The Fastest??? A Travel power Guide
Are you sure flight SOs are only worth 15%? I've never heard that number before.
Are you sure flight SOs are only worth 15%? I've never heard that number before.
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Fly went from ~35 mph (unslotted) to ~40 mph (1 SO), thats about 15% difference.
I didn't test FLY very much... only a few runs (it was hard to fly in a straight line, since fly moves in 3 dimensions)... so if base fly speed was 33 mph and with 1 SO it was 40 mph that makes each SO worth 20%... which still sucks.
All other SOs are either 20% or 33%. I couldn't imagine flight getting it's own special number. In that case they are probably 20%, but that does suck. They need to be 33%.
I know it's very specialized, but how about adding a chart on what power boost does to each power?
It would be awesome if you'd include group fly on here as well. I know it sucks comparitively (even stacked up against fly), but I'd like to know the numbers and am not good at testing these kinds of things.
Debt is temporary, prestige is forever

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Don't think the OP can find these for you. Looks like their high level toons are mostly scrappers, and I didn't see any blasters in their signature.
Debt is temporary, prestige is forever

My Screenies and Videos :: My Toon List
Sounds to me that you want to be able to go anywhere, and have the speed of SS or TP.
Be glad it gets you from point A. to point B, even more safely then others.
With just SS, you're going to have a hell of a time getting around sky, faultline, even parts of Hollows, and 1000 others.
So let Fly be slower then the others. It shouldn't be as fast, because you can do that much more with it.
Look I got to step in after this one.
I'm one who has no problem with Fly being somewhat slower or cost a little more endurance then the other travel powers.
HOWEVER. The extent of the shafting leaves me still stunned after as long as we have been playing.
Seriously Fly is kewl but is it cool enough that it deserves the shafting it gets ... no.
Remember the other Powersets also have their special gifts:
Super Jump is unaffected by slow.
Super Speed adds Stealth.
Teleport is the fastest by far.
Fly ... well Fly is supposedly safe but I'm trying to figure out how it's any safer then Teleport. I'ld like someone to explain that one to me ... oh and fly adds an ACC debuff.
Sorry but Fly has long been getting the shafting on Endurance and Speed.
My sons insist that using Combat Jumping or even just jumping is faster than Sprint. I think they're imagining things. Any opinions?
My sons insist that using Combat Jumping or even just jumping is faster than Sprint. I think they're imagining things. Any opinions?
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Combat Jumping and Hurdle just increase your jump height. Niether one increases your forward movement AKA speed.
I'll Test out Swift in a bit along with Group Fly... and Hover is 2.66 mph (un-enhanced) and ~30 mph (6 SOs). I dont have a High lvl Blaster or controller than can get Power Boost... but some of my friends do.
Just a note.. Hurdle does actually increase forward speed, equal to swift at an unenhanced level.. I think after that, each jump enhancement adds an equally low amount of forward and verticle motion...
Super Speed also causes a hit to your accuracy.
Sounds to me that you want to be able to go anywhere, and have the speed of SS or TP.
Be glad it gets you from point A. to point B, even more safely then others.
With just SS, you're going to have a hell of a time getting around sky, faultline, even parts of Hollows, and 1000 others.
So let Fly be slower then the others. It shouldn't be as fast, because you can do that much more with it.
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The problem with Fly, FeiSerumen, is not that it IS the slowest, OR the most costly, OR that there is an Accuracy debuff with it.
The problem with Fly is that it IS the slowest, AND the most costly, AND that there is an Accuracy debuff with it.
If the devs were to drop just one of those negatives from the power, I am sure that most users of Fly would stop complaining about it.
TO be honest I think that All travel powers should be equal in speed upon reaching 50. Anyone that has ever done Faathim the Kind's TF knows what I am talking about. It is virtually pointless to argue that if fly were just as fast every other travel power evryone would take it. I know for a fact not ever build can fit it in. Why punish the people who can use fly in there build with heavy end/speed deductions? If it really makes a difference make fly 5% slower than SJ and SS (those two should be equal)
I like my Warshade even more since I get 2 travel powers in the first 6 levels.
Fly ... well Fly is supposedly safe but I'm trying to figure out how it's any safer then Teleport. I'ld like someone to explain that one to me ... oh and fly adds an ACC debuff.
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Well, the only explanation I can give is that TP is most definitely NOT the safest travel power. In fact, many people have argued that it's one of the most dangerous. Here's the problem. When you port you have a couple of seconds of hover before you start to fall. If you are TPing you are probably fairly high up. Now, in normal cases there is no problem. But if you have even a little lag you start to get lag falls. So imagine being really high up in the air (in a hazard zone) and have your computer freeze with lag. You are now falling. If the lag ends before you hit the ground you can TP to the next place. However, if it doesn't you've just had a huge fall, potentially removing quite a few of your hit points. Add this into the chance of falling into a mob and you can see that there are some fairly large dangers with being a TPer.
With that said, I will agree that flight is much too slow. Also, I've never used flight other than to try it on the test server so I can't say whether or not it's safe, but it seems to me like it would be more safe than TP at the very least.
Super Speed also causes a hit to your accuracy.
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No, Super speed doesn't have an accuracy debuff. Fly is the only travel power with a debuff. All Super Speed does is add running speed and 50% stealth.
Excellent information, IN. It would be interesting to see the combined effects of a fully slotted Sprint+Swift combo and how viable that might be for someone tight on powers (but obviouly with slots to spare, not like that would be particularly likely).
...imagine being really high up in the air (in a hazard zone) and have your computer freeze with lag. You are now falling. If the lag ends before you hit the ground you can TP to the next place. However, if it doesn't you've just had a huge fall, potentially removing quite a few of your hit points. Add this into the chance of falling into a mob and you can see that there are some fairly large dangers with being a TPer.
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Yeah, this has happened a solid number of times to my teleporter (an empathy defender), because I do regulary suffer some small lag problems playing in Australia. This prompted me to take Hover in his build to run concurrently with Teleport in laggy situations or as an emergency 'air brake'. It makes Teleport a far safer power (but an even greater endurance hog).
...imagine being really high up in the air (in a hazard zone) and have your computer freeze with lag. You are now falling. If the lag ends before you hit the ground you can TP to the next place. However, if it doesn't you've just had a huge fall, potentially removing quite a few of your hit points. Add this into the chance of falling into a mob and you can see that there are some fairly large dangers with being a TPer.
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Yeah, this has happened a solid number of times to my teleporter (an empathy defender), because I do regulary suffer some small lag problems playing in Australia. This prompted me to take Hover in his build to run concurrently with Teleport in laggy situations or as an emergency 'air brake'. It makes Teleport a far safer power (but an even greater endurance hog).
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I strongly debated taking hover but didn't for two reasons. First, I really didn't have any room in my build for another power...I've already had to make some really hard decisions about my current powers. Second, I'm a tanker...large falls into dangerous mobs usually don't scare me too much!
TO be honest I think that All travel powers should be equal in speed upon reaching 50.
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I agree, and since SuperSpeed is as fast as teleport, it should lose its Stealth, and since Fly is as fast as SuperSpeed, it should lose it AFK travel and chat capabilities, and since Super Jump is as fast as Fly, it should lose it other protections.
And even if all the powers are the same speed on flat ground, in a straight line, you will still not have the same speeds since SS had z-axis issues, TP has line-of-site issues, fly has endurance issues, SJ can be held,slept, etc each time they land in a group of thugs.
things are not equal, if fact it is probably not possible to make them all equal in the same way ie speed. But the real question shoudl be, are they each unique and provide suffient speed. I say yes.
Just a note.. Hurdle does actually increase forward speed, equal to swift at an unenhanced level.. I think after that, each jump enhancement adds an equally low amount of forward and verticle motion...
[/ QUOTE ]Hurdle+Combat Jumping is almost its own travel power. It's faster than low level Fly in a lot of situations. It's also probably the least safe method of travel.
My sons insist that using Combat Jumping or even just jumping is faster than Sprint. I think they're imagining things. Any opinions?
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Combat Jumping and Hurdle just increase your jump height. Niether one increases your forward movement AKA speed.
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That's not exactly true. When you turn on CJ, you get "jump control". Compare CJ and hurdle. With hurdle you jump higher, but go almost straight up, even if you try to move forward (or left or right). If you turn on CJ, when you jump, your movement keys have a noticable effect on your landing position. If you have CJ and Hurdle (maybe even just CJ), you can cover distance more quickly than with sprint. (I've seen races done this way...) Is it faster than (unslotted) fly? I don't know. It's certainly faster than hover (not that that's suprising).
Also, hurdle in theory adds to your jump height even with SJ. If you put a SO in hurdle, you might be able to skip a SO in SJ and still move at the cap, but I haven't tested this.
Super Speed also causes a hit to your accuracy.
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That was removed in I1 I believe. In beta it did have an accuracy hit for a time. However it was determined that the disadvantage of no Vertical and running through crowds of badguys who would spawn on top of you was bad enough
My issue is this: if someone is willing to spend two pools and four powers to get Super Speed AND Fly, why not let them stack? Especially given the endurance cost of running both at once (adding the need for endurance reducers) let people choose these powers and slots and let "SuperFly" max out at like 90mph.
From personal experience I can say that Hurdle+Super Jump is faster then just Super Jump. Also, having an SO in both Super Jump and Hurdle is faster then having an SO in one but not the other.
I'm not sure if this was ever done or not... BUT I was a little bored this morning and had a few respecs on a character on Test... So I respec-ed into getting all the travel powers to check out... Which is the fastest???
Good thing Superman doesn't race Flash in this game... cause he would get his butt kicked. 

Right out of the box... NO enhancements
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Power MPH
Walk 15 mph
Sprint On** 22.5 mph (+7.5)
Swift** 20 mph (+5)
Super Speed** 65 mph (+50)
Super Jump 50 mph
Hover 2.66 mph
Fly 33.3 mph
Group Fly 23.3 mph
Teleport 65 mph
Group TP 48.8 mph
</pre><hr />
**A few Notes: Since Sprint, Swift and Super Speed are forms of running on the ground, base walk speed actually factors into their speed. So in other words, Super Speed adds a 50 mph boost to base speed of 15 mph, Swift adds a 5 mph boost to base speed of 15 mph and Sprint adds a 7.5 mph boost to base speed of 15 mph.**
As you can see Fly gets the short end of the stick.
Now I add one SO to each to see the increase.
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Power % Boost per SO MPH per SO
Sprint 33% (to the +5 base) 1.67
Swift 33% (to the +7.5 base) 2.5
Super Speed 33% (to the +50 base) 16.67
Super Jump 33% 16.67
Hover 166.7% 4.44
Fly 20% 6.6
Group Fly 20% 4.6
Teleport 20% (range enhancements) 13
Group TP 20% (range enhancements) 9.76
</pre><hr />
While most powers get a pretty good power per SO...
Hover gets a NICE boost though.
Now what would we expect if we 6 Slot each power... assuming no speed caps.
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Power 6 SO Boost
Sprint On 37.5 mph
Swift 30 mph
Super Speed 165 mph
Super Jump 150 mph
Hover 29.3 mph
Fly 73 mph
Group Fly 49 mph
Teleport 143 mph
Group TP 107 mph
</pre><hr />
Now I know there are caps with Most powers and here they are:
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Power Apparent cap
Sprint On** 37.5 mph
Swift** 30 mph
Super Speed ~90 mph
Super Jump ~80 mph
Hover 29.3 mph
Fly ~60 mph
Group Fly ~45 mph
Teleport** 143 mph
Group TP** 107 mph
</pre><hr />
**Doesn't appear to have a cap... with 6 SOs it went at its expected max speed.
So... THE FASTEST... The Winner... is TELEPORT!!! with 143 mph!
Now how to reach the cap with each power:
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Power To cap it
Sprint On 6 SOs (37.5 mph)
Swift 6 SOs (30 mph)
Super Speed 2 SOs (should put you at 98.3 mph but caps at ~90 mph)
Super Jump 2 SOs (should put you at 83.3 mph but caps at ~80 mph)
Hover 6 SOs (29.4 mph)
Fly 4 SOs (should put you at 66.6 mph but caps at ~60 mph)
Group Fly 5 SOs (should put you at 46.6 mph but caps at ~45 mph)
Teleport 6 SOs (143 mph doesnt seem to cap.. I wonder what Hammi-O ranges would do)
Group TP 6 SOs (107 mph)
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You have to 4 slot it to get the slowest max speed travel power. (/em CRIES
Poor Fly.... its like the ugly little fat kid no one wants to play with...
**6 slotted Sprint is faster than un-Slotted Fly.**
Edit: Re-Tested Fly, and tested out Swift, Hover, Group Fly and Group TP. Results are listed above. From what I can tell from POWER BOOST... having it on is equivalent to adding 3 SOs to each travel power.