Wonderful, Wise, Winza's guide to binds!




This is going to be something for you super jumpers out there, tired of toggling on combat jump only to have to toggle on super jump to chase down your prey? this was a request by my friend LAVATOR (justice, fire/fire tank 50).

Make the following bind files...


space "+powexecname$$ powexectoggleon super jump$$ bind_load_file C:\jump2.txt"


space "+powexecname$$ powexectoggleon combat jumping$$ bind_load_file C:\jump1.txt"

Save those files directly into the C:\ drive and load them by simply typing /bind_load_file C:\jump1.txt

now when you hit spacebar, you automatically toggle on SJ and when you let go, you toggle on CJ... WARNING!!!: letting go of the spacebar at the peak of a super jump can cause some major fall damage which can suck in a PvP zone.

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Ok, I messed up on this one but figured out what I messed up on. I may be the master of any and all binds, but I'm not perfect :P

here is the real, working command string for those binds...

space "+up$$ powexecname super jump$$ bind_load_file C:\jump2.txt"

space "+up$$ powexecname combat jumping$$ bind_load_file C:\jump1.txt"

Sorry for any inconvenience that faux pax may have caused anyone.



Winza, you still around buddy? First of all it was exciting to go back and read the original post you put on here, as it was from a time when you were in the VHS. Ah, the memories. Thanks for the references to that now dead Supergroup! Anyway, I did come here to ask for your bind wisdom once again. Something simple, but I don't want to have to read this whole guide to find it.

What's the command to get a character to change their costume in a macro? I tried "cc 2" but that didn't work. I'm wanting a character to say "Oh no! I feel the need to shift!" (or something like that) then do the howl emote and at the same time as all that is happening, I want them to change to another costume.

I hope you are still around to answer this.



the command is cc # but the numbers depend on which costume slot you want to use... you must remember that the first slot you get is NOT 1... it's 0 so if you want to switch to slot two it's 1 not 2. here's the synopsis

Slot # Costume #

1 cc 0
2 cc 1
3 cc 2
4 cc 3
5 cc 4

therefore a bind would look like this replacing the desired chat channel:

"say I feel the need to shift!!$$em Howl$$cc #"

hope that helps



I need a macro that will let me execute tp friend, say something to the person I'm tping, and then say something on the team or current channel. How do I string the tell command with it all?



Here's another one for you guys...a macro to

say text, turn invisible, change costume, turn off invisible

any suggestions?



I need a macro that will let me execute tp friend, say something to the person I'm tping, and then say something on the team or current channel. How do I string the tell command with it all?

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This has been done previously in the thread, but here it is for easy reference:

/macro Friend "powexecname Recall Friend$$t $target, <desired tell to target>$$g <desired comment to team>"

And a bind for it:

/bind <keystroke> "same commands as the macro"

Here's another one for you guys...a macro to
say text, turn invisible, change costume, turn off invisible
any suggestions?

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Macro unknown unless combined with a bindloadfile command, or a second macro, as far as i can tell... I believe the commands would look something like this though:

/macro CC "say <comment>$$powexecname Invisibility
/macro CC2 "cc #$$powexecname Invisibility"

That will change your costume before the invisible look wears off.

To use it in a bind file use the +/- trick to execute the uninvisible and costume change. You'll need a few bindfiles for this one folks. If you want a single key to cycle through ALL your costumes you'll need more files than if you want to select a specific costume. I'll show you the file template for the specific slots (less typing... )

File 1 Slot 0 CC0.txt

numpad1 "powexecname Invisibility$$say Don't look now! You might see my skivies$$bindloadfile d:\mybinds\cc0a.txt"

File 2 Slot 0 CC0A.txt

numpad1 "+powexecname$$powexecname Invisibility$$say Ok! Folks, skivies covered. You can now look at me... $$bindloadfile d:\mybinds\cc0.txt"

(Put both powexecname commands in the bind otherwise you'll get an error message about too many arguments for the single powexecname command. you could also use something like the +up command to make it look like you just jumped back to the team after changing your costume.)

For the rest of the binds just replace the "0's" with 1-4 to get all the costume slots, replace the sayings with anything you want and of course your computer setup is different than mine so replace the file path with whatever is appropriate for your system.



You can also use pow_exec_toggle_on and pow_exec_toggle_off to make sure the power turns on and off at the right times.
