boost
    Deflection Shield
    Insulation Shield
    Dispersion Bubble
    Force Bubble
    Increase Density
    Speed Boost
    Inertial Reduction
    Fulcrum Shift
    Radiation Infection
    Accelerate Metabolism
    Enervating Field
    Lingering Radiation
    EM Pulse
    Steamy Mist
    Freezing Rain
  10. Wow, great. And Hurdle that fast!?! Wow, this changes everything.

    Anyone have numbers on Quickness from SR?
  11. that's one hell of a video you got there. Love the Truck. Wonder who drove it?
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    I understand your feelings here, however I want to emphasize that there is no malice in our intentions.

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    Personally and speaking of the Regen changes, I don't think you guys were out to "get us." I also understand that you are, after all, human. Humans make mistakes. I just wanted to let you into the minds of us paranoid Regens. Also, I hope I didn't rekindle any of the "they took yer Regen" debate. Thanks for listening.

  13. I think alot of the frustrations that have come out of Regen is that you have consistantly Nerfed the power set each and every Update. Add to that you failed to disclose the reduction in healing power of Integration until we, the forum posters, noticed it. Then you posted skewed results as evidence of the power of all Scrappers only to have to retract your statements. All of this combined sends a message to us and that message is one of distrust. I can only give a parallel of how it feels to be a player in this situation:

    Think of it as landing your dream job. Your company is about to move to a bigger, more lavish building. When you get there your boss pulls you aside and tells you you're going to have to take a pay cut. Several months later the company expands and while it's expanding your boss pulls you aside and tells you you're going to have to take yet another pay cut. After the first few weeks you notice that your pay checks aren't adding up and your boss tells you he had to decrease your pay but forgot to mention it. Finally, as your company plans to yet again move to a larger facility your boss pulls you aside and tells you you'll be taking a pay cut.

    Now it's one year later and you are thinking to yourself, "If we move again am I going to take another pay cut? If they don't cut my pay up front will they cut my pay without telling me again?"

    Ask yourselves this, is this company inspiring loyalty or would you gladly take a job elsewhere in the hopes of a little financial security even if it means leaving your so called dream job? This is what it is like to play Regen.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    ok someone PLEASE translate for me. OH and while you're at it.. tell me who RUNS Assault/Tactics on a */da?! or an invul for that matter

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    Basically it's not a min/maxed build he's showing us. It doesn't have tough/weave 6 slotted out the wazoo or any of the cuttie cutter builds BUT it's not a gimped build. It's a build of what you might expect people to make, albiet the tactics/assault is rather strange.

    What it does show is that in no way, shape or form is Regen a grossly overpowered set. Even with IH and Int full slotted for heals, Reconstruction full slotted for heals, and decent AoE attacks just a few +2 bosses were all that were required to take down the char.

    All in all, I like these test results. I think it's fairly accurate to what I've seen.

    Edit: It also shows that DA lags far behind the other sets.