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  1. Global: @Gina Jones
    Gender: Female
    Age: 25
    Location: Tumwater, WA unless you go by my zipcode and then it's Olympia, WA (I don't really understand that)
    Height: 5'11.6"
    SG Affiliation: The Rising Pheonix & Curse of the Pheonix
    Most Recognizable Server Toon: Felycitie
    Interesting facts: 1. My global is my RL name. 2. My hubby and I pay for 5 CoH/V accounts and only 2 of them belong to us, go figure (my mommy, his daughter and her bf)
  2. I have a question about this. I know that you've said editting the picture in any way will disqualify, except resizing or cropping, But when I take screenshots, they come out almost completely black, and I usually go in and do a gamma correction on them so that you can actually SEE them. Would this be a no no or can I actually send you a picture that you can see?
  3. No, the comment about 3 was not a joke. You earn less and less prestige as you gain lvls. By lvl 37 even, im only getting between 3 and 20 per mob unless it's a boss several levels higher than me.
  4. hehe, thanks hun, gonna log on and try it like that now. and im currently debating on starting a new character from scratch somewhere so i'll probably come do it there, /grin
  5. I am very new to binds, but I'm finding this guide to be very helpful. However, after reading thru this entire thread, I have a question that I couldn't find an answer to in these pages.

    I've only just figured out that I don't have to remap all of my original bind keys when I create a new character by using /bind_save and /bind_load. What I'm wondering is, Is there a way to do the same with the way I have my UI set up? Going in on EVERY new character (and I make a lot of new characters) and making new chat windows and moving them all around, it's just frustrating.

    Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Well, I finally figured out the first bind problem I was having (/bind numpad7 beginchat /send "Inf Badge Seeker") so that's all settled. Now, I'm trying to figure out why this one I'm trying to make won't work.

    /bind Shift+F1 "unselect$$ team_select 1$$ powexec_name Heal Other"

    is it just because I can't make Shift+F1 a bind key? or am I doing something totally wrong?
  7. I completely suck at binds so please forgive me. I've never made a single one since I started playing this game. I played EQ for 4 years before this though and I was the macro hotkey champ.

    What I need to find out how to do is set up a bind key that will let me start a chat and automatically put in /send (insert channel name here) and then i can just start typing after that

    Example: /send Inf Badge Seeker

    I need it so that the example above pops up when I hit whatever bind key I choose and then after I hit that bind key I can just start typing away. Thanks for any help in advance.