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  1. TheDeadlyShoe

    Cryptic coolness

    If it's such a problem for you, cancel your subscription and renew it for one month every time an issue releases.
  2. Hmm... just a thought, but wouldn't this easily tie into Inventions?
  3. TheDeadlyShoe

    "Moral Combat"

    They CAN sue. They probably couldn't win in court, but the time and money it would take to mount a defense could intimidate people into silence. This is what's known as a SLAPP suit...
  4. TheDeadlyShoe

    Top Issues 8.10

    [ QUOTE ]

    * Back Alley Brawler gives debt in Recluse's Victory. Yeah, he was not set up as "debt free". Sorry.

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    I think devs are just trying to hide their secret gauntlet improvement: debt rays.
  5. I'm not responsible for misinterpretation ;p

    Powerset balance means internal powerset balance and balance between powersets, as opposed to the -def being intended to balance Invuln considering pre-ED/nerf levels of invuln uberness, which is the assumption made by many, many posts in this thread.

    If you want to talk equations

    a = b
    and ED+Global Defense nerfs gets
    (a/2) = (b/2)


    invuln = dark armor
    invuln-ED/Nerf = dark armor-ED/Nerf

    But what people are SAYING is

    invuln-DEF = Dark Armor
    invuln-DEF-ED/Nerf != Dark Armor-ED/Nerf

    Yes there are problems with powerset balance. Noone has to demonstrate this with Unyielding except through their pieholes.
    [ QUOTE ]

    If it's impossible to finish a fight with a reasonable team, QA should notice.

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    But the fights were never impossible to finish with a reasonable team. Just very difficult. (Afore-mentioned damage insp huffing included) And it's not their job to make balance calls. The overriding priority of QA is making sure the frigging thing works. Cryptic takes care of balance and stuff, Thats why they have an internal test server.
  6. QA wasting time doing AV fights over and over would be inefficient. They really don't have time for balance problems like that. One can make an argument for more extreme and obvious balance errors, but I think it is a tiny matter compared to the things QA ought to be concerned with. The balance errors are Cryptic's error.

    Yes, the AV buffs were deliberate.

    I think the main problem with the AV buffs is that they simulated player damage output under the assumption that every player on the team would be huffing reds like candy, and that doesn't tend to happen.

    [ QUOTE ]
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    Saying that global nerfs have minor effects on specific powers balance is incredible BS.

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    Well actually, I think even calling it BS is an insult to BS everywhere.

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    Y'all are cute, really. But my point - as i'm sure you all know - is that the def debuff was not instituted to balance out the wholeset against the huge buffage that could be attained pre-ED and global defense nerfs. It was instituted as a matter of powerset balance.
  7. I will rephrase: People [censored] about what QA isn't catching. They have no idea what they are catching. My view is that complaining about QA not catching balance errors is like complaining about QA not catching errors in the spellcheck dictionary. It's irritating and intereferes with the product. But it does not warrant the comments being made in this thread.

    The reason the global defense nerfs don't warrant a removal of the DEF penalty is, because, um... they were global nerfs. They had relatively minor effects on power balance.

  8. it's not 'needed', what it is is not broken. complaints about it are absurd. a tank running close enough to the margin that 5% DEF either way makes a difference has much bigger problems.

    [ QUOTE ]

    And that is what a QA department is for

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    QA catches major bugs. Not piddling decimal errors.
  9. [ QUOTE ]

    This may be true. But using a different term comes across as PR-Speak or just plain old snake oil. Which is worse. Far better to be honest and call it like it is.

    So you won't mind if we carry on calling a nerf a nerf and up-keep Rent.

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    Nerf and buff are nebulous and ill-defined words. Patch notes are supposed to be clear and concise. Publicity concerns aside, it makes sense to be as specific as possible with your patch notes, so you know what was changed.
  10. [ QUOTE ]

    If we need to even up the numbers, the place to put Squishie Mez Resistance on the CoH side is Defenders.

    An almost dead Blaster breaking mez isn't going to be able to pull a team's fanny out of the fire, and while Controllers could pull the team's fanny out - so can Defenders. And they need the boost more. And it will work quite well thematically with Vengeance to have ever increasing mez resistance as your team gets more and more pummelled (not that it wouldn't work thematically for Defiance).

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    That's a great idea.
  11. Arcane raid teleporters are noted as being much smaller than tech raid teleporters.
  12. both the ethics and practices of prosecutors are wildly variable from locale to locale. The quality of available defense attorneys, particularly public defenders, varies a lot too.

    For example I think in one death penalty case it was the lawyer's first case after obtaining a degree through the mail.
  13. thread necromancy.

    and there's too much drama in this thread.

    Positron asks that question because it's job to consider questions like that.
  14. Well, if you really want to, you could wait until they attack you.
  15. [ QUOTE ]

    I wonder how many attorneys got screwed by entering the profession after watching LA Law or Law & Order, but *not* Court TV.

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    I have heard of prosecutors complaining that CSI has caused some jurors to demand slam-dunk evidence that is sometimes impossible to get.
  16. If you really want the isolator badge for some unfathomable reason, you can get it. That's why it's there, and the only reason why it's there.
  17. The contaminated is a concession. The dev position was that if you didn't get it then tough luck. People even said 'I don't care if it's a single contaminated in the toughest zone in the game on a 15 minute timer, just give us a chance to get it!'.

    [ QUOTE ]

    He has conflated increasing the length of time for a task with increasing its difficulty (Isolator, BiB, the AV/GM changes).

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    You conflating BiB with two issues - one of extremely minor import, one of very major import - that have both been addressed by the devs, both ingame and with posts - belies your argument that developers arn't paying attention to complaints or responding to them. Positron didn't 'insist' that PPPs were better, he made one post that said that, as I recall.

    Actually, I want to explore the AV/GM example in more detail. Increasing regen made them more difficult in that it required higher damage output to kill, it didn't necessairly make them take longer to kill - just require more players or different powers.

    Nor is Isolator any kind of example for the point you are making. Spawning a contaminated in RV changes the amount of time it takes to earn isolator from 'infinite' to 'possible'. It's not like you have to farm it either. Just kill it every once in a while and you'll get there eventually.

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    An the exagerration of others' arguments, while simultaneously ignoring their points on it.

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    You did see the post i originally responded to, right?
  18. [ QUOTE ]

    Just because you don't think it's a problem, doesn't mean it's not one.

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    I didn't say it's not a problem. I said a lack of response is not a problem. This is not a major issue no matter how you slice it. The wailing and gnashing of teeth is inappropriate.

    Incidentally, they can't simply raise hero accolade requirements, that's unworkable. There is inevitably a group of people about to achieve the accolade who are going to get screwed over.
  19. [ QUOTE ]

    "Unliscensed handgun" No such thing in the United States Read the Second Amendment, that's your liscense.

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    please, please address the example at hand.
  20. [ QUOTE ]

    Fair enough, but it's not like this hasn't been attempted before. People tend to get frustrated when they raise points, only to be ignored.

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    What do you want, flowers in the mail? If lead designers took the time to make everyone feel good about them they'd never get anything done.

    It is not like this is an important issue or problem.

    Not addressing peoples concerns about a crash bug. that would be a problem. About an accolade? Not a problem.
  21. [ QUOTE ]

    Maybe Posi's not -worse- than Statesman was.
    Could be he's just -as- 'heavy handed' and 'shortsighted' as Statesman could ever be.
    It's all a matter of your point of view...

    Let's not forget Posi is the man who brought us RV Isolator.
    If that doesn't give you some insight on what we are dealing with then I don't know what will...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Oh the drama!

    You'd think this was politics.

    It's just an accolade, chill out guys. Even if the requirement is too hard there's no need for the crap being thrown around. Get a sense of proportion - accolades are small beans even inside the realm of CoH.
  22. Part of the reason that powers are supposed to be registered etc. is to make sure they don't run out of control.

    I am guessing paragon city is EXTREMELY sensitive to things like this after the Siren's Call incident! He is lucky he didn't get tossed in the Zig for life.
  23. I haven't gotten any really good screenshots for the contest so far, but I thought that this one shot was at least worth sharing. The incoming pain factor is immense. A similar one better framed (and with the UI off :P) would work better.
  24. Make that its own thread and stickie it.
  25. Are Consiglieres okay? I'm just wondering if you only want 'mobster' family or if super-powered Family in action is okay.