Wonderful, Wise, Winza's guide to binds!




Ok, thank you for reading this Smile If you don't know already what a bind is, keep reading, if you do, you are a step ahead and can proceed to the example list, but I suggest you refresh what you know anyway.

A bind is a player created hot key with a custom command made by you, such as pressing V and your hero points and says in the team channel "Hey, I see a $target, I think we should check it out!" sure, that's an easy example, but let's see you do it with no knoledge of binds.

Also there are things called macros, also custom commands, but instead of being a hot key on your keyboard, they are buttons in your power tray. Binds and macros can pretty much have the same commands, hell, you can even use a bind to activate a macro! One thing to allways remember though, if you think you have altered your controls to the point where you can't even move your hero, there is a button on the options menu in the controls section called "reset all binds", so if you have altered the list of "DO NOT TOUCH" keys, (to be listed later in this post) use that command to clear all binds and start fresh.

Ok, now that I'f spoken so much that it gave ME a headache, I'll begin the "DO NOT TOUCH" list

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, q, w, e, a, s, d, f, r, x, /, backspace, home, end, up, down, left, right and print screen.

I've found that altering the normal controls can only be fixed by using the reset binds command in the options screen as I said before.

To create a bind or macro (wichever you prefer) just use the / command, though the only difference is that with binds, you need to put the key being bound in it as well...

For example, I'll make 2 identicle commands, one a bind, and the other a macro..

the macro -> /macro Look "emote point$$ team I see a $target, do you see it?"

the bind --> /bind v "emote point$$ team I see a $target, do you see it?"

Now, the commands as you can see look odd, but if you typed them as you see here, you will get the same effect with both, though the macro will appear in your power tray as a grey button that is labeled Look and the bind will happen every time you aren't chatting and you press the V key on your keyboard.

Now, to what this bind does and what it all means...

placing the " where they are means the beginning and the end of the command string, you must allways use " if the command has more then one word, though I use it even when they don't to be safe.

on the macro as you saw, the first 2 parts looked like this /macro Look <- that look part is the label. For the bind, the first 2 parts looked like this /bind v <- the v part is the key to activate the bind.

Now the rest... notice I have 2 $ after emote point? The $$ means the end of one command and that one space later will be another. For exaple, simply type in /e dance$$ local Time to boogie <- you'll notice that after you hit enter, you'll start dancing and say in the local channel "Time to boogie"
Ok, to preform a power in a bind, the best way is to use the / command powexec_name Power name hereI'll show you an example using my own favorite attack, Blackstar.

/bind o "powexec_name Blackstar"

Now, when you press the O key, you'll use the power you made the bind with.Also, to preform costume changes, the / command is cc # where the # is 0, 1, 2 or 3. 0 is the first costume you have starting out, 1 is the second costume slot (the one you get at level 20) and so on. An exaple would be...

/bind j "cc 1"

Rather small, huh? If we add what I showed in the first lesson, we can make a spectacular bind, remember the $$ in the right spot folks!

/bind k "powexec_name Blackstar$$ local Shadow Flash!!!!$$ cc 0"

The bind above is one that will have you use blackstar(for the effect, just don't try it too often) have you say "Shadow Flash!!!!" in the local channel and preform a costume change all at the same time! Realize that I don't normally suggest using power and costume commands together, but to each his/her own *shrugs*

Now for a bind ALL our members should know and use...

/bind t "sgmode$$ team Switching to Super Group Mode!$$ e thumbsup"

The effect you produce now is to switch to super group colors, say "Switching to Super Group Mode!" in the team channel and do the thumbs up emote.

I have that for most of my heroes, and I use T for them all, think about it, T for team, duh. Also, I'm going to show the list of emotes, so look a little lower for it.

Military Salute (militarysalute)
The Wave (thewave)
AFK (also newspaper)
Attack (does the battle cry motion)
DontAttack (see stop)
Jumping Jacks (jumpingjacks)
Hi (also wave)
Kata (listed as warmup in the emote menu)
Paper (as in paper/rock/scissors)
Rock (as in paper/rock/scissors)
Sissors (as in paper/rock/scissors)
Stop (also raisehand)
Taunt1 (does tank taunt animation with one hand)
Taunt2 (does provoke animation)
ThumbUp (also yes)
Yoga (also lotus)

Now realize each and every one can be used with your binds, but only one per, since you can only do one emote at a time after all.

ok, the ones that aren't on the list are...

crossarms and Taunt2

The kata is on there as warmup.

I have a new bind (well, it's actually one that's well known, but I still have people ask me online about it)

/bind enter "beginchat <bgcolor xxx><color xxx><border xxx>"

Now, the important thing to remember is that the xxx is whatever color you want to have in those areas on your text bubbles. I know what your thinking, what do these mean?

bgcolor is the bubble it's self
color is the text (the letters in the bubble)
border is the outline of the bubble

[quote="XNA-nitecrawler"]Winza, as far as the color binds go for the chat bubbles, might be interesting to point out that you have LIMITLESS (almost) colors to choose from through using hexadecimal colors. For instance, if you want to have a clear background in your text bubble like most of my characters do, then you would type the following:

/bind enter "beginchat <color blue> <bgcolor #0000001> <border white>

That will create a bind that will cause you to type with blue text, clear background, and white border everytime you hit the enter key to start a message. Not sure if you knew you can use Hexadecimal colors or not Winza, if not, you do now!

Here's a website where you can find A BUNCH of hexadecimal codes to use:


Enjoy! The substitute teacher is stepping down now and turning the class back over to Winza the Wonderful!

[/ QUOTE ]

First, the padowan has taught the master for once, I have no idea how to use hex though...

why not make a second color bubble for your hero to use for SG mode...

try /bind shift+enter "beginchat <bgcolor xxx><color xxx><border xxx>"

that bind also uses the shift+ key combo, meaning you must hold shift and press the other key to activate the bind.

another feature is the beginchat command, you can have it so you have shift+/ makes you have your chat bar start with /e so you can type a quick emote or other things for RPing, like every chat bubble having (null) at the beginning to signify use of a gas mask like the cops in the hollows.

Now to Kai's question, yes, to bind a power with 2 words in it or even 3, I'll show my own bind from Winza for his Recall Friend...

/bind u "powexec_name Recall Friend$$ team $target, I'm casting Exit on you, chummer!"

btw, if you didn't already know, the $target command is an automatic way of saying your target's name with a pre-set bind or macro.

thank you for the questions and I look forward to reading more and answering them Smile

UPDATE! I have found a good way to make a bind that lets peeps on the find menu more interested in teaming with you!

/bind pageup "t $target, Hey, I have a tough mission, willing to lend a hand? I'm a $level level $archetype."

the $level command makes you say your level and the $archetype makes you say your archetype, try it with any hero.

This is a special treat I was given by my good friend, Kaimetsu. It's a muuuuch better hover/fly bind then you see on the post called "Best Hover/Fly bind Ever!"


now for some silly ones...

/bind shift+d "e dance"

now, I say this bind is silly because if you hold shift and rapidly tap d, you'll look like you're having a siezure Razz

Here's a pair of binds that I have on Winza to make a little fun of tankers (sorry, Ice, I had to do it)

/bind numpad5 "team Hey, wanna see my impression of a badly played tank?"
/bind numpad6 "e taunt1$$ team Hey, I have something to hit you with, duh, come here!"

hit number pad 5 and your whole team will be like, "ok, show me" or something like that, then hit number pad 6 and watch the lols from non tank players.

I have found a more sinister looking way to do the "Mwa ha ha ha" laugh

/bind numpad7 "e frustrated$$ team Mwa ha ha ha ha ha haaa!"

this makes you throw your arms up as you laugh instead of hands on hips laughing.

here's a good one to scare low level players with

/bind numpad8 "e burp$$ local *BUUUUURRRP!* Ugh, too many lowbies..."

I also have a pair I have on Shadowblade.exe to show you...

/bind t "sgmode$$ e frustrated$$ local Loading Supergroupcolor.bmp!"
/bind shift+t "sgmode$$ e drat$$ local Loading heroarmor.exe!"

with those, I can alternate between sgmode and normal colors with sgmode switch being t and back to normal being holding shift and hitting t. Thank Kaimetsu for that, and the dance one.

here's one for those who have seen me talk as Winza and my kheldians latly...

/bind enter "afk Hold on, I'm typing...$$ beginchat <bgcolor xxx><color xxx><border xxx>"

This makes it so when you start to type after hitting enter, your team KNOWS that you are typing through your message :P

SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

I have been able to make and implement a bind file!

to use a bind file, make a .txt document of whatever binds you see here in my bind class, or write your own with the bind class' help on screen, that way you can make the binds YOU want before you load the game and to implement the file, all you need do is type the address of it in your computer, like for example let's say you save it directly to your C:\ drive and named it Mybinds.txt (use notepad for best results) you's type the following...

/bind_load_file C:\Mybinds.txt

at that point you'd have all the binds you created before you logged in!

oh, and to have it read properly you need to use the bind text without having /bind in front of it... I'll give you a sample example (test it on a hero you just create on test or plan on deleting if you don't like the binds)

b "e shrug"
v "e point$$ g Hey, I see a(n) $target, let's check it out!"
n "e victory$$ g Yay, I leveled!"
numpad1 "e victory$$ g Allright! We completed the mission!"
t "sgmode$$ g Switching to Super Group Colors!"
shift+t "sgmode$$ g Changing back to normal colors!"

The above bind set can fit any hero or heroine, so anyone could use it, but allways remember where you saved the .txt file and spell it exactly how it appears when using the bind_load_file command.

Also, after looking over the hover/fly bind I noticed that you can make bind files that can activate OTHER BIND FILES! so you can create limitless binds on your PC and post them here by copying and pasting!

For those who didn't already know, I not only have created and implemented bind files, but Winza is a walking set of files now, he has one file per costume, meaning not only does he have different speech bubbles with each costume, but almost all of his binds change! This way I can show the effect of the two beings taking over his body by making him act differently!

well, that's about it for now... long post, isn't it, I compiled all my own posts from my own SG's site so I'm sorry if any of the commentary makes no sense... I don't plan on editing any of this particular post, but I am going to answer any questions that aren't already discussed in this post.

so make all the replies you want, I'll answer what I can



THIS JUST IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since I have been playing my kheldians, I have noticed that no one has put a kheldian transformation bind here, I allways think it's a pain switching trays or having unusable powers on a tray with useable ones, so I did the following...

I placed all the powers for the Nova form into tray 9 and all the powers for Dwarf form into tray 2 (get where I'm going with this? if not, keep reading)

after I made those trays for the seperate forms, I made the following binds for my WS as the template, replace the dark with light if you are a PB

/bind (key you are using) "powexec_name dark nova$$ prev_tray$$ l (make your message however you want)"

that makes you transform, switch your 1st tray to tray 9 and say a nifty catch phrase... I know what you're thinking, "Now how do I become my human for again?". use the next one

/bind (shift+key from nova bind) "powexec_name dark nova$$ next_tray$$ l (message you want to say when turning back)"

now for the dwarf form... all you have to really do is have next_tray in the transform into bind and prev_tray for the revert one, it's really simple if you practice making binds...

Ok, people, if anyone would like, I could make a whole kheldian bind file for you to use that will have the binds mentioned above already made and ready for you to use... all you have to do is request it in this post, I'll be checking it everyday

till then, happy heroing!



Most excellent binding thread

Thanks for posting it

Member of Team Awesome���
Justice Server



Ok, thank you for reading this Smile If you don't know already what a bind is, keep reading, if you do, you are a step ahead and can proceed to the example list, but I suggest you refresh what you know anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nooooooo...! No no noooo..... Not a guide to the Winza Bind thread!!

Nice one man. Now everyone can make your uncalled-for binds. Geezes.

Mister Marbles - Ice/Rad Controller
Glass Titan - Elec/En Blapper
Miss Marbles - Inv/Fire Tanker
Chef Jinglemerry - Spines/DA Scrapper
Blood Envy - WP/DB Tanker
Velvette - WS

My Custom Demos



Most excellent binding thread

Thanks for posting it

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm glad you liked it, is you want I could make bind file posts to help make interesting binds that most people think about

Nooooooo...! No no noooo..... Not a guide to the Winza Bind thread!!

Nice one man. Now everyone can make your uncalled-for binds. Geezes.

[/ QUOTE ]

I love you Marbles lol, anyway...

I am very happy to finally have people looking at this thred, from top to bottom it goes from minor binds all the way to advanced binding. I will make a full tutorial on making bind files... they are both the most fun to use and most difficult to make, but at least you don't have to worry about being attacked while making them, you won't even have to be logged in

till next time please post questions and happy heroing



I feel like such a dork mentioning this now, but I found a way for you to make any speech binds work in ANY channel you are using at the time you hit the bind... here's an example of it in use...

/bind p "say Hello, I'm $name, a $origin $archetype, how are you, $target?"

what that does is whatever channel you are using, you say hello, your name, your origin, your archetype and your target's name!

I'd like to thank the player who's hero's name I forgot, but I teamed with him during a Sister Psyche TF the day of this post, he's a rad/rad defender (that's all I could remember)

thank you for reading and happy heroing



Simply Brilliant ... more more more!!!



Ok, here's a doosy for you...

I have been playing my stone/mace tank, Starr Crush a lot latly, and one thing I get asked over and over is "How many taunt macros/binds do you have?!"

The current number is 26, but here's the clincher, I only use one key for all 26! I call it my taunt loop.

This lesson is all about making bind files that activate other bind files, and it's completly from scratch, no copy and paste from other posts!

I'll start with a basic bind loop for you to test on your own. I suggest you follow the instructions for use.

take all 3 taunt lines and make 3 seperate files names t1.txt, t2.txt and t3.txt. place all 3 in a folder named taunt in the C:\ drive of your computer, or they wont activate eachother.

here are the bind codes...

numpad0 "powexec_name Taunt$$ L Hey, $target, watch as I raise my hand and motion for you to come!$$ bind_load_file C:\taunt\t2.txt"


numpad0 "powexec_name Taunt$$ L Hey, $target, I have some candy to share!$$ bind_load_file C:\taunt\t3.txt"


numpad0 "powexec_name Taunt$$ L Hey, $target, come and join my group hug!$$ bind_load_file C:\taunt\t1.txt"

Now that you have made the files as I have shown you, to load them, in game, type /bind_load_file C:\taunt\t1.txt

now when you hit numpad0, you'll spout out one of the 3 taunts, I plan on having over 100 by the time Starr Crush hits 50, the only problem is coming up with funny or sick ones that members of teams he joins won't be totally offended by *shrugs*

that's all for now, if anyone has any questions, don't be afraid to post them here or contact me in game at @WinzaFromVirtue

Happy Heroing



wow, this thing is still here? ok, time to start advertizing again!



For anyone who can't find what they are looking for in this guide, please take the time to post your questions. I will answer any and all that come my way about binds and macros.



New binds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have decided to release my binds for Winza. I have the whole file ready for anyone who cares to look at it and see if they can use anything to help them out. use my bind guide for info about what to change or post questions about it.

and here we go...

(place all seperatly into a file named C:\CoH\Binds to get them to work perfectly)


h "cc 3$$ l <bgcolor black><color purple><border yellow>Time to take Darkness' true power out on these fools!$$ e

frustrated$$ bind_load_file C:\CoH\Binds\Winzadark.txt"

j "cc 2$$ l <color blue>OK, time to dress like a random contact...$$ e crossarms$$ bind_load_file


k "cc 0$$ l <bgcolor red><color green><border purple>Superhero Transformation!$$ e yes$$ bind_load_file


l "cc 1$$ l <bgcolor yellow><color purple><border red>Fear now, evil doers, you will never win!$$ e nod$$ bind_load_file



enter "afk Hold on, typing...$$ beginchat <bgcolor red><color green><border purple>"

shift+enter "afk Hold on, typing...$$ beginchat <bgcolor black><color green><border lightgreen>(OOC)"

t "e thumbsup$$ sgmode$$ g <bgcolor black><color green><border lightgreen>Switching to SG mode, chummers, I feel like

showing off the sign of the Virtual Heroes Society 8)"

shift+t "e no$$ sgmode$$ g <bgcolor red><color green><border purple>You know what? I think my normal colors will do for


v "e point$$ g <bgcolor red><color green><border purple>Yo, chummers, I see a $target, let's go ask what's up!"

c "e point$$ g <bgcolor red><color green><border purple>Damn, $target, you're ugly!"

b "e shrug"

o "l <bgcolor red><color green><border purple>Shadow Flare!$$ powexec_name Blackstar"

p "e taunt2$$ l <bgcolor red><color green><border purple>Eat Darkness, it's high in fiber!"

y "e whistle$$ g <bgcolor red><color green><border purple>Gather round and hug the healer, folks, my sweet, yummy,

delicious end buff is ready, so come and get it while it's hot!"

u "g <bgcolor red><color green><border purple>Yo, $target, I'm casting Exit on you, chummer!$$ powexec_name recall


i "powexec_name moonbeam$$ l <bgcolor red><color green><border purple>Moon Cannon!"

numpad1 "e victory$$ g <bgcolor red><color green><border purple>Groovy, we beat the F'n mission! Hooray!"

numpad2 "g <bgcolor red><color green><border purple>What, we survived?!$$ e winner$$ g <bgcolor red><color green><border

purple>Great job everyone!"

numpad3 "b <bgcolor red><color green><border purple>$level emp/dark defender interested in joining a team in need of a

great, though odd healer!"

numpad4 "e yes$$ g <bgcolor red><color green><border purple>Wonderful, Wise Winza, master of any and all binds, reporting

for duty, thank you for the invite 8)"

numpad5 "e whistle$$ g <bgcolor red><color green><border purple>I have something important to say, please wait till I

type it!"

numpad6 "g <bgcolor red><color green><border purple>Hey, $target, hold still a sec so I can use my 5 hit buff combo on

you. 8)$$ g <bgcolor red><color green><border purple>This is what AB, Fort, GI, CM and RA can do with Power Build Up!"

numpad7 "l <bgcolor red><color green><border purple>Shadoken!$$ powexec_name dark blast"

numpad8 "l <bgcolor red><color green><border purple>Tickle them my tentacles, tickle them!$$ powexec_name tenebrous


numpad9 "l <bgcolor red><color green><border purple>Leave us alone!$$ powexec_name dark pit"


enter "afk Hold on, typing...$$ beginchat <color blue>"

shift+enter "afk Hold on, typing...$$ beginchat <bgcolor black><color green><border lightgreen>(OOC)"

t "e thumbsup$$ sgmode$$ g <bgcolor black><color green><border lightgreen>Switching to SG mode, chummers, I feel like

showing off the sign of the Virtual Heroes Society 8)"

shift+t "e no$$ sgmode$$ g <color blue>You know what? I think my normal colors will do for now..."

v "e point$$ g <color blue>Yo, chummers, I see a $target, let's ask what's up!"

c "e point$$ g <color blue>Damn, $target, you're ugly!"

b "e shrug"

o "l <color blue>Shadow Flare!$$ powexec_name Blackstar"

p "e taunt2$$ l <color blue>Eat Darkness, it's high in fiber!"

y "e whistle$$ g <color blue>Gather round and hug the healer, folks, my sweet, yummy, delicious end buff is ready, so

come and get it while it's hot!"

u "g <color blue>Yo, $target, I'm casting Exit on you, chummer!$$ powexec_name recall friend"

i "powexec_name moonbeam$$ l <color blue>Moon Cannon!"

numpad1 "e victory$$ g <color blue>Groovy, we beat the F'n mission! Hooray!"

numpad2 "g <color blue>What, we survived?!$$ e winner$$ g <color blue>Great job, everyone!"

numpad3 "b <color blue>$level emp/dark defender interested in joining a team in need of a great, though odd healer!"

numpad4 "e yes$$ g <color blue>Wonderful, Wise Winza, master of any and all binds, reporting for duty, thank you for the

invite 8)"

numpad5 "e whistle$$ g <color blue>I have something important to say, please wait till I type it!"

numpad6 "g <color blue>Hey, $target, hold still a sec so I can use my 5 hit buff combo on you. 8)$$ g <color blue>This is

what AB, Fort, GI, CM and RA can do with Power Build Up!"

numpad7 "l <color blue>Shadoken!$$ powexec_name dark blast"

numpad8 "l <color blue>Tickle them my tentacles, tickle them!$$ powexec_name tenebrous tentacles"

numpad9 "l <color blue>Leave us alone!$$ powexec_name dark pit"


enter "afk Hold on, typing...$$ beginchat <bgcolor yellow><color purple><border red>"

shift+enter "afk Hold on, typing...$$ beginchat <bgcolor black><color green><border lightgreen>(OOC)"

t "e thumbsup$$ sgmode$$ g <bgcolor black><color green><border lightgreen>Switching to SG mode, chummers, I feel like

showing off the sign of the Virtual Heroes Society 8)"

shift+t "e no$$ sgmode$$ g <bgcolor yellow><color purple><border red>You know what? I think my normal colors will do for


v "e point$$ g <bgcolor yellow><color purple><border red>Behold, I see a $target!"

c "e point$$ g <bgcolor yellow><color purple><border red>My, $target, you seem ill!"

b "e shrug"

o "l <bgcolor yellow><color purple><border red>Fall before my power!$$ powexec_name Blackstar"

p "e disagree$$ l <bgcolor yellow><color purple><border red>You shall never defeat us!"

y "e whistle$$ g <bgcolor yellow><color purple><border red>Come forth all my loyal allies, I will aid you and restore

your fighting spirit!"

u "g <bgcolor yellow><color purple><border red>I call you to my side, noble $target, you are needed here!$$ powexec_name

recall friend"

i "powexec_name moonbeam$$ l <bgcolor yellow><color purple><border red>Light will prevail over darkness!!!!"

numpad1 "e victory$$ g <bgcolor yellow><color purple><border red>Success, my stalwart comrades, we achived success!"

numpad2 "g <bgcolor yellow><color purple><border red>What, we survived?!$$ e winner$$ g <bgcolor yellow><color

purple><border red>Great job everyone!"

numpad3 "b <bgcolor yellow><color purple><border red>$level emp/dark defender interested in joining a team in need of a

great, though odd healer!"

numpad4 "e yes$$ g <bgcolor yellow><color purple><border red>Wonderful, Wise Winza, master of any and all binds,

reporting for duty, thank you for the invite 8)"

numpad5 "e whistle$$ g <bgcolor yellow><color purple><border red>I have something important to say, please wait till I

type it!"

numpad6 "g <bgcolor yellow><color purple><border red>My dear $target, stand by me for a moment so I can give you more

power then you could ever imagine!"

numpad7 "l <bgcolor yellow><color purple><border red>Take that spawn of darkness!$$ powexec_name dark blast"

numpad8 "l <bgcolor yellow><color purple><border red>You'll not escape us evil doers!$$ powexec_name tenebrous tentacles"

numpad9 "l <bgcolor yellow><color purple><border red>Leave us be, villains!!$$ powexec_name dark pit"


enter "afk Hold on, typing...$$ beginchat <bgcolor black><color purple><border yellow>"

shift+enter "afk Hold on, typing...$$ beginchat <bgcolor black><color green><border lightgreen>(OOC)"

t "e thumbsup$$ sgmode$$ g <bgcolor black><color green><border lightgreen>Switching to SG mode, chummers, I feel like

showing off the sign of the Virtual Heroes Society 8)"

shift+t "e no$$ sgmode$$ g <bgcolor black><color purple><border yellow>You know what? I think my normal colors will do

for now..."

v "e point$$ g <bgcolor black><color purple><border yellow>Yo, I see a $target, let's kill it!"

c "e point$$ g <bgcolor black><color purple><border yellow>Damn, $target, you're one ugly SOB!"

b "e shrug"

o "l <bgcolor black><color purple><border yellow>Shadow Doom Blaze!!!!!$$ powexec_name Blackstar"

p "e frustrated$$ l <bgcolor black><color purple><border yellow>Gawd you suck, $target!"

y "e whistle$$ g <bgcolor black><color purple><border yellow>If anyone wants my Recovery powers, you better get your azz

here now or you'll be left waiting!"

u "g <bgcolor black><color purple><border yellow>Hey, $target, get your damn act together, you're about to be ported!$$

powexec_name recall friend"

i "powexec_name moonbeam$$ l <bgcolor black><color purple><border yellow>Eat this!!!!!"

numpad1 "e frustrated$$ g <bgcolor black><color purple><border yellow> Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaa!!!!!$$ g

<bgcolor black><color purple><border yellow>They never even stood a chance!"

numpad2 "g <bgcolor black><color purple><border yellow>What, we survived?!$$ e winner$$ g <bgcolor black><color

purple><border yellow>Good job, everyone!"

numpad3 "b <bgcolor black><color purple><border yellow>$level emp/dark defender interested in joining a team in need of a

great, though odd healer!"

numpad4 "e yes$$ g <bgcolor black><color purple><border yellow>Wonderful, Wise Winza, master of any and all binds,

reporting for duty, thank you for the invite 8)"

numpad5 "e whistle$$ g <bgcolor black><color purple><border yellow>I have something important to say, please wait till I

type it!"

numpad6 "g <bgcolor black><color purple><border yellow>Hey, $target, you are about to become my swedish murder machine,

so hold still so I can buff you!"

numpad7 "l <bgcolor black><color purple><border yellow>DIE!$$ powexec_name dark blast"

numpad8 "l <bgcolor black><color purple><border yellow>Darkness, bind them where they stand!$$ powexec_name tenebrous


numpad9 "l <bgcolor black><color purple><border yellow>Drop dead!$$ powexec_name dark pit"



Just post questions here for info about altering the files for your hero, or, post suggestions about what you'd like me to explain other then my bind file.



Winza, this is a GREAT post! Thanks so much for the time and effort you have put into this. My question is this, when creating a custom bind file, do you have to include the common binds in it as well in order to have them work? (i.e. enter for Chat,) Or will the game simply incorporate the rest into the file you load? Also, how do you unload a bind file if you don't want to use it anymore? And can you load a file one time for a PARTICULAR toon and have it always use that bind file every time you log in with that toon or do you have to load it every time?

Thanks so much again for all your help




hey winza i wanan make my blaster do inferno and change to costume 3 but it switches too fast is there any way to make liek a pause so inferno goes off first waits a sec then changes costume



Technically, there is no "pause" so the answer is probably no.

On the other hand, you may be able to do a few things to make your bind do what you want.

First off, when you have more than one command in a bind string, they will all happen starting with the last one in the string first, then work backwards. By changing around the order of the commands in your bind, you may be able to correct this problem with this alone.

If that doesn't work, you could also try adding in an emote or two after the costume change command and before the inferno command in your bind string. This should activate inferno, do your emotes (choose something with a long activation time if possible) and then do your costume change. This is not a guaranteed "pause" but it may give you an extra split second or two by performing the emotes in between.

I think you will have better luck with the first suggestion than the second, but it can't hurt to try.



oh i didnt know they worked backwards ill do that i bet thats it



tried it i guess the animation for inferno is too long oh well if anyone else has an ideal post it i bet im not the only one wondering if they can do it



Nice, 2 questions so far! on to question 1...

My question is this, when creating a custom bind file, do you have to include the common binds in it as well in order to have them work? (i.e. enter for Chat,) Or will the game simply incorporate the rest into the file you load? Also, how do you unload a bind file if you don't want to use it anymore? And can you load a file one time for a PARTICULAR toon and have it always use that bind file every time you log in with that toon or do you have to load it every time?

Thanks so much again for all your help


[/ QUOTE ]

Well, if you are looking at my bind file as you ask that, you'll notice I change most of my binds with each costume, but if you keep the same color bubbles or the same binds with each costume or both, you'll only need to load the bind file once and everything will be mapped out the way you set it to be.

The only ways to unload a bind file are as follows...

1) Click the delete all player binds command in the options menu (which makes all keys default of what they were)

2) Create a new bind file and over ride the old one with it.

3) micro manage single binds to adjust them to your liking (but the 2nd choice'd be MUCH easier)

And now for question 2... (sorry I didn't quote this one, it's kinda spread over 4-5 posts, but here's the gist of it...)

Can I use Inferno in a bind to change costumes and not change just as the power starts?

NightKnight gave a decent answer, but I prefer to use a different method... MAKE ANOTHER BIND!!! lol

try making the bind 2 seperate ones, that way you can have the effect and time it the way YOU want the timing. I'm not saying that's the best way, I'm just giving an alternative *shrugs*.

By the way, I plan on releasing an emote that can drive people crazy, you'll have to use it or see it done to understand, but you'll all love it. Make sure you post more questions if you want to know what the heck I'm talking about



hey winza i wanan make my blaster do inferno and change to costume 3 but it switches too fast is there any way to make liek a pause so inferno goes off first waits a sec then changes costume

[/ QUOTE ]

Well one way to create a pause might be to do two binds.

Bind 1:

/bind (your hot key here) "powexec_name inferno"

Bind 2:

/bind shift+(your hotkey here) "cc 3"

Then when you are ready hit your hotkey pause the desired amount of time and hit shift+hotkey... In theory it should do just what you want. Good luck.



Okay my question is:

Is there a way to set a particular boombox music to a keybind so only that one will activate? I can't seem to get it to work right.



Okay my question is:

Is there a way to set a particular boombox music to a keybind so only that one will activate? I can't seem to get it to work right.

[/ QUOTE ]

Odd you mentioned that, I'm trying to test that out too. My fav is "Peace" I never claimed to know everything, I use this guide to teach others as well as myself, but, I'll be trying all the song names out... (Starr Crush currently has the boombox emote with his 4th costume, I want to put a freaky song on there cuz he's in nothing but skivveys, lol)



Thanks Winza, I tried to create a custom bind file based on some binds I had read, I think yours actually, and named it PB.txt and saved it in the root directory. Here is a copy and paste of exactly how the txt document looks:

g "powexec_toggle_on bright nova$$goto_tray 3"
b "powexec_toggle_on white dwarf$$goto_tray 4"
t "powexec_toggle_off bright nova$$powexec_toggle_off white dwarf$$goto_tray 1"
r "powexec_toggle_off bright nova$$powexec_toggle_off white dwarf$$goto_tray 1$$powexec_name Energy Flight"
shift+lbutton "powexec_name Energy Flight$$powexec_name White Dwarf Step"

Then, in game I typed "/bind_load_file C:\PB.txt" (sans quotes) and all appeared to go smoothly except none of the binds worked. Logged out and logged back in but still no joy. When I copied the individual lines and pasted them into the chat window behind a /bind command they worked. What do you think I may have done wrong?





Thanks Winza, I tried to create a custom bind file based on some binds I had read, I think yours actually, and named it PB.txt and saved it in the root directory. Here is a copy and paste of exactly how the txt document looks:

g "powexec_toggle_on bright nova$$goto_tray 3"
b "powexec_toggle_on white dwarf$$goto_tray 4"
t "powexec_toggle_off bright nova$$powexec_toggle_off white dwarf$$goto_tray 1"
r "powexec_toggle_off bright nova$$powexec_toggle_off white dwarf$$goto_tray 1$$powexec_name Energy Flight"
shift+lbutton "powexec_name Energy Flight$$powexec_name White Dwarf Step"

Then, in game I typed "/bind_load_file C:\PB.txt" (sans quotes) and all appeared to go smoothly except none of the binds worked. Logged out and logged back in but still no joy. When I copied the individual lines and pasted them into the chat window behind a /bind command they worked. What do you think I may have done wrong?



[/ QUOTE ]

You forgot the spaces that go after the $$ in all those, that's all. It's a common mistake, easily fixed. Other then the spaces, they were perfect in your file.



OK, quick question. I'm trying to set up a bind using shift+numpad7 . shift+numpad1-6 and 8,9 work just fine but numpad7 wont work....



it may be your keyboard or the actual bind you placed there, post the bind you put there and I'll tell you what you can do to fix it. I need to know more about the problem before I can cure it.