456 -
Quote:I agree!I said this on page 1 I think... I mentioned this several times and posted a suggestion about it.
Nothing is impossible...
Did you post that under a different name though? This is your first posting in this thread.
Probably just easiest to go back to the old -XX endurance without the "timeout" period for nukes but I haven't found much info why this would be bad/good while perusing the thread. -
I suppose, more a "Build Up like" power, such as Aim. Many combat sets have something in that vein and maybe they are poorly thought out sometimes they are better when they are different, like Super Strength Rage or more flexible like Claws Follow Up or all new mechanics in Kinetic Melee Power Siphon and Dual Pistol Swap Ammo. Some folks used to prefer the "always on" bonus of Targeting Drone but it seems to have been outclassed by all the additions to the games since it's inception, like IO bonuses to Accuracy, etc.
I think in some ways, rather than re-do Devices they just made Traps? -
Kinda, yeah. I mean, it's not SPECIFICALLY why it gives you more. QR will benefit from the slotting more because it gives 30 percent recovery vs. 25 percent in Stamina. It is often true that powers in a primary/secondary have bigger/better numbers, aye.
It's a set that, if you've never had one before, and you make one now, you'll probably be okay with it. If you had one "back in the day" though...
Aye, you can definitely bind/rebind/unbind it... but it seems to be stuck with the power of, "put away weapon no matter what rawr!"
I've gone as far as to check out keyboard remapping software suites but most of them require a reboot or log out/in of Windows to take effect. Having ESC not do what it does outside of game can make this pretty obnoxious just to change CoX "unchangeable" behavior. -
Quote:Dunno if it helps but all the powers in the Mace/Axe sets take PBAoE and so does Footstomp. Haven't seen spinning strike in person yet but if it's like Claws Spin, Axe/Sword/Mace/Katana/Energy Melee "whirling" attacks, etc, it should take PBAoE.If the range enhancement found in all Targeted AoE sets does not actually increase the range of the power, then you would be correct sir. It should take PBAoE sets.
Kinetic Melee and Claws each have powers that take Targeted AoE sets, Breath of Fire in Fire Melee and Throw Spines in Spines as well.
Is it comparable to any of those examples? -
One does not simply HACK in to Mids' Dbase?!
Quote:Take THAT Footstomp!Definitely don't go by Mid's yet with Spring Attack, as the damage numbers are off. On my Dominator, it does more damage at base than Fireball does from the APP, albeit with a much higher recharge.
Also, the animation is hilariously awesome. You spring straight up off the screen, and land in the middle of the spawn, making a crater far more impressive than that piddly thing Footstomp does.
Stupid Footstomp... -
Is there a way to search Paragon Wiki with partial spellings and not have it spit out errors?
For example, if you put in "door buster" or doorbust you wont find the doorbuster page. Meh maybe this isn't the right forum for such a question, apologies. -
For Unveiler give the "Horror of War" arc a shot.
In the first two missions, a number of Fake Nemesis = to the number of people on the team will spawn. If you set it to x8 you get 8 of them in a single group after you grab the hostage. You can also set them to downgrade boss -> LT and they still count.
In the first mission the fakes will spawn after you grab the hostage.
In the second mission they will all be standing in the final room of the map.
There will be a few more guaranteed spawns of 1 or 2 after that too, along with the usual random.
The Dark Watcher Arc. -
I'm seeing the same issue. Most folks on a BAF I was running said they saw this too.
Don't think that it's tied into the Vanguard Pack either? -
Also, to clarify a bit.
The first time you run the arc you will get a reward table with an Alignment merit on it.
After that first time, you can run it once more per week to get that same reward table.
So you can rack up quite a few Alignment merits by using different characters in a "x2" burst but after that you get them once a week. -
Looks like Repulsing Torrent was buffed from .8 to 1.1.
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...&postcount=265 -
I've asked a similar question in the past but I think I over-complicated it.
How do you make the ESC not put away your weapon? For example, as a Claws character or a Assault Rifle character I want to be able to hit ESC without putting away my weapon. -
Ha, too true!
I just ran one again to see if it was still happening, 3 temp powers, undermined defenses, etc etc. I'm going to flood the market on these select few recipes!
Edit: Ahh yes, forgot to mention it is also giving a rather fixed set of Salvage too, including 3 Essence of the Furies per run. Flood away man!
Edit2: Boo, after 20 runs got a purple. If that part was just bad luck, then maybe the rest has been extreme luck? Really though, 19 Undermined Defenses in a row... lol! (FYI: Ragnarok: Chance for Knockdown) If it's just some general chance in purple drops I guess we'll see that on market, false alarm? -
Yeah, heaven forbid a 1 year old mid-range video card not be enough to run 7 year old CoH... wait what? :-P
Quote:Also, are you on the same server as the OP? Different servers have very different experiences red and blue side. Not to mention time of day, etc. Otherwise, good advice.Never have a problem filling a red team to my satisfaction. Are you using global channels and the like? Are you forming your own teams?
Protector is kind of empty Red side at all hours, but Victory I find folks on Red side during the daylight hours, for example. -
Fires up game.
Picks random character.
Clicks Hasten, waits 2 minutes.
Nope not changed. -
Started noticing some possible oddness running solo missions last night and it got me thinking of the old map related drops bug or something along those lines.
After a few runs on the old "Demon Farm" map in Peregrine Island I noticed I was getting 5 Incarnate Shards, 3 costume pieces, 3 temporary powers and a small set of repeating recipes from the Thunderstrike, Crushing Impact, Obliteration and Undermined Defenses sets. Apologies for the vagueness as I didn't start tracking any data till about the 5th or 6th runs.
Running hero stats I saw an average of 400 mobs per run. I ran the map about 10 times and got 50 incarnate shards and saw the above recipes nearly every single run barring one where I got almost no recipes.
I have /auctionhouse so I started noticing that the set recipes I was popping on to WW out front of the mission between runs were the same. Common recipes seemed normally random tho.
I fiddled with the settings a bit from +0/x8 no Bosses to +3/x8 bosses for a few more runs, about 16 total. I've gotten 6 Obliteration: Acc/Rech in those last 6 runs. Also, all 16 runs and not a single purple! Hero stats says that is around 5400 mobs (3438 to be exact plus or minus about 2000 from the first 5 runs) with no purple, boo!
Feh maybe it was just RNG but... any other folks seeing weird stuff?
(I've got some logs and Screenshots if it'll help.) -