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This is a repost of what I put in the wrong section... to see the original click here... Contact Tab Suggestion
I already /bug suggested it in game.
I think there should be a tab for TF/SF Contacts in the Contact list. It should contain who the contact is, what zone they can be found in, the level requirements and team size information, and maybe a counter showing how many times you've complete their TF/SF.
I think this would be a good improvement for the player experience since many new people aren't sure where the TF/SF contacts are and how to make a TF/SF. -
I didn't find it when i first posted this thread... have since found it and will now move this thread or link to it.
I'm not sure where to officially post this thread. I didn't see a section for suggestions so here's my suggestion.
Oh, and yes, I already /bug suggested it in game.
I think there should be a tab for TF/SF Contacts in the Contact list. It should contain who the contact is, what zone they can be found in, the level requirements and team size information, and maybe a counter showing how many times you've complete their TF/SF.
I think this would be a good improvement for the player experience since many new people aren't sure where the TF/SF contacts are and how to make a TF/SF. -
I've made a really creepy, giant, angry, pink bunny man and I want him to move a particular way. Can someone help me tune a bind so that I have a key that will allow me to walk forward while doing very small hops? I can get a small hop from "+up$$ -up" but I would like the hops to go on continuously while I am moving forward. Any thoughts?
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Have you tried messing around with a sticky keybind?
bind <key> "++autorun$$++up"
This will toggle autorun and autojump.
Of course the length of the hop wil be determined by the speed you're running at and the height will be determined by your jump abilities. -
bind button1 "teamselect 1$$powexecname heal other"
Should work but it's kinda limited to only healing teammate 1. Are you wanting to be able to pick and choose which team mate you heal? Default setting seeting for selecting teammates is shift+1-8. you might try using that kind of bind to select specific member of the team to heal or using the numpad keys 1-8 to target and heal your team. -
I need a macro that will let me execute tp friend, say something to the person I'm tping, and then say something on the team or current channel. How do I string the tell command with it all?
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This has been done previously in the thread, but here it is for easy reference:
/macro Friend "powexecname Recall Friend$$t $target, <desired tell to target>$$g <desired comment to team>"
And a bind for it:
/bind <keystroke> "same commands as the macro"
Here's another one for you guys...a macro to
say text, turn invisible, change costume, turn off invisible
any suggestions?
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Macro unknown unless combined with a bindloadfile command, or a second macro, as far as i can tell... I believe the commands would look something like this though:
/macro CC "say <comment>$$powexecname Invisibility
/macro CC2 "cc #$$powexecname Invisibility"
That will change your costume before the invisible look wears off.
To use it in a bind file use the +/- trick to execute the uninvisible and costume change. You'll need a few bindfiles for this one folks. If you want a single key to cycle through ALL your costumes you'll need more files than if you want to select a specific costume. I'll show you the file template for the specific slots (less typing...)
File 1 Slot 0 CC0.txt
numpad1 "powexecname Invisibility$$say Don't look now! You might see my skivies$$bindloadfile d:\mybinds\cc0a.txt"
File 2 Slot 0 CC0A.txt
numpad1 "+powexecname$$powexecname Invisibility$$say Ok! Folks, skivies covered. You can now look at me...$$bindloadfile d:\mybinds\cc0.txt"
(Put both powexecname commands in the bind otherwise you'll get an error message about too many arguments for the single powexecname command. you could also use something like the +up command to make it look like you just jumped back to the team after changing your costume.)
For the rest of the binds just replace the "0's" with 1-4 to get all the costume slots, replace the sayings with anything you want and of course your computer setup is different than mine so replace the file path with whatever is appropriate for your system. -
the command is cc # but the numbers depend on which costume slot you want to use... you must remember that the first slot you get is NOT 1... it's 0 so if you want to switch to slot two it's 1 not 2. here's the synopsis
Slot # Costume #
1 cc 0
2 cc 1
3 cc 2
4 cc 3
5 cc 4
therefore a bind would look like this replacing the desired chat channel:
"say I feel the need to shift!!$$em Howl$$cc #"
hope that helps -
Tsoo in the Hosiptals... I've seen that so many times it hurts my eyes... Running around Talos, get blasted, rez in the hospital, Tsoo Sorc right there with a big grin saying "Herro, I brought woo some frowers. Now lie back down and get some debt."
I think i have a screenie of it somewhere. Also the other night i was in Atlas heading to RV when I say a civilian NPC walking on air in the basement of City Hall. He then walked through the wall... I think with all the dimensional traffic that RV is causing we're getting bleed through in our dimension. Will somebody talk to Portal Corp about stabilizing those rifts better?
Thanks, I'd really appreciate that. -
Is it still possible to do the keypress/keyhold binds?
I remember back in the day there used to be several binds that when you pressed the key it would activate certain things then when you let the go it would trigger other events. I tried to play with it a year or so ago but never really got it to work and am not sure if it's even applicable. -
Golden Ace I just saw your sig and realized what the out come of that statement was... Nerf the Scrapper!
...I am in afew global channels and would like to hit a key that will make me speak in say Justice Radio and beside my global name i'd like it to say which character i am on and what server before I speak. Does anyone know how I would go abouts doing that?
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You might want to try something like this:
shift+enter beginchat /send "Justice Radio" $name on the $server server:<space><space>
I'm not certain that $server is a valid string to say which server you're on, but $name will say the name of what ever toon you are currently playing. and now for the generic syntax:
<keystroke> beginchat /send <Channel Name> <Introduction using "$name" and "$server">
And now for the multiple chat bubbles.
one bubble will appear below the first if you do this:
/bind CTRL+F5 "emote bubble One$$emote Bubble Two"
Or this:
/bind CTRL+F5 "local bubble One$$Local Bubble Two"
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From what I remember about the binds and the commands in them is that you can only do one type of command in a single bind or macro and it will execute the last command in the series first. What I mean by this is that if you try using 2 speaking commands in one bind series it will only execute one of those commands. in the above examples it seems that only "bubble two" will execute. I will look into this.
The speaking commands will both execute but unless it's a thought emote it will only execute one emote command.
It will do this:
local yaddy yaddy yaddy$$local blah blah blah$$emote laugh$$emote thinks that so and so is one hot cookie
It will not do this:
localyaddy yaddy yaddy$$local blah blah blah$$emote dance$$emote laugh
In the first example the 3 bubbles happen but the emote bubble pushes the yaddy yaddy yaddy bubble off too fast to be seen. In the second example it will execute the 2 speech bubbles and the dance emote but not the laugh emote. Hope this helps. -
Thanks Ace!
Got it partcially working how i want it now to play with it somem ore I might get it exactly how I want it.
If anyone else wants to try it heres what I did
4 "powexecslot 4$$powexecname enchant undead$$Targetfriendnext"
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What happens when you switch your active power tray?
Unless there is a different power in slot 4 you might just want to try something like this:
<key> powexec_name Enchant Undead$$target_friend_next
PS. Why are so many people using the powexec_slot command? It's much easier to just use the powexec_name command and have as few powers in the power trays as possible.
On my Scrapper main I have about 20 powers actually in the slots. most of them are my attack powers placed in slots 1, 2, 3, and 4. All I have to do is hit my 1-4 keys and adjust with ctrl and alt to use my alternate trays. For things like teleport or recall friend I have those bound to specific keys. My tp bind is as follows:
shift+lbutton camdist 100$$powexec_name Teleport
This allows me to execute Teleport and adjust my camera view to a wider field so I can make my next jump. Also, for recall friend one could use something like this:
ctrl+lbutton say $target, Come Here!$$powexec_name Recall Friend$$target_teammate_next$$bind_load_file <path to next Recall Friend file>
That should enable you to say your chat, execute recall friend, target your next team mate, and prepare for the next transport with a different chat statement.
Sorry if I seem abrasive in any way. Just having a busy day... Have fun and Happy binding. -
it's possible that the ability to interrupt emotes with another emote has been removed from the game making it impossible to do the relaxed lounging position...
this doesn't sound right... you shouldn't be able to pick the number or even roll a 7... he may have edited a file in the piggs to allow him to do that or has a third party program allowing him to do that...
btw sitting in the relaxed position like the lost requires repeatedly hitting a bound key to do the sit emote interrupted by the dance emote...
eg... /bind v "e sit$$e dance"
repeatedly hit "v" to stay sitting... -
That's a really sucky exchange rate... makes me feel like i'm trading pesos for euros or something... I do like the idea of converting 50+xp to prestige though
now i saw someone standing, looking staright in the air, with thier hands at thier sides, and fists clenched....how do you do that one? it looked like they were about to blast off but they just stood there!
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I believe this is the relaxed position that your toon auto adopts when there is no direction input from the key board... and they aren't in combat mode... -
chan_mode - Changes default access rights for new user who joins the channel. If you set -join, no one can join.
-- Syntax: user_mode <CHANNEL NAME> <OPTIONS...>
-- Valid Options:<ul type="square">[*]-join - kicks user from channel[*]+send / -send - gives/removes user ability to send messages to channel[*]+operator / -operator - gives/removes operator status from another user in the channel[/list]chan_user_mode - Sets user permissions for specified user on channel. You must have operator status to set permissions.
-- Syntax: user_mode <CHANNEL NAME> <PLAYER_NAME> <OPTIONS...>
-- Valid Options:<ul type="square">[*]-join - kicks user from channel[*]+send / -send - gives/removes user ability to send messages to channel[*]+operator / -operator - gives/removes operator status from another user in the channel[/list]'Wolf
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I would like to point out that when -join is used on the chan_mode command it sets the channel to a private one where only invited people can join. If you specify +join with this command it is set to a public channel where anyone who knows the name can join the channel. The -join will kick the user when used with the chan_user_mode command. I don't know of any function of the +join option for this command though. -
Finally use the BOW not fancybow emote before your toon relaxes with the weapon drawn.
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Sorry i was wrong it is the fancybow emote and not the regular bow emote... -
The truth about the hidden bow and arrow emote...
First off you MUST be using a toon that holds any kind of weapon... i.e. summoned like fire/ice sword or solid like broadsword/axe
Second activate any power that puts you into a fighting stance with your weapon drawn... you do NOT have to have anything targeted
Finally use the BOW not fancybow emote before your toon relaxes with the weapon drawn.
If done with the proper timing your toon will use your unsheathed weapon to mimic the firing of an arrow.
When the timing is off and the emote is done too late then you will end up impaling yourself with your weapon depending on the type of weapon you have.
Hope this clears a few things up and makes everyone laugh as they impale themselves. -
I would imagine that the ability to do these emotes mid=flight would be some kind of bug that will probably get fixed eventually... In the mean time enjoy the ability to fly and dance at the same time...