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    As for assigning the badges to those with the souvenirs. That -might- (in the biggest sense of the word) be possible, but it will have to wait until some of the engineers get their heads up from City of Villains to take a look at this. Rest assured that I am looking into this option (which I know doesn't satisfy everyone).

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    Thanks, that would be pretty cool if it happened.

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    Not for me. I've done the Shadow Shard TF's several times and each one more than once. Only got a souvenir for one of them, even after I petition a few times. So I do not see how awarding those with souvenirs would be fair.

    This plan to not datamine really blows, but I can understand why the Dev chose to do it. I do not like the idea of having to do these TF's over again, but it looks like I am not going to get a choice.
  2. Talk about whining Galactiman, all you seem to be doing is whining about people who disagree with you. And that is just stupid. Most people here know that these TF badges mean nothing, but most people here are collectors. So that means that they want all the badges. Also, believe it or not it is not to show off or make us think that we are better than you, because that would be stupid. It for the content feeling you get when you have a complete set.

    Also it is not about if the TF are worth doing over again, because they are except for the Quarterfield (I’ll never do that 13 hour run through hell again, badge or no badge). The whole point is why do we have to? Some players already did these TF’s once why do we need to do them again? Now I have to do 5 TF’s over again (Moonfire + 4 Shadow Shard TF’s) to get a complete set of badges with my level 50 main.

    That’s 5 TF’s in which I have already done once, some even 2 or 3 times. It gets pretty boring after awhile. Have you ever read book 2 or 3 times? It is pretty dull after the first time. I’ll do these TF’s again with another character, because of the different play styles between the archtypes. It is going to be a real chore to do some of these TF’s for the fourth time just to get a badge. So that will probably mean that Powerhawk, my level 50 Blaster I started the day the servers went live, will not have a complete set of badges. And as a collector that does not make me happy.
  3. Well the problem is that I cannot accept this explanation as an answer why I am not getting the badges, Cosmic. I can produce evidence that I did these TF’s, dates, time of completion, names of teammates, screenshot, and even a souvenir for one. Give me a few weeks and I bet I could get swore affidavits from those teammates that we did these TF at the specified times. Now I am being told that petitioning with this evidence still does not offer a chance to get these badges.

    The main problem is that the Dev's should have seen this coming and done something to fix it. If they knew that these TF would give badges (and I am sure they did) then they could have warned us that no one would be awarded a badge until the TF was done after a future issue comes out. I would have waited for I5 to do these TF. Now players who only fault was to enjoy the TF content, expecting a badge in the future, are getting screwed. Some of us do not want to do these TF again, at least not with the same character.

    I would even accept the badges not being rewarded for these TF’s as it is now. That way I know I will not be missing anything
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I'll pop in here so you guys have a new target.

    The original Task Force Datamine took 3 months to finish. That was to go over 2 months worth of data.

    We now have 18 months worth of data. We looked for a more effecient solution, but our estimates still come out at 2 years to datamine and get you your badges.

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    Well get cracking, I can wait 3 months, heck I'll even wait 2 years, because I am not doing those Shadow Shard TF again. It would seem to me that you guys should have thought this out. If you planned on giving out badges for these TF, why didnt you guys do it when the TF's when live?

    Plus I have all the time and dates I finished my TF's, with the name of each team memeber so it should not be to hard to verify that info. So expect a petition from me.
  5. How does this system reward a SG that has been on a server since day one, and has been using a costume slot for their SG uniform instead of the SG mode? My SG has been on Justice from the beginning and we have done every TF, Trial, mission, AV mission over and over as a group without being in SG mode. Our group always uses their costume slot uniform when we do group stuff, it looks a lot better then the SG mode.

    I can understand that this system (if it is true, because will still have not heard an official response yet) would work for those players under level twenty scrapping for influence, but you need to reward the long time players who have been here since day one. The only option that I would accept this Prestige Points system is if players also have the option to buy points with influence.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Unless "rent" runs in the 8+ digits, I'd say a handful of 50s could probably maintain a SG base by themselves.

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    There is a hero in our SG sitting on about 400 million, so I to hope that bases gives us a way to use influence for something.
  7. Not sure if this is true or not, but if it is I like to here more about it. Beside our SG likes to use one of our costume slots to make a group uniform, and I used that one a lot. I do not think I have ever turn on SG mode the whole time I been in my SG.
  8. I thought the Blue King comic was ok, but I wanted to read about Statesman and the rest of the Freedom Phalanx. Those guys are the main heroes in Paragon City so I wanted to know why. I liked that they just dropped us into a story too, because if you played enough CoH you should know the background to all the Planaxers by now. Throwing in some background stories at the beginning would have probably turned me off from the comic. So far I think the first 2 issues of the Top Cow comic are great and better then the Blue King series.

    Also, for those that haven’t gotten the comic yet, check out your local comic book stores. They should have issue 2 by now and I bet they will have issue 1. I know that most comic book stores, are dark, dirty and sometimes smell funny, but the people working there are usually friendly and will order the book for you.
  9. Steelyeye

    June Comic

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    I like the art but the story doesn't make any sense.

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    Has anyone considered the possibility that the surviving eight are trapped inside some kind of holodeck?

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    Hehe, yeah me too. I was thinking along that line also. Maybe they are trap in some kind of "Portal" Dimension or something. All part of Lord Recluse's plan. I guess we have been reading to many comics or watching to much Sci-Fi.
  10. Thanks Mattman dont know how I missed that post.
  11. Ok,

    As for Sirocco, HE GOT KNOCK THE <bleep> OUT!, by Statesman.

    I am betting that Karate Dude Boy is Kublai

    I always thought that Positron was a Blaster, he look more like a RAD/RAD Defender in that Trailer.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    I recommend "No Cool Handle."

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    Was thinking the same thing, or you could use "NoCool" for short.
  13. Was here since day one, expecting to be here next year too.

    Happy Anniversary!!
  14. Steelyeye

    Blaster Damage

    Just wanted to add, level 44 Blaster still soloing with ease. This is against every type of mob this game can throw at me, +1’s, +2’s, sometimes +3’s and even +4 depending on the type of mob (rarely though). The only thing I can’t solo are AV’s and no one is supposed to solo those guys. All it takes is a little practice, learning which baddies to take out first, and developing tactics. Tactics will come to you with experience.

    Plus I do not consider myself useless in teams either. I am taking out hordes of minions with ease. I can take down lieutenants in 2 to 3 shots, and with Total Focus I can stun bosses consistently for easy take down, or even solo them myself. A Blaster’s team role is to kill baddies, and to kill them quickly. Blasters already have the tools to do that successfully.

    The only problems I see with Blasters is that the only viable secondary power set are Energy and Devices. The rest need to be overhauled to become more useful. And second I would think that Blaster could use something to give them a little mezz protection, other then power pools and inspirations. Because 99.9% of the time when my Blasters dies, it is because I was held/stunned/mezzed. And last a Blaster does not need to do more damage.
  15. I remember when smoke grenades made /Dev blasters better tanks then tankers

    I remember when smoke grenades were fixed so they were working as intended and all the /dev cried NERF!

    I remember Boomtown
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    this what happened in the last game i played hackers ruined it for everyone dupin rares and gold and just anything to cheat there no extened maintenance there trying to catch the hacker and we pay for it so unless people don't let GM'S know of wrong doing's in the game it we ruin it and there we not be a COH IT WELL BE GONE TO THE AMERICANS!!!!!!!

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    I am with you dude!!! We need to stop the evil gnomes from infecting us with their brain waves, forcing us all to wear pants! It is all true cause my cat told me so!

    Wait a second you one of them aren’t you! DECIEVER!!!! You will never find my secret sanctuary!
  17. As a red-blooded beer drinking American I can honestly say that the beer here in the USA, from the major distilleries, is nothing but pee pee colored water. Stick to the micro brews if you want good American beer, or if you must get a mass distributed beer drink a Sam Adams. I will say that I do enjoy the imported beers from Canada, but hockey still sucks.
  18. Pssst! I tell you a secret. If you put on the Translucent Cape, turn on Power Slide, and make V.I.P Badge your title it unlocks the Ubah-God mode. You are guarantee to pwnz anything in the game. But dont spread it around its suppose to be a secret.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Starship Troopers = 90210 in Space

    Oh, and what alway got me is that around the time the infantry grunts are finishing basic training, the babe-who-wants-to-be-a-pilot, who started her training around the same time as them, is at the helm of a STARSHIP and even plotting course corrections! Man, they've sure got a kick-butt training program. Plus, Slick Biff the pilot boy actually HOLDS HIS OWN in the fight with the COMMANDO! Man, the flight corps needs to take over all the training. The army corps must suck. No wonder they all died so easily. Put the pilots in charge of everything; even the hand to hand combat.


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    That is one of the reasons I hated that stupid “Space and Beyond” TV show that Fox came out with a couple of years ago. They were using trained fighter pilots as everyday grunts. What!?!? Do you know how much money and time the military spends to train just one pilot, and then you are going to use them as freaking infantry? I hope they fired what ever General thought up that idea.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    Well I do not think Blue Steel is much of a trainer, especially in training the PCPD. The police force just runs away when they see trouble .

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    So do blasters.....

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    You obviously have not heard of the Blasters' motto.....

    "First in Battle. First to Skedaddle."
  21. Well I do not think Blue Steel is much of a trainer, especially in training the PCPD. The police force just runs away when they see trouble .
  22. Just remember if you are a Hero vote early. If you are a villain, vote early and often.
  23. All I know is that Hollows is a pretty big place. I got my troll and outcast badges there for my level 31 blaster and didnt see another hero close to me for. Total time was about 90 minutes to get both badge. This was on the Justice server which is one of the most crowded so I really do not think this will be a problem.
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    I just wish you would get there too late and have to follow him through the portal...

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    Yeah thats what I was hoping for too