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  1. The old Gods have left... it is time for regime change...

    Ganymede's Progeny

    An inclusive, active, glbt friendly supervillain group.

    Send /t to: Monotropa
    or email: @Monotropa
  2. I remember people thinking they had to run through perez park to get from Atlas to Galaxy.

    I remember the tram disappearing for a bit.

    I remember when my laptop video card wasn't that great and everything showed up in shades of blue... I couldn't play with any light in the room ^_^!

    I remember being shocked when I heard the "Powderkeg" Boomtown music.

    I remember hovering everywhere... just because.

    I remember when it was a tough decision whether to start in Galaxy City or Atlas Park.

    I remember when you could reach the top of every building.

    I remember Bugbite, The Contaminator, and many many others.

    I remember Maveric's "I'm leaving" post... the first "I'm leaving" post I believe.

    I remember his retraction as well.

    I remember when the first 15 levels were difficult to get.

    I remember my first vahz Ambush...

    I remember when CoT only spawned at night, and only in three or four places in King's Row. Then being told they spawned on rooftops so slowly climbing up a stairwell to wait for nightfall.

    I remember when Perez Park was feared and revered.

    I remember the helpful beta people when I first got in, and feeling that I should help the wave that followed me.

    I remember Aura *HUGS TO AURA!!!*
  3. Congrats to a certain Gaffer on his promotion to VP of Product Development!!! Hopefully this doesn't mean we'll be missing your presence on these boards. You've been a great line of information from the veritable "Powers That Be" at NCsoft, and I think I speak for a half dozen or so of us that really appreciate that. Thanks!
  4. I did the respec with a mixed team of 6, SL 27-29 (I think). We didn't have any problems, and the reactor didn't even get to 75% power loss. It's all about tactics. This is, thankfully, one of those things where you realize the need for a good defender and a good controller, as opposed to a gaggle of blasters
  5. My largest concern at the moment is how this will be retrofit for those of us who don't want to reroll our higher level characters. I agree with another poster that getting some of the low level badges at higher levels, while very nicely rewarded with a badge, can drag for us collector freaks

    Also, I would like to see a clarification of if we can do all 4 skill sets, or if we can actually only do one forever and ever till infinity (not the server).
  6. Thank you Geko. Just... thank you
  7. Why exactly are the 5th column known as Illinois Nazi's? I've NEVER seen that before ^_^!