Oh sweet nostalgia!
Nostalgia just ain't what it used to be.
I remember when it was easier to escape an Archvillain's death-grip than it was to simply leave the hospital (think hourglass icon).
I remember when Positron didn't look like Tron.
I remember when the flag atop City Hall would be shrouded in darkness at night.
I remember endless debates about the purple patch, and people leaving over it.
I remember an endless thread about "Capes at 20" of which I was part and do not understand the decission to this day. People left over that.
I remember the beginning of the "CoH has no content" fever and people leaving over it.
I remember the constant requests for crafting.
I remember a time before "I'm leaving" posts were deleted.
But more than that, I remember a time when I made a Katana/SR scrapper, which combined 3 things everyone thought were gimped. That scrapper is now a pixel from 45.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
When Perez was crowded around the atlas entrance and merely peeking your head in or running by (no matter what level you were) would net you about 10 blind invites.
I remember the days when Scrappers were "the worst Archetype in the game".
I remember when powerlevellers lived on the Brickstown train-station rather than wolf-missions.
I remember when TFs were unstable to the point of being non-existant.
Now it's time for the rest of you old farts to share your stories of the days of yore.
(Grumble... kids nowadays...)
[/ QUOTE ]
I can remember when TFs were made up entirely of Blasters.
Nowadays you have to beg to get one on a TF.
MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through Smashwords.com and most ebook retailers!
I remember when Illusion was called the worst controller powerset. I was even called "gimp" during beta because of that.
I remember the constant complaints about "City of Blasters."
When Perez was crowded around the atlas entrance and merely peeking your head in or running by (no matter what level you were) would net you about 10 blind invites.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes! Now you can swing a Skul about and not hit anybody in Perez. They've gone to Hollows at that level now... There's nothing in Perez people want at levels 7 to 12...
MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through Smashwords.com and most ebook retailers!
I remember my friend recommending this game to me after telling him that I wanted a new game for my new desktop PC.
I remember initially ignoring that advice and picking up Star Wars Galaxies.
I remember the disappointment from SWG going away the moment I entered Outbreak with my first hero, a MA/SR scrapper.
I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.

global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai
I remember when having to kill 6 contaminated in Outbreak felt like overkill.
I remember back in Issue 5 when every one and their mom made a pistol scrapper and just sat around Atlas Park doing the /twirlgun emote over and over spouting lines from Dirty Harry.
Wait, frickin time machine did it again! I just erased my parents! Hmmm, that means I erased mys....
I remember CoT bosses and Lts blowing up if 2 people tried to melee them
I remember CoT bosses and Lts blowing up if it was the last on in the mob
I remeber hydra groups thinking they were getting ubar xp in PP
I remember when people were told not to do the TF because they were still broken
I remember the first time I took super speed and zoomed around Steel Canyon
I remember the first time I took flight and looped around the Statue in Steel Canyon
I remember the first time I took Super Jump and the thrill of saying "boing, boing" as I jumped from rooftop to rooftop in Kings row.
I rememeber the first time I took teleport and setting my first bind so I could rt click to the tops of buildings
I remember when I was about to quit because the first SG I joined just disintigrated and being contacted by an in-game friend who showed me what a real supergroup is like (Shout out to Defenders of Paragon on the Infinity server may we continue to grow and have fun!)
I remember the constant cries about Burn/Caltrops/Provoke nerfs...
I remember back when the place to PL was in Crey's Folly with a Fire Tank...
I remember when Ignite used to be good, when Caltrops was an AoE immobilize when slotted well enough, and when Super Speed gave a defense buff.
I remember when smoke grenades made /Dev blasters better tanks then tankers
I remember when smoke grenades were fixed so they were working as intended and all the /dev cried NERF!
I remember Boomtown
I remember the beggining of the AASQ thread.
I remember not joining in on the fun because I thought it would get deleted in a few hours.
I remember the first time I took super speed and zoomed around Steel Canyon
[/ QUOTE ]
I should have done that. Instead, mine goes like this:
I remember the first time I took Superspeed, and zoomed around Skyw... SMACK!
Damn walls....
I remember back in Beta when Regen was considered a worthless set.
I remember taking a week (several hours playing time a day) to get my first character to level 5.
I remember when Boomtown was the place for hunting teams 15-20 and when it actually had dozens of heroes there by the gate begging to get on teams.
I remember Spongecake starting off this thread.
Now it's time for the rest of you old farts to share your stories of the days of yore.
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Ahhh.....good days.
I remember when 99% of players didn't take stamina or hasten, and weren't weak.
I remember 40 people standing in a circle around the mythical "lvl 30 hero" oohing and aahing.
I remember when Brickstown had wolves on every corner.
I remember when people discovered the stores.
I remember back in Issue 5 when every one and their mom made a pistol scrapper and just sat around Atlas Park doing the /twirlgun emote over and over spouting lines from Dirty Harry.
Wait, frickin time machine did it again! I just erased my parents! Hmmm, that means I erased mys....
[/ QUOTE ]
Poor Voyeur... He did it again...
I remember when Super Speed was nerfed, it no longer gave defense and people whined and cried about how dangerous it was now, and how no one would ever use SS again!
I remember when Hasten was nerfed to have a longer recharge, and people whined and cried about how no one would ever use Hasten again!
I remember when Burn was nerfed, Accelerate Metabolism was nerfed, fire pets were nerfed, Smoke and Smoke Grenade were nerfed, caltrops were nerfed and on and on and on, and people whined and cried that no one would ever use those things again...
Boy, the more things change, the more they stay the same
Personally, I applaud Crytpic for making such reasonable changes that after the hysteria dies down, most reasonable people find out they still had a very useful and useable power left over. Way to go guys!
I remember CoT portal missions being good exp.
I remember fulcrum shift double buffing
I remember using said fulcrum shift in said CoT portal mission to max out my entire party's buff bars and the ensuing comments ;P
officially a "self-important forum-facsist[sic]"
I remember the beggining of the AASQ thread.
I remember not joining in on the fun because I thought it would get deleted in a few hours.
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Good god, I'm not the only one!
I remember those civilians scuttling back and forth over the Kings Row sewer entrance.
I remember trying to get into that frigging sewer entrance with a dozen civilians racing back and forth over the door.
I remember the uproar when the Patriot badge was moved from the flag to the statue on Test and people leaving over that.
I feel like we should have billowing mist spilling out around us as we do this a'la Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past From the Future.
Yes! Now you can swing a Skul about and not hit anybody in Perez. They've gone to Hollows at that level now... There's nothing in Perez people want at levels 7 to 12...
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I remember Boomtown
[/ QUOTE ]
I remember suggesing that both of these zones be sealed off for one Issue and then reopened as normal parts of the city instead of hazard zones as soon as Issue Two came out.
I remember the days when Scrappers were "the worst Archetype in the game".
I remember when powerlevellers lived on the Brickstown train-station rather than wolf-missions.
I remember when TFs were unstable to the point of being non-existant.
Now it's time for the rest of you old farts to share your stories of the days of yore.
(Grumble... kids nowadays...)