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  1. Egos_Shadow


    Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
    [Team] Kara Skye: Y'know - I don't CARE that the challenge failed. I WORMHOLED HAMI INTO THE HELICOPTER!!!! MUA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!
    Did you ever knoooow... that you're my heeeeeeero... o/~
  2. Egos_Shadow


    I made a spines stalker at CoV's release whose entire purpose in life was trying to set up pranks in the PvP zones involving the generous application of -Fly. Also trying to teleport foe people up as high as possible, then hitting them with -Fly. This was way more amusing than it ought to have been.

    I made a substantial portion of my initial stake in the market wars by smuggling stuff back and forth between factions, thus demonstrating some kind of free market principles or whatever. Although it soon changed from a valuable lesson in economics to trying to smuggle as much Ambrosia as possible over to sell on the Black Market, or munch on during strike forces, or randomly give out to people, because if you're going to engage in supervillainy you should flaunt it at every possible opportunity.

    I may on occasion have PL'd other people.
  3. The main reason I can't see getting as invested in another MMO is... er, I'm 8 years older than I was when City came out. I've got, you know, stuff I should be doing, and I'm less tolerant of garbage and less distracted by the shiny.

    Also, gerroff mah lawn.
  4. #209473 - "Standing Within the Mists" by @Jophiel
    Villainous, levels 1-40, Long, Customs
    Description: A dark villainous arc intended for levels 16-40. The Urn of Jubilees is being moved from MAGI to Magewyn Arcane Research. You can't stop the move but perhaps you can get the urn from Magewyn.
    Commentary: Evilicious, as you execute a poison gas attack on an office building in order to steal a magic artifact. It does suffer from one of the problems with customs - when you hit them, they're a significant jump up in threat from all the previous enemies in the arc. But then again, at that point you had it coming...

    #29262 - "Hopeless" by @TalenLee
    Villainous, levels 21-30, Long
    Description: When a child is kidnapped, the first forty-eight hours are crucial. The odds of a kidnapped individual being recovered go down dramatically after this point. See what happens in a bad place when good people try to make things right. Warning - this arc covers dark themes.
    Commentary: A lot of these "get paid by a guy to break some faces" arcs feel more Rogue than Villain. But not this one! Granted, you're still working for someone else, but you do get the opportunity to express the fact that you are a terrible, terrible person.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
    My beast masters doppleganger summoned a Helion instead of wolves. Not...sure what to make of that.
    Damn Hellion furries.

    What next, I ask you?
  6. #341250 - "Zero of the Day" by @Twoflower
    Heroic, levels 20-30, Long
    Description: "After Seraph Zero gave his life to save the city from certain doom, hundreds attended his funeral, to show thanks for his noble self-sacrifice. But days later, when his memorial statue was raised, why did someone choose to destroy it? Learn the harsh truth behind the glamor of heroic life..."
    Commentary: Very polished drama arc, with a bit of meta commentary on the way heroing works in the City and an entertaining mystery about how it all went down.
  7. #1709 - "The Amulet of J'Gara" by @Lazarus
    Heroic Levels 25-30, Long, Some Customs
    Description: A pair of Midnighters have disappeared while on a mission to Croatoa. What begins as a rescue leads to an assault on the Midnight Club itself and a battle for your own mind and soul."
    Commentary: After First Ward, I'm always a little suspicious of Percy, the arc contact for this mission. I've got my eye on you, boy! This arc does not disappoint, as it leads inevitably to a confrontation on a psychic plane which I totally blame Percy for. Nicely put together.

    #500325 - "Nothing to Worry About" by @Apolinus
    Heroic Levels 40-54, Long, Customs
    Description: The Freedom Phalanx needs your help investigating a strange meteor strike in Atlas Park. Your investigation turns up a lot more than anyone bargained for, and soon the entire dimension of Primal Earth is at stake.
    Commentary: Shockingly involves no Shivans whatsoever. Does involve the potential end of the world, and an army of cultists and demonic things. Decently challenging customs and a straightforward evil-punchin' plot, because sometimes you just want to punch evil right in its apocalyptic face.
  8. #482914 - "Black as Midnight: Team Spirit (H1)" by @SupaFreak
    Heroic levels 50-54, Moderate, Customs
    Description: "INTRO MISSION! - NOTE: 1 AV(EB) required. Action & Character Driven. Doable with any AT/level on Standard. Incarnates use higher settings (try +0/x8 for any build/AT). KEYWORDS: Dark Astoria, Midnight Squad, Netherworld"
    Commentary: The first mission of the Tips & Tributes series, it deals with the Midnight Squad and all manner of craziness. It certainly feels a bit like jumping into a mission team halfway - there's enemy groups every which way, random guest stars, trivia clues that do shout-outs to other MA arcs... It feels like a random snapshot of a large number of things going on at once. In the style of tips, it's a single mission, but that one mission is crammed full of stuff and things. In fact, I've never seen that many chained objectives and random events put into one AE mission and had it all execute in the proper order (admittedly, maybe I got lucky). The customs are moderately frisky, but Dark Astoria IS an Incarnate zone now. It'd be disappointing if they hadn't been. Be aware that the mission provides 'helpers', who will help make sure that you're kept on your toes by aggroing all the things. Fun and chaotic (chaotically fun?)

    #532510 - "Black as Midnight: Ritual Behavior (H2)" by @SupaFreak
    Heroic Levels 50-54, Moderate, Customs
    Description: "SEQUEL MISSION! - NOTE: 1 AV(EB) required. Action & Character Driven. Doable with any AT/level on Standard. Incarnates use higher settings (try +0/x8 for any build/AT). KEYWORDS: Dark Astoria, Midnight Squad, Netherworld"
    Commentary: Black as Midnight: H1 promised a pair of possible sequels, one heroic and one vigilante in orientation, but currently only the hero path is implemented. Once again, tons of guest stars and shout outs, but it didn't work quite as well as H1 due to it being an outdoor map, so objectives were random ordered. Still a solid good time.
  9. #1152 - "The Doctor Returns" by @FrederikSvanberg
    Heroic levels 35-52, Long
    Description: The Doctor is back to stop Crey's latest scheme for world domination. Can you help her hack the Mission Architect?
    Commentary: The arc that asked the question on everyone's mind - "wait, really? we let Crey put equipment that digitizes people all over the city? Really?" Sadly a couple things in the first mission have been nerfed (in terms of xp) since the arc was first published, and this is not an arc for people without mez protection, but hey. Still fun, and the mission dialog framing is hilarious.
  10. #537920 - "The Do-It-Yourself Crime Syndicate Project" by @Twoflower
    Villainous levels 1-14, Long
    Description: Not every criminal aspires to world domination. Being able to carve a niche out of your favorite city and become the kingpin of its underworld... that carries a lot of perks with it. Territory. Power. Control. If you've got the muscle, it's time to rock this town!
    Commentary: Solid low level arc, with lots of bonus minions and the arc contact is a treat. Another good entry in the D-I-Y evil series.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
    Sorry, did a quick pass over it one last time to be sure and had to change the arc ID to 540613 because of the end clue having a typo (like I said, I can be my own worst critic). My apologies, and I hope you look forward to trying the arc out!
    Changing the arc ID? Why wouldn't you just republish?
  12. #137269 - "Sea Change" by @Brick the First
    Heroic Levels 25-30 (1-15), Long, Coralax, Customs
    Description: Your will is not your own. You have been ensnared by the shining blue pendant around your neck, forced to do the bidding of the Coralax. If you cannot break free of their control, all of humanity may pay the price.
    Commentary: There's nothing wrong with a good mind-control plotline. (No, wait, they made me say that!) Also, the Coralax only really show up for a brief window red-side, so it's always good to see them getting air time. Solid arc, with a bit of weirdness with one mission that drops the level down to max 15, but what can you do (remember to turn your toggles back on afters!)
  13. #1396 - "Grim Riddles" by @Mantid
    Heroic levels 21-29 (5-10), Moderate
    Description: An enigmatic villain has chosen you to play a little game. Can you solve the maniac's riddles in time to save some of Paragon City's finest?
    Commentary: It's an old-school "solve the crazy villain's riddles" arc; you'd think that those went out of style with the Riddler, but the classics never die. All the clues involve hunting around on an outdoor map to find the right one before the time runs out, which can be tricky. Best soloed.

    #341194 - "Signal:Noise" by @The Cheshire Cat
    Heroic levels 20-29, Long
    Description: Dark Astoria seems like it's been completely abandoned - as if everyone just got up and left in the middle of whatever they were doing. But there must be SOMEONE still around out there - and they might need your help.
    Commentary: This is why you never let anyone go alone to Astoria. Sometimes they go bat-guano crazy. Very light on combat in the first couple of missions but makes up for it in the finale. Nice and insane.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Remaugen View Post
    It would also be great to see Paragon Protectors running around blueside zones (Not just Crey's Folly) beating up gangers, actually playing the heroes they are pretending to be! They should be seen patrolling as singles or teams much like Longbow can be seen patrolling in some zones.
    This would seem to be an obvious use of the 'neutral until attacked' code for zone mobs, if nothing else.
  15. #522392 - "Fear Incarnate" by @Solas
    Heroic Level 45-50, Moderate
    Description: "In order to understand the future, one must understand the past. The would-be and fledgeling Incarnates of Earth have an opportunity to understand just what it is that forges in the fires of godhood."
    Commentary: An attempt to articulate Statesman's past, and the reasons he holds back. A lot more compelling than what we actually get in game. Generally very well done, but still marked "work in progress", so there's a couple of unsmoothed edges.

    #536430 - "So You Want To Be a God" by @Wonderslug
    Villain Level 47-54, Long
    Description: "Are you an incarnate, or thinking of becoming one? Curious about vast cosmic power? UniStyxHellCorp understands your terrible thirst for advancement! We can't make you a god, but we know where they keep their stuff. UniStyxHellCorp: A Better Perdition Provider."
    Commentary: Let the mercenary villains work for you for a change. Great flavor text and at a stretch you could even take it as an alternate Incarnate unlock - just claim your alpha slot email token at the end of mission 4 and off you go. Special bonus: Akarist still wants these kids to get off his lawn.

    #508837 - "Whack a Mole: Lambda Sector" by @Bubbawheat
    Neutral Level 50-54, Short, Customoles
    Description: "Come one come all! Try your hand at Whack-a-Mole Incarnate Edition. A quick arcade style parody of the Lambda Incarnate trial, plus moles."
    Commentary: Do you hate the thought of huge iTrial teams, but wonder what it would be like to raid Lambda Sector? Do you love iTrials and want to relive that first time experience in all its confusing glory? Well then do we have the arc for you. Perhaps the only criticism that's fair to level at this arc is that maybe it captures that "first time on Lambda why are we running around shouldn't we fight all these guys crates what is this I don't even aahhh timer running out noooo" feeling a little too well.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
    I started looking for a new project the other day and thought: "What if I could level from 1 to 50 just running AE missions that were specifically designed for that character." Essentially an origin story followed by a set of stories establishing the character and his (or her) nemesis and/or rogues gallery. Or, to put it another way, the first 40 issues of that character's comic.

    The 40 issues comes from the limit of eight arcs with a maximum of five missions each.

    Now I know that I can get from 1 to 50 in a few runs of CEBR or other farms. But while I have nothing against farms, the goal is to level exclusively by playing only 40 AE missions once each. That said, I have no qualms making the later missions farm-like with lots of enemies and ambushes.

    Do you think that it is possible?

    If so, how would you suggest setting up the missions?

    If not, how many levels do you think I could get in 40 missions?

    If I made this into a contest with significant prizes (billions in infamy, ultra rare IOs, etc.) would I get a decent turnout of submissions?
    I think it's going to be very hard to do exactly what you're proposing. Getting someone else to write your origin story, for example, is probably a minefield waiting to be traipsed through.

    On the other hand you never know until you throw those billions of inf on the table and see who goes for it.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mallerick View Post
    For 80 points these packs are an investment with an occasional awesome shiny - definitely NOT a gamble!
    Capital expense, surely, not investment.

  18. #537898 - "The Sick Rose" by @Clave Dark 5
    Villain Levels 35-54, Short, Circle of Thorns
    Description: "WARNING! A bit of black/gross-out humor! Written for mercenary-minded villains, you're hired by a ghoul to protect the love of his life, Doc Delilah!"
    Summary: This one ranks pretty far out on my weird-o-meter, but it's unusual and well written and hey, it's a story of true love conquering all sanity... I mean obstacles. Yes.

    #26811 - "Love is in the Error" by @Witch Engine
    Villain Levels 10-14, Short, Customs / Tuatha / Longbow
    Description: "Spring is in the air and the birds are chirping. It's a time for romance and courtship. Obviously there's only one thing to do in this situation, help the Kraken find true love in this crazy rough-and-tumble world of ours."
    Summary: Quickly wresting control of the "...what in the..." trophy for this week is this classic arc. Some mechanical wonkiness with escorting in the last mission and the customs beating on me like I stole from them (to be fair, I totally did) couldn't conceal the mad genius of this arc.

    #1472 - "Hearts on Fire" by @Chyron HR
    Heroic levels 5-14, Long, Hellions / Skulls / Custom bosses
    Description: "A tale of love and death on the mean streets of Paragon City. (low level arc, contains mature themes.)"
    Summary: Get into the spirit of the season by trying to sort out the love problems of a Skull without arresting him first. Soon come to have many reasons to regret your decision not to punch him in the face first thing. If your hero has been way too forgiving and understanding lately, this is just the thing to reawaken those vigilante urges.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Anti-villains, on the flip side, are also strange to me. This has to do with my "evil by choice" notion, in the sense that a misguided villain or one forced into villainy against his will can be "fixed" by removing the circumstances that keep the person a villain. Whether he can be forgiven is another matter entirely, but he can be fixed nevertheless. A villain who chose the path that led him into evil, however, isn't one who can be easily fixed, if fixed at all, because this person made a conscious choice. He isn't "damaged" and thus forced to be evil. He chose to do what he chose to do and he accepted the circumstances. You can no more fix a villain set in his ways than you can change people's political or religious views once they've accepted them consciously.
    You can be a perfectly nice, even friendly person who is utterly committed to a villainous ideology, or an ideology that is regarded as villainous by the rest of the world. If there is no way of squaring the circle - of achieving the goal without requiring evil acts - then it may be impossible to redeem an Anti-Villain. The very fact that they're not totally evil becomes the flaw that keeps them an antagonist, as they won't surrender the quest for the greater good just because Captain Justice keeps punching them in the face or they had to eat a kitten or something.

    Of course if you've got a "burnt cookie" - tough and surly on the outside, soft and wimpy on the inside - then that's a prime candidate for a heel-face turn if someone just gives them a hug or something.
  20. <del>Misguided</del> Idealism: "I don't want to rule the world, I want a world that CANNOT BE ruled."
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
    Oh, the swearing that echoed around my flat just now when this happend. 36 minutes of trialing for nothing. I'm glad to ehar it's only about 5 mins until i can log back in on Casey, but this blows chunks of satan's bottom squeexings IMO.
    I tell people not to do TPN but noooooooooo nobody listens to me.
  22. Like any new shiny thing added to the game, it's going to be complete madness for a bit as everyone who's interested at it piles in. Even people who really just wanted the costume parts are going to have thousands of reward merits and ATOs that they may not care about, and all of that's just going to get dumped on the market.

    We may even be able to tell how well Super Packs are selling on an ongoing basis by how persistent the cheapness of the popular procs is going forward.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DJ_pl0x View Post
    I am going mad right now trying to unlock Unai.

    He keeps telling me to See Lt. Col. Flynn. Which I have done, however Flynn keeps giving me the same missions over and over. "Stop the Sacrifice" and "Destroy the Supplied in the Nemesis Base". Ive done each twice now.

    Its maddening i tell you.

    Anyone know of whats going on?
    It's probably easiest to unlock him by doing safeguard missions. Just keep doing safeguards and unlocking contacts until you get him.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bullet Barrage View Post
    Wanted a Fort with both the Psychic powers and the melee powers.
    General consensus I got was that I NEEEEEEEEEEED to softcap all my positionals.
    Oops. Back to drawing board. Oops. You have no experience with VEATs.
    Solution: Get help!
    Combat Training: Offensive is totally superfluous with IO sets when so many of them come with +Acc bonuses, plus you'll have Leadership training.

    No Dart Burst? It doesn't do a ton of damage, but it's -Regen and you can do a double cone of Dart Burst and Psychic Scream.

    You probably have too many attacks, particularly when you have Hasten *and* you're slotting for +Def set bonuses which means you don't have slots to waste. Things like Jump Kick aren't going to do you any good at all.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
    Hm, first time I've had the charge of "assumption" ever leveled at that arc, although to be fair it's never gotten tons of plays. When writing it I tried to be as careful about such things as I could be.

    Thanks for the play though, glad the rest of it agreed with you.
    Well it doesn't bug me, and it's one of those things that I think is entirely cool when something is well written, but at the same time even a rare bit of it is enough to make some people hopping mad, so I felt like I should say something about it.