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  1. I know it's very specialized, but how about adding a chart on what power boost does to each power?
  2. A question about knockback:

    I'm not a very high level yet, but I've yet to have a problem with power push or power thrust knocking folks around (although a couple of them have landed standing up, which was cute).

    I was wondering, for those more experienced: who won't get knocked over? I know there are enemies who're resistant -- who, or what, are they? In addition, I believe clocks have negative resistances to knockback -- is that right? If so, are there other enemies like that?

    Thanks for the help,
  3. I've fought the Paladin construction at all three of those spawn sites.
  4. Oftentimes I see the phrase min/max, and to be honest with you, I still don't know what it means (specifically) or where it came from.

    Perhaps that could be added?