Noobers Guide to CoH Abbreviation and Jargon




This post started elsewhere, and the content was too good to leave unorganized. So I gathered it, sorted it, and am presenting it here for your enjoyment. (This is all your work, anyway!)

My intention is to keep this first post sorted as you guys submit more stuff. I apologize for starting a seemingly duplicate thread, but it seemed the best way to keep the sorted list at the top.


<ul type="square">[*]&lt;3 – Represents a heart; love[*]2 – To[*]4 – For[*]5th – 5th Column[*]AFAIK – As far as I know[*]AFK – Away from keyboard[*]Aggro – Aggressive or aggression[*]Alt – Alternate character[*]AO - Anarchy Online, a MMORPG[*]AoE – Area of Effect[*]AP – Atlas Park[*]Aqua – Awaken inspirations[*]Assist – To attack the target of a specific teammate. [*]BBL – Be back later[*]BF - Boyfriend[*]Bio Break – Bathroom break[*]Blue - An NPC lower in level than you; rarely, refers to a Catch a Breath inspiration.[*]Boom – Boomtown[*]BOOM! – Baumtown[*]BRB – Be right back[*]Brick – Brickstown[*]BRT – Be right there[*]BTW – By the way[*]Buff – a power, inspiration, or enhancement that increases the abilities of a hero[*]Burn – To dump a lot of damage into an opponent in order to defeat it quickly[*]Cab – Catch a Breath inspiration[*]CC – Crowd control (immobilizing, holding, sleeping extra enemies)[*]CF - Crey's Folly[*]Clock – Clockwork[*]CoH – City of Heroes[*]Con – To consider[*]Cons – To consider[*]CoT – Circle of Thorns[*]CoV – City of Villains[*]Crey/Creys/Folly – Crey’s Folly[*]Criminal – Generic term for NPCs that appear on the streats and in early missions that are members of a particular gang.[*]DA – Dark Astoria[*]DAoC - Dark Age of Camelot, a MMORPG[*]Debuff – A power, inspiration, or enhancement that decreases the abilities of an opponent.[*]Dev/DE – Devouring Earth[*]Ding – (Mostly from EQ players) Indicates that a character has leveled[*]Disc – A request, meaning, “Was disconnected, please invite to team again”[*]DO – Dual origin enhancement[*]Door – Mission or waypoint[*]DoT – Damage over time[*]DPS – Damage per second; may refer to players with that as their primary ability (blasters, scrappers)[*]End – Endurance[*]End Break - A call for a period of rest to regain endurance[*]EQ – EverQuest, a MMORPG[*]Exp – Experience[*]Fault – Faultline[*]FF – Founder’s Fall[*]FFS – For f**k’s sake[*]Flame – To insult someone in a harsh manner[*]Freak(s) – Freakshow[*]G2G – Good to go[*]Ganger – See Criminal.[*]Gangster – See Criminal.[*]Gather – A command from a PC indicating that teammates should gather near to receive a buff (healing, accuracy, defense, etc.)[*]GC – Galaxy City[*]GF – Girlfriend[*]GM – Game Master[*]Grats – Congratulations (usually on leveling)[*]Gratz – Congratulations (usually on leveling)[*]Green – An NPC reasonably lower in level than you; rarely, refers to a Respite inspiration [*]Griefer – A player who seems to derive enjoyment from lowering the enjoyment of others.[*]GTG – Good to go[*]GTT – Going to Trainer[*]H8 – Hate[*]H9 – Uncommon; used to represent a stronger form of hatred than that represented by h8.[*]HDMALITD – How does my a$$ look in this dress?[*]Hold aggro – Keeping the focus of an opponent on yourself and away from your teammates[*]HUD – Heads up display[*]IDK – I Don’t Know[*]IIRC – If I recall correctly[*]Illinois Nazis – 5th Column[*]IMHO – In my humble opinion[*]IMO – In my opinion[*]Inc! – Incoming monsters[*]Insp – Inspiration [*]INV – A request, meaning, “Please invite me to join your team”[*]IP – Independence Port[*]IYKWIM - If you know what I mean[*]IYKWIMAITYD - If you know what I mean, and I think you do[*]J00 – Pronounced “Jew”, but not meant as a racial slur or derogatory comment; commonly used in place of “you.”[*]Kill Steal – To defeat an opponent that was engaged by another player, without first obtaining that player’s permission.[*]Kite – To run around holding the attention of a mob by staying out of melee range and using ranged attacks.[*]KK = OK[*]KR – King’s Row[*]L33T – The common term for the abbreviation and butchering of the English language by a vast majority of on-line gamers. l33t uses many numbers and symbols in it and commonly replaces the letter s with the letter z.[*]Lewtz – Loot or in game items that are considered nice.[*]LFT – Looking for team[*]LIFC – Like I f**king care[*]Lock – Any action that prevents an NPC from being able to do anything, including attack. [*]Lock Down – See Lock.[*]LOL – Laughing out loud[*]Lt – Lieutenant[*]LVL – Level[*]Main – A player's primary character; that is, the character the player plays most of the time. Almost always the highest level character on an account.[*]Mish – Mission[*]MMORPG – Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game)[*]Mob – An NPC, short for “mobile object”[*]N00B – Someone who is annoying, stupid, or refuses to learn[*]Newb – Same as n00b[*]Newbie – Someone new to the game[*]NFI – No f**king idea[*]NP – No problem[*]NPC – Nonplayer character[*]Nuke – Damage ability [*]OMG - Oh my god[*]OMW – On my way[*]OOE – Out of Endurance[*]OOR - Out of Range[*]OTW - On the way[*]Own – To lay waste to an enemy or having your butt kicked.[*]PBAE – Point blank area effect[*]PBAoE – Point blank area of effect[*]PC – Player character[*]Ph4t – phat, a commonly used term in hip-hop meaning nice.[*]Phuque – Sexual intercourse[*]PK – Player killer[*]PL – Power Level. To level as quickly as possible, with outside assistance.[*]Plz – Please[*]PP – Perez Park; also, Power Pool[*]PPL – People[*]Pull – To hit a specific opponent, in order to begin combat with either just it, or it and a group of opponents near it.[*]Purps – Luck inspirations [*]PvE – Player versus environment (NPC)[*]PvP – Player versus player[*]Pwn – To own strongly (see own)[*]RAWR – Look at me/us kick a$$[*]Red - An NPC higher than you; more rarely, used to refer to an enrage inspiration.[*]Resp – Respite inspiration[*]Rez – To resurrect or revive a player[*]rgr – Roger[*]RL – Real life, as in, the life you live in the real world.[*]ROFL – Rolling on the floor laughing[*]ROFLMAO – Rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off[*]ROFLMAOWCSFMN = rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off with coke spewing from my nose[*]ROFLMFAO = rolling on the floor laughing my f**king a$$ off[*]Root – To immobilize an opponent[*]RTFM - Read the f**king manual[*]RTM - Read the manual[*]Runner – An NPC that (for whatever reason) bolts from the group; runners tend to fetch help.[*]SC – Steel Canyon[*]SK – Sidekick[*]Sky – skyraiders [*]Sky – Skyway City[*]Snare – To lower the run speed of an opponent[*]SnD – Seek &amp; destroy; for those missions where the PC must find and defeat x of a specific type of NPC.[*]SO – Single origin enhancement[*]SoL – Sh*t out of luck[*]STFU – Shut the phuque up[*]SWG - Star Wars Galaxies, a MMORPG[*]Talos – Talos Island[*]Tank – To engage in hand-to-hand combat in a manner designed to keep the attention of the enemies on yourself, rather than on weaker teammates.[*]Taxi – A request, meaning “I need a teleport to your location”[*]THX – Thanks[*]TI – Talos Island[*]Toon – PC character[*]TP – Teleport [*]Train – A group of NPCs in pursuit of a single PC. [*]Tram – The tram/railway/line station[*]TV – Terra Volta[*]Twink – An alternate character, particularly one given assistance from a higher level friend.[*]TXS – Thanks[*]TY – Thank you[*]UO - Ultima Online, a MMORPG[*]Vahz – Vahzilok[*]w00t – Cool[*]woot – Cool[*]WTF – What the f**k?[*]WTG – Way to go![*]XP – Experience[*]YMMV - Your mileage may vary[*]Yellows – Insight inspirations [*]Zone – A specific area within the game[*]Zone line – Area where you exit the current part of town to enter another[*]Zone! – Yelling this during combat means to flee to the nearest zone line or, in the case of indoor missions, to run out the door.[*]Zoning – The process of moving from one zone to another[/list]



Here are three others:
otw - on the way
omg - oh my God
oor - Out of range (used if trying to heal someone, and they are out of range )

Just saw another one:
wth - what the hell?







Red, Blue and Green can also refer to the con of an encountered mob, infact I've never encountered anyone using it to talk about inspirations.

PP is also used when talking about power pools, this is rare however.

Main, the character most commonly played by a player. Almost always the highest level character on an account but some people max a character and then stow them away to play another aka Switching Main.

BF - boyfriend.

CF is another name for Crey's Folly.



Great job, I was about to do this myself but was too tired last night so was going to do it today or tomorrow.

Now it is something I don't have too

Ahhh the joys of being lazy



I notice you have EQ

What about
AO: Anarchy Online
UO: Ultima Online
DAoC: Dark Ages of Camelot

Those are just the ones I hear most in gameplay, I know there's a lot more.



RTFM - Read The Fekking Manual



All the above changes have been made.

Keep 'em coming!!






g2g and gtg are sometimes used as "Got to go", ie "I have to log"

"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash



I don't know how common it is, but a few of us (especially those who used to/currently play Champions as well), tend to refer to Tanks as "Bricks". You may want to throw that it, also.



- greys, greens, blues, whites, yellows, oranges, reds and purples.. collective names for mobs that con in that particular color.

ie. "let's go hunt some reds, these yellows arent good enough xp"

- PP = can be either Prometheus Park or Perez Park (usually the latter)

- Mez ( mesmerizing ) using a power that stops the enemies in place but they are freed as soon as they are hit by an attack

- Stun, immobilizes enemies, they stay immobile even while being beaten up.

- Root, immobilizes enemies but they are able to fight back

- Snare, reduces enemy movement but doesn't root, otherwise the same.



Here's my thing, what the hell is the different between PBAE and PBAoE?



LD - Linkdead - abrupt/unexpected connection loss of a player causing them to become disconnected from the game and log out spontaneously. They usually come back in a few minutes unless it was the spouse pulling the plug and smashing the PC to bits.



IRL - In Real Life *see RL*



LFG - Looking for group - see LFT (LFG - mostly EQ players)



Why exactly are the 5th column known as Illinois Nazi's? I've NEVER seen that before ^_^!



I was kind of hoping people would use D/O and S/O instead of 'DO and SO'

I never know if to read 'DO enhancers really work' as a question or a statement.



KIT = Kill in transit



Perps = Perpetrators aka CoH villains aka bad-guys



- greys, greens, blues, whites, yellows, oranges, reds and purples.. collective names for mobs that con in that particular color.

ie. "let's go hunt some reds, these yellows arent good enough xp"

[/ QUOTE ]

Also there are the abreviations for the colors:

OJ = Orange
Purp / Grape = Purple




Why exactly are the 5th column known as Illinois Nazi's? I've NEVER seen that before ^_^!

[/ QUOTE ]

Its a reference to the classic movie The Blues Brothers with Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi which is set in Illinois (because of the Chicago brand of blues music the band plays). In the movie they are stuck in traffic because a group of Nazis are demonstrating and holding up traffic. The classic line from the movie... "Illinois Nazis. I hate Illinois Nazis".

Capt. Conduit - lvl 50 Elec/Elec/Elec Blast
Demonik - Fire/Axe Tank
Arctic Pyre - Fire/Ice Blast
Candi Stryper - Emp/Eng Def
Ehrlicht - Ill/Rad Cont
xx Raptor xx - Claws/Regen Scrap
Chemotherapist - Rad/Rad Def
Evangelique - Peacebringer



How about a definition for an "Add".



I hear a lot of people talking (mostly in context of PvP discussions) about nerfing or powers being nerfed. I get the impression that this means that they've been powered down somehow, maybe to try to even the playing field. I think it might be a good thing to add to this list.



This thread should probably be "stickied" at the top to make it easy for people to find. Some really useful info in here that I think a lot of people could find quite handy.

Thanks for the list and I hope you guys keep it updated.

Capt. Conduit - lvl 50 Elec/Elec/Elec Blast
Demonik - Fire/Axe Tank
Arctic Pyre - Fire/Ice Blast
Candi Stryper - Emp/Eng Def
Ehrlicht - Ill/Rad Cont
xx Raptor xx - Claws/Regen Scrap
Chemotherapist - Rad/Rad Def
Evangelique - Peacebringer