Do you want Villains or Heroes doing the fighting against The Family?
Hate to waste my one shot at this...
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
Do you want Villains or Heroes doing the fighting against The Family?
Hate to waste my one shot at this...
[/ QUOTE ]]
From the shores of Independence Port to the heart of the Pine Barrens, and from Steel Canyon to the Lincoln tunnel, the Family takes a piece of the action everywhere. Let's see you mix it up with some made men!
[/ QUOTE ]
AFAIK Pine Barrens and the Lincoln tunnel aren't COH areas, so must be fore both.
Do you want Villains or Heroes doing the fighting against The Family?
Hate to waste my one shot at this...
[/ QUOTE ]
Either is fine, although it will be a City of Heroes update (but if you look at the Tsoo screenshots - on the 2nd page - you'll see a Stalker!)
Arctic Sun
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*pssst*, in your post!
[/ QUOTE ]
Shame on you... Contaminated? :-P
"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q
NOOOO!!! i just finished my family contact w/ no screen shots
i think i might cry
There are all kinds of family around Independance Port. That's where I plan on takeing a screenie. maybe have the giant squid in the backdrop if I can manage it

Are Consiglieres okay? I'm just wondering if you only want 'mobster' family or if super-powered Family in action is okay.
lol! That's FUNNAY.
/seriously, LOL..
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
From the shores of Independence Port to the heart of the Pine Barrens, and from Steel Canyon to the Lincoln tunnel, the Family takes a piece of the action everywhere. Let's see you mix it up with some made men!
[/ QUOTE ]
Hey! There are *no* Family in New Jersey. Must be a strictly Rhode Island thing.
There are all kinds of family around Independance Port. That's where I plan on takeing a screenie. maybe have the giant squid in the backdrop if I can manage it
[/ QUOTE ]
You mean like this one I call... Dude, it's not *you* he's afaid of.
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I got some pics of my Blaster, DR. Gunner beating some Family. Can you guys help me choose which I should submit, please?
1.DR. Gunner Using Thunder Strike
2. DR. Gunner using Snipe at Point Blank
3. Not a fighting power, but a beautiful picture.
4. The Family has many connections...
5. The Family is a very menacing villain group...
6. Peek a Boo
7. Wow! Look at all the bullet shells!
Some of these pictures have me in combat - I am going to use one of them to enter the contest. The rest are just interesting and could be used as one of those non-player-included pictures. The ones without me would be great for the main title pictures.
Thank you all, and Arctic_Sun, I hope you enjoy these.
I have a question about this. I know that you've said editting the picture in any way will disqualify, except resizing or cropping, But when I take screenshots, they come out almost completely black, and I usually go in and do a gamma correction on them so that you can actually SEE them. Would this be a no no or can I actually send you a picture that you can see?
Very glad that they are looking for pics of The Family this time. Just sent off my wonderful pic. My 50lvl hero's backstory was based with them in mind.
Boiler has a certain "vendetta" againest The Family, before he became a hero he was a Capo in their ranks. He wanted out and agreed to turn states evidence againest them... things didnt work out so well. He was beaten and drug to an abandoned warehouse in Baumtown. Slowing coming to he was chained to a boiler furnance rigged to explode. No one heard his screams as the heat poured through him.
No one is sure how, but he lived. But what was left of his body became in case in that very machinary that finished him off. A vigilante was created from the tramatic experience of course... because why wait for the legal system when you can do the work yourself.
I have yet to start playing his alternate dimension/timeline self though... a thug MM whom doesnt turn on the Family by becoming states evidence, but by goin to the Rogue Islands to start work in the casino business.
To the best dev team ever: I enjoyed meeting you all at the Summits and best of luck in all your future endeavors.
"Mamma-Mia... that really *was* a spicy meatball!"
*Click--Click--Click* "Damn it, Frankie! Ya loaded all my bullets in backwards again!"
[/ QUOTE ]
While those are certainly cute , realize those are not what we are looking for.
We have to see *your* character(s)!
, But when I take screenshots, they come out almost completely black, and I usually go in and do a gamma correction on them so that you can actually SEE them. Would this be a no no or can I actually send you a picture that you can see?
[/ QUOTE ]
From the top:
* Screenshots that are too dark, too small, or otherwise unclear will be disqualified.
*****NOTE: If it is a good shot, but simply too dark, we *will* adjust the horizontal and the vertical (and the gamma, the brightness, the contrast, etc.) on our end.
---> So the answer is "no."
Arctic Sun
I haven't gotten any really good screenshots for the contest so far, but I thought that this one shot was at least worth sharing. The incoming pain factor is immense. A similar one better framed (and with the UI off :P) would work better.
"Mamma-Mia... that really *was* a spicy meatball!"
*Click--Click--Click* "Damn it, Frankie! Ya loaded all my bullets in backwards again!"
[/ QUOTE ]
While those are certainly cute , realize those are not what we are looking for.
We have to see *your* character(s)!
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh, I understand. I am not trying to enter any contest here. I usually throw in a couple of old screenshots from my personal archive when these threads are announced anyway...just for fun. Good luck to all!
Capisce. It's backwards in Italian. Ce is pronounced Chay while Che is pronounced Kay! Same with Ci (chee) and Chi (key), Ge (jay) and Ghe ([censored]), and Gi (jee) and Ghi (Like eggy.
Oh. D'oh.
Oh. D'oh.
[/ QUOTE ]
Don't feel bad... it's a weird thing. That and Capisce is too formal. Capisci is more of an informal thing.
Mine and Darkfang's pictures are in! We have one true action shot, and another with them cracking their knuckles in the center of a mob of Family, ready to give them a sound thrashing.
I truly truly hope they get in there. Ravenbane's backstory for almost 2 years now has been that her family was the target for a mob hit way back in 1944, right before she was turned. She unintentionally avoided the hitman sent after her and found out they were whacked because her parents had taken out a loan from them to pay for her college. It being just post-Depression America, they didn't have enough collateral to get a loan from a reputable bank, and they wanted her to be the first in their family to get a degree.
I'm rambling...
Here's my submission! They so look ready to pound those guys.
The Family just doesn't know when they're not wanted around Independence Port, so I had to let them know! This is my submission (already sent in) for the contest. It's a triple lightening strike caught when LS was first activated.
"It is that balance, the ground between EB and AV, where the PvP struggle should exist. Where a 1v1 becomes a struggle of equals, and 1vMany gives the benefit to the 1."
Freedom: Fireocity, Electro Imp, Gotya
Infinity: Meteor Storm, Mutai Kid, General Bot, Da Smasher
You spend your days patrolling the streets of Paragon, battling it out with dastardly villains. Or perhaps you spend your evenings cruising the Rogue Isles, looking for weak fools to smack down on your rise to power. Would you like to be immortalized in the background lore?
This is a pilot project for a new way to use screenshots, and give your characters a spotlight in the City of universe.
What We Want
An engaging screenshot of your character
Fighting with the Family.
From the shores of Independence Port to the heart of the Pine Barrens, and from Steel Canyon to the Lincoln tunnel, the Family takes a piece of the action everywhere. Let's see you mix it up with some made men!
It can be an action shot. It can be an atmospheric shot. It can be a funny or interesting shot. It cannot be a boring shot.
DO take a crisp, clean, high-res image.
DO NOT photoshop the picture (minor cropping is ok).
DO NOT include the UI
DO NOT manipulate the picture.
You MAY enter ONLY ONE screenshot, although more than one character can be featured. (For example, if CuppaJo, Arctic Sun, and Cricket were all in a Super Group, they could each enter one screenshot. Arctics might feature only him, while Crickets show both her character and Cuppas, while all three characters might be in CuppaJos shot each player/account can only submit one screenshot so make it sharp!).
Submissions can be made by emailing your screenshots (details below) from MONDAY JUNE 26th until 12:00 PM (CST) FRIDAY JUNE 30th.
* You may only enter 1 screenshot. If we see multiple entries from you, all entries may be disqualified.
* You may not manipulate or edit the shot in any way (although basic cropping is certainly allowed and encouraged for dramatic effect).
* Screenshots MUST be JPG format, at LEAST 640 x 480 pixels (72 dpi) and MAXIMUM 1024 x 768.
* Converting sizes (eg from 1600x1200 to 800x600) is fine.
* We reserve the right to re-crop or otherwise modify any pictures.
* EMAIL submissions to: cohsubmissions@plaync.com
* Your submission MUST include:
- Your real name
- Age
- Address
- PlayNC Master Account name
- Game account name
- Character & server name (for all characters in the shot)
* Finalists will be selected with an eye towards dramatic scenes/engaging action, however, the winner(s) will ultimately be chosen randomly from the finalists.
* If you arent selected, its likely that its because the number of submissions is so high. If this goes well, you will have another opportunity to submit.
* Anywhere from one to four winners will be selected. Winning screenshots will be featured in a web site article.
* Winners will be identified on the page with first name, last initial, and city, and State (or country if from outside the US).
* Characters in shots will be identified by character name and server.
* Screenshots that are too dark, too small, or otherwise unclear will be disqualified.
*****NOTE: If it is a good shot, but simply too dark, we *will* adjust the horizontal and the vertical (and the gamma, the brightness, the contrast, etc.) on our end.
For full submission guidelines & legal notice, please click here.
If you have problems taking screenshots, check out the Knowledge Base article here.
Edited 'cause I'm such a n00b