Devs, badges are causing a serious problem




I have seen instructions for getting 3 accolades (and the power that comes with them) posted here. The problem here is that the requirements for these accolades include several Defeat X Badguy badges. Now many people who have vastly outleveled the required enemies and now find themselves with a kill count of 0 for all of these enemies are taking themselves to lower level zones. It would be bad enough if it was 'Defeat 100 Nemesis' but the badges so far require a specific type of enemy, such as Fake Nemesis bosses, 5th Werewolves, Paragon protectors, etc. Basically what is happening is that high level people are plowing through lower level areas and slaughtering anything in their path, often times entire groups for just one enemy. It is even worse when the person is not AoE based. Instead of slaughtering everything like an AoE person they run in and defeat the single enemy they need and run off, carrying behind them a train of death for anyone unlucky enough to be in its way. I am level 47 and to get the badges I want for these rewards I have two choices: find a portal mission that contains these enemies and farm it over and over or run around the lower level areas causing havoc. I really am not looking forward to either; I know I have defeated more than 100 of virtually every villain type. Devs, you really need to change these badges. I realize that trying to get kill numbers from before the update is impossible, but something needs to be done. I suggest a one time award, considering that all new characters will have the chance to fight these enemies at the correct level, where all current characters recieve a Defeat X badge for any enemy they have outleveled.






This is one of those problems tha'll seem to go away on its own in a week or two



yeah..I mad a post kinda like thison test a while ago. All i can say is thT I feel bad for newbies cause therell be trains of Hellions and Skulls going through PP hourly. do u spawn a Kracken?



While this concern might seem obvious on the surface, it really doesn't come into play in the game as far as Pinnacle is concerned. A SG-mate and myself have been running all over the Hollows, Perez, Talos, Skyway, and Faultline to get the badges and haven't even seen another person around the areas we hunted. There's plenty of bad guys all over the place, and plenty of spawns that are in isolated areas most people don't go (Faultline, Boomtown, far corners of the Hollows) that trains of death are easily avoidable.



Eventually, this will slow down as the higher levelers get their badge and move on ..

Look at it this way, instead of AoEers and those with AoE powers just running in and killing the minions, leaving the bosses and then running off, they are running in, killing the bosses, leaving the minions and then running off leaving nice little groups of nothing but minions for lower level people to run into and AoE without worry of a boss =)

Kinda like a reversal of what alot of people were complaining about before the patch =)



I am level 47 and to get the badges I want for these rewards I have two choices: find a portal mission that contains these enemies and farm it over and over or run around the lower level areas causing havoc.

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Choice 3: Exemplar to an appropriate level Hero and help them get XP (and work off your debt) while you both get the badge. I know... it's just crazy enough to work.

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I went to Faultline for my Gear Smashing badge. I think I saw another person just once, and he was lvl 37.

Earlier I went to Perez to take out some Hellions. I'd get the two I needed and superspeeded to the next group. I assumed with superspeed that I would leave the rest of the Hellions far behind. Apparently not. I happened to look behind myself and saw about forty mobs chasing me uselessly. Oops.

I really wonder though if in a week or two if this will be a problem any more.



LOL you Go Positron heh heh..
Like other have said a few days / week or so and it will solve its self.



I am level 47 and to get the badges I want for these rewards I have two choices: find a portal mission that contains these enemies and farm it over and over or run around the lower level areas causing havoc.

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Choice 3: Exemplar to an appropriate level Hero and help them get XP (and work off your debt) while you both get the badge. I know... it's just crazy enough to work.

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Right, why get Insp when you can just one-shot kill all the baddies and be done 10x sooner.



I am level 47 and to get the badges I want for these rewards I have two choices: find a portal mission that contains these enemies and farm it over and over or run around the lower level areas causing havoc.

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Choice 3: Exemplar to an appropriate level Hero and help them get XP (and work off your debt) while you both get the badge. I know... it's just crazy enough to work.

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This is 1 of the things I have been doing, it makes happy low level players and you get your badge =)



"Blaster looking to exemplar with someone with Banished Pantheon door missions!"

Dead silence.



This isn't confined to Badges though. I have seen lvl 50s slaughtering grey cons to improve their position on the Kiosk list. This problem will not go away in a week or two.



This isn't confined to Badges though. I have seen lvl 50s slaughtering grey cons to improve their position on the Kiosk list. This problem will not go away in a week or two.

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LOL that's funny... Ooo ooo lets spend all this time killing stuff that's so easy for me so my name is on a list that no one cares about!



They really should make it so that you only get credit for a kill only if you get XP, otherwise, yeah the low level zones will have these level 50s killing all the greys just for a name on the kiosk. I feel bad for the lowbies....and what's the point of those kiosks?



I have one question that I'll post here rather than start a whole new thread about it: I've heard that there is a badge you get for killing 100 Contaminated (the Outbreak/Tutorial Zone bad guys). Is this true, or just a vicious rumour someone started to see how many people would actually waste an hour or two in the tutorial zone?



I am level 47 and to get the badges I want for these rewards I have two choices: find a portal mission that contains these enemies and farm it over and over or run around the lower level areas causing havoc.

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Choice 3: Exemplar to an appropriate level Hero and help them get XP (and work off your debt) while you both get the badge. I know... it's just crazy enough to work.

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I'll gladly do that, when I don't run the risk of getting 50k debt by doing so, for a few measly Influence reward.



Choice 4: Find spots that are away from those in the zone for *real* levelling. It takes marginally more time - not much - and besides, respawns are always popping up, and so if someone who *belongs* in that zone happens to cross your path, you won't be much impediment to them.

This issue will settle down too, even tho some over-crowding and bottlenecking is to be expected with new content, it will abate naturally before any reasonable and temporary could be applied (and subsequently removed).



Ditto JorTheNormal.

It's an obvious solution, It hink the main problem is that it would probably cause database strain.



They really should make it so that you only get credit for a kill only if you get XP, otherwise, yeah the low level zones will have these level 50s killing all the greys just for a name on the kiosk. I feel bad for the lowbies....and what's the point of those kiosks?

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Do they work now?????



I have one question that I'll post here rather than start a whole new thread about it: I've heard that there is a badge you get for killing 100 Contaminated (the Outbreak/Tutorial Zone bad guys). Is this true, or just a vicious rumour someone started to see how many people would actually waste an hour or two in the tutorial zone?

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True, it's called the isolator. I rolled a new alt a to see it.
Here is a tip. There will probably be at least 4 or 5 other people trying to get it at the same time. they're pretty easy to spot. team up, head to the back (so as not to make it difficult for the newbies), then start a brawl train. First one with the badge goes last and wipes out the guy. It goes really quick way under an hour



Choice 4: Find spots that are away from those in the zone for *real* levelling. It takes marginally more time - not much - and besides, respawns are always popping up, and so if someone who *belongs* in that zone happens to cross your path, you won't be much impediment to them.

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A good idea, when it's possible. The problem is that some of the kill badge mobs only spawn in one place. I've only found one place that spawns BP Spirits, for example. And sweeping the Perez Park streets is about your only option for Damned.



I am level 47 and to get the badges I want for these rewards I have two choices: find a portal mission that contains these enemies and farm it over and over or run around the lower level areas causing havoc.

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Choice 3: Exemplar to an appropriate level Hero and help them get XP (and work off your debt) while you both get the badge. I know... it's just crazy enough to work.

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But that would require people to use logic and to be outgoing and willing to actually help other people out rather than obsessing with their own gains exclusively...

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



This is exactly why I made suggestions while Issue 2 was still in the Training Room that badges and kiosk stats should only be awarded if the hero gets XP/Influence for defeating the villain. This would not only help promote reverse sidekicking, but would also give MEANING to the badge. With the system as it is right now, heroes are more or less being rewarded for being bullies as they smash villains to pulp without the slightest chance for the villains to fight back. How heroic is that?