Level 50: XP = Prestige?




I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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Gah. I guess the content for the lower levels isn't good enough to get people to play their alts in Positron's mind. A strange admission.

Plus by that logic, why wouldn't I want an sg filled with all 50s for the raids? Come on.

I thought the idea was to encourage the 50s to play more, to give them an end game of sorts. I don't see Batman quibbling about building the Watchtower for the Justice League and having Superman invite all the lesser heros to join.

Sure there might be a sg or two that does this, but the reality is that the SGs that survive are the ones where everyone has fun grouping together. People have a couple alts at different levels to join in the fun depending on who is on. Even a couple sgs linked.

Would a couple groups o this, sure. I doubt most would. Playing only my 50 would get dull after a while. Plus what do I care if I get a bonus to my hitpoints (or whatever) for some item of power at level 50? The significant difference is made at the lower levels for that kind of thing.

On Justice



Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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Let me throw another "are you bat [censored] insane" on the fire.

Please, come back and justify what you just said. I love the dev spin soooo much.



I think its clear by the amount complaints and [censored] on this thread, combined with the joke of the response from the devs, that they have created a monster that they dont know how to fix.

It seems that they are suck between their "vision" and what clearly makes for common sense. There lack of response proves they know they are wrong but feel they are right. Kind of like a "just cause it is" answer you used to get from ur parents



The system will work as long as they don't change influence rates, including enhancement sell back rates. Even enchancement drops. If any influence rates change, they had better change prestige rates.




Regardless of level 50 prestige bonus, it's pretty obvious that base financing is broke. It encourages people who aren't in a SG to only want to join one that has lots of members. It encourages people who are already a member of a small SG to quit if they get an offer from a larger SG. It encourages SG leaders to go on blind recruitment frenzies to get any and every toon they can to join up, rather than recruiting based on concept, similar interests, and compatible playstyles.

Seriously, it needs a LOT of "looking into."

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This system is SEVERELY broken in the way that it encourages and rewards only the most "uber" of Uber Guilds, and leaves smaller guilds (and individuals) completely in the cold.

Here's a little hint: we all pay the same for this game.

Designing the equivalent of "player housing" and making it something that is only available on the "Guild/Supergroup level" is a terrible idea.

Then making it so you also have to have a HUGE, incredibly active Supergroup to partake in any of the cool features, is just a terrible idea squared.



I think that this is a wonderful idea. Life after 40 (hopefully soon to be 50), when in VG mode, you would get only prestige, not in VG mode, you would get only infamy. This would prevent you from getting to the top level & then retiring your villain. It would keep all of your toons active.

I like this idea very much. Thanks for the post.



Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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How about this idea:
Make it so that if you are level 50 and exemplared to a lower level SG member, the character you are exemplared to earns more prestige (the lower level character benefits from your experience, and earns more prestige for teaming with such an accomplished hero) and thus, the SG as a whole benefits). This would promote teaming, exemplaring, and a mix of levels in SGs.

This would be an addition / twist on how the exemplaring system currently works. Instead of the level 50 earning more prestige, the person who exemplared you earns more.

Make it so that this works for anyone who is exemplaring, not just level 50s. Perhaps there is a greater bonus of prestige as the difference in levels between the 2 characters gets higher.



I think we can come up with ideas all day that make alot more sense then the current system, but the Devs are simply not listening.

This game has changed from a game that was run by the people to a game that fits their vision. I have a question for you Devs now, what happen to our vision, the vision of the paying freaking customer



I think we can come up with ideas all day that make alot more sense then the current system, but the Devs are simply not listening.

This game has changed from a game that was run by the people to a game that fits their vision. I have a question for you Devs now, what happen to our vision, the vision of the paying freaking customer

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I wish this wasn't true, but it sure seems this way.

The biggest strength of this game has always been VARIETY. It has tons of variety in character design, and originally had tons of variety in gameplay. I have no idea why they keep removing types of gameplay possibilities.

I also have no idea why with this base idea they decided to go Everquest style and completely cater to uber guilds.



um I can say my sg had a meeting about various things the other night then afterwards we all went and did AV's with our 50's, and we didn't earn much prestige. Plus I have seen people post on this subject about how you could earn a possible 7mil prestige in a week. I find that hard to believe, but even so did any of you play this on beta? They gave us 36mil prestige to play around with on beta and that was just enough to build a decent base that was able to participate in base raids. 36mil prestige didn't get you the best stuff. Plus if rent is the same as it was on beta then in a couple months the bonus prestige you got for your max 15 members is already gone just from paying rent.

I think I realize now why on beta you got sk'd up to lvl 40 for base raids. You won't have a decent base because you won't be able to afford one until your members are lvl 40. Let me clarify, by decent base I mean a base that has decent enough features to have base raids. I'm still peeved over the whole issue that sg's that have been around for a year or more get absolutely no benefit comparable to newer sg's, and bigger sg's get no benefit comparable to smaller sg's. Older sg's should've gotten a set amount of bonus prestige, and there should not have been a max on prestige per member. If they had actualy given bigger sg's and far older sg's more prestige we would already be able to be testing scheduled raids, but instead we'll be waiting several months to get to access this new content.

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This unfortunately would give olde and larger supergroups an unfair advantage over newer and smaller supergroups. I don't think that's what the developers want at all. I think they want everyone too be on an even level for superbases.



I think really no one knows what the intentions of the Devs are. Simply becase they are failing to make sense in my mind



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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I feel misled. Page 83 of the CoV game manual is all I need to say.




This unfortunately would give olde and larger supergroups an unfair advantage over newer and smaller supergroups. I don't think that's what the developers want at all. I think they want everyone too be on an even level for superbases.

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Sorry but that isn't true. The currentl system favors new SG and lower level players as it is easier for them to gain prestige. That hardly seems like a "level" playing field.

Nemsis lv50 Inv/SS
Arch-Nemsis lv 50 SS/Inv




This unfortunately would give olde and larger supergroups an unfair advantage over newer and smaller supergroups. I don't think that's what the developers want at all. I think they want everyone too be on an even level for superbases.

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Sorry but that isn't true. The currentl system favors new SG and lower level players as it is easier for them to gain prestige. That hardly seems like a "level" playing field.

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How does it favor new SGs? Existing SGs get the same 20K Prestige per member up to 15 that new SGs get.

But I agree, the removal of influence/infamy in the lower levels is something I strongly disagree with.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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You make a very good point, but the same could be applied to base raiding. Which would be better? A team of 50's or middling levels.

How about lvl 50 makes the prestitge but the membership somehow nerfs the defenses of the base. This way the SG has to weigh up a group of level 50's vs better defenses.

Or something like that. Might be a way to rig it that a good SG spread of levels gives a better bonus vs everyone being level 50.



Ah dude everyone in the base raid is the same level. Trust me a group of 15s can kick a group of 50s [censored] in that situation. Seen it happen in the pvp zones.



Ah dude everyone in the base raid is the same level. Trust me a group of 15s can kick a group of 50s [censored] in that situation. Seen it happen in the pvp zones.

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A group of 15s with fewer powers, at most three or four slots power powers, fitted with DOs and TOs, sidekicked to 40 can kick a group of 50s with more powers, most powers six slotted with SOs?

There may be some groups where it's possible, based on AT and skill level, but given the same AT and roughly equal skills level, the level 15s are going to spend a lot of time examining the patterns on the floor.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



Ah dude everyone in the base raid is the same level. Trust me a group of 15s can kick a group of 50s [censored] in that situation. Seen it happen in the pvp zones.

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Then you've seen some seriously incompetent lvl 50s.

Full SOs + Full Slots + Full Powers vs. TOs/DOs and minimal powers?

Give me a break.

The current system favors huge SGs big time. I know, because I am in one. I still think it is a terrible system.

It is far too difficult to get things for your base and the rent is outrageous.

It needs to scale partially by SG size.



and the rent is outrageous.

It needs to scale partially by SG size.

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Agreed. Once your small SG gets enough things, the rent will cripple it.




Because few people like having NO progress to make all the time..

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Of course, this doesen't take into account that they are working on new content for the 50 crowd.

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The important part of that sentense is "working on".

I'm fairly sure I read somewhere that they were gonig to add something in the 35-40 range before any level 50 stuff was made. So, we are looking at a minimum of 6 more months (2 issues). With that said, we don't know that CoH will be getting issues every 3 months or so any more, what with CoV needing them as well. And with the first CoV issue having levels and PvP stuff to 50, I expect that will cross over into CoH as issue 7. Thus, earliest I see for 50+ stuff is I9, in 9-12 months (depending on the problems they have between now and then).

Now, I could be wrong, but honestly, I would be shocked if there were meaningful, non-PvP, level 50 content in the next issue. And even that means another 3 months of waiting.

I mean, really, I did everything I could to avoid 50, short of deleting my character when he got to 40. Spent absolutely silly amounts of time in debt (all of 45-49, much of 49-50), worked off untold millions of debt (I'd like to have a record of it somewhere, it'd be nice to know). Did all my missions (finished them before 49, no less). Got most of the badges (Most, not all, since I won't use cheat sites for location based badges, or plaques). Now, I'm forced to hunt for Prestige (solo yeilds better Prestige than any team up to 5 for sure), or so Shadow Shard missions (which given fly time and the risk of getting killed...).

Really, is this the point of the end game? To endless camp the same dozen or so spawns, killing the things there over and over, just so you earn a few paltry Prestige?


Honestly, I think there should be some slight reward for actually getting to 50. Thing is, I think the Dev's would rather punish us for managing it (Kinda like they did by handing us the Kheldian ATs...). And I don't see that changing any time soon.



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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I disagree with you entirely, Positron. It sounds as if you are taking the position that every level 50 in the game would use this as some sort of exploit to gain prestige faster and not invite any lower level players into their SG's.

I want to be able to do something nice for my SG mates and help them achieve their SG Base goals faster, not exploit the game.

My level 50's have no more missions, and I am not interested in PvPing with them all the time. As leader of various SG's on different servers, what I would really enjoy (and prefer) doing is spending my time street hunting or whatever to help my fellow SG mates get the bases that they had been looking forward to since word of them first came out.

Now, when I tag along to help out others on their missions, I get a pittance more Prestige than those at lower levels. As an example, I was on a team the other day who defeated a level 51 Tyrant. For this we got a whopping 188 prestige. Wow. I can buy a chair for our SG base with that.

Since prestige belongs to the SG and any influence we have accumulated getting to 50 has been earned, then we should be able to cash it in for a fair rate of exchange (I am not saying 1 to 1) and be able to use that for our SG. The current exchange rate is way too low. I would also gladly join any SG that didn't have a 50 to help them earn higher levels of prestige.

Not every level 50 is a powergamer or has gotten there by powerleveling and is looking for ways to exploit the game. Many of us want to help out our fellow SG mates and other players. I can tell you that out of the several hundred people in the SG's that I belong to across servers, many really aren't interested in bases now after they realized we will have to play for several years in order to be able to build a decent base. I'm not saying that people should be able to make a top-of-the-line one right off the bat, but the amount of time required to make anything beyond a basic base is much too long as it is currently.

This whole system also puts small SG's of only a few people at a big disadvantage over larger ones in terms of prestige gained over time and it's also going to lead to people not joining SG's because they "don't have a working base yet".

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



I can't think of a reason why the devs would want to "avoid" having level 50's generate extra prestige. It sounds like a perfect reward for maxing out your character, to me.

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Why would you want anything other than level 50's in your SG then?

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Poz... ;_;

I trusted you! You gave my first character super speed in SC! I used to have SG meetings near you! Don't those mean anything to you!!! *runs away bawling*

>_> Seriously though, come on.



thread necromancy.

and there's too much drama in this thread.

Positron asks that question because it's job to consider questions like that.