Level 50: XP = Prestige?
While you can't trade XP for Prestige, you can trade Influence for Prestige. The conversion ratio is something horrid like 1,000,000 Influence for 2,000 Prestige.
- TurboNerd
That's a really sucky exchange rate... makes me feel like i'm trading pesos for euros or something... I do like the idea of converting 50+xp to prestige though
So I thought, why not have XP convert to Prestige once you reach max level?
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The main reason I can think of, is because right now everyone in theory contributes equally to the SG's prestige total. If they put in something like your idea, then lvl 50's would generate a whole lot more prestige for the SG then anyone else, something they want to avoid.
The truth is however, that the higher level people do actually generate more prestige, but not a ton more.
Y'know, the max lvl's can exemplar/malefactor to gain influence/infamy, and then turn that into prestige.
Ok imagine if you have a full sg of 50's, and they all contribute 10 mill USELESS influence to the base fund.
10 mill inf= 20k prestige
20k prestige times 75 members= 1.5 mill prestige......not bad to start, but can get better, alot better. The exchange rate needs to change.
You can trade Influence for Prestige.
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How/where do I do that?
Ok imagine if you have a full sg of 50's, and they all contribute 10 mill USELESS influence to the base fund.
10 mill inf= 200k prestige
200k prestige times 75 members= 15 mill prestige......not bad to start, but can get better.
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I think you are off by a decimal. Wouldn't it only be 1.5 million.
Goldbrick 50 inv/ss tank
Other 50s: Power Beam, Rocky Mantle, STORMIE Agent, Matchless, Major Will, Knightmayor, Femstone, Space Maureen, Crimebuster Ako, Dr. Twilight, Doc Champion, American Gold Eagle
You can trade Influence for Prestige.
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How/where do I do that?
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Same place you created the base - Atlas Park in CoH and I think Mercy Island in CoV. But the exchange rate is a bad joke. For one million INF you can't get one single functional item. You can get decorative items, though like 20 chairs that don't fit your butt...
I don't have time to read this whole tread at the moment, but the OP's idea sounds great to me. I was just running around with my 50 earning something like 10-20 prestige per kill, and feeling so underwhelmed.
This idea is stupendous, only spelled right.
Keep in mind that the INITIAL cost of a base is vast, as opposed to the Maintenance cost. That's not so bad.
Ok imagine if you have a full sg of 50's, and they all contribute 10 mill USELESS influence to the base fund.
10 mill inf= 20k prestige
20k prestige times 75 members= 1.5 mill prestige......not bad to start, but can get better, alot better. The exchange rate needs to change.
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Totally agree with you here. That 1.5 mill only buys you maybe a couple of rooms and an essential item or two, if that.
lvl 50 Energy Blaster
Protecting the Galaxy, one planet at a time......
@Capt Omega
Was running around killing minion in my mission saw I was getting 14 prestige for each level 52 minion I killed. Decided to see how long that woudl take to get a basic generator. I'd have to Kill 16k minions. What is that about? Just a joke
Yeah, I defeated a lvl 52 Chimera today, got 486 prestige for him...so if we round that up to 500, and figure, what, about 450,000 for a basic generator, circuit breaker and mainframe? (could be off, only just started base editing today, I know the generator was masively expensive...well, let's say 500k for everything beyond a basic, three-room base with power and control. That's, what, a thousand AV's?
Even if you ONLY fight AV's with 8-man SG teams, that's 4k per AV, that's still 125 AV's that need to be defeated to be able to get a BARELY functional SG base, with NO add-ons, even AFTER the 15-member, 20k kick-off bonus.
Not to MENTION that means that all those level-50 long-time players have to choose between running their villains and building their hero bases. (Waaaaa!!!)
Oh well. Let's see...75 lvl 50 heroes fighting lvl 52 AV's at 500pp per pop per person, that's 37,500pp per AV...that's only 26 or so AV's per person in a full SG of heroes to get a million prestige. IF you only do door missions in non-PvP zones.
Yeah, that's...ummm....
(tries to think of a positive way to put it)
that will definitely encourage people to take SG teams to door missions in PvP zones. A lot. And to stop trying to fund their alts with influence.
Or it will severely discourage PvP.
Totally agree with you here. That 1.5 mill only buys you maybe a couple of rooms and an essential item or two, if that.
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On the contrary, at around 1.5m you can have a fully functional base with medical bay and crafting tables, a total of 5 added rooms. A little farther to 2m and you've got a fully equipped PvE base.
Right now, a level 30 and a level 50 pretty much bring in the same prestige. The level 30 has to kill stuff anyway, though, so telling him he needs to kill 15,000 minions is fine -- he was going to anyway.
The level 50 is getting nothing "extra" out of these kills, though. The main reward, XP, no longer matters, so it makes sense to me to translate that XP into greater prestige.
I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.
Exemplaring to generate extra infamy to covert to prestige isn't as good of a solution, IMO, because there's no such thing as "infamy debt". Using XP directly has a side benefit of bringing a meaningful death penalty to level 50's, who otherwise have no reason to care about dying.
I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.
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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?
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On the contrary, at around 1.5m you can have a fully functional base with medical bay and crafting tables, a total of 5 added rooms. A little farther to 2m and you've got a fully equipped PvE base.
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A full team of 75 level 50 characters should have a bit more than a tiny PvE base.
Not to mention, my tiny SG with less than 10 members will take a year just to get the prestige to make a functional PvE base.
I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.
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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?
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Indeed. It's wonderful that characters of all levels can contribute to the growth of the SG in this manner. It means that the SG isn't "gimping" itself by recruiting low-level members.
Well done.
On the contrary, at around 1.5m you can have a fully functional base with medical bay and crafting tables, a total of 5 added rooms. A little farther to 2m and you've got a fully equipped PvE base.
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A full team of 75 level 50 characters should have a bit more than a tiny PvE base.
Not to mention, my tiny SG with less than 10 members will take a year just to get the prestige to make a functional PvE base.
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You get a quite a bit of prestige just for your first 15 members and you earn prestige pretty quick if you play most of the time in SG mode.
Still here, even after all this time!

I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.
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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?
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Well mainly so that the SG thirives and continues as the 50s drop. But another reason is that so you have someone of various level so that they can begin the TFs that the 50s want to do in order to get more prestige since the auto-exemp feature wont allow a group of 50s to actually start the TF. There are plenty of reasons to keep your SG with members of various levels and the majority of groups realize that. Sure there will be the few that say if we have all 50s we have more Prestige but I sincerely think they will be the minimum and it wont be a large group.
Not to mention, my tiny SG with less than 10 members will take a year just to get the prestige to make a functional PvE base.
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I wasn't arguing that point. I was just making sure that the facts of the discussion were accurate. 1.5m gets you more than just a couple rooms and some nice vases, and it weakens other points being made when there's an obvious falsehood sitting right there.
I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.
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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?
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Because few people like having NO progress to make all the time..
w00t Radio
I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.
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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?
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Because level 50s, typically, spend a good deal of their time on Alts or villians and aren't around as much?
I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.
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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?
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Why would you want to have any level 50s in your SG if they don't generate much prestige? (5 per mob isn't very much)
Why would you want to play a level 50 in SG mode when their is no tangible reward? (It'd be better to get the influence, then turn that in for prestige)
I had a thought. Right now, you have no use for XP and don't care about debt when you're max level. This is a broken game mechanic because you really never want a case where people just don't care about dying. It encourages griefer-type behavior, like camping hospitals in PvP zones because you just don't care if the drones zap you.
So I thought, why not have XP convert to Prestige once you reach max level? Perhaps not 1 to 1, but some conversion so that a level 50 can go out and kill stuff and gain extra prestige for his guild, beyond what he was getting at level 49.
This has two benefits:
1) Gives level 50's something to do. Base improvements can be SUPER expensive, there's plenty to spend your prestige on, so an extra income wouldn't hurt.
2) Gives level 50's a reason to care about XP debt. Debt = less XP per kill = less prestige per kill, under this plan. Thus, if you want to help your guild by gaining prestige, it's not profitable to camp hospitals and incur a ton of debt.